Botany Quiz

1. Plant biotechnology involves :-
A. Production of valuable products from plants
B. Rapid clonal multiplication of desired genotypes
C. Production of virus free plants
D. All of these

2. Cris – cross inheritance applies to which type of the gene inheritance :-
A. Sex liked gene inheritance
B. Sex influenced gene inheritance
C. Sex limited gene inheritance
D. Cytoplasmic inheritance

3. Artificial seeds are :-
A. Seeds produced in laboratory condition
B. Seeds encapsulated in a gel
C. Somatic embryos encapsulated in a gel
D. Somatic cells encapsulated in a gel

4. When did PPV & FR Act 2001 came into force ?
A. Jan. 2002
B. Jan. 2003
C. Jan. 2004
D. Jan. 2005

5. If the mean and standard deviation of pearl millet yield are 20 Kg and 5 Kg respectively, the coefficient of variation will be :-
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 30%

6. Baldness in humans is an example of :-
A. Sex linked trait
B. Sex influenced trait
C. Sex limited trait
D. Cytoplasmic inherited trait

7. If the same lines are also used as tester in L x T design, then :-
A. It is equivalent to partial diallel design
B. It is equivalent to NCD design II
C. It is equivalent to full diallel design
D. It is equivalent to biparental mating design

8. Which of the following cell organelle is not bound by cell membrane :-
A. Lysosome
B. Spherosome
C. Peroxisome
D. Ribosome

9. Breakage -fusion-bridge cycles of crossing over of paracentric inversion are most commonly found in :-
A. Pearl millet
B. Maize
C. Sorghum
D. Wheat

10. Scientific name of macaroni wheat is :-
A. Triticum aestivum
B. Triticum durum
C. Triticum dicoccum
D. Triticum compactum

11. The concept depicted by a cross in which the phenotype of F₁ generation expresses both the parents to some degree is :-
A. Incomplete dominance
B. Law of dominance
C. Inheritance of one gene
D. Co – dominance

12. Coefficient of inbreeding for random mating population is :-
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

13. Through mutation breeding maximum varieties have been released for the character :-
A. Salt tolerance
B. Improved grain quality
C. Increase in height
D. Reduction in height

14. The flow of information from RNA to DNA is called:-
A. Transcription
B. Translation
C. Teminism
D. Central dogma

15. The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium may be disturbed by :-
A. Lack of selection
B. Lack of migration
C. Lack of random mating
D. Lack of mutation

16. How many possible double cross hybrids could be made from ten inbred lines of maize ?
A. 40
B. 240
C. 630
D. 830

17. Cross pollination in cotton ranges :-
A. < 5%
B. 5-30%
C. > 50%
D. None of these

18. The race composition of a pathogen changes in response to :-
A. Environment
B. The resistant gene present in host
C. The virulence factor present in pathogen
D. Race composition in the pathogen

19. In lac operon, which of the following codes for the enzyme β – galactosidase ?
A. Lac Z
B. Lac Y
C. Lac A
D. Operator

20. Seed multiplication ratio in gram and groundnut are, respectively :-
A. 1 : 10 and 1 : 20
B. 1 : 20 and 1 : 10
C. 1 : 8 and 1 : 10
D. 1 : 10 and 1 : 8

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21. Heritability is not dependent on :-
A. Genotypic effect
B. Population size
C. Gene frequencies
D. Environment

22. Linkage between the genes for resistance with some undesirable genes is referred to as :-
A. Compatible linkage
B. Genetic linkage
C. Linkage drag
D. Useful linkage

23. Insect resistance breeding is more difficult, because :-
A. Host specificity is less marked
B. Fairly simple inheritance
C. Biological strains are less common
D. Have complex inheritance

24. When ‘n’ genes are segregating, the smallest size of the perfect F₂ population would be :-
A. 2ⁿ
B. 3ⁿ
C. 4ⁿ
D. 0ⁿ

25. Headquarters of UPOV is at :-
A. Munich
B. Geneva
C. Rome
D. New York

26. The plant cell organelle associated with fat catabolism is :-
A. Lomasome
B. Mesosome
C. Glyoxisome
D. Microtubule

27. Re-constitution is not possible of the genetic form of :-
A. Hybrid
B. Synthetic population
C. Multi lines
D. Composite population

28. Which of the following method is not used for inbred line improvement ?
A. Pedigree selection
B. Mass selection
C. Gametic selection
D. Back cross method

29. The storage life for seed having moisture content 9-10 % at temperature not exceeding 90° F is :-
A. One Year
B. Two Years
C. Three Years
D. Four Years

30. Site of the mitochondria that contains enzymes for Kreb’s cycle is:-
A. Outer membrane
B. Inner membrane
C. Inter membrane space
D. Matrix

31. Which of the following test is not used for testing seed viability ?
A. T Z- Test
B. I C- Test
C. GADA – Test
D. Phenol test

32. Which of the following is not a DNA sequencing method ?
B. Edmans method
C. Sanger’s method
D. Maxam – Gilbert method

33. When both additive and non additive gene effects are important in the expression of a trait, the most appropriate selection scheme is :-
A. Pure line selection
B. Mass selection
C. Simple recurrent selection
D. Reciprocal recurrent selection

34. The male sterility used in the development of hybrid wheat has been derived from :-
A. Triticum dicoccum
B. Triticum timopheevii
C. Triticum durum
D. Triticum monococcum

35. Maximum number of mutant varieties are produced with the treatment :-
B. UV rays
C. Sodium azide
D. Gamma rays

36. The phenomenon of the reversion of mature cells to the meristematic state leading to the formation of callus is known as :-
A. Redifferentiation
B. Dedifferentiation
C. Differentiation
D. Organogenesis

37. The first transgenic crop in the world is :-
A. Cotton
B. Soybean
C. Tobacco
D. Flax

38. Main objective of the use of genetically modified herbicide resistant crops is to :-
A. Reduce herbicide accumulation in food articles for health safety
B. Encourage eco-friendly herbicides
C. Elimination of weeds from the field without use of manual labour
D. Elimination of weed from the field without use of herbicides

39. Which is not a notified variety of Taramira :-
A. Karan Tara
B. T – 27
C. Narendra Tara
D. Jobner Tara

40. Moderate inbreeding depression is common in :-
A. Carrot and onion
B. Alfalfa and sorghum
C. Maize and Bajra
D. Onion and sunflower

41. Advantage of heterosis can be taken permanently by clonal selection in which of the following :-
A. In sexually propagated crops
B. In Asexually propagated crops
C. In genetically modified crops
D. In tissue cultured crops

42. DIMBOA imparts resistance against :-
A. Corn borer
B. Cotton bollworm
C. Army worm
D. Shoot fly

43. DNA chip technology can be used for detection of :-

44. Open pollination of a group of genotypes (generally selected) in isolation in a way to promote random mating inter se is called :-
A. Biparental mating
B. Polycross
C. Three way cross
D. Back cross

45. Which of the following is the shortest mitotic stage ?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase

46. Which of the following statement is not correct about a randomized complete block experiment ?
A. Every block is randomized separately from other blocks
B. Every treatment must appear at least once in each block
C. Each block contains a different set of treatments
D. Treatments are randomized in each block

47. Choose the correct statement for tandem selection:-
A. Improvement of all the characters is done in one go
B. Improvement of the characters is at random
C. Improvement of characters is done one after the another
D. Improvement is done for adaptability only

48. In tissue culture frequent sub-culturing induces :-
A. Temporal modification
B. Somaclonal variation
C. Cultural shock
D. Somatic hybrid

49. The direction of block in field experiment in Randomized block design is :-
A. Perpendicular to fertility gradient
B. Parallel to fertility gradient
C. At an angle of 45° to fertility gradient
D. All of these

50. Single low’/’0′ in mustard represents :-
A. Erucic acid < 4% of total oil content
B. Erucic acid <2% of total oil content
C. Glucosinolate <2% of total oil content
D. Erucic acid and Glucosinolate < 4% of total oil content