States and Union Territories Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on States and Union Territories
1. Which among the following districts is not situated in the terai of Uttar Pradesh ?
(A) Pilibhit
(B) Bahraich
(C) Lakhim Pur
(D) Hardoi
2. Which of the following states is called ‘Tiger State’ of India?
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Gujarat
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Assam
3. Khasi and Garo Tribes mainly live in :
(A) Meghalaya
(B) Nagaland
(C) Mizoram
(D) Manipur
4. Which of the following Indian States is broadly as large as the European nation-Austria?
(A) Kerala
(B) West Bengal
(C) Orissa
(D) Karnataka
5. Which of the following Indian States is broadly as large as the European nation Poland?
(A) Bihar
(B) Orissa
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Madhya Pradesh
6. Where are the ‘Todas’ found?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Arunachal Pradesh
7. Which State has the lowest area under forests ?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Haryana
8. Sambhar Salt Lake is situated in:
(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Karnataka
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
9. Which amongst the following States/UT has not identified tribal community ?
(A) Chhattisgarh
(B) Haryana
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Karnataka
10. Sex ratio refers to number of woman
(A) per sq. km. in relation to males
(B) per 1000 males
(C) per state in relation to males
(D) and number of men in an area
11. Which is the smallest (in area) of the following Union Territories?
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(C) Daman and Diu
(D) Lakshadweep
12. Which from the following territories does NOT have a border with Mizoram ?
(A) Nagaland
(B) Myanmar
(C) Assam
(D) Tripura
13. Which from the following territories does not have a border with Arunachal Pradesh ?
(A) Assam
(B) Nagaland
(C) Bhutan
(D) Manipur
14. In which of the following states the first Synagogue is built in India ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) West Bengal
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Kerala
15. What is the stage in the population cycle in which India is classified on the basis of its demographic characteristics ?
(A) Early expanding stage
(B) High stationary stage
(C) Late expanding stage
(D) Declining stage
16. In India, population density is defined as the number of persons
(A) per square mile
(B) per lakh square mile
(C) per lakh square kilometre
(D) per square kilometre
17. A high growth rate of population is characterised by
(A) high birth and high death rates
(B) high birth and low death rates
(C) low birth and low death rates
(D) low birth and high death rates
18. One of the pairs not matched correctly is
(A) Dehradun – U.P.
(B) Shimla–Himachal Pradesh
(C) Drajeeling – West Bengal
(D) Panchmarhi – M.P.
19. According to India’s Report of 2001 percentage of population living in rural areas is
(A) 70
(B) 72
(C) 74
(D) 80
20. Which State of India has the largest percentage of poor?
(A) Bihar
(B) Chhattisgarh
(C) Orissa
(D) Jharkhand
State and Union Territories | Forest and National Park |
Political Geography | Climate of India |
Transportation and Ports | Drainage, Irrigation and Rivers |
Industries and Trade | Geomorphology |
Mineral Resources |
21. What percentage of Indian population is below the official poverty line?
(A) Below 30%
(B) 30% to 35%
(C) Above 35% but below 40%
(D) Between 40% and 45%
22. According to the latest estimates, the literacy rate (% of population) in India is
(A) 63%
(B) 65%
(C) 67%
(D) 68%
23. Jawahar Tunnel, the largest in India is located in the State of
(A) Jammu & Kashmir
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Karnataka
(D) Himachal Pradesh
24. The most literate union territory in India is
(A) Delhi
(B) Lakshadweep
(C) Chandigarh
(D) Pondicherry
25. During which decade did the population of India record a negative growth rate ?
(A) 1921–31
(B) 1911–21
(C) 1941–51
(D) 1931–41
26. The birthrate measures the number of births during a year per
(A) 100 population
(B) 1000 population
(C) 10000 population
(D) 100000 population
27. Which one of the following states of India records the highest sexratio?
(A) Kerala
(B) Karnataka
(C) Maghalaya
(D) Tamilnadu
28. Census of population in India is done after every
(A) 10 years
(B) 05 years
(C) 07 years
(D) 02 years
29. Which of the following states as per-census, has the highest and lowest sex ratio respectively?
(A) Kerala and Haryana
(B) Himachal Pradesh and Punjab
(C) Meghalaya and Bihar
(D) Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh
30. Diu is an island off
(A) Daman
(B) Goa
(C) Gujarat
(D) Maharashtra
31. The most densely populated State in India is
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Bihar
(C) West Bengal
(D) Haryana
32. The least populated State in India is
(A) Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Sikkim
(C) Mizoram
(D) Uttarakhand
33. Which of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Assam – Itanagar
(B) Arunachal Pradesh – Guwahati
(C) Tripura – Agartala
(D) Nagaland – Shillong
34. Which is the largest State of India ?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Maharashtra
35. Which one of the following states does not have a railway station?
(A) Sikkim
(B) Himachal Pradesh
(C) Jammu & Kashmir
(D) Nagaland
36. Which one of the following is not a desert district of Rajasthan?
(A) Kota
(B) Barmer
(C) Jaisalmer
(D) Churu
37. Which one of the following States does not use thermal electricity?
(A) Andhra Pradesh
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Arunachal Pradesh
(D) Madhya Pradesh
38. Which one of the following districts of MP has a border with another State?
(A) Rewa
(B) Raisen
(C) Hoshangabad
(D) Shahdol
39. Which one of the following is a coastal district of Tamil Nadu?
(A) Periyar
(B) Kanyakumari
(C) Madurai
(D) Trichirappalli
40. The State which has developed wind energy is
(A) Gujarat
(B) Karnataka
(C) Kerala
(D) Andhra Pradesh
41. The State having common borders with maximum number of States is
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Rajasthan
42. In which State the percentage of Christian population is highest?
(A) Goa
(B) Kerala
(C) Mizoram
(D) Nagaland
43. The state having the largest density of population per square kilometre in India is
(A) Kerala
(B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) West Bengal
(D) Bihar
44. Which of the following state is most famous for its beautiful sea beaches?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Goa
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Orissa
45. Which of the following States in India has the highest net sown area?
(A) Punjab
(B) Orissa
(C) Andhra Pradesh
(D) Mizoram
46. Which state is known for lvory and Sandalwood carvings ?
(A) Kerala
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Karnataka
(D) Madhya Pradesh
47. Which one of the following is not a Union Territory ?
(A) Chandigarh
(B) Pondicherry
(C) Lakshwadeep
(D) Tripura
48. Which State of India has the largest area ?
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Rajasthan
49. In the history of Indian population, which duration period is referred to as ‘A great leap forward’?
(A) 1921–1931
(B) 1941–1951
(C) 1951 – 1961
(D) 1971–1981
50. Out of the following Indian States, which State does not have any maritime boundary?
(A) Gujarat
(B) Goa
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Maharashtra