Geology Mock Test

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Geology Mock Test

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Mock Test Papers on Geology

1. The term ‘lithosphere’ includes the crust and the upper part of the mantle up to a depth of
(A) 250 kilometres
(B) 150 kilometres
(C) 400 kilometres
(D) 675 kilometres

2. In the solar system, which of the following planets possesses the least density?
(A) Mercury
(B) Mars
(C) Jupiter
(D) Saturn

3. Exfoliation occurs due to
(A) running water
(B) glaciers
(C) fluctuation in temperature
(D) strong winds

4. The diameter of the earth is about
(A) 7400 kilometres
(B) 13800 kilometres
(C) 12800 kilometres
(D) 21300 kilometres

5. The element that makes up about 50% of the earth’s crust is
(A) Silicon
(B) Iron
(C) Oxygen
(D) aluminium

6. Which one of the following is fissure eruption type?
(A) Vulcanian type
(B) Icelandic type
(C) Bandaisan type
(D) Vesuvian type

7. Flat topped sea mounts are known as
(A) Mesa
(B) Guyot
(C) Inselberg
(D) monadnock

8. Siliceous deposits formed around geysers are
(A) Cinders
(B) Geyserites
(C) Scoriae
(D) pumice

9. Find the odd one out of the following :
(A) Frost heaving
(B) Oxidation
(C) Hydration
(D) Solution

10. The Himalayas rose from the primeval sea of
(A) Atlantic
(B) Tethys
(C) Caspian
(D) Arabian

11. The dip of any bed is considered as
(A) a vector quantity
(B) a scalar quantity
(C) both vector and scalar quantities
(D) a quantity whose unit is not known

12. Which one of the following is an example of a structure having quaquaversal dip?
(A) Plateau
(B) Dome
(C) Basin
(D) Horst

13. The shortening of bed takes place in case of
(A) reverse fault
(B) normal fault
(C) wrench fault
(D) strike slip fault

14. The normal fault having very low-angle dip is called
(A) detachment fault
(B) gravity fault
(C) wrench fault
(D) pivot fault

15. In NE India, Main Boundary Fault is present in
(A) Manipur
(B) Nagaland
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Arunachal Pradesh

16. If igneous rocks are unconformably overlain by younger sedimentary rocks, the resulting unconformity is known as
(A) Disconformity
(B) non-conformity
(C) angular unconformity
(D) offlap

17. A limited area of older rocks surrounded by younger rocks is called
(A) Outlier
(B) Overlap
(C) inlier
(D) offlap

18. Very closely spaced joints in rocks is known as
(A) fracture cleavage
(B) shear cleavage
(C) strain-slip cleavage
(D) crenulation cleavage

19. When stream valleys are guided by folds and are parallel to the trend of fold axes, the pattern of drainage is called
(A) Dendritic
(B) Radial
(C) Trellis
(D) annular

20. In an asymmetrical fold, the axis
(A) coincides with the crest of an anticline
(B) coincides with the trough of the syncline
(C) does not coincide with the crest of an anticline
(D) coincides with both the trough and the crest of an anticline

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21. Which one of the not a microfossil?
(A) Radiolaria
(B) Diatom
(C) Cyprea
(D) Coccolithophore

22. A well-known gastropod shell having sinistral coiling is
(A) Oliva
(B) Physa
(C) Nenta
(D) Conus

23. Pedicle opening is present in
(A) cephalopod shell
(B) brachiopod shell
(C) gastropod shell
(D) bivalved shell

24. Cardinal teeth in Lamellibranchia is situated at which place?
(A) Below the beak
(B) At the ligament
(C) Away from the beak
(D) Cardinal teeth were not present

25. Orthis is a genus of
(A) Cephalopoda
(B) Gastropoda
(C) Trilobita
(D) Brachiopoda

26. ___ surrounds the mouth in Echinoidea.
(A) Periproct
(B) Madreporite
(C) Ambulacrum
(D) Peristome

27. The toothless form of dentition of Lamellibranchia is known as
(A) Isodont
(B) Taxodont
(C) Schizodont
(D) edentulous

28. possesses monomyarian type of adductor muscle.
(A) Lucina
(B) Unio
(C) Arca
(D) Exogyra

29. The bivalvia shells are joined together at the dorsal side by
(A) adductor muscle
(B) hinge plate
(C) ligament
(D) delthyrium

30. Which of the following is arranged properly based on the evolution of suture lines in Ammonoidea?
(A) Ammonitic, Goniatitic, Ceratitic
(B) Goniatitic, Ceratitic, Ammonitic
(C) Ceratitic, Ammonitic, Goniatitic
(D) Ammonitic, Ceratitic, Goniatitic

31. Spire is present in the class of
(A) Lamellibranchia
(B) Brachiopoda
(C) Cephalopoda
(D) Gastropoda

32. ___ has the features of both plants and animals.
(A) Alveolina
(B) Coral
(C) Euglena
(D) Foraminifera

33. Gymnosperm is a plant which
(A) exhibits no extinct varieties
(B) bears flowers
(C) does not produce seeds in cones
(D) produces seeds in cones

34. The age of Baculites is
(A) Cretaceous
(B) Tertiary
(C) Devonian
(D) Silurian

35. Cranidium of trilobites is a combination of
(A) glabella + free cheeks
(B) glabella + fixed cheeks
(C) glabella + genal angle
(D) fixed cheeks + free cheeks

36. The normal class of monoclinic system is of
(A) galena type
(B) gypsum type
(C) zircon type
(D) beryl type

37. In hexagonal system, the twins are formed according to
(A) Dauphine law
(B) Carlsbad law
(C) Pericline law
(D) Manebach law

38. Which one of the following is not galena type of a mineral?
(A) Garnet
(B) Spinel
(C) Fluorspar
(D) Rutile

39. Acrystal is a periodic arrangement of
(A) Atoms
(B) Molecules
(C) Ions
(D) both atoms and molecules

40. The phenomenon of piezoelectricity is exhibited by those crystals that lacks a
(A) symmetry axis
(B) plane of symmetry
(C) centre of symmetry
(D) pseudosymmetry

41. The Miller’s symbol for parameters Yaa : ab: c will be
(A) 201
(B) 112
(C) 012
(D) 221

42. ____ helps in determination of order of interference colour.
(A) Gypsum plate
(B) Quartz wedge
(C) Mica plate
(D) Sensitive tint

43. Dichroism is restricted to the crystal system(s) of
(A) Isometric
(B) triclinic and monoclinic
(C) tetragonal and hexagonal
(D) orthorhombic

44. Find the odd one out of the following :
(A) Flint
(B) Chalcedony
(C) Anorthite
(D) Opal

45. Find the odd one out of the following :
(A) Grossular
(B) Spessartite
(C) Almandine
(D) Lepidolite

46. ____ can be used in the preparation of artificial polarizer.
(A) Quinine calcium sulphate
(B) Lead sulphate
(C) Mixture of lead and iodine
(D) Quinine iodine sulphate

47. The chemical composition of sillimanite is
(A) Al2O3, SiO2
(B) Al2O3 SiO2 -2H2O
(C) Al2O3 -2H20
(D) Al2O3 -4H2O

48. A biaxial mineral is positive if
(A) X is acute bisectrix
(B) Z is acute bisectrix
(C) Y is acute bisectrix
(D) Z is obtuse bisectrix

49. The highest interference colour is produced in a thin section which is
(A) parallel to the optic axis
(B) perpendicular to the optic axis
(C) at an angle of 15° from the cleavage direction
(D) at an angle of 45° from the vibration direction

50. Which one of the following is a non-pleochroic mineral?
(A) Biotite
(B) Muscovite
(C) Hypersthene
(D) Garnet