Agriculture Engineering Questions and Answers
1. High speed engines operates at the following speeds
(a) Less than 1000 rpm
(b) At 500 rpm
(c) Higher than 1000 rpm
(d) None of these
2. Normally in irrigation channels silting may take place in the channel if the slope is less than
(a) 0.025%
(b) 0.05%
(c) 0.0025%
(d) 0.005%
3. A unit hydrograph has
(a) One unit of peak discharge
(b) One unit of time base of direct run-off
(c) One unit of direct run-off
(d) One unit of rainfall duration
4. For estimation of peak rate of flood for design purpose of structure in absence of any data, the value of Φ -index is taken as
(a) 0.2cm/hr
(b) 0.3cm/hr
(c) 0.1cm/hr
(d) 0.4cm/hr
5. Most commonly used non-recording type rain-gauge is
(a) Weighting bucket
(b) Symon’s rain-gauge
(c) Tipping bucket rain-gauge
(d) Floating type rain-gauge
6. Straight line method for base flow separation is given as
(a) N=0.89A0.2, days
(b) N=0.88A0.2, days
(c) N=0.88A0.4, days
(d) N=0.89A0.4, days
7. The first irrigation before sowing of the crop is known as
(a) Kor watering
(b) Cumec Day
(c) Nominal Duty
(d) Paleo
8. Symon’s rain-gauge has a receiving bottle capacity of about
(a) 75-150 mm of rainfall
(b) 70-100 mm of rainfall
(c) 70-150 mm of rainfall
(d) 75-100 mm of rainfall
9. The arrangement of primary & secondary soil particles is called as
(a) Soil structure
(b) Soil texture
(c) Soil consistency
(d) Soil plasticity
10. Peak of a flood hydrograph due to 4-hr effective storm is 400m3/s. The mean depth of the rainfall is 5.9 cm. Assuming an average infiltration loss of 0.35cm/hr and a constant base flow of 25m3/s, estimate the peak of a 4-hr unit hydrograph.
(a) 80.23m3/s
(b) 83.33m3/s
(c) 93.23m3/s
(d) 90.33m3/s
11. The compression ratio of petrol engine is
(a) 16:1
(b) 1:15
(c) 50:1
(d) 8:1
12. Water that exits in the pore space of the soil by molecular attraction is
(a) Capillary water
(b) Hygroscopic water
(c) Available water
(d) Both (a) & (c)
13. The use of governor on engine is to:
(a) Increase the speed
(b) Decrease the speed
(c) Maintain the speed almost constant
(d) Increase & Decrease the speed
14. In Lacey’s Regime Theory the perimeter discharge (P Q) relation can be written as
(a) P=0.75ÖQ
(b) P=3.75ÖQ
(c) P=2.75ÖQ
(d) P=4.75ÖQ
15. For a metric system if B is the Base period. Delta, a total depth of water supply in meters is inversely proportional to Duty (D) in hectares/cumec as
(a) 8.62 B/D meters
(b) 8.26 B/D meters
(c) 8.64 B/D meters
(d) 8.46 B/D meters
16. The ultimate witting point or the hygroscopic coefficient is about
(a) 1/3 of the permanent witting point
(b) 3/2 of the permanent witting point
(c) 2/3 of the permanent witting point
(d) 3/5 of the permanent witting point
17. Irrigation capacity of a unit water is represented by
(a) Duty
(b) Nominal Duty
(c) Delta
(d) Both (a) & (b)
18. The whole period of cultivation from the time when irrigation water is first issued for preparation of the ground for planting the crop to its last watering before harvest refers to
(a) Crop period
(b) Base period
(c) Yield Duty
(d) Kor period
19. In a system of canal higher critical velocity ratio (CVR) is assumed in
(a) Towards its tail end
(b) In head reaches
(c) Towards it head reaches
(d) Both (a) & (b)
20. Capacity factor is the ratio of
(a) Mean supply to the full supply of a canal
(b) Mean discharge to the full supply of water
(c) Mean discharge to the average canal supply
(d) Both (a) & (b)
More Questions on Agriculture Engineering
21. Most common type of self recording gauge is
(a) Weighing bucket
(b) Symon’s rain-gauge
(c) Tipping bucket type
(d) Float type automatic raingauge
22. The Cipoletti weir, a contracted trapezoidal weir the side of the notch has a slope of
(a) 1:4
(b) 1:2
(c) 1:3
(d) 1:1
23. A crop requires a total depth of 9.2cm of water for a base period of 120 days. Then the duty of water is
(a) 1130ha/m3
(b) 1140ha/m3
(c) 1150ha/m3
(d) 1120ha/m3
24. Discharge measurement for small and medium size streams are commonly done by
(a) 90° V- notch weir
(b) Rectangular weir
(c) Cipoletti weir
(d) Both (a) & (b)
25. Bucket capacity of tipping rain gauge is
(a) 2.5cm of rainfall
(b) 0.25mm of rainfall
(c) 12.7mm of rainfall
(d) 5.0mm of rainfall
26. A loam soil has field capacity of 22% and witting coefficient of 10%. The dry unit weight of soil is 15g/cm3. If the root zone depth is 70cm, determine the storage capacity of the soil. Irrigation water is applied when moisture content falls to 14%, if the water application efficiency is 75%, determine the water depth required to be applied in the field (Field irrigation req.)
(a) Storage capacity=14.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=12.2cm
(b) Storage capacity=11.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=10.2cm
(c) Storage capacity=12.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=11.2cm
(d) Storage capacity=13.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=14.2cm
27. In Kennedy’s Theory the critical velocity (V), m/s may be written as
(a) V = 0.55m D0.64
(b) V = 0.84D0.65
(c) V = 0.84m D0.64
(d) V= 0.55m D0.65
28. Find the delta for crop if the Duty for a base period of 110 days is 1400 ha/m3
(a) 0.86m
(b) 0.68m
(c) 0.96m
(d) 0.98m
29. Average rainfall over a basin may be computed using
(a) Arithmatic average method
(b) hiessen polygon method
(c) Isohyetal method
(d) All of these
30. A hydrometric curve is a plot of
(a) Time of concentration and elevation curve of catchment
(b) Area elevation curve
(c) Spot rainfall values and isohyets on a basin map
(d) Depth of rainfall & elevation of a catchment
31. Irrigation canals are generally aligned along
(a) Ridge line
(b) Contour line
(c) Valley line
(d) Straight line
32. The size of the fine clay particles in USDA classification of soil texture is
(a) < 2mm
(b) < 0.2mm
(c) < 0.02mm
(d) < 0.002mm
33. A water course has a culturable command area of 1200ha. The intensity of irrigation for crop A is 40% and for B is 35%, both the crop being Rabi crops. Crop A has a Kor period of 20 days and crop B has Kor period of 15 days. Calculate the discharge of the water course if the depth for crop A is 10cm and for B is 16cm.
(a) A=0.278m3 & B=0.518m3
(b) A=0.0278m3 & B=0.0518m3
(c) A=2.78m3 & B=5.18m3
(d) A=0.378m3 & B=0.618m3
34. The main components of hydrologic cycle are
(a) Precipitation, evapotranspiration and evaporation
(b) Rainfall, evaporation and runoff
(c) Rainfall and snow fall
(d) None of these
35. Engine Flywheel is made of
(a) Cast iron
(b) Mild steel
(c) Aluminium alloy
(d) Both (b) & (c)
36. Which of the term is used for implement/ tools efficiency
(a) Field capacity
(b) Hp
(c) Cut off
(d) Power
37. Factor (m), critical velocity ratio (CVR) of Kennedy’s Theory value of sandy loamy silt is
(a) 1.10
(b) 1.20
(c) 1.30
(d) 1.00
38. Portable wooden boxes provided with a gate at the inlet and a baffle board at the outlet is called
(a) Diversions
(b) Portable box dams
(c) Portable box checks
(d) Box turn outs
39. Wind energy is measured in terms of
(a) Watts
(b) Watts/hr
(c) Watts/m
(d) Watts/m2
40. The sheet factor of water which overflows a weir is called
(a) Head
(b) Nappe
(c) Static head
(d) All of these
41. The hydraulic radius of lined canal water course rectangular in section with a bottom width of 50 cm and depth of low of 25 cm is
(a) 0.125 m
(b) 0.126 m
(c) 0.128 m
(d) 0.127 m
42. The opening and closing of engine valve system is controlled by
(a) Camshaft through push rod
(b) Crankshaft through flywheel
(c) Camshaft through piston rods
(d) Engine valve through push rod
43. Which of the following tool is use for collecting uprooted weeds
(a) Hand Cultivators
(b) Khurpa
(c) Garden Rake
(d) Garden Trowel
44. Discharge through a 90°V- notch weir may be computed by using the equation
(a) Q=0.0138 H5/2
(b) Q=0.0138 H3/2
(c) Q=0.0138 H2/5
(d) Q=1.0138 H2/3
45. The relative proportion of soil particles is called as
(a) Soil structure
(b) Soil texture
(c) Soil consistency
(d) Soil plasticity
46. Calculate the bottom width of a trapezoidal channel having best hydraulic section to carry a design discharge at a flow depth of 2m side slope for the channel may be taken as 1:1
(a) 1.657 m
(b) 1.576 m
(c) 1.765 m
(d) 1.675 m
47. The peak of a flood hydrograph due to a 6-hr storm is 470m3/s. The mean depth of rainfall is 8.0cm. Assuming an average infiltration loss of 0.25cm/hr and a constant base flow of 15m3/s, estimate the peak discharge of 6-hr Unit hydrograph for this catchment.
(a) 65m3/s
(b) 70m3/s
(c) 80m3/s
(d) 75m3/s
48. Shearing resistance consists of following components
(a) Cohesion and adhesion
(b) Consolidation
(c) Compaction
(d) Infinite slope
49. Which type of canal is not under canal classification on the basis of the function of the canal
(a) Irrigation canal
(b) Watershed canal
(c) Power canal
(d) Navigation canal
50. In channel design the value for rugosity coefficient, N for earthen channel for good channel condition is
(a) 0.03
(b) 0.025
(c) 0.0257
(d) 0.0275
51. Commonly used methods for computation of consumptive use of water is
(a) Penman method
(b) Blaney Criddle method
(c) Hargreaves Class method
(d) All of these
52. Wheat crop requires 45 cm of irrigation under water during 120 days irrigation period. How much land can be irrigated with a flow of 20 liters per second for 22 hrs a day.
(a) 42.24 ha
(b) 40.24 ha
(c) 45.0 ha
(d) 41.24 ha
53. The load in which the sediment moves along the bed with occasional jumps into the channel is called
(a) Suspended load
(b) Bed load
(c) Sediment load
(d) Both (a) & (b)
54. Power tiller is best suited for
(a) Water lifting
(b) Ploughing
(c) Haulage
(d) Puddling
55. The basic formula for calculating discharge through a weir is
(a) Q=CLHm
(b) Q=CLHn
(c) Q=CHLm
(d) Q=CLH
56. Witting coefficient of sandy loam soil is
(a) 6
(b) 13
(c) 15
(d) 4
57. Direct measurement of consumptive use of water may be done using
(a) Field experiment plot
(b) Integrated method
(c) Interaction method
(d) Both (a) & (b)
58. Soil that have 60% clay, 20% sand and 20% silt can be grouped into the textural class of
(a) Clay
(b) Silt clay
(c) Silt
(d) Silty clay loam
59. A Cipoletti weir has a breadth of 60 cm at its crest. The head of water flowing over the crest is 30 cm. Determine its discharge
(a) 183 lts/s
(b) 180 lts/s
(c) 160 lts/s
(d) 163 lts/s
60. Manning’s ‘n’ value for lined channels for concrete type is
(a) 0.0015
(b) 0.15
(c) 0.015
(d) 0.05
61. A abrupt curve in the canal result in
(a) Silting on inside
(b) Scouring
(c) Silting occurring both
(d) Silting on sides
62. The ratio of the no. of days the canal has actually run to the base period in days is
(a) Capacity factor
(b) Area to be irrigated
(c) Time factor
(d) None of these
63. The advantages of lining are
(a) Seepage control
(b) Prevention from water logging
(c) Increase in command area
(d) All of these
64. Inundation irrigation is sometimes called as
(a) Flood irrigation
(b) Lift irrigation
(c) Flow irrigation
(d) Both (a) & (b)
65. Assuming an earth channel on a grade of 0.10%, depth of water 40 cm, bottom width 40 cm and side slope 11/2 to 1. Calculate the carrying capacity of the channel.
(a) 182 lts/s
(b) 180 lts/s
(c) 190 lts/s
(d) 192 lts/s
66. A rainfall is called as light rainfall when its intensity is
(a) Less than 2.5 mm/hr
(b) 2.5 mm/hr
(c) More than 2.4 mm/hr
(d) 2.4 mm/hr
67. The firing order of 4-Stroke Engine is
(a) 1-2-4-3
(b) 1-3-4-2
(c) 1-2-3-4
(d) Both (a) & (b)
68. Water flows through a constracted rectangular weir 120 cm long to a depth of 30 cm it then flows along a rectangular channel 150 cm wide and over a second weir which has its length equal to the channel. Determine the depth of water over the second weir.
(a) 25.38 cm
(b) 20.38 cm
(c) 35.38 cm
(d) 30.38 cm
69. Line on a rainfall map of the basin joining places of equal rainfall reading is called
(a) Isohyets
(b) Isoline
(c) Isocontour
(d) Isohyetals
70. For in cases of suppressed rectangular weir discharge may be estimated using equationn
(a) Q=0.0184 LH2/3
(b) Q=0.184 LH3/2
(c) Q=0.0814 LH2/3
(d) Q=0.184 HL3/2