Radiographer Technician Questions Answers
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Model Questions and Answers for Radiographer Technician
1) Which of the following does not improve the heat capacity of an X ray tube
A) Rotating anode
B) Thermionic emission
C) Large Focal Spot
D) Small Target Angle
2) Methods of Heat dissipation in X ray tubes is
A) Conduction
B) Convection
C) Radiation
D) All of above
3) Changing the x ray tube current (mA) most likely to modify the x ray beam
A) Maximum Energy
B) Quantity
C) Quality
D) Patient penetration (%)
4) The typical current in x ray tube filament is
A) 4 mA
B) 40 mA
C) 8 A
D) 4 A
5) High ratio grids increase all the following except
A) Required mAs
B) Image Contrast
C) Screen Film speed
D) Patient dose
6) The Image intensifier input phosphor is made of
A) Nal
B) ZnCds
C) Csl
D) Pbl
7) Timer is device which is responsible to
A) Time the Exposure
B) Terminate the exposure
C) Initiate the exposure
D) All of above
8) The function of beam collimator is
A) To regulate the shape and size of beam
B) To decrease the patient dose
C) To improve the quality of radiograph
D) All of above
9) The preferred grid ratio to be used in radiography is
A) 10 : 1
B) 8 : 1
C) 5 : 1
D) 21 : 1
10) Cinefluorography is the process of making record of
A) Images on cine film
B) Images on fluoroscopic screen
C) Images on TV monitor
D) Images on cassettes
11) Diode tube have
A) Single electrode
B) Double electrode
C) Triple electrode
D) All of above
12) The Biliary or excretory system for liver consist of bile duct and
A) Urinary bladder
B) Gall Bladder
C) Pancreas
D) Spleen
13) The recto Sigmoid area is well demonstrated in
A) lateral Decubitus position
B) Chassard — lapine position
C) Double contrast barium Enema
D) Post evacuation Film
14) The strength of Barium sulphate mixture used for barium Meal examination should _be
A) 150% to 160% w/v
B) 90% to 110% w/v
C) 20% to 30% w/v
D) 50% to 60% w/v
15) All pelvic or lower abdomen examination of Ultrasound should be conducted in
A) Full Stomach
B) Empty stomach
C) Empty Urinary Bladder
D) Distended Urinary Bladder
16) The Lumber puncture site for introduction of contrast is
A) Between 4th & 5th lumber vertebra
B) Between 2nd & 3rd lumber vertebra
C) Between 3rd & 4th lumber vertebra
D) any one
17) Regarding radiographic PA view of the thorax:
A) Shoulders are rotated posteriorly
B) Deep inspiration increases radiolucency of lungs.
C) All thoracic vertebrae are clearly visible
D) Central tendon of diaphragm is best recognized
18) A pregnant women radiation worker can work in special radiological procedure
A) Can work but abdomen/pelvis dose should not exceeds 2mSv
B) Should not work in radiation
C) Can work but abdomen/pelvis dose should not exceeds 20mSv
D) Should work and receive 20mSv dose
19) A densitometer is
A) A meter used to measure X-ray intensity
B) An instrument for measuring film density
C) A meter used to measure the density of a material
D) A meter used to measure tube current
20) The flow rate in barium enema can be controlled by
A) Degree of elevation of beg
B) Releasing pressure cuff
C) Gentle manual pressure
D) Any one of A,B and C
21) The gray and white matter can be clearly distinguished in one of the following
A) Cerebral Angiography
B) Ventriculography
C) CT Scan Brain
D) Tomography
22) The presence of stone in ureter may cause
A) Renal Carcinoma
B) Hydronephrosis
C) Enlarge prostate
D) Supra renal tumor
23) For examining children with Tracheoesophageal (TEF) fistula it is preferred to use
A) Use Barium sulphate contrast agent
B) Use Aqueous low-osmolality contrast agent
C) Use any of above contrast agent
D) None of these
24) Flouroscope was invented by
A) W.C. Roentgen
B) H Elohens
C) Thomas Edison
D) Hounsfield
25) During Radiography bony fracture which contains a large crack, will appear on the radiograph as –
A) A dark, intermittent or continuous line
B) A light, irregular line
C) Either a dark or light line
D) A fogged area on the radiograph
26) Adrenaline is used in radio diagnosis to raise
A) Blood Pressure
B) Bowel contractions
C) Muscle contraction
D) None of these
27) Duringlmanual film processing, the purpose of the stop bath is to
A) Change the exposed silver salts to black metallic silver
B) Eliminate most water spot and streaks
C) Neutralize the developer and stop the developing process
D) None of the above
28) Which is not a vital sign
A) Blood Pressure
C) Temperature
D) Pulse Rate
29) While performing radiograph of a patient thin body part should be kept towards
A) Anode
B) Cathode
C) Focusing Cup
D) Both B & C
30) The following substance are not allowed in MRI gantry room during MRI Scan
A) Ferromagnetic substance
B) Para magnetic substance
C) Diamagnetic substance
D) Both A 81 B
31) A wire mesh is used to test
A) Focal Spot Size
B) For Screen Lag
C) Film—Screen Contact
D) Screen Speed
32) Diazepam is a drug used for
A) Increasing BP
B) Decreasing BP
C) Control Heart rate
D) Sedation
33) The use of ………………………. .. during radiography of KUB increases patient dose
A) Grid
B) intensifying screen
C) CR system
D) all of above
34) Optimum patient care includes all the following except
A) Loyalty to the hospital
B) Providing economic and timely service
C) Preventing spread of disease
D) Radiation safety
35) When lifting the heavy patient for radiography, the weight
A) Should be held at 10inches from the center of gravity
B) Should be distributed equally from the gravity line
C) Should be held as close to body as possible
D) Should be held at the right of the center of gravity
36) The preferred contrast media used for Barium Meal Follow Through in case of complete bowl loop obstruction
A) Gadolinium
B) Barium sulphate
C) Gastrografin
D) Ultravist
37) All of the following affect patient dose, except
A) Inherent Filtration
B) Added Filtration
C) Focal Spot Size
D) Source—Image Distance
38) During the planning of the radiology department patient waiting area should be at
A) Entrance of department
B) End of the department
C) Middle of the department
D) Anywhere in the department
39) Increasing the transducer thickness is most likely to increase the sound
A) Frequency
B) Velocity
C) Wavelength
D) Intensity
40) Which is least likely an ultrasound display mode
A) A
B) B
C) T
D) T-M
41) The background colour in radiation protection symbol is
A) Red
B) White
C) Yellow
D) Blue
42) The Breathing rate in humans is
A) 14 to 16 per minute
B) 10 to 12 per minutes
C) 72 to 80 per minute
D) 20 to 24 per minute
43) Which of the following has the highest acoustic impedance
A) Bone
B) Fat
C) Air
D) Water
44) Blackness in processed X-Ray film is due to
A) Silver metal
B) Hydroquinone
C) Silver bromide
D) None of above
45) The plane that passes vertically through the body dividing it into anterior and posterior halves is termed the
A) Midsagittal Plane
B) Midcoronal Plane
C) Sagittal Plane
D) Transverse Plane
46) The lower portion of the costal margin is approximately at the same level as the
A) Mid-Thorax
B) Umbilicus
C) XiphoidTip
D) Third Lumbar Vertebra
47) With the patient recumbent and head positioned at a lower level than the feet, the patient is said to be in the
A) Trendelen Burg Position
B) Fowler Position
C) Decubitus Position
D) Sims Position .
48) Which of the following likely has the longest T2 relaxation time
A) Fat
B) Liver
C) Kidney
49) The largest susceptibility artifacts are likely to be seen between tissue and
A) Air
B) Blood
C) Fat
D) Bone
50) Which of the following is most likely to suppress signals from fat
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