Geology MCQ

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Geology MCQ

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MCQ Question Papers on Geology

1. In comparison to shale, sandstone have _______.
(1) higher porosity & higher permeability
(2) higher porosity & low permeability
(3) low porosity & low permeability
(4) low porosity & higher permeability

2. The most abundant sedimentary rock is
(1) Sandstone
(2) Limestone
(3) Shale
(4) Gypsite

3. Sediments of particle size between 1/16 mm to 1/256 mm are called
(1) Clay
(2) Silt
(3) Sand
(4) gravel

4. Guano deposits are
(1) Chemical deposits
(2) Biological deposits
(3) Residual deposits
(4) None of these

5. Which is the correct order with respect to increasing mineral stability ?
(1) Olivine — Hornblende — Biotite — Augite
(2) Olivine — Augite — Hornblende — Biotite
(3) Augite — Hornblende — Olivine — Biotite
(4) Biotite — Hornblende — Augite — Olivine

6. Stromatolites are formed by _______.
(1) Algae
(2) Foraminifers
(3) Fishes
(4) None of these

7. eH and pH conditions for the formation of pyrite and peat are
(1) eH-0.38& pH <7
(2) eH0.1&pH<7
(3) eH-0.3& pH 7-8
(4) eHO0.3&pH8

8. Arkose is formed by erosion of
(1) Gabbro
(2) Chlorite Schists
(3) Granite
(4) Quartzite

9. Metamorphism is caused due to
(1) change in pressure
(2) change in temperature
(3) change in chemical conditions
(4) All of these

10. Cataclastic metamorphism is caused by
(1) Hydrostatic pressure
(2) Directed pressure
(3) Temperature
(4) Both (1) and (2)

11. Rocks follow __________ under directed pressure.
(1) Riecke’s principle
(2) VontHoff’s principle
(3) Le Chatelier’s principle
(4) Boyle’s Law

12. Magnesium limestone produces __________ on thermal metamorphism.
(1) Quartzite
(2) Granulite
(3) Schist
(4) forsterite marble

13. Uralitization is _________
(1) change of pyroxene to chlorite
(2) change of garnet to chlorite
(3) change of pyroxene to hornblende and epidote or zoisite & quartz
(4) None of these

14. Which of the following rocks is not a product of contact metamorphism ?
(1) Hornfelse
(2) Mylonite
(3) Skarn
(4) Marble

15. Granulites are formed by ________
(1) Thermal metamorphism
(2) Dynamothermal metamorphism
(3) Plutonic metamorphism
(4) Cataclastic metamorphism

16. Anatoxis produces
(1) Migmatites
(2) Granulites
(3) Skarn rock
(4) Marble

17. Which of the following is a stress mineral ?
(1) Andalusite
(2) Cordiesite
(3) Corundum
(4) Kyanite

18. Hydrostatic pressure causes _______,
(1) Decrease in volume only
(2) Increase in density only
(3) Increase in volume and decrease in density
(4) Increase in density and decrease in volume

19. Which of the following is not a correct pair ?
(1) Cataclastic metamorphism — Mylonite
(2) Contact metamorphism — Skarn
(3) Plutonic metamorphism — Granulite
(4) Anatexis — Marble

20. Dynamothermal metamorphism is caused by
(1) Directed pressure only
(2) Uniform pressure and heat
(3) Heat
(4) Heat and directed pressure

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21. Which series is correctly showing progressive metamorphism of shale ?
(1) Shale — Schist — Phyllite -Gneiss — Slate
(2) Shale — Slate — Phyllite — Schist — Gneiss
(3) Shale — Phyllite — Schist — Slate — Gneiss
(4) Shale — Gneiss — Schist — Phyllite — Slate

22. In the Brownian zones of metamaorphism the lowest grade of metamorphism is marked by
(1) Garnet
(2) Biotite
(3) Chlorite
(4) Kyanite

23. Eskola’s facies of metamorphism may be arranged according to increasing grade of metamorphism as
(1) Hornfelse — Sanidinite — Greenschist — Eclogite — Amphibolite Facies
(2) Hornfelse — Sandinite — Greenschist — Amphibolite — Eclogite Facies
(3) Sanidinite — Hornfelse — Greenschist — Amphibolite — Eclogite Facies
(4) Hornfelse — Greenschist — Sanidinite — Amphibolite — Eclogite Facies

24. Number of planets in solar system is
(1) 8
(2) 9
(3) 6
(4) 7

25. Mohorovicic discontinuity is between ________.
(1) upper crust and lower crust
(2) lower crust and upper mantle
(3) upper mantle and lower mantle
(4) lower mantle and core

26. The average density of the earth is
(1) 3.53
(2) 7.57
(3) 5.51
(4) 6.54

27. Himalayan mountain belt has been formed at
(1) constructive plate boundary
(2) destructive plate boundary
(3) conservative plate boundary
(4) None of these

28. Indus (Sindhu) river is a
(1) Consequent stream
(2) Subsequent stream
(3) Antecedent stream
(4) Insequent stream

29. Most destructive and highly explosive volcano is called
(1) Hawain type
(2) Strombolian type
(3) Vulcanian type
(4) Plinian type

30. What was the time period of breakup of Pangea supercontinent according to Wegner ?
(1) Carboniferous period
(2) Triassic period
(3) Jurassic period
(4) Devonian period

31. Andes mountain belt is an example of ____________
(1) collision of oceanic plate and continental plate
(2) collision of continental plate and continental plate
(3) collision between. oceanic plate and oceanic plate
(4) Diversion of plates

32. Example of collision between two oceanic plates is
(1) Himalayan mountain belt
(2) Andes mountain belt
(3) Canadian rocky mountain belt
(4) Japan islands

33. Karst topography is developed by the action of
(1) River
(2) Glacier
(3) Groundwater
(4) Wind

34. U shaped valleys are developed by
(1) River erosion
(2) Glacial erosion
(3) Wind erosion
(4) None of these

35. Pot holes are formed by
(1) Glacial erosion
(2) Wind erosion
(3) River erosion
(4) None of these

36. Which of the following is not formed by deposition work of a river ?
(1) Alluvial fan
(2) Alluvial cone
(3) Delta
(4) Oxbow lake

37. Which of the following is an oceanic erosional landform ?
(1) Coastal cliffs
(2) Beach
(3) Bars
(4) Spit

38. Mushroom rock landform is formed by.
(1) Erosion by river
(2) Erosion by glacier
(3) Erosion by wind
(4) Erosion by groundwater

39. Morains are formed by__.
(1) River
(2) Glacier
(3) Groundwater
(4) Wind

40. Which of the following is a part of mid Atlantic ridge ?
(1) Dolphin ridge
(2) Carlsberg ridge
(3) East Pacific ridge
(4) Central Indian ridge

41. Oldest mineral crystals found on the earth are of__.
(1) Baryte
(2) Garnet
(3) Zircon
(4) Beryl

42. Formation of earliest continental crust is supposed to be during
(1) 4.2—4.8 by a
(2) 3.8-—2.9 by a
(3) 2.9-1.4 by a
(4) 4.2—3.8 by a

43. Sea located between Eurasia and Africa was ________
(1) Arabian sea
(2) Caspian sea
(3) Tethys sea
(4) None of these

44. Hercyanian orogeny occurred during _____
(1) Carboniferous period
(2) Jurassic period
(3) Permian period
(4) Devonian period

45. Caledonian orogeny occurred during ________,
(1) Silurian period
(2) Permian period
(3) Devonian period
(4) Late Cambrian period to mid Devonian

46. The point on the earth surface just above the point of origin of earthquake is called _______,
(1) Focus
(2) Epicenter
(3) Benioff zone
(4) None of these

47. Which of the following is located in Seismic zone V of India ?
(1) Rajasthan
(2) Orissa
(3) West Bengal
(4) Manipur

48. True dip of a bed is always
(1) equal to apparent dip
(2) more than apparent dip
(3) less than apparent dip
(4) None of these