Physical Geography Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on Physical Geography
1. In order to prevent the expansion of deserts, trees are planted in strips or blocks with the shortest trees on the desert side and tallest on the other side. Such plantation is called?
(A) shelter belts
(B) agroforests
(C) wind breaks
(D) social forests
2. The food chain refers to the transfer of energy from :
(A) the interior of the earth to the surface
(B) lower to higher latitudes
(C) one organism to another
(D) organisms of the land to those of the sea by means of river
3. The presence of a lion in the forest is essential in order to
(A) keep the trees safe from felling
(B) add beauty in the forests
(C) save the pastures from being overgrazed
(D) keep other carnivorous animals away
4. Which one is not a non-conventional energy source?
(A) Nuclear energy
(B) Solar Energy
(C) Wind energy
(D) Tidal power
5. The Montreal Protocol 1987 refers to
(A) saving the Bio-diversity of our planet
(B) signing of an accord on the peaceful uses of atomic energy
(C) signing of an accord on keeping the antarctica as a nuclear free zone
(D) saving the ozone layer from destruction by reducing the use of CFCs
6. Trees are leafless for a shorter or longer season of the year in :
(A) Evergreen forest
(B) Mangrove forest
(C) Scrub jungle forest
(D) Deciduous forest
7. Snakes and vultures are eating rats in a field. If wild dogs are let into the field, what will be the immediate result ?
(A) Decrease in the number of snakes
(B) Decrease in the number of vultures
(C) Decrease in the number of rats
(D) Increase in the number of snakes.
8. Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa often face natural disasters due to
(A) Cyclones
(B) Earthquakes
(C) Landslides
(D) Tornadoes
9. The main cause of global climatic change is
(A) increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
(B) emissions of industrial gases
(C) adding of dust
(D) changes in plant cover
10. The sphere of living matter together with water, air and soil on the surface of the earth is known as
(A) Lithosphere
(B) Biosphere
(C) Hydrosphere
(D) Atmosphere
11. What is the interval between a high tide and neaptide at a given place ?
(A) 12 hours
(B) 12 hours 26 minutes
(C) 15 hours 30 minutes
(D) 24 hours
12. The sea bed sloping gradually and bordering the continent is known as :
(A) Coast
(B) Continental Shelf
(C) Continental Platform
(D) Continental Slope.
13. A special type of well in which water rises automatically under the pressure of a column of water to the ground surface through a hole is known as
(A) Artisian well
(B) Spring
(C) Hot spring
(D) Geyser
14. Which of the following oceans has the shape of the English alphabet S ?
(A) Arctic Ocean
(B) Indian Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Pacific Ocean
15. Which from the following, is a landlocked sea ?
(A) Timor Sea
(B) Arafura Sea
(C) Greeland Sea
(D) Aral Sea
16. A place where there is constant intermingling of salt water and fresh water is ____
(A) Estuary
(B) Delta
(C) Gulf
(D) Bay
17. The deepest ocean of the world is
(A) Atlantic Ocean
(B) Arctic Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Pacific Ocean
18. Tides in the sea have stored in them :
(A) Hydraulic energy
(B) Kinetic energy
(C) Gravitational potential energy
(D) A combination of all the above three forms of energy
19. The deepest surface depression on the earth is
(A) Kurile Trench
(B) Mariana Trench
(C) Tonga-Kermadec Trench
(D) Bentley Subglacial
20. Echo sounding is the tech-nique applied to—
(A) measure the depth of the sea
(B) measure the amplitude of sound waves
(C) record earthquake waves
(D) record the density of air in the atmosphere
Physical Geography | Atmosphere |
Bio Geography | Earth landform |
Soil Geography | Universe and Solar System |
Hydrosphere |
21. The deflection of the winds to the right in the northern hemisphere is caused by :
(A) revolution of the earth
(B) rotation of the earth
(C) uneven heating of the earth
(D) All the above
22. Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to :
(A) rotation of earth
(B) revolution of earth
(C) gravitational pull
(D) uneven heating of earth
23. Which one of the following has the highest wind velocity?
(A) Typhoon
(B) Hurricane
(C) Cyclone
(D) Tornado
24. Speed of wind is measured by
(A) Barometer
(B) Hygrometer
(C) Thermometer
(D) anemometer
25. Trade winds are due to
(A) Conduction
(B) Convection
(C) Radiation
(D) Scattering
26. Ozone-hole in the atmosphere is largely caused by the presence of
(A) Oxygen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Chloro-floro-carbon
(D) Radio-active waste
27. The term Roaring Forties is related to the
(A) Trade winds
(B) Planetary winds
(C) Westerlies
(D) Polar winds
28. The line on a map connecting points of equal temperature at a given time is
(A) Isohyet
(B) Isobar
(C) Isthumus
(D) Isotherm
29. Where does most of the weather phenomena take place?
(A) Ionosphere
(B) Troposphere
(C) Stratosphere
(D) Tropopause
30. Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions are called
(A) Typhoons
(B) Tornadoes
(C) Blizzards
(D) Polar winds
31. Name the first Asian country to Orbit Mars.
(A) Japan
(B) Pakistan
(C) China
(D) India
32. Which of the following Scientist proved that the path of each planet around the Sun is elliptical?
(A) Kepler
(B) Galileo
(C) Newton
(D) Copernicus
33. Which of the following is an alternative theory to the Big Bang theory developed in 1948, stating that the universe does not change even though it is expanding over time ?
(A) Oscillating Universe
(B) Steady State Universe
(C) Mirror Universe
(D) Eternal Inflation
34. The constellation ‘Sapta Rishi’ is known to Westerners as the
(A) Seven Monks
(B) Alpha Centauri
(C) Big Dipper
(D) Small Bear
35. Which of these is a dwarf planet?
(A) Neptune
(B) Titan
(C) Eris
(D) Hydra
36. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because
(A) they emit light of a constant intensity
(B) their distance from the earth does not change with time
(C) they are very far away from the earth resulting in decrease in intensity of light
(D) they are nearer to the earth and hence we receive a greater amount of light and therefore minor variations in intensity are not noticeable
37. The outermost layer of sun is called
(A) Lithosphere
(B) Chromosphere
(C) Photosphere
(D) Corona
38. On which date is India likely to experience the shortest day?
(A) December 22
(B) March 21
(C) June 22
(D) September 23
39. When does solar eclipse take place ?
(A) When the sun is between the moon and earth
(B) When the earth is between the moon and sun
(C) When the moon is between the sun and earth
(D) When the moon does not lie on the line joining the sun and earth
40. When does the sun shine vertically on the Equator ?
(A) Throughout the year
(B) For six months
(C) Twice a year
(D) Once a year
41. If a star is bigger than Sun, but not more than twice as big, it will turn into a _______.
(A) Pulsar
(B) Maxima
(C) Avenger
(D) Discover
42. Which among the following statements is true regarding International Date line ?
(A) It is 180° Longitude
(B) It is a straight line
(C) It is a big circle
(D) It is a curved line beyond earth
43. The sunlight is available 24 hours on the longest day at which of the following latitudes of the earth ?
(A) 49°
(B) 66½°
(C) 63°
(D) 69°51′
44. The Grand Canyon is located on the :
(A) Colorado River
(B) Rhine River
(C) Tapi River
(D) Niger River
45. Extensive deserts occur in the western tropical regions of continents because :
(A) of easterly trade winds.
(B) cold ocean currents flow along the western coasts.
(C) of the effect of both the offshore easterly trade winds and cold ocean currents.
(D) the rate of evaporation is greater along the western margin areas.
46. The deposits of the ancient Tethys Sea were folded to form the :
(A) Himalayas
(B) Rockies
(C) Andes
(D) Alps
47. Which one of the following types of erosion is responsible for the formation of Chambal Ravines?
(A) Splash
(B) Sheet
(C) Rill
(D) Gully
48. The west to east extension of the Himalayas is from
(A) Indus gorge to Dihang gorge
(B) K2 to Chomoihari
(C) Nanga Parbat to Namcha Barwa
(D) Rakaposhi to Lohit river
49. Most of the devastating earthquakes are usually caused by
(A) Eustatic movement
(B) Isostatic adjustment
(C) Collision of earth plates
(D) Volcanic eruption
50. Which one of the following is the greatest circle ?
(A) Arctic Circle
(B) Equator
(C) Tropic of Cancer
(D) Tropic of Capricorn
51. Hanging Valley is formed due to the action of
(A) Glacier
(B) River
(C) Ocean
(D) Wind
52. Mushroom Rocks are the typical land forms seen in
(A) River Valleys
(B) Mountain tops
(C) Coastal areas
(D) Deserts