Zoology MCQ
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MCQ Question Papers of Zoology
1. Chloride shift is essential for transport of
(A) CO2 and O2
(B) N2
(C) CO2 only
(D) O2 only
2. The snakes and birds are mainly
(A) ammonotelic
(B) amiotelic
(C) ureotelic
(D) uricotelic
3. The number of RBCs in man increases if someone lives at higher altitude because
(A) there is more oxygen
(B) there is less oxygen
(C) there are no germs in air
(D) more heat is needed to warm the body
4. The conduction of impulse from SA node moves to
(A) AV node
(B) bundle of His
(C) Purkinje fibres
(D) chordae tendinae
5. The most abundant granulocyte in human blood is
(A) Basophil
(B) Eosinophil
(C) Neutrophil
(D) monocyte
6. The immediate predecessor of spermatids is
(A) Spermatogonia
(B) primary spermatocyte
(C) secondary spermatocyte
(D) sperm mother cell
7. Fertilization of ova in human takes place in
(A) Ovary
(B) Vagina
(C) Uterus
(D) fallopian tube
8. The eggs of egg-laying mammals are
(A) Macrolecithal
(B) Alecithal
(C) Mesolecithal
(D) telolecithal
9. The tertiary membranes of egg are secreted by the
(A) egg itself
(B) follicular cells
(C) oviduct
(D) uterus
10. Which is an exception to Mendel’s law?
(A) Purity of gametes
(B) Dominance
(C) Linkage and crossing-over
(D) Independent assortment
11. Archenteron is formed during
(A) morula stage
(B) blastula stage
(C) late gastrula stage
(D) early gastrula stage
12. Turner’s syndrome is caused due to sex chromosomal composition of
(A) XO
13. Darwin’s finches are a good example of
(A) convergent evolution
(B) industrial melanism
(C) connecting link
(D) adaptive radiation
14. Which of the following is secondary pollutant?
(A) NO
(B) NO2
(C) SO2
15. A taxon which is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in immediate future is known as
(A) Rare
(B) Vulnerable
(C) Endangered
(D) critically endangered
16. In a mammalian embryo, the extra-embryonic membranes arise from
(A) inner cell mass
(B) formative cells
(C) trophoblast
(D) follicle cells
17. Removal of spleen from the human body leads to
(A) decrease in antibody formation
(B) increase in RBC production
(C) decrease in platelet formation
(D) decrease in plasma formation
18. Which one of the following elements is required in coagulation of blood?
(A) Calcium
(B) Iron
(C) Potassium
(D) Sodium
19. A person with antigen A and B but without any antibody belongs to the blood group
(A) A
(B) B
(C) AB
(D) O
20. Seymouria, a fossil reptile, is a missing link between
(A) fishes and amphibians
(B) amphibians and reptiles
(C) reptiles and mammals
(D) None of the above
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21. The Wild Life (Protection) Act was passed in the year
(A) 1972
(B) 1982
(C) 1992
(D) 1962
22. In ornithine cycle, which pair of the following wastes are removed from the blood?
(A) CO2 and urea
(B) Ammonia and urea
(C) CO2 and ammonia
(D) Urea and sodium salt
23. The honeybees exhibit a particular dance to communicate the location of food. This is known as
(A) tap dance
(B) waggle dance
(C) break dance
(D) round and waggle dance
24. Who stated that ‘life originated from simple amino acids’?
(A) Oparin
(B) Muller
(C) Urey and Muller
(D) De Vries
25. Which of the following is used for dating the bones?
(A) C14
(B) I21
(C) P32
(D) All of the above
26. The theory of biogenetic law explains ‘ontogeny repeats phyllogeny’. It was propounded by
(A) Weissman
(B) Lamarck
(C) Haeckel
(D) Harvey
27. Derivative of sweat gland is
(A) Moll’s gland
(B) scent gland
(C) sebaceous gland
(D) mammary gland
28. The basis of karyotaxonomy is
(A) number of nucleoli
(B) sedimentation rate of ribosomes
(C) chromosome banding
(D) chromosome number
29. The type of fossil where hard parts like bone or trunks of trees are preserved is known as
(A) Petrifaction
(B) Mould
(C) Compression
(D) pseudofossil
30. Diploblastic acoelomate condition is found in
(A) Planaria
(B) Rotifer
(C) Ascaris
(D) sea anemone
31. Drones in honeybee colony are
(A) fertile males
(B) fertile females
(C) sterile males
(D) sterile females
32. Burachapari Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
(A) Jorhat district
(B) Dibrugarh district
(C) Lakhimpur district
(D) Sonitpur district
33. The silk thread obtained from silk moth is the product of
(A) salivary gland of larvae
(B) cuticle of adult
(C) cuticle of larva
(D) salivary gland of the adult
34. Select the one with wrong class
(A) Sea star : Asteroidea
(B) Sea urchin : Echinoidea
(C) Sea cake : Holothuroidea
(D) Brittle star : Ophiuroidea
35. Lac is produced as
(A) faeces of the lac insect
(B) secretion from the body
(C) excretion from the body
(D) excess food oozing out of the body
36. The functional adult kidney of reptile is
(A) Pronephros
(B) Metanephros
(C) Mesonephros
(D) 50% each of mesonephros and metanephros
37. Obturator foramen in rabbit is present in
(A) Skull
(B) Vertebrum
(C) pelvic girdle
(D) femur
38. Which one of the following is a biologically incompatible marriage?
(A) Rh-positive man and Rh-negative woman
(B) Rh-negative man and Rh-negative woman
(C) Rh-positive man and Rh-positive woman
(D) Rh-negative man and Rh-positive woman
39. What was the principal missing element in the Darwin’s concept of evolution?
(A) Knowledge of heredity and variation
(B) Concept of missing links
(C) Fossil record
(D) Concrete evidence for the operation of natural selection
40. Corals are
(A) sedentary sponges
(B) sedentary cridarians
(C) sedentary ascidians
(D) free living ctenophorans
41. Which one of the following is not a larval stage of liver fluke?
(A) Redia
(B) Cercaria
(C) Dipinnaria
(D) Miracidium
42. The infective stage of Ascaris is
(A) fertilized egg
(B) second-stage larva
(C) unfertilized egg
(D) adult worm
43. Honeybees have pollen basket on their
(A) Abdomen
(B) prothoracic leg
(C) mesothoracic leg
(D) metathoracic leg
44. The first larval stage of Fasciola hepatica is
(A) Miracidium
(B) Redia
(C) Cercaria
(D) metacercaria
45. The epidermal glands originate from which layer?
(A) Stratum granulosum
(B) Stratum corneum
(C) Stratum lucidum
(D) Stratum malpighu
46. Esterase belongs to
(A) Transferase
(B) hydrolytic enzyme
(C) oxidation-reduction enzyme
(D) carboxylating enzyme
47. Mountain sickness results due to
(A) anaemia hypoxia
(B) arterial hypoxia
(C) lack of sufficient Hb
(D) lack of sufficient RBCs
48. Which of the following foetal membranes is directly connected with blood?
(A) Allantoic
(B) Amnion
(C) Chorion
(D) Yolk sac
49. The number of cephalic appendages in prawn is
(A) four pairs
(B) five pairs
(C) six pairs
(D) eight pairs
50. The number of spinal nerves in rat is
(A) 12 pairs
(B) 31 pairs
(C) 33 pairs
(D) 37 pairs