Machine Input Output Questions Answers for Examination Preparation
Download all Machine Input Output solved Papers here. The Candidates, who are applying for competitive exam, need to start their preparation as early as possible to gain the right marks in the exam. For that purpose, we are providing Machine Input Output Practice Papers.
We have given the solutions for Machine Input Output model Papers to make your preparation efficient. Click here to download the Machine Input Output sample Papers from the attached pdfs. Along with these Machine Input Output question papers, we have attached Machine Input Output question type for IBPS and Bank PO exam Pattern.
Machine Input Output question Papers in logical reasoning section are available here to download. Aspirants can get Analytical Reasoning Machine Input Output Model Papers from our website. Applicants can download Logical Reasoning Machine Input Output Sample Question with answers in our website for free.
We have provided Logical Reasoning Machine Input Output Solved Question Papers to give proper guidance for the aspirants who are preparing for competitive Exam and entrance exam.
Model Question Papers on Machine Input and Output
Directions (1-5): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A word-number arrangement machine, when given. an input as a set of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule and generates stepwise outputs till the rearrangement is complete following that rule.
Followings is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement till the last step.
Input: pour ask 57 dear 39 fight 17 28
Step I: ask pour 57 dear 39 fight 17 28
Step II: ask 57 pour dear 39 fight 17 28
Step III: ask 57 dear pour 39 fight 17 28
Step IV: ask 57 dear 39 pour fight 17 28
Step V: ask 57 dear 39 fight pour 17 28
Step VI: ask 57 dear 39 fight 28 pour 17
and Step VI is the last output.
As per the rule followed in the above steps find out the answer to each of the following questions:
1. If step II of an input is “cut 917 38 end for 259 46 down”, which of the following will be the 1ast step?
1) V
2) IV
3) VI
4) VII
5) None of these
2. If the IV th step of an input is “ago 85 elite 79 exile fat 26 41”, which of the following will definitely be the IInd step of the input?
1) ago 85 79 elite fat 41 26 exile
2) ago 85 exile elite 41 26 fat 79
3) ago 85 26 exile 41 elite 79 fat
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
3. If the Ist step of an input is “car 17 vas tiger 92 87 like 52”, which of the following will be the IVth step?
1) car 92 like s7 tiger 52 17 vas
2) car 92 like 87 17 vas tiger 52
3) car 92 like 87 tiger 17 vas 52
4) car 92 like 17 vas tiger 87 52
5) None of these
4. Input: zeal for 49 31 high 22 track 1
Which of the following will be the IIIrd step?
1) for 49 high 31 track 22 zeal 12
2) for 49 high 31 zeal 22 track 12
3) for 49 high zeal 31 22 track 12
4) for 49 high 31 track zeal 22 12
5) None of these
5. Input: 19 feat 34 28 dog bag take 43
Which of the following steps would be “bag 43 dog 19 feat 34 28 take”?
1) IInd
2) IVth
3) Ist
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A word arrangement machine when given an input line of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and the steps of rearrangement.
Input: going but for crept te light sir
Step I: crept going but for te light sir
Step II: crept going light but for te sir
Step III: crept going light but for sir te
(Step III is the last step for this input)
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in the given questions the appropriate step for the given input and the rearrangement
6. Input: the in car as he may me
Which of the following will be the third step for this input?
1) car the in as he may me
2) car may the as in he me
3) car as may he the in me
4) car may the in as he me
5) None of these
7. If the second step of an input is ‘clever remand window sales batch tiger never’ which of the following will be its sixth step?
1) clever remand window batch sales tiger never
2) window remand clever sales batch tiger never
3) batch never sales tiger clever remand window
4) clever remand window tiger batch sales never
5) It cannot have sixth step
8. If the input is ‘true se veto be nuke my like’,
which of the following will be the IV step?
1) like nuke true veto be se my
2) be my like se true veto nuke
3) be my se like true veto nuke
4) veto true nuke like so be my
5) Cannot be determined
9. Input: ‘more fight cats cough sough acts idea’,
Which of the following steps would be the last step for this input?
1) III
2) IV
3) V
4) VI
5) VII
10. If the V step of an input is ‘more pure soft cat not so sir at’, what will be the II step?
1) at so more pure cat not soft sir
2) more pure soft so sir cat at not
3) more pure soft cat so sir at not
4) more so sir soft pure cat at not
5) Cannot be determined
More Practice Questions on Logical Reasoning
Directions (Q. 11-17): Study the following information to answer the questions given below:
A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input: 48 245 182 26 99 542 378 297
Step1: 542 48 245 18226 99 378 297
Step II: 542 26 48 245 182 99 378 297
Step III: 542 26 378 48 245 182 99 297
Step IV: 542 26 378 48 297 245 182 99
Step V: 542 216 3;8 48 297 99 245 1182
This is the final arrangement and step V is the last step for this input.
11. What will the fourth step for an input whose second step is given below?
Step: 765 42 183 289 5§12 65 110 350
1) 765 42 542 3’50 183 289 65 110
2) 765 42 542 6.5 110183 289 350
3) 765 42 542 65 183 289110 350
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
12. What should be the third step of the following input?
Input: 239 123 58 361 495 37
1) 495 37 361 123 239 58
2) 495 37 58 361 123 239
3) 495 37 58 123 361239
4) 495 37 361 239 123 58
5) None of these
13. How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?
Input: 39 88 162 450 386 72 29
1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) Six
5) None of these
14. What should be the last step of the following input?
Input: 158 279 348 28 326 236
1) 348 28 326 158 279 236
2) 348 28 326 236 158 279
3) 348 28 236 158 279 326
4) 348 28 158 326 236 279
5) None of these
15. If the first step of an input is
785 198 32 426 373 96 49
then which of the following step will be
785 32 426 49 198 373 96 ?
1) Third
2) Fourth
3) Fifth
4) Second
5) None of these
16. Below is given the second step of an input. What will be its fourth step?
Step II: 298 12 128 36 212 185
1) 298 12 212 128 36 185
2) 298 12 212 36 128 185
3) 298 12 36 212 128 185
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
17. Below is given the third step of an input. What will be its second step?
Step III: 387 42 236 185 92 64
1) 387 42 185 236 92 64
2) 387 42 92 185 236 64
3) 387 42 185 92 236 64
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these
Directions (18-24) Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps arrangement.
Input: 25 280 345 36 93 147 550
Step I: 550 280 345 36 93 147 25
Step II: 550 345 280 36 93 147 25
This is the final arrangement and Step III is the last for this input.
18. If ‘842 485 68 358 236 123 93’ is the second step of an input, which of the following steps will be ‘842 485 358 236 123 68 93’?
1) Fourth
2) Fifth
3) Sixth
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
19. How many steps will be required to get the final output from the following input?
Input: 78 293 585 740 64 132 26
1) 4
2) 5
3) 3
4) 5
5) None of these
20. What will be the third step for the following input?
Input: 113 18 48 225 462 175 288
1) 462 288 48 225 113 175 18
2) 462 288 225 175 113 48 18
3) 462 225 288 48 113 175 18
4) 462 288 225 48 113 175 18
5) None of these
21. If following is the first step for an input, what will be the fourth step?
Step I: 498 175 292 96 79 387 158
1) 498 387 292 175 158 79 96
2) 498 387 292 175 96 158 79
3) 498 387 292 175 158 96 79
4) 498 387 292 175 79 158 96
5) None of these
22. Following is the step II for an input. What will be the first step for the input?
Step II: 595 438 28 142 38 65 289
1) 595 28 438 142 38 65 289
2) 595 438 142 28 38 65 289
3) 595 28 142 438 38 65 289
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
23. What will be the second step for the following input?
Input: 158 294 22 89 142 385 463
1) 463 385 294 22 89 142 158
2) 463 385 89 22 142 294 158
3) 463 385 22 89 142 158 294
4) 463 385 22 142 89 158 294
5) None of these
24. Which of the following is the last step for the following input?
Input: 145 227 900 49 116 243 356
1) 900 356 243 227 49 145 116
2) 900 356 243 227 145 116 49
3) 900 356 227 243 145 116 49
4) 900 356 243 227 116 145 49
5) None of these
Directions (25-30): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below
A number sorting machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges the numbers in a particular manner step by step as indicated below till all the numbers are arranged in a particular order. Given below is an illustration of this arrangement:
Input: 39 121 48 18 76 112 14 45 63 96
Step I: 14 39 121 48 18 76 112 45 63 96
Step II: 14 39 48 18 76 112 45 63 96 121
Step III: 14 18 39 48 76 112 45 63 96 121
Step IV: 14 18 39 48 76 45 63 96 112 121
Step V: 14 18 39 45 48 76 63 96 112 121
Step VI: 14 18 39 45 48 63 76 96 112 121
(This is the final arrangement and Step V1 is the last step for this input)
25. If following is the fifth step of an input, what will be the third step?
Step V: 17 32 43 82 69 93 49 56 99 106
1) 17 32 43 82 69 93 49 56 99 106
2) 17 32 82 69 43 93 49 56 99 106
3) 17 32 82 69 93 43 49 56 99 106
4) 17 32 82 69 43 93 56 49 99 106
5) Can’t be determined
26. How many steps will be required for getting the final output for the following input?
Input: 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 25 115 74
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
5) None of these
27. Which of the following will be the third step for the following input?
Input: 45 78 97 131 28 16 146 54 99 112
1) 16 28 45 78 97 146 54 99 112 132
2) 16 28 45 97 78 54 99 112 132 146
3) 16 28 45 78 97 132 54 99 112 146
4) 16 28 45 97 78 132 99 54 112 146
5) None of these
28. If the second step for an input is as given below, what will be the fifth step for the same input?
Step II: 22 49 32 88 69 132 101 185
1) 22 32 49 88 69 101 132 185
2) 22 32 69 49 88 101 132 185
3) 22 32 49 69 101 88 132 185
4) 22 32 49 88 69 132 101 185
5) None of these
29. What will be the last step for the following input?
Input: 138 63 49 93 89 122 32 71
1) 32 49 71 63 89 93 122 138
2) 32 49 63 71 93 89 122 138
3) 32 49 63 71 89 93 122 138
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
30. What will be the step III for the following input?
Input: 68 182 39 93 129 46 21 58
1) 21 39 68 93 129 46 58 182
2) 21 39 68 129 93 46 58 182
3) 32 68 39 93 129 46 58 182
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these