ENT Questions and Answers for Medical Students
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ENT Questions and Answers for Preparation
1. The First visceral cleft give all of the following except.
A) Outer layer of the tympanic membrane.
B) The auricle.
C) The external auditory canal.
D) The fibrous layer of the tympanic membrane
2. Greisinger‘s sign means
A) Pain over the tempromandibular joint
B) Pain in the eye
C) Pain and tenderness over the posterior part of the mastoid.
D) Pain and tenderness over the auricle
3. On ear examination a red mass is seen behind the tympanic membrane which blanches on compression by pneumatic otoscope. This sign is called
A) Griesinger‘s sign
B) Schwartz sign
C) Brown’s sign
D) Moor’s sign
4. Malignant otitis externa is
A) Truly malignant disease eroding the external canal
B) Is most commonly seen in elderly uncontrolled diabetics
C) Staphylococcus aureus is the causative organism
D) None of the above
5. The following organisms are involved in acute otitis media except
A) Streptococcus pneumonia
B) Hemophilus influenza
C) Pseudomonas aeroginosa
D) Morexella cararrhalis
6. A positive Kernig sign means
A) Reflex flexion of the hips and knees when the neck is flexed
B) Inability to extend the knee completely when the hip is flexed on the abdomen
C) Inability to do rapid ulternating movement
D) None of the above
7. In a case of cholesteatoma, severe spontaneous vertigo with Nausea and vomiting is suspicious of
A) Circumscribed peri-labyrinthitis
B) Diffuse serous labyrinthitis
C) Extradural abscess
D) Petrositis
8. Conductive deafness in longitudinal temporal bone fracture may be due to:
A) Rupture of the tympanic membrane
B) Ossicular disruption.
C) None of the above.
D) Both a and b
9. After mastoidectomy operation, facial nerve paralysis was observed after recovery from anesthesia,
A) Steroids and follow up are only required.
B) immediate surgical exploration is needed.
C) Surgical exploration is made after electro diagnostic tests.
D) Giving steroids and removing the ear pack is usually successful.
10. The following have an ototoxic effect except
A) Gentamycin
B) Frusemide
C) Amoxicilline
D) Quinine
11. An infant with bilateral choanal atresia presents with
A) Secretory otitis media
B) Respiratory distress.
C) Epistaxis
D) Stridor
12. On histopathological examination, the most diagnostic cells of rhinoscleroma are
A) Monocytes
B) Russel’s bodies
C) Miculicz cells
D) Lymphocytes
13. Tuberculosis affects which part of the nasal septum
A) Both cartilaginous and bony
B) Cartilaginous
C) Never affects the septum
D) Bony portion
14. Saddle nose may be due to the following except:
A) Overresection of septal cartilage
B) Syphilis.
C) Septal abcess.
D) Rhinosceleroma.
15. The nasopharynx takes its sensory nerve supply from
A) Trigeminal nerve
B) Glossopharyngeal nerve
C) Vagus nerve
D) None of the above
16. The earliest and commonest complication of diphtheria is
A) Heart failure
B) Palatal paralysis.
C) Laryngeal obstruction
D) Acute nephritis
17. The Fossa of Rosenmullar is the common site for
A) Angiofibroma
B) Lipoma
C) Adenoid
D) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
18. All of the following are precancerous lesions except
A) Plummer Vinson syndrome
B) Leukoplakia
C) Adult solitary papilloma of the larynx
D) Juvenile multiple papillomatosis of the larynx
19. The only abductor muscle in the larynx is:
A) Sternothyroid muscle
B) Lateral cricoarynoid muscle
C) Cricothyroid muscle.
D) Posterior cricoarynoid muscle
20. Classical triad of chronic tonsillitis include all, except
A) Flushing of ant.tonsillar pillar
B) Cheese test positive
C) Tonsillar hypertrophy
D) Non tender cervical lymphandenopaty
21. The cricothyroid muscles has its nerve supply from
A) The external laryngeal nerve
B) The internal laryngeal nerve
C) The recurrent laryngeal nerve
D) None of the above.
22. The causative organism of acute epiglottitis is
A) Streptococcus pnemoniae
B) Hemophylus influenza
C) Staph aureus
D) Morexella cattrhalis.
23. The aim of Hemlich‘s Manoeuvre is to
A) Move the larynx from side to side to assess for laryngeal click.
B) Apply a sudden subdiaphragmatic upward thrust to produce artificial cough.
C) Forward pull of the mandible to clear the upper airway
D) None of the above is true.
24. A foreign body in the bronchus
A) Is lodged in the left bronchus more than the right bronchus.
B) Mostly seen in adults
C) Chest x ray is recommended
D) None of the above.
25. “Trotter’s Tried” comprises of all except
A) SN hearing Loss.
B) Neuralgia
C) Neck Nodes
D) Otitis media with effusion.