Teacher Interview Questions and Answers
1. The purpose of………………. research is improving a product or process testing of theoretical concepts in actual problem situation.
(A) Fundamental
(B) Applied
(C) Historical
(D) Ex-post facto
2. The best method of defining the research problem is………………….
(A) Conceptual definition
(B) Logical definition
(C) Operational definition
(D) Idealistic definition
3. The elaborate form of research title is………………………..
(A) Statement
(B) Hypothesis
(C) Objectives
(D) Assumptions
4. Analysis of the collected data depends on…………………………
(A) Hypotheses formulated
(B) Number of categories into which data has been classified
(C) Statistical techniques available
(D) Objectives stated
5. An application of descriptive method based upon a longitudinal consideration of recorded data indicating the past and present situation and what is likely to happen in future is…………………..
(A) Historical study
(B) Case study
(C) Trend study
(D) Activity analysis
6. The squared deviations used in computing standard deviations are always taken from…………………..
(A) Percentage
(B) Mean
(C) Median
(D) Percentile rank
7. The scale used to rank objects based on certain characteristics or attribute of the objects is………………
(A) Nominal scale
(B) Ordinal scale
(C) Interval scale
(D) Ratio scale
8. A type of qualitative narrative design is………………………..
(A) Autobiography
(B) Poetic inquiry
(C) Anthropology
(D) Grounded theory
9. In……………………system of interaction analysis there is recording of classroom events, construction and interpretation of Interaction Matrix.
(A) Knowles
(B) Krathwohl
(C) Galloway
(D) Anderson
10. Which of the following is not an element of pedagogical analysis ?
(A) Content analysis
(B) Selection of evaluation devices
(C) Selection of teaching methods
(D) Data analysis
11. A student’s score on Criterion Referenced Test is best used to provide information about student’s………….
(A) Mastery of a defined body of content
(B) Performance in comparison to peers in a given area
(C) Potential to achieve in a specified subject area
(D) Readiness for a particular grade level
12. …………………..almost always improves learning and performance.
(A) Increased feedback
(B) Decreased feedback
(C) Learning feedback
(D) Performance feedback
13. Which of the following is not an example of reflective writing assignment ?
(A) Classroom notes
(B) Learning diary
(C) Peer review
(D) Reflective notes
14. Classroom interactions can be appropriately assessed by……………….
(A) Questionnaire
(B) Observation schedule
(C) Interview
(D) Test
15. According to Anderson and Krathwohl taxonomy of cognitive domain……………………is at highest level.
(A) To evaluate
(B) To synthesize
(C) To create
(D) To comprehend
16. According to Morrison model, understanding level of learning includes both……………………..
(A) Memory and insight
(B) Creativity and intelligence
(C) Creativity and aptitude
(D) Memory and creativity
17. Identify missing level from Dave’s psychomotor domain taxonomy : Imitation, Manipulation, Precision …………………., naturalisation.
(A) Articulation
(B) Creation
(C) Comprehension
(D) Attention
18. An adult student’s strength, weaknesses, knowledge and skills prior to instruction is assessed by………………….
(A) Summative assessment
(B) Formative assessment
(C) Diagnostic assessment
(D) Interim assessment
19. Freedom of…………………….was not offered by distance education to the learner.
(A) Pace
(B) Medium
(C) Eligibility
(D) Time
20. Branching programme of programmed learning is more useful in…………………………
(A) Concept knowing
(B) Concept formation
(C) Concept comparison
(D) Concept criticism
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21. Davies has presented the four steps, namely planning of teaching, organization of teaching, leading of teaching and……………………for teaching technology.
(A) Evaluation of teaching
(B) Controlling of teaching
(C) Reinforcement of teaching
(D) Administration of teaching
22. A student play an active role of a hunter in a jungle using computer programme is an example of……………. type of computer assisted instruction (CAI).
(A) Information Instruction
(B) Drill and Practice
(C) Simulation Instruction
(D) Problem Solving
23. Asynchronous learning is based on……………………. theory.
(A) Behaviourist
(B) Cognitive
(C) Constructivist
(D) Gestalt
24. The changes in the effective domain of the behaviour of the learner’s like interest, habits and attitude can be effectively brought with the help of the……………………. approach.
(A) Hardware
(B) Software
(C) System
(D) Multimedia
25. Assistive technology used in e-learning specifically for ……………. type of learners.
(A) Slow learners
(B) Advance learners
(C) Disabled learners
(D) Hyperactive learners
26. For managing virtual communication, teacher makes circles of students, this is a characteristic of…………………..social networking site.
(A) Facebook
(B) Twitter
(C) Google+
(D) Word Press
27. ………………….is characteristic of online library.
(A) Lower maintenance cost
(B) Maximum physical space for storage
(C) Less fees
(D) Easiness in reading
28. …………………….is an advantage of online survey.
(A) Decrease in response rates
(B) Maximum reliability
(C) Difficult to data gathering
(D) Flexibility of design
29. Main function of Educational Administration is……………………..
(A) Planning
(B) Organizing
(C) Supervising
(D) Controlling
30. Critical Path Method (CPM) is used in Educational Administration for the management of…………………..
(A) Predictable activities
(B) Unpredictable activities
(C) Predictable-unpredictable activities
(D) Predesigned activities
31. In psychodynamic approach to leadership ………………….. basic principle is included.
(A) Different motivational drivers
(B) Same personality quality
(C) Equal motivational drivers
(D) No individual differences
32. Charismatic leadership approach is centered in an……………………ability.
(A) Immoral
(B) Charm and persuade
(C) Destructive
(D) Apathetic
33. The book, ‘Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid’ is written by the management theorist……………………
(A) Hersey
(B) Edwards Deming
(C) Walter Shewart
(D) C.K. Pralhad
34. In a Total Quality Management, all members of an organization participate in improving…………………
(A) Processes, product
(B) Processes, product, services
(C) Processes, product, services and culture
(D) Processes, services and products.
35. The three step model of change was developed by……………………
(A) Fiedler
(B) C.K. Pralhad
(C) Edwards Deming
(D) Kurt Lewin
36. ……………………is attributed with developing the scientific management principles.
(A) Elton Mayo
(B) Robert Owens
(C) Frank Gilbirth
(D) Frederich Taylor
37. ‘Just-in-Time’ model was successfully implemented by………… company.
(A) Toyota
(B) Honda
(C) Suzuki
(D) Volkswagon
38. The concept of ‘Cost of Quality’ was first described by……………………
(A) Milton Friedman
(B) Armand V. Feigenbaum
(C) Friedrich Hayek
(D) Douglass North
39. Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 made provision for inclusion of……………….. in schools.
(A) Playground
(B) Mid-day Meals
(C) Facility of Ramps
(D) Health cleck-up
40. According to Terman classification, IQ score of mild mentally retarded children is between…………………..
(A) 70-79
(B) 80-89
(C) 59-69
(D) 49-59
41. The objective of Inclusive Education is………………………
(A) To promote constantly the local cultures and contents of various communities of the society
(B) To uncover and minimize barriers to learning
(C) To provide technology base facilities
(D) To change attitudes, behaviours, teaching methods curricular and environments to meet.
42. Ainscow’s (2004) social model is based on the premise………………
(A) That all learners can experience difficulties in school
(B) A few learners can experience difficulties in school
(C) Children with specific disabilities have difficulties in school
(D) Children with mental retardation have more difficulties in school
43. Braille language is used in…………………
(A) School for the dumb
(B) School for the blind
(C) School for the deaf
(D) School for the mentally retarded
44. The most important requirement for women with disabilities is……………..
(A) Housing
(B) Protection against exploitation and abuse
(C) Employable skills
(D) Basic education
45. A child who has unusual difficulty in understanding oral instruction may have the following impairment :
(A) Cerebral Palsy
(B) Visual impairment
(C) Intellectual disability
(D) Hearing impairment
46. Orthopaedically handicapped students should be ideally accommodated in………………school.
(A) General
(B) Open
(C) Special
(D) Integrated
47. …………………….resulted in the inclusion of Health check-up in schools.
(A) Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995
(B) Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992
(C) The Juvenile Justice Act, 1986
(D) Reformatory School Act, 1977
48. Neeta always forgets to add the carry over digit while doing addition. This is a feature of………………….
(A) Dyspraxia
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Dyscalculia
(D) Dysgraphia