Geography Trivia
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Trivia on Geography
1. ………………. is the most abundant mineral in the Earth’s crust.
(A) CaO
(B) Al2O3
(C) SiO2
(D) MgO
2. The course of a river perpendicular to the regional slope is called ……….. stream.
(A) Consequent
(B) Subsequent
(C) Obsequent
(D) Resequent
3. Which one of the following types of collision between two plates is responsible for folding of rock mass in Himalaya ?
(A) Continent and Continent
(B) Ocean and Ocean
(C) Ocean and Continent
(D) Shields and Cratons
4. The concentration of wave energy on headlands is due to wave ………
(A) Refraction
(B) Reflection
(C) Absorption
(D) Diffusion
5. Anthracite is a type of …………
(A) Mudstone
(B) Limestone
(C) Coal
(D) Sandstone
6. Which one of the following electromagnetic wavelengths are the longest ?
(A) Visible
(B) Infrared
(C) Radio waves
(D) Gamma rays
7. The vertical air flow in an anticyclone results in …………..
(A) divergence aloft
(B) convergence aloft
(C) divergence both aloft and at the surface
(D) convergence at the surface and divergence aloft
8. The westerlies and trade winds are examples of ……….. winds.
(A) Macroscale
(B) Mesoscale
(C) Microscale
(D) jet stream
9. The only truly continuous pressure belt on the Earth is the ……………
(A) Southern hemisphere substropical high
(B) Equatorial low
(C) Northern hemisphere substropical high
(D) Southern hemisphere subpolar low
10. Which one of the following major climatic groups, according to Koeppen’s climatic classification, is not found in the southern hemisphere ?
(A) B
(B) C
(C) A
(D) D
11. What is the time gap between two high tides at the same location ?
(A) 12 hours
(B) 12 hours 15 minutes
(C) 12 hours 25 minutes
(D) 12 hours 30 minutes
12. Salinity of ocean water depends upon :
(A) Temperature of the ocean water
(B) Size of the ocean
(C) Proximity to Hot deserts
(D) Density of ocean water
13. Identify the mismatch :
(A) Podzol—Tundra
(B) Chernozem—Temperate grassland
(C) Latosols—Rain forest
(D) Chernozem—Taiga
14. …………….. is the plant community located on the bank of rivers.
(A) Riparian
(B) Littoral
(C) Solum
(D) Phytoplankton
15. The most widespread inorganic pelagic deposit in ocean is …………..
(A) Red clay
(B) Diatoms
(C) Pteropod
(D) Globigerina
16. The first geographer to initiate change over from the dominantly liberal to the Marxist perspective was :
(A) David Harvey
(B) William Bunge
(C) Yi-Fu-Tuan
(D) David M. Smith
17. Place-Work-Folk progression methodology was developed by ………
(A) Vidal de la Blache
(B) Leibniz
(C) Dudely stamp
(D) Patric Geddes
18. Who is credited for placing historical events in geographical setting ?
(A) Aristotle
(B) Herodotus
(C) Hipparchus
(D) Eratosthenes
19. The emphasis on the importance of choices to human activity rather than the limitations to choice is known as, ……………..
(A) Positivism
(B) Possibilism
(C) Behaviourism
(D) Determinism
20. Which one of the following is an advocate of environmental determinism ?
(A) William Garrison
(B) Ellen Semple
(C) Ian Burton
(D) William Moris Davis
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21. Assuming towns of Maharashtra follow the rank size rule, the population of Nagpur should be :
(A) 90 lakhs
(B) 60 lakhs
(C) 40 lakhs
(D) 30 lakhs
22. Which State of India has the highest primacy ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) West Bengal
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Gujarat
23. Villages of Punjab appear ………..
(A) Nucleated compact
(B) Nucleated loose
(C) Dispersed
(D) Linear
24. ………………. has shown the lowest population growth rate during the last 50 years.
(A) N. America
(B) Europe
(C) Africa
(D) Oceania
25. …………….. is the most populous country in Western Europe.
(A) Germany
(B) U.K.
(C) Netherlands
(D) France
26. In developed economies …………. sector employees largest proportion of workers.
(A) Agricultural
(B) Industrial
(C) Service
(D) Commerce
27. Which one of the following is not a natural resource ?
(A) Sandalwood trees in a forest
(B) Vineyard
(C) Fish in a river
(D) Pearls in the sea shells
28. …………………. is also called robber economy.
(A) Hunting
(B) Fishing
(C) Lumbering
(D) Mining
29. Bajra is grown most abundantly in ……………..
(A) Gujarat—Rajasthan
(B) Gujarat—Maharashtra
(C) Maharashtra—Karnatak
(D) Karnatak—Andhra Pradesh
30. Lines connecting equal aggregate transport costs in Weber’s theory are called, …………..
(A) Isotims
(B) Isohalines
(C) Isodapanes
(D) Isohyets
31. Social Geography is primarily concerned with …………….
(A) Social relations, identities and equalities
(B) Social relations, identities, equalities varying in space
(C) Social relations and societies in space
(D) Social equations
32. ……………… is a process in which one culture group adopts the culture of another group.
(A) Adoption
(B) Assimilation
(C) Amalgamation
(D) Acculturation
33. Relocation is a type of …………….
(A) Diffusion
(B) Redistribution
(C) Resettlement
(D) Movement
34. Kunbis belongs to ………………..
(A) Sino-Dravidian race
(B) Proto-Australoid race
(C) Scytho-Dravidian race
(D) Proto-Dravidian race
35. Jats are the ………….. community.
(A) Cultivating
(B) Warrior
(C) Trading
(D) ruling
36. Which one of the following is not an indicator of development ?
(A) Females among literates
(B) Total population
(C) Infant mortality rate
(D) Level of urbanisation
37. One finds increasing regional disparities during the last ………….. years.
(A) 20
(B) 30
(C) 40
(D) 50
38. Old industrial areas in developed countries are examples of ……………
(A) Dynamic regions
(B) Progressive regions
(C) Back-yard regions
(D) Depressed regions
39. PURA facilitates the development mainly of ……………..
(A) small towns
(B) medium towns
(C) large towns
(D) census towns
40. There was a partial roll back of regional development strategy during ………….. period.
(A) Post 1951
(B) Post 1966
(C) Post 1975
(D) Post 1991
41. The Satpuda is a ……………… type of mountain.
(A) Fold
(B) Volcanic
(C) Block
(D) Residual
42. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Munda—Rajasthan
(B) Khond—Andhra Pradesh
(C) Toda—Jharkhand
(D) Kinnar—Madhya Pradesh
43. Identify the mismatch :
(A) Shivsagar—Koyna
(B) Gandhisagar—Chambal
(C) Nathasagar—Godavari
(D) Krishnarajsagar—Krishna
44. Which one of the following states has the highest percentage of its geographical are under plateau region (i.e. 300-1000 meters above mean sea level) ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Karnataka
(D) Madhya Pradesh
45. …………………… shares its boundary with maximum number of states.
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Chhattisgarh
(D) Assam
46. In which of the following distributions, the values of Mean, Median and Mode are the same ?
(A) Binomial
(B) Poisson
(C) Normal
(D) Skewed
47. ……………. can be shown by flow map.
(A) Interstate migration
(B) Villages linked to market
(C) Rail network
(D) Direction of trade
48. The lateral overlap in an aerial photo-stereopair is normally expected to be …………..
(A) 5 to 20%
(B) 40 to 60%
(C) 1 to 2%
(D) 90 to 95%
49. Satellites which orbit and cover each area of the world at a constant local sun time are called ……………
(A) Earth-synchronous
(B) Sun-orbital
(C) Sun-synchronous
(D) Sun facing
50. 1° of latitude approximately covers …………….. distance on the earth surface.
(A) 101 km
(B) 121 km
(C) 111 km
(D) 151 km