Venereology MCQ

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Venereology MCQ

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MCQ on Venereology

1. Cholestasis of pregnancy will have which of these Lab abnormalities ?
(1) Elevated Bile pigments
(2) Elevated Bile salts
(3) Elevated Thyroid hormones
(4) Decreased Thyroid hormones

2. Ice-pack sign is seen in
(1) Notalgiaparesthetica
(2) CNS tumour
(3) Macular amyloid
(4) Brachio radial pruritis

3. Pautrier Neuroma is seen in
(1) Besnier Prurigo
(2) Prurigo Nodularis
(3) Prurigo simplex of Renal origin
(4) Prurigo simplex of hepatic origin

4. Primary receptor for itch is all except is
(1) Histamine 1
(2) Histamine 2
(3) Histamine 3
(4) None

5. Bath itch is classical for
(1) Uremia
(2) Cholestasis
(3) Iron deficiency
(4) Polycythemia vera

6. Peri-anal pruritis is found as a part of initial symptoms in all except ?
(1) Rheumatoid disease
(2) Sjogren syndrome
(3) Candida
(4) Psychogenic pruritis

7. Trichotillomania is diagnosed by DSM-IV criteria. Which of these is not a part of the criteria ?
(1) Intense sense of tension prior to pulling
(2) Feeling of Gratification after pulling
(3) Associated onychophagia/onychotillomania
(4) Diagnosed after exclusion of other mental disorders

8. Accretions of Keratin and skin debris in anterior chest and groin of a paranoid elderly man who is an alcoholic is attributed to
(1) Pellagra
(2) Munchausen syndrome
(3) Dermatitis neglecta
(4) Witchcraft syndrome

9. Acanthosisnigricans, as a paraneoplastic phenomenon is found to coexist with
(1) Alopecia neoplastica
(2) Bullous disorders
(3) Leser Trelat sign
(4) Carcinoma erysipeloides

10. Porokeratoses with maximum malignant transformation risk ?
(1) Nevoid porokeratosis
(2) Punctate porokeratosis
(3) Linear porokeratosis

11. Trichodysplasiaspinulosa is caused by the same virus whose strain can also cause ?
(1) Basilioma
(2) SCC
(3) Merkel cell carcinoma
(4) Actrallentigines

12. Which of the following is not a histopathological variant of Grover’s disease ?
(1) Pemphigus foliaceous
(2) Darier disease
(3) Hailey Hailey
(4) Pemphigoid

13. In type I skin, Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers is responsible for
(1) Freckling
(2) Tanning
(3) Vitiligo
(4) Leukoderma

14. Recurrence of lesion over previously healed Fixed drug eruption is due to
(1) Type 4 hypersensitivity
(2) ICAM upregulation
(3) P-I concept
(4) Platelet granules

15. Pseudopelade of brocq is differentiated from DLE by ?
(1) Intact collagen and elastin
(2) Elastin predominant in histopathology
(3) Collagen predominant on histopathology
(4) Intact follicle infundibulum

16. Some people speculate that Albert Einstein might have had which of the following hair ?
(1) Wooly hair
(2) Uncombable hair
(3) Pilimultigemini
(4) Pili bifurcate

17. Favre Racouchet syndrome is synonymous to
(1) Mechanical acne
(2) Senile acne
(3) Chloracne
(4) Granulomatous acne

18. Levels of triglyceride beyond which retinoids should be discontinued is
(1) 300-500 mg/dl
(2) 500-750 mg/dl
(3) 800-1000 mg/dl
(4) > 1000 mg/dl

19. Which of these is not a physical sign of small vessel vasculitis ?
(1) Purpura
(2) Hemorrhagic vesicles
(3) Necrosis
(4) Urticarial plaques

20. Bi-lateral LivedoRacemosa of proximal thigh in a female of 48 years old with history of transient ischemic attack is suspected to have ?
(1) Sneddon syndrome
(2) Dowling degos disease
(3) Bazex syndrome
(4) Gorlingoltz disease

21. Most common symptom of carcinoid ?
(1) Flush
(2) Blush
(3) Diarrhoea
(4) Abdominal cramps

22. Which of these could be a secondary cause of genital edema ?
(1) Noonan syndrome
(2) Yellow nail syndrome
(3) Obesity
(4) Cerebral palsy

23. Advanced age with sun exposure leads to easy bruisability, lacerations and atrophic skin. This is termed ?
(1) Dermatopathia
(2) Dermatoporosis
(3) Bateman’s disease
(4) Actinic elastoses

24. Patient with hepatitis B can be expected to have all of the following except ?
(1) Lichen planus
(2) Papularacrodermatitis
(3) Cryoglobulinemia
(4) Necrobioticxanthogranuloma

25. Patient 43 year old female with hypertension and varicosities has atrophic scars with history of preceding painful ulcers and surrounding livedoreticularis and on histology shows segmental hyalinizingvasculitis. Your diagnosis ?
(1) Majocchi disease
(2) Livedoiodvasculopathy
(3) Lichen aureus
(4) Martorell ulcer

26. Pseudo-vesicles are seen in
(1) Urticarial vasculitis
(2) Neutrophilicdermatoses
(3) Pseudolymphoma
(4) Grover disease

27. Which of these pigmented purpuricdermatoses has centrifugal spread & telangiectasia ?
(1) Gourgerot and Blum
(2) Schamberg
(3) Majocchis disease
(4) Lichen aureus

28. Kaposi sarcoma should be differentiated from
(1) Acrodermatitisenterpathica
(2) Papular Acrodermatits
(3) Angiodermatitis of Mali
(4) Bateman purpura

29. Rapid enlargement of syringe cystadenomapapilliferum indicates ?
(1) BCC
(2) Invasive apocrine carcinoma
(3) Piloma-tricoma
(4) Sebaceous Nevus

30. Firm nodules of helix of 40 year male with pain and ulceration due to repetitive one side sleeping behaviour Should be differentiated from all the following except ?
(1) BCC
(2) SCC
(3) Weathering nodule
(4) Hydroavacciniforme

31. Erythematous patches with glazed appearance in a 26 year female with genital itching should be evaluated for which of the following disease in particular after ruling out contact vulvitis, erosive LP and infections ?
(1) Zoonsvulvitis
(2) Glucagonoma
(3) Extramammarypagets
(4) Malakoplakia

32. Presence of Strawberry tongue is Suggestive of all except ?
(1) Scarlet fever
(2) Kawasaki disease
(3) Trichomoniasis
(4) Riley day syndrome

33. Meconium leaking via processes vaginalis can lead to
(1) Median Raphe cyst
(2) Scrotal Mucoid cyst
(3) Scrotal calcinosis
(4) Scrotal verruciform-xantho-granuloma

34. Preterm Small for Gestation neonate with mask like face, developed sudden onset diffuse yellow white woody induration with purplish mottling of surrounding skin with limited mobility of lower limbs on day 5. On histopathology have radial needle like clefts. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
(1) Scleredema of buschke
(2) Scleremaneonatarum
(3) Subcutaneous fat necrosis
(4) Neonatal cold injury

35. Which of these appendageal tumors are associated with Birt Hogg Dube syndrome ?
(1) Syringoma
(2) Trichoepithelioma
(3) Pagets disease
(4) Fibrofolliculoma

36. 35 year old female is suspected with Central centrifugal cicatrical alopecia. How do you differentiate this picture from FPHL ?
(1) Degeneration of IRS in histology
(2) Polyoma viral inclusions
(3) Interface dermatitis
(4) Exclamation hair

37. Use of high heels is associated with
(1) Sipple neuroma
(2) Pautrier neuroma
(3) Morton neuroma
(4) Traumatic neuroma

38. What is polycystic disease of skin ?
Clue : This is due to keratin 17 mutation. Pricking it can lead to expression of oily material. This is ?
(1) Vellus hair cysts
(2) Nodular acne
(3) Colloid milium
(4) Steatocystoma multiplex

39. Patient 26 year old had taken sulfa drugs two weeks before. On further evaluation, DRESS is suspected. All of the following can accompany except ?
(1) Facial swelling
(2) Morbilliform rash
(3) Lymphadenopathy
(4) All

40. Symmetric sharply demarcated erythema of gluteal region, thighs and intertriginous areas such as axilla, knees, elbow and neck in a patient who gives history penicillin intake two weeks ago. No systemic complaints. Which of the following is the most relevant diagnosis in this case ?
(1) Hailey Hailey
(2) Acute Generalized Erythematous Pustuloses
(3) Intertrigo
(4) SDRIFE/baboon syndrome

41. Chronic cocaine smoker developed acute onset necrotizing ulceration of cheek and extremities with hemorrhagic bulla. What is the contaminant that has the potential to cause this vasculitis ?
(1) Nicorandil
(2) Krokodil
(3) Levamisole
(4) Skin Popping

42. Transverse striate leuconychia is caused by
(1) Bismuth
(2) Arsenic
(3) Chrysiasis
(4) Mercury

43. 8 year old girl has recurring cheilitis and conjunctivitis in response to sun exposure with intense itching of dorsa of nose with multiple excoriated papules in helix of ear. What is the most likely diagnosis ?
(1) Hydroavacciniforme
(2) Actinic prurigo
(3) Actinic reticuloid
(4) Solar urticaria

44. 34 year old runner has bluish black specks in side of heel post marathon. What is the possible benign diagnosis ?
(1) Wart
(2) Talon noir
(3) Acrallentigines Melanoma
(4) Cutaneous myiasis

45. What are all the possible spectra in a child diagnosed with parakeratoses pustulosa ?
(1) Nail Psoriasis and palmoplantarpustuloses
(2) Eczema
(3) Complete resolution and no relapse
(4) Any of the above

46. Patient is a 24 year old male who recently suffered from abdominal TB and had completed CAT2 DOTS. He now has difficulties in urination with tender nodules and draining sinuses in left thigh. The biopsy of this patient Shows Michaelis Guttmanna bodies. Diagnosis ?
(1) Malakoplakia
(2) Bladder TB
(3) Miliary TB
(4) Transitional cell carcinoma

47. Erythema Abagne is associated with
(1) Hypothyroidism
(2) Hypoparathyroidism
(3) Hyperthyroidism
(4) Hyperparathyroidism

48. Polymorphous light eruption is associated with all except ?
(1) Psoriasis
(2) Actinic prurigo
(3) SLE
(4) None

49. Major freckle gene is
(1) RBP
(2) Melanophylin
(3) MCRI
(4) A-MSH

50. Solitary papule with central keratotic plug on biopsy shows acantholytic dyskeratosis with corps Ronds. Diagnosis ?
(1) Darier
(2) AngiosarcomatousSCC
(3) Arsenical keratoses
(4) Warty dyskeratosis

51. Most common malignancy associated with lesertrelat sign is
(1) Adenocarcinoma lung
(2) Gastric and colon cancer
(3) Basal cell carcinoma
(4) Neurological tumors

52. A 15 year old boy with PLEVA is treated first with
(1) Erythromycin
(2) Phototherapy
(3) RePUVA
(4) Corticosteroid

53. Jigsaw puzzle appearance on histology is seen in
(1) Turban tumor
(2) Spiradenoma
(3) Hidradenoma
(4) Paget s of nipple

54. Which of the following statement is true regarding mycoses fungoides ?
(1) Resident memory cell causes MF
(2) Central memory cell causes MF
(3) Resident CD8 cell causes MF
(4) Central CD8 causes MF

55. Which of the following type of MF has poor prognosis ?
(1) Folliculotropic
(2) Granulomatous slack skin
(3) Hypopigmented type
(4) Bullous MF

56. Follicular atrophoderma is seen in
(1) Bazex Duprechristol
(2) Nevoid BCC
(3) Happle Tinschert
(4) Rombo syndrome

57. Paraproteinemiacan lead to all except
(1) Scleromyxedema
(2) Amyloidosis
(4) Porphyria

58. Which of the following is related to bilateral nevus of ota ?
(1) Sezarysyndrome
(2) Klippeltrenaunay syndrome
(3) Dowling Degossyndrome
(4) Neurofibromatoses

59. Starburst pattern in dermoscopy is seen in
(1) Reed nevus
(2) Melanocytic nevus
(3) Compound nevus
(4) Nevus Spilus

60. Unpleasant body order is a feature of which of these endocrine abnormalities ?
(1) Hyperparathyroidism
(2) Acromegaly
(3) Hypogonadism
(4) Sheehan syndrome