Dermatology MCQ

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Dermatology MCQ

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MCQ on Dermatology

1. An atopic child having itchy papule at site of vaccination on 3 day with 3 rapid dissemination to atopic sites diagnosis is
(1) Contagious pustulardermatosis
(2) Eczema herpeticum
(3) Eczema vaccinatum
(4) Impetigo

2. Which of the following is not a contraindication for Ivermectin ?
(1) Pregnancy
(2) <20kg child
(3) <15kg child
(4) Lactation

3. All are differential diagnosis of red Pruritic rash of palm except :
(1) Coxsackie infection
(2) Secondary syphilis
(3) Ehrlichiosis
(4) Rocky mountain fever

4. Red pruritic papules in the clothed area within swimming suit self limiting-triggered by mechanical stimuli
(1) Erythema migrans
(2) Larva currens
(3) Sea bathers eruptions
(4) Larva migrans

5. Which statement is wrong about atrophic scar ?
(1) Brown Pseudoscars seen in diabetic patient
(2) Exposure to ionizing radiation give rise to very striking combination of atrophic pigmentation in telengactasia (poikiloderma)
(3) These are associated with growth spurts
(4) Viral infection such as varicella can leave a widespread scar

6. Which statement is wrong regarding acrodermatitischronicaatrophicans ?
(1) Oral antibiotic is the ist line of treatment
(2) Early cutaneous lesion is erythema chronicamigrans
(3) Late manifestation of syphilis
(4) Present as dull red nodules/plaque on leg

7. Which one is not included in superficial fibromatosis ?
(1) Dupytrens contracture
(2) Peyronie disease
(3) Knuckle pad
(4) Keloid

8. Which is not associated with scleroderma like syndrome ?
(1) Vinyl chloride
(2) Dust
(3) Aromatic hydrocarbons
(4) Arsenic

9. Which of these mediators correlates with disease severity in acute atopy ?
(1) IL 36
(2) IL 19
(3) IL 22
(4) IL 31

10. Retinoid that has receptor activity in both RAR & RXR in all subunits (α, β, ȣ) with slight RXR affinity ?
(1) Alitretinoin
(2) Adapalene
(3) Isotretinoin
(4) Acetretin

11. Which of the following is an immunological stimuli for mast cell degranulation ?
(1) Opiates
(2) Cytokines
(4) Beta-lactum antibiotic

12. Unilateral hypekeratoses nipple with V-shaped longitudinal splitting of nails is seen in ?
(1) Hailey-Hailey disease
(2) Grover’s disease
(3) Dowling Meara syndrome
(4) Darier Disease

13. Major criteria for diagnosing pyodermagangrenosum all except
(1) Rapid progression of painful necrolytic ulcer
(2) Undermine irregular border
(3) Sterile dermal neutrophilia
(4) Excluding other causes of cutaneous ulcer

14. Senear Caro ridge is found in
(1) Striate keratoderma
(2) Liner morphea
(3) Psoriasis
(4) Keratosis pilaris

15. Pheonix I trial is for
(1) Ustekimumab
(2) Etemacept
(3) Adalimumab
(4) Infliximab

16. Ball in claw appearance in histopathology
(1) Lichen planus
(2) Lichenoid reaction
(3) Lichen nitidus
(4) FDE

17. Burning skin and onycholysis are seen as a side effect of which treatment ?
(1) Methotrexate
(2) Dithranon
(3) Fumaric acid ester
(4) PUVA

18. Asymptomatic yellow plaques in palm and soles with violaceous flat papules on face was seen in a 30 year old patient. Which of the following is highly likely to be found according to your suspicion ?
(1) Pup tenting of nail with pterygium
(2) Longitudinal ridging and V splitting
(3) Transgradiens to dorsa of foot
(4) Opera glass deformity

19. First line treatment of Pityriasisrubrapilaris (PRP) is
(1) TNF alfa antagonist
(2) Methotrexate
(3) Acetretin
(4) UVB

20. Which of these is not a differential diagnosis in a patient who developed erythematous blanching macules in palm soles and ears and diarrhea 3 weeks post hematopoetic stem cell transplant and was photoaggravated ?
(1) Chemo mucositis
(2) Acute Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD)
(3) Viral exanthemata due to immunosuppression
(4) Sclerodermoid GVHD

21. Which of these is a exogenous disease ?
(1) Koebnerization response
(2) Asteatotic dermatitis
(3) Chronic superficial scaly dermatitis
(4) Juvenile plantar dermatoses

22. What is oidoid disease is variant of ?
(1) Lichenoid reaction
(2) Discoid petaloid variant
(3) Discoid exudative eczema
(4) Tylotic eczema

23. Which of the following is not a clinical feature of Id reaction ?
(1) Erythema annular centrifugum
(2) Erythema nodosum
(3) Erythroderma
(4) Isolated finger erythema

24. Multiple seborrheickeratoses present over resolved eczema is known as
(1) Lesertrelat sign
(2) Michel murray warts
(3) Murray William warts
(4) Koebner’s wart

25. Which of these is not a variant of seborrheicdermatoses ?
(1) Redeye
(2) Endogenous vulvar dermatitis
(3) Psoriasiform napkin dermatitis
(4) Medial canthus dermatitis

26. Most common bone involved in Histiocytosis ?
(1) Hands
(2) Feet
(3) Skull vault
(4) Clavicle

27. Which of the following could be a possible ocular complication in atopic eczema ?
(1) Anterior subluxation
(2) Choroiditis
(3) Keratoconus
(4) Interstitial keratitis

28. Which of the following is a true allergen causing urticaria ?
(1) Sulphites in white wine
(2) Histamine in scrombroid fish
(3) Wheat dependent exercise induced urticaria
(4) None

29. Patient with Lipschultz ulcer with monospot positive induced urticaria is likely to have which of the following type of urticaria ?
(1) Aquagenicurticaria
(2) Solar urticaria
(3) Cold urticaria
(4) Dermographism

30. 24 year old female with VDRL 1 : 4 positive was diagnosed with hypocomplementimeicvasculitisby a physician, this patient is likely to have which of the following disease ?
(1) Sarcoid
(2) Lupus vulgaris
(3) Lupus erythematosus
(4) Melanoma

31. Batemen iris is seen in which of the following ?
(1) Erythema multiforme
(2) Erythema nodosum
(3) Erythema abagne
(4) Granuloma multiforme

32. Recurrent multiple non scarring oral and scarring genital aphthosis in a 27 year old female is further evaluated and non erosiveseronegative-oligoarthritis of knee and ankle is diagnosed. All are relevant skin finding except ?
(1) Erythema nodosum like lesion
(2) Pyodermagangrenosum like lesion
(3) Acneformfolliculocentric-pustuloses
(4) Pustularvasculitic lesion

33. Circulating IgA against democollin will led to all except ?
(1) Sneddon syndrome
(2) Pemphigousherpetiformis
(3) IgA pemphigous superficial variant
(4) Sneddonwilkinsons disease

34. Which of the following Antibody is specific indictor of congential heart block in Neonatal LE ?
(1) SS-A/Ro
(2) SS-B/La
(4) APLA

35. Which of the following is an irreversible eye finding to anticipate while prescribing anti-malarials ?
(1) Paracentralscotoma
(2) Central scotoma
(3) Corneal deposits
(4) Peri-central scotoma

36. Highest risk of drug induced lupus is due to ?
(1) Minocycline
(2) Procainamide
(3) Methyl dopa
(4) Phenytoin

37. All are the diagnostic criteria of bullous lupus erythematoses except ?
(1) DIF positive Granular and linear depositis
(2) Histopathological evidence of subepidermal blister
(3) Bullous lesions arising from sun exposed area
(4) Clinical Diagnosis of SLE fulfilling ARA criteria

38. In LE-Erythema multiforme syndrome, all of the following antibodies/pattern are seen except ?
(1) Anti-Ro
(2) Anti-La
(3) Speckled pattern in DIF
(4) Rheumatoid factor

39. Mutation seen in bathing suit icthyosis ?
(1) FLG mutation
(2) TGM mutation
(3) ALOX mutation
(4) Steroid sulfatase deficiency

40. Brown superficial scales at birth with moulting of scales limited to navel and dorsal hands as the child grows up with keratin 2
(1) Icthyosishystrix
(2) Mendes de costa
(3) CRIE
(4) Icthyosisbullosa of Siemens

41. To define diffuse systemic sclerosis, what is the peak systemic sclerosis score ?
(1) MRSS < 14
(2) MRSS>9
(3) MRSS > 21
(4) MRSS > 14

42. Which of these is not a variant of keratosis pilaris ?
(1) Atrophodermavermiculata
(2) Erythromelanosesfollicularisfaceiet Colli
(3) Follicular keratoses with spinulosa and decalvans
(4) Keratosesfollicularis

43. Chromosomal mutation in Darier disease is ?
(1) ATP 2A2-Chromosome 13
(2) ATP 2C1-Chromosome 3
(3) ATP 2A2-Chromosome 12
(4) ATP 2C1-Chromosome 12

44. Comedo like neck lesions with pitted perioral acneform scar is characteristic for ?
(1) Dowling degos disease
(2) Reticulate pigmentation of Kitamura
(3) Griscellipuneras syndrome
(4) Cross syndrome

45. What is the true statement on Sturge Weber Syndrome ?
(1) Trigeminal branch V1
(2) Trigeminal branch V2
(3) Trigeminal branch V3
(4) All of the above

46. Keloids is a part of
(1) McCune Albright syndrome
(2) Prader Willi syndrome
(3) Rubinstein taybi syndrome
(4) Carney complex

47. Cerebriform plantar collagenoma is feature of
(1) Michelin tyre baby
(2) Proteus syndrome
(3) Buschkeollendorf syndrome
(4) Angora hair nevus

48. Café au lait spots are seen in all except ?
(1) Ataxia telangiectasia
(2) Mccune Albright syndrome
(3) Fanconi anemia
(4) Cockayne syndrome

49. Patient 43 years having difficulty talking and eating, breathing with multiple petechia and few bulla over limb, and Russell body in bone marrow aspirate smear examination. What other finding could be related to this case ?
(1) SAA
(2) Beta 2 microglobulin
(3) Gelsolin
(4) Immunoglobulin light chain

50. Which of these is not a variant of popular amyloid ?
(1) Poikilodermatous
(2) Maculopapular
(3) Lichenoid-vesicular
(4) Amyloid cutis dyschromia

51. Which of the following tumor is most commonly associated with Stewart trevessyndrome ?
(1) Pilomatricoma
(2) Basal cell carcinoma
(3) Epidermoid
(4) Angiosarcoma

52. Painful purpuric areas on thighs and lower limb in 14 year old boy who complained of pain abdomen and arthralgia. What is the likely to be found on histopath ?
(1) IgE depositis in vessel wall
(2) IgA depositis in vessel wall
(3) IgG4 depositis in vessel wall
(4) IgG1 depositis in vessel wall

53. Fluorescent teeth on wood’s lamp is suggestive of
(1) Acute intermittent porphyria
(2) EPP (ErythroProtopoeiticporphyria)
(3) CEP
(4) Variegate porphyria

54. Lipemiaretinalis and acute pancreatitis are associated with which of the following ?
(1) Tendon xanthoma
(2) Planar xanthoma
(3) Eruptive xanthoma
(4) Tuberous xanthoma

55. Festooning of papilla and caterpillar bodies are histopathological hallmark of which porphyria ?
(1) AIP
(2) PCT
(3) CEP
(4) Gunther disease

56. Peculiar rosy reddening of the face and sometimes hands and feet which is mostly asyptomatic found in long standing diabetes is known as
(1) Erythromelalgia
(2) Rubeosis
(3) Chill blains
(4) Erysipeloid

57. Which of the following perforating dermatosis is found in EhlerDanlossyndrome ?
(1) Verrucous perforating collagenoma
(2) Elastosisperforansserpiginosa
(3) Familial RPC
(4) Acquired RPC

58. Perifollicular haemorrhage is classical for which of the following vitamin deficiency ?
(1) Vitamin C
(2) Vitamin K
(3) Vitamin A
(4) Vitamin D

59. Cholestaticpruritis is mediated by
(1) Endorphins
(2) Dynorphins
(3) IL 31
(4) VIP

60. Unilateral pruritis of face is an early sign of
(1) CNS tumour
(2) Hepato-cellular carcinoma
(3) Migraine
(4) Tension Headache