Obstetrics and Gynaecology Previous Question
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Previous Question on Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1. ‘SEPRA FILM’ used in surgery to prevent adhesion formation is made of
(1) Oxidized regenarated cellulose
(2) Poly tetrafluroethylene
(3) Sodium Hyaluronate & carboxymethyl Cellulose
(4) None of the above
2. In Laproscopic Surgery, ‘Harmonic Device’ can seal vessels upto
(1) 7mm diameter
(2) 5 mm diameter
(3) 6mm diameter
(4) None of the above
3. ‘Liver Dullness Disappears’ when pneumoperitoneum is created during laproscopic surgery using CO2 Insufflation. Amount of CO2 which brings about disappearance of liver dullness is
(1) 2 Litres
(2) 1 Litres
(3) 1.5 Litres
(4) 2.5 Litres
4. As per RCOG guidelines, Hysteroscopic directed biopsies from suspected lesions falls under
(1) Level 1 Hysteroscopy
(2) Level 2 Hysteroscopy
(3) Level 3 Hysteroscopy
(4) None of the above
5. The second surgeon in operating room in robotic surgeries is for
(1) Assisting the primary surgeon at console
(2) To operate as a stand by
(3) To assist in exchanging the instruments on robotic arms
(4) All the above
6. Concordant malignant test is termed used to indicate malignancy these days in
(1) Cancer Breast
(2) Cancer Cervix
(3) Cancer Endometrium
(4) None of the above
7. ‘PDS’ suture is used for suturing
(1) Uterine Tissue
(2) Episiotomy
(3) Skin & Rectus Sheath
(4) All the above
8. Barbed suture is used in
(1) Laproscopic Hysterectomy
(2) Laproscopic Myomectomy
(3) Open Myomectomies
(4) All the above
9. ‘Solifenacin’ is used in treatment of
(1) Urge incontinence
(2) Urinary Tract infections
(3) Tocolysis
(4) None of the above
10. In the Quadrivalent vaccine for human papilloma virus (6, 11, 16, 18) protection offered for
(1) Cervical Cancer
(2) Genital Warts
(3) Both Cervical Cancer & genital warts
(4) None of the above
11. Which of the following is the goal of an ex-utero intrapartum treatment (Exit) procedure ?
(1) Excision of a fetal tumor
(2) Minimize maternal blood loss
(3) Establishment of a fetal airway
(4) Repair of a fetal myelomeningocoele
12. Which complication is least likely to occur with laser therapy for twin-twin transfusion syndrome ?
(1) Vascular Laceration
(2) Placental Abruption
(3) GR III Intraventricular Haemorrhage
13. Which fetal malformation is least likely to benefit from prenatal magnetic resonance imaging ?
(1) Yeratoma
(2) Cardiac anamoly
(3) Neural tube defect
(4) Suspected bowel obstruction
14. Which term describes whether or not a dominant gene is phenotypically expressed ?
(1) Expressivity
(2) Codominance
(3) Penetrance
(4) Hetrogeneity
15. Benefit of Vibroacoustic stimulation is
(1) Increases predictibility of nonstress test
(2) It makes a nonstress test feasible in preterm infant
(3) Shortens time necessary to perform NST
(4) None of above
16. Illegal abortion of a woman with her consent is punishable under
(1) Sec 310 IPC
(2) Sec 312 IPC
(3) Sec 313 IPC
(4) Sec 314 IPC
17. IPD records of patients are preserved for how many years ?
(1) 1 year
(2) 3 years
(3) 5 years
(4) 7 years
18. Blanket consent is taken
(1) when the patient comes to doctor for treatment
(2) oral consent
(3) written consent
(4) taken at time of admission to do any surgery
19. Which of the following are the new advances in communication in health care ?
(1) Tele medicine
(2) Mobile health
(3) Big Data
(4) All the above
20. Professional death in medical profession is
(1) Death of a Doctor
(2) Death sentence ordered by judge
(3) Death during police firing
(4) Removal of name of doctor from panel of RMP
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21. Under safe motherhood programme, ANC. intervention Guidelines, how many quality anc check ups are required ?
(1) Three
(2) Four
(3) Five
(4) None of the above
22. Under ‘PMSMA’ the day fixed every month for providing high quality ANC care is
(1) 9th of every month
(2) 1st of every month
(3) 10th of every month
(4) None of the above
23. Rajshree yojana was implemented from
(1) June, 2015
(2) June, 2016
(3) Dec., 2015
(4) June, 2017
24. Beneficiaries under ‘Intensified Iron plus initiative’ are
(1) Pregnant & Lactating women
(2) Adolescent Girls (10 — 19 years)
(3) Adolescent Boys (10 — 19 years)
(4) All the above
25. Social review of maternal deaths a new inititative is done by ASHA at village level within
(1) One month of death
(2) One week of death
(3) Three months of death
(4) None of the above
26. Peripheral most unit for planning of family planning & other services under RCH programme is
(1) Sub centre
(2) Block / taluka
(3) PHC
(4) District
27. Screening test used in antenatal mothers under, RCH-II is
(1) Haemoglobin level
(2) RH determination
(3) TSH
(4) Urine Analysis
28. Laboratory report of diseases sent as ‘L-form’ in IDSP is
(1) Syndromic diagnosis
(2) Presumptive diagnosis
(3) Confirmed diagnosis
(4) Active Surveillance
29. In a subcenter Population, CBR (Crude Birth Rate) is 20. What is minimum expected number of pregnancies registered with ANM ?
(1) 110
(2) 120
(3) 55
(4) 100
30. Very low birth weight is less than
(1) < 1000 gm
(2) < 1500 gm
(3) 2000 gm
(4) <2500 gm
31. Key targets of high level expert group (HLEG) on universal health coverage are
(1) 2 beds per 1000 population by 2022.
(2) 1 Doctor per 1000 population by 2027
(3) Both (1) & (2)
(4) Neither (1) nor (2)
32. Which is not a component of level II facility under BEmONC ?
(1) MVA facility
(2) Newborn resuscitation
(3) Blood transfusion
(4) Vacuum Assisted delivery
33. Body fluids & fetuses are classified under which category of wastes ?
(1) Infections
(2) Pathological
(3) Genotoxic
(4) Humanized
34. Following blood transfusion, blood bags are disposed which color coded bin ?
(1) Red
(2) Yellow
(3) Blue
(4) White
35. Median is important for all except
(1) Blood pressure
(2) Survival time
(3) Incubation Period
(4) Health expenses
36. Correlation between height & weight is best depicted by
(1) Histogram
(2) Line Chart
(3) Scatter Diagram
(4) Ogive
37. Which can have more than one value ?
(1) Mean
(2) Mode
(3) Median
(4) Any of above
38. Blood spills in Indian Hospitals are disinfected by
(1) Quaternary ammonium
(2) Chlorine based
(3) Phenol based
(4) Alcohol based
39. Cytotoxic drugs disposal mechanism in India is
(1) Incineration
(2) Microwaving
(3) Autoclaving
(4) Dry Heat
40. Vaginal Epithelium is derived from
(1) Endoderm of Urogenital Sinus
(2) Mesoderm of Urogenital Sinus
(3) Endoderm of genital ridge
(4) Mesoderm of genital ridge
41. Which of the following arteries comes off the posterior division of internal iliac artery ?
(1) Uterine artery
(2) Obturator artery
(3) Superior Vesical artery
(4) Superior Gluteal artery
42. Posterior vaginal wall is primarily supplied by
(1) Uterine Artery
(2) Hypogastric Artery
(3) Middle Rectal Artery
(4) Internal Pudendal Artery
43. Remnant of Mesonephric Tissue is
(1) Urachus
(2) Bartholin Cyst
(3) Gartner Duct Cyst
(4) Urethral Diverticulum
44. Which Hormone acts locally to prevent formation of uterus, fallopian tubes & upper vagina ?
(1) Testosterone
(2) Androstenedione
(3) Dihydrotestosterone
(4) Antimullerian Hormone
45. ‘Peg Cells’ are seen in
(1) Vagina
(2) Vulva
(3) Ovary
(4) Fallopian Tube
46. Which of the following is not a consequence of vascular changes in women during pregnancy ?
(1) Angiomas
(2) Palmar Erythema
(3) Melasma Gravidarum
(4) Dissipate excess heat generated by increased metabolism.
47. Which of the hepatic enzymes is increased in normal pregnancy ?
(1) Alkaline Phosphatase
(2) Alanine Transaminase
(3) Aspartate Transaminase
(4) Glutamyl Transpeptidase
48. In what phase of cell division are oocytes arrested between birth & ovulation ?
(1) Prophase
(2) Anaphase
(3) Metaphase
(4) Telophase
49. Cytogenetic Karyotype is performed on chromosomes arrested in what phase of replication ?
(1) Prophase
(2) Anaphase
(3) Metaphase
(4) Telophase
50. Approximately what percentage of the total haemoglobin is haemoglobin F in term fetus. ?
(1) 25%
(2) 40%
(3) 50%
(4) 75%
51. Where does Biosynthesis of Surfactant take place ?
(1) Type I Pneumocytes
(2) Type II Pneumocytes
(3) Type III Pneumocytes
(4) Type IV Pneumocytes
52. At term how much amniotic fluid do fetuses swallow ?
(1) 50-100 ml per day
(2) 100 —200 ml per day
(3) 200-760 ml per day
(4) 1500-2000 ml per day
53. Which Immunoglobulin in colostrum provides mucosal protection against enteric infections ?
(1) IgA
(2) IgE
(3) IgG
(4) IgM
54. Intermediate cell predominance on A Vaginal cytology is seen in
(1) Pregnancy
(2) Menstruation
(3) Post Ovulatory
(4) Premenstrual
55. In which mechanism of placental delivery does the placenta leave the body before the retroplacental haematoma ?
(1) Bandl Mechanism
(2) Duncan Mechanism
(3) Schultze Mechanism
(4) Chadwick Mechanism
56. Critical obstetric conjugate for trial of labour is
(1) 8.5 cms
(2) 9.0 cms
(3) 9.5 cms
(4) 10.0 cms
57. What is single most reliable sign of fetal compromise ?
(1) Decelerations
(2) Fetal Tachycardia
(3) Change in Baseline
(4) Reduced Variability
58. Which of the following statements are true concerning new uterine contraction terminology ?
(1) Hyper stimulation has been po abandoned.
(2) Tachy systole is defined as >5 contractions in 10 minutes averaged over 30 minutes
(3) Normal uterine activity is defined as < contractions in 10 minutes averaged over a 30 minutes period.
(4) All of the above