Panchakarma Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on Panchakarma
1. Sanshodhan is indicated in Ashtanga Hridaya for –
(1) Sthaulya
(2) Hridayamaya
(3) Atisara
(4) All of the above
2. Sharangdhar has indicated the complication developed if Virechana is administered without prior Vamana –
(1) Pravahika
(2) Gaurava
(3) Mandagni
(4) All of the above
3. What procedure should be adopted for the condition where Virechana has to be administered without Vamana Karma?
(1) Firstly Pachana Karma is administered for kapha
(2) Firstly Langhan Karma is administered for kapha
(3) Firstly Kunjala Karma is administered to remove Kapha
(4) All of the above
4. Which of the following waves of ECG represent repolarization?
(1) P Wave
(2) QRS complex
(3) RS Wave
(4) T Wave
5. The classical ECG changes in Myocardial Infarction (MD) are –
(1) T wave inversion
(2) ST-segment elevation
(3) Development of an abnormal Q wave
(4) All of the above
6. Haberden’s nodes is typically found in –
(1) Osteoarthritis
(2) Gout
(3) Systemic Vasculitis
(4) Hypercholesterolemia
7. In Kupita Dosha Avastha, following procedure can be administered –
(1) Langhana & Pachana
(2) Brimhana
(3) Doshavasechana
(4) Shamana
8. Ataxic gait is found in –
(1) Cerebellar disease
(2) Hemiplegia
(3) Parkinson’s disease
(4) Arthritis
9. Rusty color sputum is the characteristic of –
(1) Pneumococcal lobar pneumonia
(2) Asthma
(3) Bronchogenic Carcinoma
(4) Pulmonary tuberculosis
10. Spontaneous fractures in long bones is caused by –
(1) Secondary Carcinoma
(2) Multiple Myeloma
(3) Hyperparathyroidism
(4) All of the above
11. ‘If investigators rejects a null hypothesis that is actually true in the population, then it is called –
(1) Type I error
(2) Type II error
(3) Power of the study
(4) Level of the significance
12. Following is the type of analytical studies –
(1) Cross sectional
(2) Cohort
(3) Randomized controlled trial
(4) All of the above
13. The main purpose of Phase-II clinical trial is –
(1) evaluate safety
(2) to monitor adverse effects
(3) determine efficacy
(4) to monitor effectiveness
14. Sample size is depend on the following factor –
(1) Degree of difference
(2) Level of significance
(3) Power of study
(4) All of the above
15. Which study among these has the weakest Strength to prove “causation of the disease”?
(1) Randomized controlled trial
(2) Cohort study
(3) Case control study
(4) Cross sectional study
16. Yapana Basti is mainly used for –
(1) Kamala
(2) Kumbha kamala
(3) Halimaka
(4) Swasa
17. Pichha Basti can be used for –
(1) Virechana Atiyoga
(2) Asthapana Atiyoga
(3) Gulma
(4) All of the above
18. Which modality should precede shoulder stretching in a patient with adhesive capsulitis?
(1) Massage
(2) Ice pack
(3) Electrical stimulation
(4) Ultrasound
19. The most common mechanism for Achilles tendon rupture is –
(1) active dorsiflexion
(2) active plantar flexion
(3) passive dorsiflexion
(4) passive plantar flexion
20. When combined with active Range of Motion (ROM) exercise, which modality can improve hand function in individuals with scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?
(1) Transcutancous electrical nerve stimulation
(2) Therapeutic ultrasound
(3) Cryotherapy
(4) Paraffin baths
Kayachikitsa | Shalakya Tantra |
Dravyaguna Vigyan | Panchakarma |
Rachana Sharir | Shalya Tantra |
Prasuti Tantra | Rog Nidan |
Kriya Sharir | Agad Tantra |
21. Which recreational activity is contraindicated following a total knee arthroplasty?
(1) Hiking
(2) Power walking
(3) Jogging
(4) Cycling
22. The treatment program for a 43 year old patient during the first week following an impacted humeral neck fracture should include —
(1) Immobilization
(2) active assisted range of motion
(3) active range of motion
(4) surgery
23. According to Ashtanga Sangraha, the use of Teekshana Dhooma is advised in which vegavidharan treatment?
(1) Trishna
(2) Chhardi
(3) Retas
(4) Kshavathu
24. According to Ashtanga Sangraha, “Pratamyati nare chaiv vamanarth tadishyate” is reference of –
(1) Jimutaka
(2) Kritavedhana
(3) Ikshvaku
(4) Madanaphala
25. According to Acharya Charaka, how much time after Vamana Dhum Paan should be performed?
(1) One Muhurta
(2) One Day
(3) One Prahar
(4) Sadhya
26. “Malapaham Rogaharanam Balvarana Prashadam” reference mentioned in…………
(1) Charaka Sutra Sthana
(2) Sushruta Chikitsa Sthana
(3) Charaka Sidhi Sthana
(4) Charaka Vimana Sthana
27. According to Ashtanga Sangraha, which kind of dravya Madanphala is mentioned?
(1) Vamaka
(2) Virechak
(3) Niruhan
(4) Both (1) & (3)
28. According to Sushruta, which part of kovidaar is used for Urdhva Bhaghara karma?
(1) Bark
(2) Leaves
(3) Flower
(4) Root
29. Charaka has indicated Phalini herb ‘Kutaja’ for the Karma of –
(1) Vamana and Asthapana
(2) Vamana and Virechana
(3) Vamana and Nasya
(4) Nasya and Shirovirechana
30. According to Acharya Charaka, which two seasons Madanaphala collection should be done?
(1) Varsha and Sharada
(2) Sharada and Hemanta
(3) Vasanta and Grishma
(4) Grishma and Varsha
31. Acharya Chakradatta has given vamaka yoga for “Garavisha”’-
(1) Madanphala with honey
(2) Kutaja phala with honey
(3) Tamraraja with honey
(4) Loharaja with honey
32. According to Ashtanga Samgraha, the madhyama pramana of shringa yantra is –
(1) 08 Angula
(2) 10 Angula
(3) 12 Angula
(4) 06 Angula
33. For Siravedha in Asthi ashrita sira, the type of Shastra indicated in Ashtanga Samgraha is?
(1) Aara
(2) Kutharika
(3) Brih-mukha
(4) Kartari
34. According to Acharya Sushruta, which one is to be taken among following before Raktamokshana?
(1) Yavagu
(2) Picchila anna
(3) Laghu anna
(4) All of the above
35. ‘Vatikottar Vatikanam’, this reference indicates for which type of Sweda?
(1) Parisheka Sweda
(2) Avagaha Sweda
(3) Jentak Sweda
(4) Shankar Sweda
36. According to Acharya Sushruta, how should Aalepa applied?
(1) Pratiloma
(2) Anuloma
(3) Both (1) or (2)
(4) Circular
37. As per Sushruta, _…………..svedam prayunjcet tatha hrinmushkadrishtishu.
(1) Mridu
(2) Madhyam
(3) Teekshna
(4) Any one
38. “Ushna Sheeto va Bahaloabahuravishoshi cha”. this reference is related to –
(1) Aalepa
(2) Pralepa
(3) Pradeha
(4) All of the above
39. “Kaphaharam Medasah Pravilayanam Anga Sthairya – Twak Prasadanam”, these are related to –
(1) Snan
(2) Anna Paan
(3) Udavartana
(4) Vyayama
40. The synonym of Pinda Sweda is –
(1) Sankara sweda
(2) Prastara sweda
(3) Nadi sweda
(4) Avagaha sweda
41. According to Sushruta, “Na Cha Ratrau Prayunajeet”, this reference is related to –
(1) Aalepa
(2) Pralepa
(3) Pradeha
(4) None of the above
42. According to Vagbhatta, Ruksha Purvaka Sneha Sweda is indicated in the condition of –
(1) Amashaya gata vata and Pakvashya gata kapha
(2) Pakvashaya gata vata and Amashaya gata kapha
(3) Amashaya gatas pitta and Pakvashaya gata vata
(4) Amashaya gata kapha and Pakvashaya gata pitta
43. According to Sharangadhara, Navel should be immersed in Kwatha for Avagahana is –
(1) 2 Angula
(2) 4 Angula
(3) 6 Angula
(4) 8 Angula
44. According to Acharya Vagbhatta, what is carried (Dharan) by sweda?
(1) Rasa Dhatu
(2) Mamsa Dhatu
(3) Lasika
(4) Kleda
45. “Vyayamo maithunam madyam madhuni shishirambu cha” is said to be Apathya in –
(1) Anuvasana Basti
(2) Nuiruha Basti
(3) Yapana Basti
(4) Uttar Basti
46. In which month Nirvha vasti should be advised to garbhini according to Charaka”
(1) Fifth month
(2) Sixth month
(3) Seventh month
(4) Eighth month
47. Hritprapti is the symptom of vyapad of –
(1) Vamana
(2) Virechana
(3) Niruha Basti
(4) None of the above
48. Which one of the following is Vrishya Basti?
(1) Siddha Basti
(2) Prasritika Basti
(3) Yapana Basti
(4) Rakta Basti
49. How many Basti should be given in Kala Basti according to Chakrapani?
(1) 15
(2) 14
(3) 16
(4) 18
50. In which vegavarodh treatment Trividh Vasti Karma is indicated?
(1) Purish
(2) Mutra
(3) Apan Vayu
(4) Shukra
51. As per Acharya Charaka, Anuvasana Vasti is prepared from Ghrita Manda is indicated in –
(1) Upadrava
(2) Parikartika
(3) Jeevadana
(4) Stambha
52. Kashyapa has indicated Phala Taila in the management of –
(1) Niruha’s Upadrava
(2) Udavarta
(3) Mutraghata
(4) All of the above
53. According to Sushruta, Anuvasana Vasti should be given in Ruksha person suffering from Vata Roga at –
(1) Ratri
(2) Aparahn
(3) Purvahn
(4) Madhyahn
54. According to Sushruta, how many Angula, Basti netra should be inserted in Urethra of Male during administration of Uttar Basti?
(1) 4 Angula
(2) 5 Angula
(3) 6 Angula
(4) 8 Angula
55. Complications arises due to administration of Ati Ushna Dravya Basti are –
(1) Guda Vrana and Atisara
(2) Daha and Murchha
(3) Daha and Atisara
(4) Daha and Guda Vrana
56. According to Sharangadhara, Uttam Matra of Shatavha and Saindhava Lavana for Anuvasana Basti is –
(1) 4 Masha
(2) 6 Masha
(3) 8 Masha
(4) 10 Masha
57. According to Sushruta, Snchana of which dhatu is done by fifth Basti?
(1) Rasa
(2) Rakta
(3) Mamsa
(4) Meda
58. Which Yavagu is ‘Ghrita vyapattinashini’?
(1) Takra Siddha
(2) Takra Pinyak Sadhita
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of the above
59. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, what is Basti Shodhanam?
(1) Sheeta Jala
(2) Ushna Jala
(3) Kwathita Jala
(4) Vyushita Jala
60. According to Sushruta, in Durbala, Anna Samsarjana Krama should be given –
(1) 1 time
(2) 2 times
(3) 3 times
(4) 4 times
61. According to Sushruta, which Rasa should be consumed first in Samsarjana Krama?
(1) Madhura and Tikta
(2) Madhura and Lavana
(3) Amlaand Katu
(4) Amla and Lavana
62. Site of Siravedha in Pittaja Shlipada, according to Acharya Sushruta is –
(1) Below the Gulpha
(2) Above the Gulpha
(3) Below Janu
(4) Above Janu
63. According to Acharya Charaka, in which disease Saptala Shankhini is indicated?
(1) Gulma Roga
(2) Gara Visha
(3) Udara Roga
(4) All of the above