Anthropology Old Questions
1. What is Solutrian otherwise called?
(A) Two Age System
(B) Three Age System
(C) One Age System
(D) Four Age System
2. Functionalism was often called as
(A) Consensus theory
(B) Theory of change
(C) Consensus theory
(D) Feminism
3. The North-Eastern hill areas were granted autonomy through
(A) Fourth Schedule
(B) Fifth Schedule
(C) Sixth Schedule
(D) All of these
4. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) The Algonkian — Mana
(B) The Siouan – Bonga
(C) The Iroquois — Orenda
(D) The Malanesians — Manitou
5. Neanderthal Man’s fossil remains were found at
(A) Hadar
(B) Biache
(C) Olduvai
(D) Taung
6. The Varna system corresponds to the four-fold division of society of which of an the following countries?
(A) Sri Lanka
(B) By Thailand
(C) Iran
(D) Cambodia
7. Tie objective of sustainable development is to maximize goal achievement across system goals which include
(A) financial, economic and social system goals
(B) financial, economic and political system goals
(C) biological, economic and social system goals
(D) biological, economic and political system goals
8. One of the interpretations of probability includes –
(A) probability as a measure of belief
(B) probability as a statistical investigation
(C) probability as a subjective frequency
(D) probability as an objective measurement
9. Jane Goodall undertook a long behavioural study of
(A) Wild Chimpanzees
(B) Baboons
(C) Langurs
(D) Macaques
10. What is an application of test used in Psychological Anthropology?
(A) Thematic Apperception Test
(B) Rorschach Test
(C) Figure Drawing
(D) All of these
11. Kwashiorkor is a dietary disease peculiar to a
(A) Children
(B) Adults
(C) Asians
(D) Primitive people
12. For whom, class structure is due to the emergence of private property?
(A) Max Weber
(B) Max Gluckman
(C) Karl Marx
(D) None of them
13. Who is the supporter of the view of linguistic analogy of culture?
(A) E.B. Tylor
(B) Geertz
(C) Ruth Benedict
(D) N. K. Bose
14. ‘People of India’ was a project .
(A) undertaken by Statistical Survey of India to undertake statistical analysis of Indian people
(B) undertaken by the Anthropological Survey of India to study the native cultures of India
(C) undertaken by the Archeological Survey of India to study the past cultures of Indian people
(D) none of these statements is correct.
15. Kuru disease was transmitted among the Fore population of New Guinea due to the consumption of:
(A) Human viscera
(B) Human genitals
(C) Human bone-marrow
(D) Human brain
16. Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden. The enforcement of any disability arising out of untouchability shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law.” From which clause of the Constitution of India, is the above quotation stated?
(A) Clause 43
(B) Clause 17
(C) Clause 41
(D) None of these
17. Consider the following statements :
i. Magic consists of superstitious acts and beliefs a
ii. Through magic, individuals try to control nature when their technology and rational techniques are insufficient
iii. Magic changes its forms, it shifts its grounds but it exists everywhere
iv. Magic alleviates anxiety in the face of uncertainty
Of the above statements
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct
18. In apes which toe is longest?
(A) First toe
(B) Second toe
(C) Third toe
(D) Fourth toe
19. Consider the following statements :
i. Among the Crow Indians, the band is a union of localized clans.
ii. The Crow Indians habitually live and travel together within a well defined territory.
iii. The Crow Indians have common. enemies against whom they wage petty warfare
iv. The Crow Indians regularly engage in at least one large community enterprise
Of the above statements
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct
20. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Gift — Barter
(B) Jajmani system — Slavery
(C) Mirasi — Tribute
(D) Shandi — Market exchange
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21. Culture broker serves –
(A) as a link between the programme and the ethnic community
(B) as a bureaucrat in development programmes
(C) as an expert witness in development programmes
(D) all of these
22. Primitive Tribal Groups (PTGs) are identified basing on which criterion?
(A) Forest dependency
(B) Below poverty line
(C) Pre-agricultural stage of economy
(D) None of these
23. Post-modernism involves both conservative and …………… political tendencies.
(A) Fundamental
(B) Radical
(C) Revolutionary
(D) subversive
24. One of the methods to test the reliability of a scale is
(A) logical method
(B) split-half method
(C) valid method
(D) opinion method
25. Find out the odd one from the following :
(A) Krapina Man
(B) Ehringsdorf Man
(C) Steinheim Man
(D) Wadjak Man
26. Who authored the book “Castes and Tribes of Southern India”?
(A) V.R. V. Ehrenfels
(B) V. Elwin
(C) R. E. Enthoven
(D) E. Thurston
27. Random genetic drift is
(A) the effect seen only in large populations
(B) the effect seen in all populations
(C) the effect seen in majority of the populations
(D) the effect greater in proportion to the smallness and isolation of the population.
28. Consider the following statements :
i. Potlatch involves giving property by one holder of a position to the, holder of another position
ii. Subsistence items constitute pre-eminent items in potlatching institution
iii. A Potlatch is a ceremonial occasion during which intensive trading takes place
iv. Malinowski coined the word ‘Potlatch’
Of these statements
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct
29. Who authored the book “The Tribal Cultures of India”?
(A) K.L. Sharma and A. Beteille
(B) L. P. Vidyarthi and B. K. Roy
(C) L. P. Vidyarthi and Makhan Jha
(D) Veena Das and J.P.S. Oberoi
30. Consider the following statements :
i. Religion is belief in spiritual beings
ii. Religion is a system of symbols
iii. Religion explains existential questions.
iv. Religion heightens the intensity of shared experience
Of the statements.
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct
31. ……………….. divide all sociocultural systems into infrastructure, structure and superstructure.
(A) Maxists
(B) Cultural materialists
(C) Evolutionists
(D) Cultural ecologists
32. ‘Modernf man’s physiological adaptations to a cold climate include
(A) elimination of sickle-cell anemia
(B) increased numbers of melanin granules in the skin
(C) decreased ability to absorb vitamin D
(D) reduced peripheral blood flow
33. The only ape found in India is
(A) Gorilla
(B) Chimpanzee
(C) Gibbon
(D) Orang-utan
34. ‘Consider the following statements :
i. States encompass many communities within its territory
ii. In state societies, force and threat of force are not enough to explain the legitimacy of power
iii. States have class stratification and some are rigidly stratified
iv. States need not provide people with real or rational advantages.
Of these statements
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct.
35. Identify the odd one out:
(A) Anthropogeography
(B) Kulturkreis
(C) Culture Circle
(D) Psychic Unity
36. Which of the following forms of kinship behaviour is sometimes referred as Female Father’?
(A) Avunculate
(B) Amitate
(C) Couvade
(D) Teknonymy
37. The evolutionary anthropologist who began to conceive the evolution of family in : a worldwide sense is :
(A) Tylor
(B) Malinowski
(C) Spencer
(D) Morgan
38. Find out the odd one from the following : –
(A) Pontnewydd (Wales)
(B) Olduvai (Tanzani)
(C) Swanscombe (England)
(D) Biache (France)
39. “Man’s “recreation of the tropics” by such means as clothing and central heating shows that
(A) when man begins to adapt culturally, biological adaptation to the environment ceases
(B) man adapts biologically to a culturally mediated environment rather than to the natural one
(C) environmental pollution from fuels is a necessary condition of human existence
(D) mutations are not as necessary for man as for other animals and thus do not take place frequently.
40. Consider the following statements :
i. W.H.R. Rivers wrote a monograph on the Toda
ii. Prince Peter made studies on the Toda
iii. Raymond Firth studied the Toda
iv. D.N. Majumdar wrote a full-length account on the Toda.
Of these:
(A) (i) alone is correct
(B) (i) and (ii) are correct
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(D) All are correct
41. The author of the book, ‘Caste in Modern India’ is
(A) MLN. Srinivas
(B) S. C. Dube
(C) D.N. Majumdar
(D) T.N. Madan
42. Hylobates is a genus comprising of
(A) spider monkeys
(B) gibbons
(C) langurs
(D) macaques
43. The number of chromosomes in human sperm is
(A) 24
(B) 46
(C) 23
(D) None of the above
44. Neo-Darwinism is propounded by
(A) Lamarck
(B) Darwin
(C) Weismann
(D) De Vries
45. Which of the following conditions represents trisomy 21?
(A) Edward’s syndrome
(B) Down’s syndrome
(C) Patau’s syndrome
(D) Cri du chat syndrome
46. The theory of ‘catastrophism’ is propouded by
(A) John Light Foote
(B) Georges Cuvier
(C) Bucher de Perthes
(D) Charles Lyell
47. In RNA, which of the following is found in place of thymine?
(A) Adenine
(B) Guanine
(C) Cytosine
(D) Uracil
48. Skin colour inheritance in man is
(A) sex-linked trait
(B) polygenic trait
(C) sex-influenced trait
(D) monogenic trait
49. The improvement of genetical quality of human race through selective breeding is called
(A) Eugenics
(B) Euphenics
(C) Euthenics
(D) None of the above
50. In man, the pair of chromosomes of female zygote is
(A) 44+ XY
(B) 22+X
(C) 23+ XY
(D) 44+ XX