Physiotherapy Interview Questions Answers

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We have provided Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Interview Questions Answers for Physiotherapist Solved Question Papers to give proper guidance for the aspirants who are preparing for Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Interview.

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Model Questions and Answers on Physiotherapy

1. Pulleys are used to
A. Make the work easy
B. Alter the direction of motion
C. Gain mechanical efficiency
D. All the above

2. Ankle pIantarfllexion/dorsillexion takes place –
A. Sagittal plane and frontal axis
B. Frontal plane and sagittal axis
C. Transverse plane and vertical axis
D. Coronal plane and Horizontal axis

3. Forearm pronation ROM is limited due to –
A. Bony contact
B. Soft tissue approximation
C. Soft tissue tension
D. Tension of ligaments

4. Stretching is the —
A. Slow and sustained forced passive movement
B. Sudden but controlled forced passive movement
C. Relaxed passive movement
D. Manipulation

5. The dangers of hydrotherapy is —
A. Slippage and fall
B. Drowning
C. Infection
D. All of the above

6. DOMS can be prevented by –
A. Adding warm up and cool down period to the exercise protocol
B. By a gradually progressive exercise programme
C. Achieving stretchability in the exercising muscle prior to the exercise programme
D. All of the above.

7. The low frequency current is up to —
A. 1000 Hz
B. 50 Hz
C. 100 Hz
D. None of the above

8. Which of the following ls an absolute contraindication for electrical stimulation?
A. Pace maker
B. insensitive skin
C. Unconscious patient

9. SD Curve can —
A. Distinguish between innervations and denervation
B. Distinguish between innervated and denervated but can not quantify the state of innervations
C. Distinguish between innervated and denervated and quantify the state of innervations
D. None

10. EMG reveals action potential of —
A. Muscle
B. Motor unit
C. Nerve fiber
D. None of t e above

11. Heat is regulated by –
A. Shivering
B. Brown adipose tissues
C. Sweating
D. All of the above

12. Cavitation is —
A. Thermal effects of US
B. Non-Thermal effects of US
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

13. Plaster of parls is –
A. Hemihydrated calcium sulphate
B. Hemihydrated calcium carbonate
C. Hemihydrated calcium bicarbonate
D. None of the above

14. Fracture shaft of humerus is associated with
A. Axillary nerve injury
B. Radial nerve injury
C. Brachial nerve injury
D. Median nerve injury

15. Mallet finger is due to —
A. Contracture of FDP
B. Rupture of collateral slip of extensor expansion
C. Rupture of central slip of extensor expansion
D. Rupture of the volar plate

16. House maid’s knee refers to —
A. lnfrapatellar bursitis
B. Prepatellar bursitis
C. Suprapatellar bursitis
D. Quadriceps tendonitis

17. Lumbar spine is not involved in —
D. None of the above

18. Spondylosis is characterized by –
A. Hypermobility
B. Stifi spine
C. Spinal instability
D. Locking

19. Charcot joints are —
A. Painless arthritic joint disease
B. Degenerative joint disease
C. infective joint disease
D. Ankylosed joints

20. Erb’s palsy affects –
A. Lumbar plexus
B. Sacral plexus
C. Brachial plexus
D. Cranial plexus

21. Pain sensation is carried by —
A. Medial spinothalamic tract
B. Lateral spinothalamic tract
C. Posterior column
D. Anterior column

22. The spinal segment for ankle jerk is —
A. L5
B. L5 S1
C. S1 S2
D. S79

23. The number of spinal nerves that emerge from spinal cord is –
A. 33 Pairs
B. 31 Pairs
C. 32 Pairs
D. None of these

24. Glasgow coma scale has –
A. 2 Subscales
B. 3 Subscales
C. 4 Subscales
D. 5 Subscales

25. At birth the shape of the chest is –
A. Barrel like
B. Circular
C. Elliptical
D. Triangular

26. Pump handle movement IS a feature of –
A. Lower ribs
B. Upper ribs
C. Mid ribs
D. Diaphragm

27. The position of lung is up to –
B. T10
C. T12
D. T7

28. Which is the pacemaker of heart –
A. SA Node
B. AV Node
C. AV Bundle
D. Purkinje Fibers

29. Centre of gravity of adult human in the anatomical position is slightly –
A. Anterior to S1 vertebra
B. Posterior to S1 vertebra
C. Anterior to S2 vertebra
D. Posterior to S2 vertebra

30. Stance phase is —
A. 40% of gait cycle
B. 50% of gait cycle
C. 60% of gait cycle
D. 70% of gait cycle

31. Disability reflects at the —
A. Organ level
B. Individual level
C. Society level
D. None of the above

32. _________ splint is prescribed for claw hand deformity
A. Cock up
B. Knuckle bender
C. Pan cake
D. Short opponents

33. Physical therapist intervenes at the level of —
A. Impairment
B. Functional limitation
C. Disability
D. All of the above

34. During pregnancy body temperature —
A. Increases by 0.5% over normal Fahrenheit reading
B. Remains unchanged
C. Decreases by 0.5% over normal Fahrenheit reading
D. None

35. Pelvic inflammatory disease is the inflammation of —
A. Uterus
B. Cervix
C. Ovary
D. Fallopian tube

36. Human body is made up of _________ natural elements.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7

37. The life span of RBC is —
A. 12 weeks
B. 12 days
C. 60 days
D. 120 days

38. Drop arm test indicates –
A. Weakness of deltoid
B. Rupture of supraspinatus
C. Positive painful arc
D. None

39. Physiotherapy modality suitable for PID is –

40. For patients with generalized weakness which test is usefull –
A. Thyroid function
B. Parathyroid function
C. Serum cryoglobulin
D. Serum complement levels

41. Serum uric acid level is higher in —
B. Stills disease
C. Gout
D. None of the above

42. Kreb cycle takes place in —
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondria
C. Outside the cell
D. Ribosome

43. Relaxed passive movement is useful for —
A. Muscle strengthening
B. Improving joint ROM
C. Remembrance of pattern of movement
D. Improving coordination

44. The name of coil used to produce faradlc current in past was —
A. Choke coil
B. Smart Bristow Faradic coil
C. Induction coil
D. None of the above

45. Nodding movement of head is the example of _________ order lever
A. 1st order lever
B. 2nd order lever
C. 3rd order lever
D. 4th order lever

46. Thoracic outlet syndrome in pregnancy is due to —
A. Rounded shoulders which reduces the valid size
B. Fluid retention
C. Elevation of first rib
D. All of the above

47. What should be the temperature of water in hydrotherapy unit —
A. 27 — 35 degree
B. 22 – wing is important 42 degree
C. 32 -35 degree
D. None of the above

48. Which of the following is important for medico legal point of view —
A. Documentation
B. Written informed consent
C. Realization of responsibility
D. All of the above

49. SCM tightness is characterized by –
A. Neck side flexion towards the affected side with rotation to the opposite
B. Neck side flexion towards the sound side with rotation to the affected side
C. Neck side flexion and rotation towards the affected side
D. Neck side flexion and rotation to the sound side

50. All of the following are correct about clavicle except –
A. Only long bone in body to ossify in membrane
B. Only long bone in body which connects limb to axial skeleton
C. Only long bone in body to ossify in intrauterine life
D. Only long bone in body to ossify by endochondral ossification

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