Ayurveda MCQ Questions and Answers Papers | Objective GK Quiz
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Ayurveda MCQ Questions and Answers Papers Practice Set
1. “Nimnadarshananguiyaavpiditapratyaunnamanam” is:
(A) Aamshoph
(B) Pachyamanshoph
(C) Pakvashoph
(D) Updravashoph
2. Boas sign is found in:
(A) Acuteappendicitis
(B) Acute choiecystitis
(C) Inguinal hernia
(D) Femoral hernia
3. Cope’s obturator test is found positive in the following position of appendix:
(A) Retrocaecal
(B) Pelvic
(C) Suboaecai
(D) Paracaecal
4. Raynaud‘s disease is commonly found in:
(A) Old women
(B) Young women
(C) Female child
(D) Both (A) and (B)
5. “Yadatumurchhantiathvapijantvah”— it is said to be for:
(A) Krimikarna
(B) Krimishiroroga
(C) Nasagatakrimi
(D) None of the above
6. “Ksheersarpiprashsantinagyapana cha” it is chikitsa of:
(A) Anantavata
(B) Suryavarla
(C) Shankhaka
(D) All of the above
7. “Ghranatagachhetasalilamsaraktamshiroabhitapah” is:
(A) Krimijshirorog
(B) Raktajpratishyay
(C) Nasagataraktapitta
(D) None of the above
8. According to Shushrut, number of nasa-asthi:
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
9. Shastrasadhyavyadhi is:
(A) Shatghni
(B) Gilayu
(C) Both(A)and (B)
(D) Talupaka
10. According to Acharya Shushrut — “Vaktramvakram Yasmin danlbhan gshchtirvaruka” is:
(A) Bhanjnak
(B) Krimidant
(C) Hanumoksha
(D) Dantharash
Ayurveda MCQ Question Papers |
11. “Netramrugaagrashopham is lakshana of:
(A) Jalasrava
(B) Pooyasrava
(C) Pittasiava
(D) Raktasrava
12. Which of the following test help to differentiate between concomitant and paralytic squint?
(A) Cover-uncovertest
(B) Direct covertest
(C) Alternate cover test
(D) None of the above
13. Normal value of tear film break time range from:
(A) 5-10 Sec.
(B) 10-25 Sec.
(C) 15-20 Sec.
(D) 15-35 Sec.
14. Volume of vitreous is:
(A) 2mI.
(B) 3ml.
(C) 4ml.
(D) 7mI.
15. Lakshan of ritumati is:
(A) Pinnaparsannvadnam
(B) Sphutbhukkuchshroninam
(C) Praklinnatmamukhdvijam
(D) All of the above
16. Asthapanvasti of suramand is given in:
(A) Makkalaroga
(B) Apraapaatan
(C) Leenagarbha
(D) Atiraktsrava
17. Vimuktabandhtvamiwakshsah” is a symptom of:
(A) Parsavapoorvakaliklakshana
(B) Anagataprasava
(C) Prajata
(D) None of the above
18. According to Acharya Charak, types of shand is:
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 5
19. ShramogIanipipasasakthisadanam” is related with:
(A) Ritumati
(B) Sadyograhitgrabha
(C) Prajayini
(D) None of the above
20. “Shonitagarbhasyabeejbhagavyav“ pradosha is:
(A) Bandhya
(B) Putipraja
(C) Putipraj
(D) Trinputruk
21. “Chiiraka usheer hingubhi” chikitse is:
(A) Kunapagandhishukra
(B) Pooyadoshashukra
(C) Purisha Gandhi Shukra
(D) Ksheenashukra
22. “Ghritpindoyathevagnimaashrita hpratmyate | Visraptyaartvamnar
yastathapunsamsamagame” ref. is:
(A) Su.sharir2
(B) Su.sharir 1
(C) Ch.sharir 1
(D) Ch.sharir 3
23. Average weight of uterus is:
(A) 75-80 gram
(B) 20-50 gram
(C) 80-100 gram
(D) 100-130 gram
24. Uterine artery is a branch of:
(A) Externaiiliac
(B) Internaliliac
(C) Common iliac
(D) Abdominal aorta
25. Which one of the following is not for “kaIyanmatrika”?
(A) Karnvedhan
(B) Lehan
(C) Swedan
(D) Snehan
26. According to Kashyapa — Upveshansanskar should be done at the age of:
(A) 4 month
(B) 5 month
(C) 6 month
(D) 7 month
27. Vimmayte cha madhye” is the feature of:
(A) Kukunaka
(B) Skandapasmargrah
(C) Negmesh grah
(D) None of the above
28. “Pitamudgirtiksheeramnaasash-si” wais the feature of:
(A) Kanthashool
(B) Mukhroga
(C) Galagraha
(D) Adhijihvika
29. “Sampurnangamyadagarbhamharte” is the feature of:
(A) Stambhini
(B) Mohini
(C) Kaalratri
(D) None of the above
30. According to Kashyap “dashangghrita” is used in:
(A) Vafajagulma
(B) Pittajaguima
(C) Kaphajagulma
(D) Vatajavisarpa
31. Which medicated ghee is indicated for dantotpatti?
(A) Triphalaghrita
(B) Vachadighrita
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Samangadighrita
32. According to Acharya Sushruta, Ashmari in children is:
(A) Asadhya
(B) Yapya
(C) Krichchhsadhya
(D) Sukhsadhya
33. In Fallot’s tetraIogy E. C. G. shows:
(A) Rt. Axis deviation
(B) Lt. Axis deviation
(C) No Axis deviation
(D) Either (A) or (B)
34. Down’s syndrome is the trisomy of:
(A) 18th chromosome
(B) 13th chromosome
(C) 21st chromosome
(D) 24th chromosome
35. Tridoshaprakopa is a Iakshan of:
(A) Virechanaayoga
(B) Virechanaatiyoga
(C) Vamanaatiyoga
(D) Vasiiatiyoga
36. “Manahprasadana” is a samyak Iakshan of:
(A) Anuvasnavasti
(B) Niruhvasti
(C) Nasya
(D) Vireohana
37. “Jeernaannamekagramupkaremta” is for:
(A) Vasti
(B) Virechan
(C) Asthapanvasti
(D) Vaman
38. Pramana of asthapan vasti at the age of 16 years is:
(A) 10 prasrita
(B) 20 pala
(C) Equal to > 70 years of age
(D) All of the above
39. Ref. of samsarjana karma is:
(A) Kalpana siddhi chapter
(B) Panchkarmiya siddhi chapter
(C) Vasti-sutriya siddhi chapter
(D) Vasti-vyapad siddhi chapter
40. Dosha of vastidaata are:
(A) 8
(B) 10
(C) 15
(D) 20
41. Vyapada of Niruh vasti are:
(A) 12
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) None of the above
42. Complication of Atisara are:
(A) 10
(B) 36
(C) 12
(D) None of the above
43. Number of Anuvasana vasti in Kala vasti are:
(A) 8
(B) 9
(C) 10
(D) 16
44. Which one is not virechana vyapada?
(A) Parikartika
(B) Hridgraha
(C) Adhmana
(D) Hikka
45. Description of Panchakarma in Sushruta samhita is present in:
(A) Sutra sthana
(B) Chikitsa sthana
(C) Uttara tantra
(D) None of the above
46. According to Sushruta, Vastinetra doshas are:
(A) 8
(B) 11
(C) 5
(D) 10
47. Best ‘drug for Kushtha in siddhi sthana:
(A) Ikshvaku
(B) Kritvedhan
(C) Jeemutaka
(D) None of the above
48. “Vasti sarvakala deya” is said for:
(A) Matra vasti
(B) Yapana vasti
(C) Niruh vasti
(D) Anuvasana vasti
49. According to Acharya Charaka types of Nasya Karma is:
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5