American History Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on American History
1. The south was divided inti 5 military district under the provision of the
(A) Tenure of office Act
(B) Civil Right Acts
(C) Reconstruction Act
(D) Confiscation Act
2. The fourteenth Amendment guaranteed
(A) U.S citizenship to former slaves
(B) Land ownership for former slaves
(C) freedom to slaves
(D) Former slaves the right to vote
3. Senator ____________ was beaten unconscious by a member of the house of representative after he gave his “The crime against Kansas” speech
(A) Stephan Douglas
(B) Andrew Butter
(C) Peterson Brooks
(D) Charles Sumner
4. How many houses were created with the Great compromise
(A) 1 House
(B) 2House
(C) 3 House
(D) 4House
5. Name the President of confederacy during the civil war
(A) John Adam
(B) Abraham Lincoln
(C) Jefferson Davis
(D) Roosevelt
6. Which constitution Amendment talk about Congress shall make no law?
(A) The first Amendment
(B) the second Amendment
(C) the third Amendment
(D) the fourth Amendment
7. Which Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.A?
(A) 12th Amendment
(B) 13th Amendment
(C) 14th Amendment
(D) 15th Amendment
8. An organization that was founded in Tennessee which terrorized the Negroes was
(A) Ku Klux Klan
(B) Cross Bearer
(C) Anglish
(D) Mason
9. In 1867, Oliver Hudson Kelly had founded an organization known as the Patrons of Husbandry, and was also known as the
(A) Husband movement
(B) Scallywags
(C) The Grange
(D) Hellora
10. ‘the duties of all public offices are so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves for there performance,’ who said this
(A) Jackson
(B) Lincoln
(C) Jefferson
(D) Monroe
11. By 1865, under Presidential reconstruction how many Southern states were reconstructed
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
12. Congressional reconstruction was also known as
(A) Moderate reconstruction
(B) Liberal reconstruction
(C) Radical reconstruction
(D) Neo reconstruction
13. President Hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the south in
(A) 1875
(B) 1876
(C) 1877
(D) 1878
14. Who issued the emancipation proclamation?
(A) John F.Kenedy
(B) Abraham Lincoln
(C) F.D Roosevelt
(D) None of the above
15. Name the President of confederates during the civil war.
(A) Jafferson Davis
(B) John adams
(C) Abraham Lincoln
(D) F.D Roosevelt
16. How many were killed during the American civil war?
(A) 60,0000
(B) 70,0000
(C) 80,0000
(D) 65,0000
17. In 1870 how many American people lived in Urban area
(A) 15%
(B) 20%
(C) 25%
(D) 30%
18. The total distance of all railway line in operation in the United state in 1850 was
(A) 14000 K.M
(B) 15000 K.M
(C) 13000 K.M
(D) 14500 K.M
19. How many Millionaire are there in 1850?
(A) about 30
(B) about 20
(C) about 25
(D) about 35
20. The 1st Reform era occurred in the year before the
(A) cold war
(B) civil war
(C) world war I
(D) None of the above
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21. In which year Congress passed the Home state Act?
(A) 1860
(B) 1863
(C) 1862
(D) 1861
22. When did the Congress declared war on Spain?
(A) April 25, 1890
(B) April 20, 1898
(C) April 25, 1898
(D) April 21, 1891
23. Bryan Spectacular are
(A) cross of silver
(B) cross of gold
(C) cross of Diamond
(D) None of the above
24. The worker who was support by American railway union leader was
(A) William Jenning Bryan
(B) Samuel Thumson
(C) Henry Clay Frick
(D) Eugen V.Debs
25. When was the industrial Revaluation occurred in America?
(A) from 1760-1840
(B) from 1765 – 1845
(C) from 1760 – 1850
(D) from 1765-1850
26. When was the Reform movement period start?
(A) 1827
(B) 1828
(C) 1829
(D) 1839
27. In which year the 21st Amendment repealed prohibition?
(A) 1823
(B) 1933
(C) 1833
(D) 1923
28. In 1878 which diseases wiped out one fourth population of Memphis?
(A) Smallpox
(B) yellow fewer
(C) cholera
(D) dengue
29. During civil war what things made soldier die more than the gun shoot
(A) Virus
(B) Earthquake
(C) Cyclone
(D) diseases
30. When did the U.S census Bureau become part of the new department of commerce and labour?
(A) on February 14,1902
(B) on February 14, 1903
(C) on February 1803
(D) on February 14,1906
31. Coloured farmers Alliance was formed in
(A) 1786
(B) 1886
(C) 1896
(D) 1885
32. When did the Populist party started?
(A) 1890
(B) 1790
(C) 1895
(D) 1896
33. Agrarian revolt populism occurred during the period of
(A) 1865- 1900
(B) 1860- 1900
(C) 1865 – 1910
(D) 1765 – 1900
34. The Populist party was also called as
(A) The Republican Party
(B) The Democratic Party
(C) The Federalist Party
(D) The People Party
35. Farmer alliance originated in
(A) Late 1880,s
(B) Late 1870,s
(C) Late 1890,s
(D) None of the above
36. The Federal law of 1873 was also called
(A) Crime of 1883
(B) Crime of 1873
(C) Crime of 1893
(D) Crime of 1774
37. The second Reform Era began during
(A) Re-Union
(B) Re-Construction
(C) Re-Improvement
(D) None of the above
38. The second Reform Era lasted Until
(A) 1916
(B) 1917
(C) 1918
(D) 1817
39. The period of American history from about 1810 – 1970 is often called
(A) Cold world era
(B) Dining civil war
(C) Progressive era
(D) Reconstruction era
40. When did the progressive movement developed
(A) Last quarter of the 19th century
(B) last quarter of the 18th century
(C) last quarter of the 17th century
(D) None of the above
American History
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41. How many immigrants entered the U.S between 1870 – 1960
(A) more than 25 million
(B) more than 30 million
(C) more than 35 million
(D) more than 20
42. The two most essential needs for the expansion of industry were
(A) Gold and Silver
(B) Coal and Steel
(C) Iron and Steel
(D) Gold and Steel
43. The slogan used by Roosevelt for his foreign policy strategy
(A) Speak softly and carry a big stick
(B) One death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic
(C) Blood and iron
(D) Death is the solution to all problems
44. The dominant figure in the growth of the American Steel Industry was
(A) Andrew Carnegie
(B) Rockefeller
(C) Henry Ford
(D) Henry E.Frick
45. The American first commercial Oil was drilled in
(A) Texas
(B) Pennsylvania
(C) California
(D) Ohio
46. Who devised a satisfactory filament for light bulb in 1879?
(A) Joseph Henry
(B) Michel Faraday
(C) Thomas Elva Edison
(D) Michel Pupin
47. Who was the scotch immigrant Scientist who invented the telephone?
(A) Mc Kennedy
(B) Grenlevitch Jr
(C) Thomas Elva Edison
(D) Alexander Graham Bell
48. The most promising movement that the South had known science the time of Thomas Jefferson was
(A) The Gorge
(B) The Populist
(C) The progressive
(D) The Scala ways
49. Direct disfranchisement of the Negroes was prohibited by the
(A) 11th amendment
(B) 12th amendment
(C) 14th amendment
(D) 15th amendment
50. The intellectual and political awaking in the 1880’s and 1890’s which produced concrete result in the form of comprehensive moment of reform is known as
(A) Progressive moment
(B) Populist moment
(C) Enlightenment moment
(D) Mercantilist movement
51. In publicizing the need for reform in the late 1880’s , a leading part was played by a group of journalist , they were known as
(A) The Grange
(B) The Muckrakers
(C) The Paparazzi
(D) The Dust remover
52. The real name of the famous American writer, Mack Twain was
(A) Marcus Terence Twain
(B) Samuel Long horn Clements
(C) Mathew Tennyson
(D) Mark Augustus Twain
53. American women suffrage movement was amended by the
(A) 25th amendment
(B) 16th amendment
(C) 18th amendment
(D) 19th amendment
54. What led the United State to declared war?
(A) The breaking of the sunset pledge resulted in Washington breaking diplomatic ties with Germany
(B) The Zimmerman note cause anti-Germany sentiments in the U.S
(C) The sinking of the passenger ship Lusitania by German U boat
(D) All of the above
55. As world war I erupts in Europe who proclaim the neutrality of the United State.
(A) Woodrow Wilson
(B) Roosevelt
(C) Henry .S.Trumen
(D) General Pattor
56. When did the United State join the world war I?
(A) April 6, 1917
(B) May 1, 1917
(C) May 8, 1917
(D) May 9, 1817
57. In when did the first world war broke out?
(A) 1914
(B) 1915
(C) 1916
(D) 1917
58. How many Countries involved in the first world war?
(A) 32
(B) 30
(C) 35
(D) 37
59. The treaty of Versailles was sign on
(A) June 1919
(B) march 1919
(C) April 1919
(D) May 1919
60. One of the Wilsion’s fourteen points
(A) Diplomacy should be public with no secret treaties
(B) U.N.O should be formed
(C) The United Nation should have it’s headquarter at London
(D) Total sublation of arms
61. What did Wilson’s 14th points propose?
(A) The creation of the league of Nation
(B) Creation of south East Asian country
(C) Unification of Eastern Europe
62. President Wilson was defeated in the election of 1920 by the Republican candidate
(A) Roosevelt
(B) Warren G.Harding
(C) Henry S.Thomas
(D) Charles Seymoon
63. Which historians denied that the American involvement in the 1st world war would be attributed to altruism and idealism?
(A) Liberal historians
(B) Nationalist historian
(C) Radical historian
(D) Marxist historian
64. “World war I end the origin of civil liberties” was written by
(A) W.A William
(B) Paul Murphy
(C) Emma Goldman
(D) G.T. Blakey
65. Which amendment passed the total prohibition act on liquor?
(A) 17th amendment
(B) 18th amendment
(C) 19th amendment
(D) 20th amendment
66. The main public enemy of the American people in 1919 was
(A) Imperial Germain
(B) High cost of living
(C) Union strikes
(D) Intoxicating beverages
67. The violent eruption in Chicago during 1919 was called
(A) Bloody Sunday
(B) Red summer
(C) Red October
(D) Bloody May
68. The first woman and the First American to swim the English Channel was
(A) Edith Ederle
(B) Ruth Williams
(C) Nancy Roberts
(D) Anna Smit
69. Who was the United State President at the start of the “Great Depression”?
(A) Roosevelt
(B) Henry S.Thomas
(C) Hoover
(D) Wilson
70. In 1933 the Congress passed a series of administrative measure which was later summarized as “relief, recover and reform” this was also known as
(A) The Roosevelt Deal
(B) The First new Deal
(C) The New Reforming Deal
(D) The Relief Deal
71. Which Act abolish Child labour in the United States?
(A) The Congress ion Act of 1938
(B) The Child labour Act of 1938
(C) The Fair labour Standards Act of 1938
(D) The Emancipation Act of 1938
72. In which country did the United State introduced the “Open door” policy?
(A) China
(B) Japan
(C) Macau
(D) Mongolia
73. The largest ancestral group of European American is
(A) French
(B) Irish
(C) Dutch
(D) German
74. Who was the President of the United State during world war I?
(A) Roosevelt
(B) Lincoln
(C) Wilson
(D) Jackson
75. The President of the United States who served for the longest term in office was
(A) Washington
(B) Roosevelt
(C) Wilson
(D) Kennedy