Zoology Sample Question
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Sample Question Papers of Zoology
1. Schizont stage of Plasmodium vivax in man is found in
(A) Erythrocytes
(B) erythrocytes and liver cells
(C) liver cells only
(D) erythrocytes, liver cells and spleen
2. Evolutionary sequence of canal system in sponges is
(A) sycon—ascon—leucon
(B) leucon-sycon—ascon
(C) ascon—sycon-leucon
(D) sycon-leucon—ascon
3. Gonads of Obelia occur
(A) in hydrula stage
(B) in bases of tentacles of medusa
(C) on blastocyst
(D) in radial canal of medusa
4. A rhabditiform larva is found in the life cycle of
(A) Hydra
(B) Ascaris
(C) Tapeworm
(D) liver fluke
5. Sexual dimorphism is distinct in Ascaris, because of
(A) body colour
(B) buccal margins
(C) pineal setae
(D) lips
6. Common feature of earthworm and cockroach is
(A) Hermaphroditism
(B) ventral nerve chord
(C) moulting of cuticle
(D) excretion by nephridia
7. In Palaemon, statocyst is situated on the
(A) Antennule
(B) Maxillae
(C) Maxillulae
(D) antennae
8. Golgi body is found in
(A) RBC of man
(B) all the cells
(C) bacterial celis
(D) all cells, except RBC and bacterial cells
9. Presence of choanocytes is the characteristic of
(A) Annelida
(B) Porifera
(C) Coelenterata
(D) None of the above
10. The coral species which is extensively used in jewellery is
(A) Corallium rubrum
(B) Anthocodium indicum
(C) Gorgonia flagellum
(D) Fungia sp
11. Spicules in sponges are secreted by
(A) Collenocytes
(B) Archaeocytes
(C) Scleroblasts
(D) pinococytes
12. Cysticercus larva is found in
(A) Scypha
(B) Obelia
(C) Taenia
(D) Fasctola
13. Ambulacral system is basically found in
(A) Sponges
(B) Coelenterates
(C) aquatic arthropods
(D) echinodermata
14. In sponges, nutrition, respiration and excretion depend upon
(A) circulatory system
(B) ambulacral system
(C) haemocoelomic system
(D) canal system
15. Larva of Schistosoma is
(A) Cercaria
(B) Planula
(C) Cysticercus
(D) Muller’s larva
16. Which one of the following annelids is commonly known as the sea mouse?
(A) Aphrodite
(B) Aplysia
(C) Polynoe
(D) Chaetopterus
17. The typhlosole of earthworm is related with
(A) Excretion
(B) Respiration
(C) Reproduction
(D) absorption
18. Proboscis of butterfly is formed from
(A) Paraglossa
(B) Labrum
(C) Maxilla
(D) mandible
19. The ophiopluteus larva of Echinodermata belongs to the class
(A) Holothuroidea
(B) Ophiuroidea
(C) Echinoidea
(D) Asteroidea
20. In pigeon, milk is secreted by both sexes through
(A) Liver
(B) gizzard gland
(C) crop gland
(D) salivary gland
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21. Which one of the following is a fish?
(A) Sea cow
(B) Sea cucumber
(C) Sea horse
(D) Sea urchin
22. Petromyzon is not a true fish because of
(A) absence of median fins
(B) presence of gills
(C) absence of paired fins and true jaws
(D) absence of operculum
23. Desmosomes are concerned with
(A) cell adherence
(B) cell division
(C) cellular excretion
(D) cytolysis
24. Spindle apparatus is made up of
(A) endoplasmic reticulum
(B) polysome
(C) microtubule
(D) spherosome
25. Which of the following types of gametes are produced from an animal with RrYY genotype?
(A) RY, Ry, ry, ry
(B) RY, rY
(C) RY, RY, Ry, rY
(D) rY, ry, Ry, ry
26. Frameshift mutation occurs, when
(A) base is added
(B) base is deleted
(C) base is added or deleted
(D) anticodons are not present
27. The successive nucleotides of DNA are covalently linked through
(A) peptide bond
(B) hydrogen bond
(C) glycosidic bond
(D) phosphodiester bond
28. Wheel organ is found in
(A) Ascidia
(B) Balanoglossus
(C) Amphioxus
(D) Annelids
29. In which one of the following fishes, male shows pareintal care?
(A) Anabas
(B) Labeo
(C) Sea horse
(D) Synaptula
30. Bidder’s organ in frog is attached to
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Ovary
(D) lung
31. Ductus caroticus is present in the arterial system of
(A) Toad
(B) Snake
(C) Calotes
(D) crocodile
32. An aperture called ‘foramen of panizzae’ is present in
(A) middle ear of reptile
(B) cranium of reptile
(C) heart of crocodile
(D) heart of rabbit
33. Eutherians are characterized by
(A) hairy skin
(B) presence of teats
(C) ovoviviparity
(D) true placentation
34. Crossing-over takes place in which stage of meiosis?
(A) Leptotene
(B) Zygotene
(C) Pachytene
(D) Diplotene
35. Ecological pyramids were given by
(A) Tansley
(B) Elton
(C) Odum
(D) Haeckel
36. The 10% energy transfer law in food chain was first given by
(A) Lindeman
(B) Tansley
(C) Elton
(D) Rawkiaer
37. Eutrophication is
(A) excess oxygen in ponds
(B) abundant fertilizers in lakes
(C) lack of algae in lakes
(D) abundant nektons in lakes
38. Cellulose in rabbit is digested in
(A) Stomach
(B) Rumen
(C) buccal cavity
(D) caecum
39. The terminal electron receptor in aerobic respiration is
(A) CO2
(B) O2
(C) H2
40. Which step of translation does not consume a high-energy phosphate bond?
(A) Translocation
(B) Amino acid activation
(C) Peptidyl transferase reaction
(D) Aminoacyl t-RNA binding to A-site
41. Anterior abdominal vein in frog is formed by union of
(A) right and left pelvic veins
(B) right and left sciatic veins
(C) right and left femoral veins
(D) right and left dorsolumber veins
42. Km value of an enzyme is the substrate concentration at which the reaction attains
(A) 2 Vmax
(B) 1/2 Vmax
(C) 4 Vmax
(D) 1/4 Vmax
43. The fats absorbed from the gut are transferred to blood in the form of
(A) Chylomicron
(B) Micelles
(C) Chemomicrons
(D) liposomes
44. Bundle of His’ is a group of
(A) Ganglia
(B) nerve fibres
(C) muscle fibres
(D) connective tissues
45. Myxedema and Graves’ disease are due to improper functioning of
(A) Pituitary
(B) adrenal cortex
(C) thyroid
(D) thymus
46. One of the ex-situ§ conservation methods for endangered species of plants and animals is
(A) wildlife sanctuary
(B) biosphere reserve
(C) national park
(D) cryopreservation
47. Haversian canals are found in
(A) Kidney
(B) Liver
(C) Bone
(D) cartilage
48. Pneumatic bones are found in
(A) house lizard
(B) frog’s tadpole
(C) flying fish
(D) pigeon
49. Gorilla, chimpanzee, man and monkey belong to the same
(A) Species
(B) Genus
(C) Family
(D) order
50. The function of oxyntic cell is to secrete
(A) HCl in stomach
(B) Bile
(C) proteolytic enzymes
(D) lipolytic enzymes