Psychiatry MCQ
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MCQ on Psychiatry
1. Oedipus complex seen at
(1) 1 to 2 years
(2) 3 to 4years
(3) 5 to 6 years
(4) None of the above
2. Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) is a
(1) 15-point scale
(2) 20-point scale
(3) 25-point scale
(4) 30-point scale
3. Highest level of insight is
(1) Intellectual Insight
(2) Emotional Insight
(3) Affective Insight
(4) None of the above
4. Famous Phineas P Gage case was involved in accident in which large iron rod was drawn completely through his head the part of brain affected was most probably
(1) Frontal lobe
(2) Parietal log
(3) Limbic system
(4) Temporal lobe
5. In EEG frequency of waves from 8 to 13 Hz is referred as
(1) Alpha waves
(2) Beta waves
(3) Theta waves
(4) K complexes
6. Which of the following is not a part of limbic system ?
(1) Frontx
(2) Hippocampus
(3) Amygdala
(4) Pineal gland
7. Stranger anxiety is not fully developed in infants until about
(1) 4 months
(2) 6 months
(3) 7 months
(4) 8 months
8. Empty nest syndrome occurs
(1) In unmarried individuals
(2) Only in mother
(3) Only in father
(4) Both parents
9. Normal bereavement reactions does not include
(1) Searching
(2) Satisfaction
(3) Detachment
(4) Reorganization
10. Following is true for Broca’s Aphasia
(1) It is non fluent type
(2) It is fluent type
(3) Auditory comprehension is poor
(4) Naming is good
11. Following is excitatory Amino Acid Neurotransmitter
(1) GABA
(2) Glutamate
(3) Glycine
(4) None of the above
12. Sensorimotor stage of intellectual development postulated by Jean Piaget is divided into
(1) 3 stages
(2) 4 stages
(3) 5 stages
(4) 6 stages
13. John Bowlby a British Psychoanalyst is associated with
(1) Cognitive theory
(2) Modelling theory
(3) Attachment theory
(4) Shaping theory
14. National institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area (NIMH-ECA) survey included
(1) At least 20,000 community and institutional residents
(2) Use of broad non-specific criterion
(3) Non-random samples
(4) No follow-up studies
15. In standard deviation (SD) the normal distribution
(1) ±1 SD includes 65% of population
(2) ±2 SD includes 95% of population
(3) ±3 SD includes 96% of population
(4) ±4 SD includes 99% of population
16. Following is true for Rorschach test
(1) Cards of size 7.5 inches by 9.5 inches
(2) Four of the ink blots are black and white
(3) Cards of sizes 7 by 9.5 inches
(4) Six of the ink blots are coloured
17. Number of proposed chapters in ICD-11 (draft) are
(1) 24
(2) 25
(3) 26
(4) 27
18. Abreaction is process by which
(1) A repressed material is brought back to consciousness
(2) It is accompanied by inappropriate affect
(3) In this process person never recalls
(4) None of the above
19. Aimless plucking or picking usually at bed clothes or clothing is called
(1) Formication
(2) Floccillation
(3) Fausse reconnaissance
(4) Forte deux
20. Ageusia refers to
(1) Impairment of the sense of taste
(2) Impairment of hearing in one ear
(3) Impairment of lacrimation
(4) Impairment of sensation in anatomical half of body
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21. In DSM-IV-TR the abbreviation TR stands for
(1) Temporary Revision
(2) Text Revision
(3) Total Revision
(4) Transit Revision
22. Following is true for classification used in psychiatry
(1) All categories of DSM-5 are found in ICD-10
(2) All categories of DSM-5 are not found in ICD-10
(3) DSM-IV-TR was introduced in 2002
(4) ICD-10 was introduced in 1990
23. DSM-5 has
(1) 19 Major Categories
(2) 20 Major Categories
(3) 21 Major Categories
(4) 22 Major Categories
24. Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale is integral part of
(1) Axis TIT of DSM-IV-TR classification
(2) Axis IV of DSM-IV-TR classification
(3) Axis V of DSM-IV-TR classification
(4) Axis VI of DSM-IV-TR classification
25. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is
(1) 18 item scale
(2) 19 item scale
(3) 20 item scale
(4) 21 item scale
26. Formal thought disorder includes
(1) Flight of ideas
(2) Compulsion
(3) Obsessions
(4) None of the above
27. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) does not have following components
(1) Best Conscious Response
(2) Best Verbal Response
(3) Best Motor Response
(4) None of the above
28. Frontal lobe functioning could be assessed using
(1) Wisconsin card sorting task
(2) Digit span
(3) Cognitive estimate testing
(4) All of the above
29. Argyll-Robertson pupil is seen in
(1) Huntington Chorea
(2) Neurosyphilis
(3) Mushroom use
(4) Sydenham’s Chorea
30. Following Scales are useful in diagnosing depression
(1) Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)
(2) Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
(3) Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A)
(4) Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)
31. Cotard’s syndrome includes
(1) Nhilistic delusions
(2) Hypochondriacal delusions
(3) Occurring in old people
(4) All of the above
32. Couvade syndrome is a type of
(1) Anxiety reaction
(2) Conversion symptom
(3) Memory symptom
(4) Mood symptom
33. Fregoli syndrome has-
(1) Strangers are really familiar people
(2) Family people are replaced with strangers
(3) Strangers are emotionally attached to patient
(4) Delusion of approximation similar to Capgras Syndrome
34. Following neurotransmitter are involved in anxiety disorders
(1) Neuropeptide Y
(2) Galanin
(3) Norepinephrine
(4) All of the above
35. Mitral valve prolapse is some time associated with
(1) Panic disorder
(2) Organic mania
(3) Conduct disorder
(4) Phobic disorder
36. To diagnose panic disorder in
(1) ICD 10 requires 3 attacks in 4 weeks
(2) ICD 10 requires 4 attacks in 4 weeks
(3) DSM-IV-TR requires at least 2 attacks in 4 weeks and concern about having another attack in 4 weeks
(4) RDC criteria requires at least 6 panic attacks during 4-week criteria
37. A 28-year-old secretary climbs 10 flights of stairs daily to reach her office because she is terrified by the thought of being trapped in elevator in reality she was never trapped or had traumatic event in elevator she was terrified since childhood the most probable diagnosis would be
(1) Generalized anxiety disorder
(2) Social phobia
(3) Agoraphobia
(4) Specific phobia
38. A person believes that “If he wishes a person to die, then that person may become actually dead” this is seen in
(1) Schizophrenia
(2) Generalized Anxiety disorder
(3) Obsessive compulsive disorder
(4) Delusional Disorder
39. Most common symptoms associated with OCD in adult
(1) Pathological doubt
(2) Sexual thoughts
(3) Need for symmetry
(4) Aggressive thoughts
40. Not true regarding generalized anxiety disorder is/are
(1) Anhedonia is seen
(2) Free floating anxiety
(3) Last for several days
(4) Autonomic symptoms
41. PANDAS related to streptococcal infection in children is associated with
(1) Obsessive compulsive disorder
(2) Depression
(3) Anxiety
(4) Schizophrenia
42. Which of the following disorder responds both to medical and surgical treatment ?
(1) PTSD
(2) Schizophrenia
(3) OCD
(4) Depression
43. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has lifetime prevalence of as high as
(1) 8%
(2) 10%
(3) 12%
(4) 14%
44. Symptoms of anxiety can be present in
(1) Amphetamine use
(2) Cocaine use
(3) Caffeine use
(4) All of the above
45. In DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder requires symptoms to be present for atleast
(1) 03 Months
(2) 06 Months
(3) 12 Months
(4) 24 Months