Paediatric Surgery MCQ
Paediatric Surgery MCQ paper for the written examination is given below. Candidates who are looking for Paediatric Surgery exam MCQ paper can find in this section. The applied candidates who are getting prepared for the Paediatric Surgery can view this page for the Paediatric Surgery Last Ten Years MCQ Papers. Download the Paediatric Surgery MCQ & Solutions & make it as a reference for your exam preparation.
Take advantage of these Paediatric Surgery MCQ Papers in a proper manner to get qualifying Marks. Last 5 years Paediatric Surgery MCQ Papers provided here. Candidates who are applied for the above exam can check and download the Paediatric Surgery MCQ Papers from here.
MCQ on Paediatric Surgery
1. What is incorrect about Gastroschisis
(1) Derived from Greek word meaning belly cleft
(2) It is a defect in abdominal wall jateral to intact umbilical cord
(3) A thin peritoneal sac covers the bowel
(4) Foreshortening of bowel
2. The Ladds’ procedure includes all except
(1) Placing the small intestine to left and large intestine to right
(2) Appendectomy
(3) Widening of base of mesentery
(4) Straighten C curve of duodenum
3. What is correct about Pentalogy of Cantrell
(1) omphalocele, bifid lower sternum, defect in anterior diaphragm, herniation of heart
(2) Trisomy 23 with omphalocele defect in posterior diaphragm, intracardiac lesion
(3) Ectopia cordis with Gastroschisis
(4) Ectopia cordis with omphalocele with defect in posterior mediastinum
4. 1 ml of 10% calcium gluconate contains
(1) 10 milligram of elemental calcium
(2) 9 milligram of elemental calcium
(3) 8 milligrams of elemental calcium
(4) 7 milligrams of elemental calcium
5. What is true regarding meconium ileus
(1) It is the earliest manifestation of cystic fibrosis
(2) It has high association with cystic fibrosis patient which is a autosomal dominent disorder
(3) Ultrasound is the best diagnostic modality
(4) Surgery needs to be done in all patients
6. What are the predisposing factors for neonatal necrotising enterocolitis
(1) Prematurity
(2) Asphyxia
(3) PDA
(4) All of the above
7. Which is a type of complicated meconium ileus
(1) Meconium pseudo cyst
(2) Meconium ascites
(3) Infected meconium peritonitis
(4) All of the above
8. Example of continent urinary diversion is
(1) Ureterosigmoidostomy
(2) Ileal loop
(3) Weocecal conduit
(4) Ureterostomy
9. Hepatoblastoma is related with
(1) Trisomy 2, trisomy 20, hemihypertrophy, renal agenesis, adrenal agenesis
(2) Trisomy 11, monosomy 20, parental exposure to virus
(3) Trisomy 23, juvenile polyposis, ARM and occasionally Hirschprung disease
(4) All of the above
10. What are the usual defences against infection in a paediatric patient
(1) Anatomic barriers
(2) immune response
(3) humoral and cell mediated immunity
(4) all of the above
11. Components of bowel preparation for abdomino-perineal pull through include
(1) Mechanical irrigation and flushing of colon to remove stool
(2) (1)+ Oral topical antibiotics
(3) (2)+ IV antibiotics
(4) Not needed
12. Most common tumor found in Dysgenetic gonads is
(1) Germinoma
(2) Yolk sac tumor
(3) Teratoma
(4) Seminoma
13. Which is not a special problem in a Preterm child vs SGA
(1) Weak suck reflex
(2) Intra ventricular hemorrhage.
(3) Polycythemia
(4) Hyper Bilirubininemia
14. Necrotising enterocolitis total is what is correct
(1) Less than 95% bowel viable
(2) Less than 75% bowel viable
(3) Less than 50% bowel viable
(4) Less than 25% bowel viable
15. Most common cause of acute pancreatitis in children is
(1) Trauma
(2) Biliary tract stone disease
(3) Idiopathic
(4) Choledochal cyst
16. Indications for emergency thoracotomy include all except
(1) Penetrating wound of heart or great vessels
(2) cardiac tamponade
(3) Rupture of diaphragm
(4) Tension pneumothorax
17. What is incorrect regarding Hirschsprung disease
(1) There might be an autosomal dominant inheritance of long segment aganglionosis
(2) Mutation of the RET -tyrosine kinase sector has been identified in both familial and sporadic cases
(3) There might be and autosomal recessive inheritance responsible for short segment aganglionosis.
(4) All are incorrect
18. Which statement is correct for Hepatocellular carcinoma in children
(1) hepatitis B vaccine is a effective cancer control strategy
(2) Alcoholic cirrhosis in father is a important risk factor
(3) Biological behaviour is more ageressive then in adult
(4) All of the above
19. Newborn exposed to cold exhibits all except
(1) Increase in activity, crying, fetal position
(2) Increase metabolic activity, vaso constriction
(3) Consumption of energy stores, accumulation of metabolic waste products
(4) Shivering, activation of receptors in white fat.
20. Which statement is true.
(1) Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma are associated with poor prognosis.
(2) Orbit rhabdomyosarcoma has the worst prognosis in rhabdomyosarcoma of head and neck region.
(3) Parameningeal rhabdomyosarcoma are associated with good prognosis.
(4) Orbit rhabdomyosarcoma has the best prognosis in rhabdomyosarcoma of head and neck region.
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21. Entirely presacral sacrococcygeal teratoma is
(1) Type 1
(2) Type 2
(3) Type 3
(4) Type 4
22. What is incorrect for Alpha-feto protein
(1) It is a alpha globulin
(2) Liver is the main source of Alpha fetoprotein
(3) Hyaline droplets visible in light microscopy in tumors is alpha fetoprotein
(4) Alpha fetoprotein levels reduced to normal within 3 weeks of resection of tumors producing them
23. What is incorrect regarding newborn urine output and concentration
(1) Newborn has low renal blood flow, and high reno vascular resistance.
(2) 25% of cardiac output is directed to the newborn kidney
(3) The concentration capacity of newborn kidney is less than that of a adult kidney.
(4) Serum osmolality is mainly regulated by anti diuretic hormone.
24. Gold standard for diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease is
(1) Contrast study
(2) Anorectal electro manometry
(3) Ultrasound
(4) Rectal biopsy
25. The most common associated anomalies with anorectal malformation are
(1) Cardiac
(2) Genitourinary
(3) Gastrointestinal
(4) Skeletal
26. What is incorrect regarding Sacral Ratio
(1) Sacral ratio in normal children is 77
(2) In children of anorectal malformation sacral ratio varies from 0 to 1
(3) Patients with sacral ratio less than 3 have poor prognosis
(4) Patients with Sacral ratio more than & have bad prognosis
27. Metabolic stress response in a ill neonate includes all except
(1) Increase in amino acid pool
(2) Increase in visceral proteins
(3) Increase in c-reactive proteins
(4) Gluconeogenesis
28. Three major complications of pancreatic pseudo cyst are
(1) Mass effect, intestinal obstruction, pain
(2) Hemorrhage, rupture and infection
(3) Mass, pain and ascitis
(4) Pain, jaundice and mass
29. Most common chromosomal abnormalities found in paediatric germ cell tumors are
(1) Ip deletions
(2) 6q deletions
(3) Abnormalities of 3 p
(4) All of the above
30. Which indicates low anorectal malformation
(1) Bucket handle
(2) Water can
(3) bucket base
(4) Water bucket
31. All are indications for liver transplant except
(1) Choledochal cyst
(2) Biliary atresia
(3) Allagille’s Syndrome
(4) Wilson’s disease
32. All are sex cord stromal tumors except
(1) Granulosa cell tumor
(2) Sertoli Leydig cell tumor
(3) Brenner tumor
(4) Thecoma and Fibroma
33. Systemic response to infection is manifested by
(1) Temperature>38°C and Heart rate>90/min
(2) Temperature<36°C and WBC <4000/mm3
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
34. Which statement is true for Biliary Atresia
(1) Approximately 15% of cases occur in in association with other malformations the most common being polysplenia syndrome
(2) Approximately 25% of cases occur in association with other malformations, GIT malformations being the most common
(3) Approximately 10% of cases occur in association = with other malformations, urinary tract malformations, being the most common.
(4) Approximately 5% of cases occur with other malformations, cardiac malformation being the most common.
35. All are disadvantages of a loop descending colostomy in anorectal malformation except
(1) Permits passage of stool from the proximal stoma into distal bowel
(2) More prone to UTI and rectal pouch dilatation.
(3) Chances of bowel hypomotility disorder.
(4) Chances of wound dehiscence
36. Meconium ileus equivalent what is correct
(1) Occurs beyond the newbom period
(2) Occurs in the newborn period
(3) Pancreatic enzyme overdose is responsible
(4) Not found in cystic fibrosis patients
37. Which statement is correct.
(1) Lung development is divided in 6 phases or stages
(2) The fetal lung originates in a 3 week old embryo as a diverticulum from the foregut.
(3) the canalicular phase of lung development happens between 7th to 16th week of gestation
(4) type 1 pneumocytes synthesise and secret surfactant
38. What is correct about Corpus Luteum cyst
(1) They regress spontaneously
(2) Small size usually
(3) Does not produce any hormone
(4) Asymptomatic
39. Type C biliary atresia is
(1) Complete obliteration of biliary ducts
(2) Obliteration of proximal ducts
(3) Obliteration of cystic duct
(4) Obliteration of distal ducts
40. What among the following can be a nosocomial infection
(1) Septicemia
(2) UTI
(3) Diarrhoea
(4) All of the above
41. Causes of Conjugated Hyperbilli rubinemia after first week of birth are all except
(1) Biliary atresia
(2) Breast milk jaundice
(3) Choledochal cyst
(4) Paucity of bile ducts
42. What is true regarding congenital epulis.
(1) It is a sessile mass usually attached to the nasion
(2) It is more common in boys
(3) It can be diagnosed antenatally
(4) Usually occur single, multiple lesions are not found
43. Type 1,2 and 3 is found in
(1) CCAM
(2) congenital lobar emphysema
(3) Bronchogenic cyst
(4) all of the above
44. What is true for pulmonary sequestration
(1) It is a solid mass of functioning lung tissue
(2) It is classified under pulmonary vascular disorders
(3) It communicates with the tracheobronchial tree
(4) Receives most of its arterial blood supply from pulmonary circulation
45. One of the most common neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract in childhood is
(1) Lymphoma of meckel’s diverticulum
(2) Carcinoid of meckel’s diverticulum
(3) Lymphoma of appendix
(4) Carcinoid of appendix