Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery MCQ
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MCQ on Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
1. Who introduced the sequential grafting in CABG’?
(1) Flemma
(2) Kay
(3) Carpentier
(4) William Longmire
2. During F.D.G. – P.E.T. for C.A.D. patients; a portion of myocardium shows decreased perfusion with preserved glucose utilization. What is the pathology ?
(1) Stunned myocardium
(2) Hibernating myocardium
(3) Nontransmural scar tissue
(4) Transmural scar tissue
3. Right heart catheterization or pulmonary angiogram is required before CABG, if patient has following signs on physical examination except
(1) Clubbing
(2) Cyanosis
(3) Right ventricular heave
(4) Third heart sound (S3)
4. Relative contraindications to the use of bilateral I.T. As include all except
(1) Severe C.O.P.D.
(2) Diabetes mellitus
(3) Hypertension
(4) Emergency operation
5. The prime objective of CABG is to obtain complete revascularization by bypassing all severe stenosis of at least ____________ diameter reduction of all coronaries.
(1) 50%
(2) 70%
(3) 80%
(4) 90%
6. Radionuclide used in myocardial perfusion scan are all except
(1) Techntium
(2) Thallium
(3) Rubidium
(4) Dobutamine
7. Which one is the randomized trial of C.A.B.G. Vs. P.C.I. ?
(1) BARI
(2) EAST
(3) GABI
(4) All of the above
8. Heath and Edward danification relates to
(1) A.V. Canal disease
(2) Pulmonary vascular disease
(3) T.G.A.
(4) Tricuspid atresia
9. Egg on appearance is seen on X-ray of
(1) T.O.F.
(2) T.G.A.
(3) Tricuspid atresia
(4) Interrupted Aortic Arch (I.A.A.)
10. Rastell classification is used for
(1) A.V. canal defect
(2) T.G.A.
(3) Tricuspid atresia
(4) Eostein’s anomaly
11. Which statement is incorrect regarding small V.S.D. ?
(1) Qp: Qs < 1.75
(2) V.S.D. resistance index > 20 units/m2
(3) Normal R.V. systolic pressure
(4) Approximate the size of aortic orifice
12. Which is not a Fontan’s commandment ?
(1) Sinus rhythm
(2) Normal caval drainage
(3) P.V.R. <4 wood units/m2
(4) Mean Pulmonary arterial pressure > 15mm Hg
13. Which is not a cause of cyanosis in A.S.D. ?
(1) P.V.P.V.C.
(2) T.A.P.V.C.
(3) Eisenmengerization
(4) Selective drainage of IVC to L.A.
14. Management of a patient with tricuspid atresia within the 1st month of life may include
(1) Creation of a systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
(2) P.A. Banding
(3) B.D. Glenn’s surgery
(4) Fontan’s operation
15. Ductus arteriosus is derived from
(1) 2nd aortic arch
(2) 4th aortic arch
(3) 6th aortic arch
(4) 8th aortic arch
16. Ductal dependent circulation include all except
(1) Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.
(2) Aortic atresia or Interrupted aortic arch.
(3) T.G.A. with intact IAS/IVS.
(4) Tricuspid atresia with intact IVS.
17. The normal process of functional closure begins after birth.
(1) within 4 hrs.
(2) within 4 – 10 hrs.
(3) within 10-15 hrs.
(4) After 15 hrs.
18. Cyanotic spell in T.O.F. are usually seen
(1) After 6 years of age
(2) After 6 months of age
(3) Before 6 weeks of age
(4) After 6 weeks of age
19. Recoarctation of aorta is defined as Systemic arm to leg resting pressure gradient of
(1) more than 10 mm Hg
(2) more than 20 mm Hg
(3) more than 30 mm Hg
(4) more than 40 mm Hg
20. Anterior malaligned V.S.D. is found in
(1) T.O.F.
(2) Interrupted aortic arch
(3) D.O.R.V.
(4) Tausig-Bling heart
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21. Which D.O.R.V. variant resemble’s T.G.A. ?
(1) D.O.R.V. with subaortic V.S.D. without P.S.
(2) D.O.R.V. with subaortic V.S.D. with P.S.
(3) D.O.R.V. with subpulmonic V.S.D. without P.S.
(4) D.O.R.V. with subpulmonic
22. Clinical recognition of T.G.A. is based on the following features except
(1) Male child
(2) Low birth weight
(3) Cyanosis in the neonatal period
(4) Radiologic evidence of increased pulmonary blood flow in the presence of cyanosis
23. Most common chamber involved in Cardiac trauma
(1) R.A.
(2) R.V.
(3) L.A.
(4) L.V.
24. Surgery is indicated in cardiac trauma in all except
(1) Cardiac contusion
(2) Cardiac rupture
(3) Ventricular septal rupture
(4) Atrioventricular valve rupture
25. Absolute contraindication of ECMO are all except
(1) Age > 65 years
(2) Recoverable cardiac disease
(3) Non-recoverable cardiac disease
(4) Non-recoverable respiratory disease
26. Indication for ECMO for respiratory failure are all except
(1) ARDS
(2) Pneumonia
(3) Multiple organ failure
(4) Primary graft failure following lung transplantation
27. Which one of the following statement is incorrect regarding cell transplantation therapy for cardiac patients ?
(1) Transplanted cells = improve regional perfusion.
(2) It results in increase in wall thickness.
(3) It stimulates angiogenesis in chronic ischemic zone.
(4) The benefits of therapy is transient.
28. Which one is the mechanism of the cell transplantation therapy in cardiovascular disease ?
(1) Cell engrafiment
(2) Matrix remodeling
(3) Angiogenesis
(4) All of the above
29. For the restoration of the sinus rhythm in a patient of A.F., Cox-Maze procedure Is useful. Which statement is incorrect regarding this ?
(1) Brain natriuretic peptide & aldosterone level decreased after 6 months of surgery.
(2) Brain natriuretic peptide & aldosterone level increased after 6 months of surgery.
(3) This procedure incorporates a series of linear incisions of both atrid.
(4) Radio-frequency, cryotherapy and microwave techniques are the modalities used now-a-days.
30. The MIDCAB procedure was introduced in 1995 for single vessel off pump bypass using LIMA to LAD bypass by
(1) Benetti et al
(2) Sabiston and colleagues
(3) Michel Mirowski
(4) Paul Zoll, M.D.
31. Which muscle is used in the treatment of D.C.M.P. as dynamic cardiomyopathy ?
(1) Latissmus dorsi
(2) Serratus anterior
(3) Pectoralis major
(4) Rectus abdominus
32. Which of the following is extracorporeal type of LVAD ?
(1) LA.B.P.
(2) Novacor II
(3) Thoratec Heart Mate
(4) ECMO
33. Acceptable candidate for Cardiowest total artificial heart must have following parameters except
(1) Body surface area greater than or equal to 1.7 m2
(2) A cardiothoracic ratio of > 0.5
(3) A left ventricular diastolic dimension of > 66 mm
(4) Combined ventricular volume of less than 1.5 litre
34. Which is not a therapeutic strategy for acute rejection of heart transplant with haemodynamic compromise ?
(1) Methyl Prednisolone 1 gm I/V daily for 3 days.
(2) Prompt plasmapheresis daily for 3 days.
(3) Cytolytic therapy with thymoglobulin or OKT 3
(4) Change in antibiotic strategy.
35. First clinical use of a total artificial heart as a bridge to transplant in 1969 was done by
(1) Dr. Denton Cooley
(2) Dr. Barney Clark
(3) Dr. Robert Tools
(4) Dr. De Vries
36. Which is not a total artificial heart ?
(1) Synecardia
(2) Abiocor
(3) Cardiowest
(4) Heart ware
37. These are the causes of continuous murmer except one
(1) AS with AR
(2) RSOV to RA rupture
(3) P.D.A.
(4) Coronary A-V fistula
38. In Electrocardiogram, Right axis deviation is found in
(1) Ostium Primum A.S.D.
(2) Ostium Sectundum A.S.D.
(3) A-V Canal defect
(4) Common atrium
39. Enlarged left atrium is seen in X-rays by all except
(1) Double shadow.
(2) Lifting of left bronchus.
(3) Right lateral view shows obliteration of retrosternal shadow.
(4) Posterior displacement of oesophagus on Barium swallow.
40. Which is not a feature of L-V diastolic overload ?
(1) Presence of q wave in V5-V6
(2) Tall T wave in V5-V6
(3) Tall R wave in V5-V6
(4) Tall R wave in V1-V2
41. Causes of palpitations are all except
(1) Left to Right shunt
(2) Right to Left shunt
(3) Electronic Pacemaker
(4) Prosthetic heart valve
42. Which of these drugs does not cause postural hypotension in cardiac patient ?
(1) Diuretics
(2) Calcium channel blockers
(3) Nitrates
(4) B-blockers
43. Amyl Nitrite increases all murmers except
(1) Mitral stenosis
(2) Pulmonary stenosis
(3) T.O.F.
(4) V.S.D. C pulmonary hypertension
44. The commonest cyanotic heart disease after 2 years of age
(1) T.O.F.
(2) Tricuspid Atresia
(3) D-T.G.A.
(4) Truncus Arteriosus
45. Electrocardiographic findings of acute pericarditis is
(1) ST elevation in all leads except aVr & Vi.
(2) Normal ST segments but with T wave flattening.
(3) T wave inversion without q wave.
(4) All of the above.