Test Papers on Homeopathy
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Test Papers on Homeopathy Practice Set
1. According to Boenninghausen complete symptoms means:
(A) Symptom having location sensation modality and concombitants
(B) A symptom having location and modality
(C) Symptom having mental general and physical general
(D) Symptom having mental general and particulars
2. Total number of chapters in Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket books:
(A) Ten
(B) Seven
(C) Twelve
(D) Fifteen
3. The rubric ‘Desire for Open Air’ is found in BTPB in Section :
(A) Aggravation
(B) Fever
(C) Amelioration
(D) Sensation and complaints
4. The rubric ‘vertigo’ is found in BTPB Section:
(A) Fever
(B) Sensation and complaints
(C) Mind and intellect
(D) Nausea and vomiting
5. The rubric parotid glands in BTPB is found in Section :
(A) Sensation and complaints in general
(B) Mouth
(C) Ear
(D) Throat
6. The relationship Section of BTPB :
(A) 126 remedies
(B) 362 remedies
(C) 139 remedies
(D) 141 remedies
7. The total number of chapters in Boger Boenninghausen characteristics and repertory are:
(A) 50
(B) 53
(C) 46
(D) 40
8. The total number of medicines in BBCR comes to:
(A) 378
(B) 362
(C) 478
(D) 461
9. The rubric ‘moon light age’ is found in the following chapter Kent’s repertory :
(A) Skin
(B) Extremities
(C) Generalities
(D) Head
10. The rubric ‘convulsions’ is found in following chapter of Kent’s repertory:
(A) Generalities
(B) Skin
(C) Extremities
(D) Head
Homeopathy MCQ Question Papers |
11. Year of publication of first edition of Kent’s Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, was in :
(A) 1908
(B) 1897
(C) 1924
(D) 1902
12. Total number of chapters in Kent’s repertoryis:
(A) 30 Chapters
(B) 37 Chapters
(C) 33 Chapters
(D) 32 Chapters
13. Sleep chapter of Kent’s repertory consist of the following types of dreams:
(A) 200 types
(B) 237 types
(C) 100 types
(D) 210 types
14. The rubric ‘paralysis agitans’ is found in the following chapter of Kent’s repertory:
(A) Extrimities
(B) Head
(C) Generalities
(D) Skin
15. The rubric ‘suppression of urine’ is found in the following chapter of Kent‘s repertory :
(A) Kidneys
(B) Prostategland
(C) Urine
(D) Urethra
16. The rubric ‘heartburn’ is found in the following chapter of Kent’s repertory:
(A) Heart
(B) Skin
(C) Stomach
(D) Throat
17. In procket mannual of homoeopathic Materia Medica and repertory the clinical repertory was written by:
(A) Oscar E. Boericke
(B) William Boericke
(C) Allen Boericke
(D) Constantine Lippe
18. The repertory the Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea was written by:
(A) W. Gurnsey
(B) Adolf Lippe
(C) James B.Bell
(D) Oscar E. Boericke
19. Rubric word originated from the word :
(A) Rubrica
(B) General Rubrics
(C) Sub Rubrics
(D) Physlcal Rubrics
20. The word ‘RADAR in computer software means:
(A) Rapid Aid for drug airred research
(B) Rapid adjustment for Aid research
(C) Radar used software
(D) Rules accompanying drug research
21. Gentry’s concordance repertory has following numbers of volumes:
(A) 6 volumes
(B) 5 volumes
(C) 8 volumes
(D) 4 volumes
22. The repertory “fragmenta deviribus medica mentorum positivis’ was written by :
(A) J. T. Kent
(B) Samuel Hahnemann
(C) Constantine Lippe
(D) Adolf Lippe
23. The pan which is used for preparing the medicine “Cactus Grandiflorus” :
(A) Only leaves
(B) Only barks
(C) Only stem
(D) Only roots
24. Alkaloids present in Opium are:
(A) Codeine and Morphine only
(B) Narcotinum and Narceinum only
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
25. The following medicines are prepared from Black Spider except :
(A) Thericlioncurassavicum
(B) Latrodectus Hasselii
(C) Latrodectus Mactans
(D) Mygalelasidora
26. The medicine Ambra Grisea is a :
(A) Sarcode
(B) Nosode
(C) lmponderabilia
(D) None of the above
27. Spermaceti is a :
(A) Solid vehicle
(B) Liquid vehicle
(C) Semisolid vehicle
(D) None of the above
28. On adding Potassium ferrocyanide solution to sugar of milk solution if reddish brown precipitation is formed, inference is:
(A) Copper is an impurity
(B) Chloride is an impurity
(C) Starch is an impurity
(D) Alum is an impurity »
29. Oil of Wintergreen test is used to find out the presence of ______ as an impurity in Ethyl alcohol.
(A) Acid
(B) Water
(C) Methyl alcohol
(D) Fusel oil
30. Pharmacopollaxy deals with :
(A) Routes of drug administration
(B) Drug dynamisation
(C) Repetition of doses
(D) Drug proving
31. Maceration is done under ordinary temperature of :
(A) 10°- 15°c
(B) 15° – 20°c
(C) 20° – 25°c
(D) 25° – 30°c
32. For conversion of trituration into liquid potency under decimal scale the potency taken is :
(A) 3C
(B) 4C
(C) 8X
(D) 6X
33. Number of Monograph present in volume IX of HPI:
(A) 105
(B) 107
(C) 100
(D) 180
34. Which variety of alcohol is used for purification of sugar of milk in Stapf process?
(A) Strong alcohol
(B) Dilute alcohol
(C) Dispensing alcohol
(D) Absolute alcohol
35. In making the first trituration double time should be taken for the following drug except:
(A) Mercury
(B) Platinum
(C) Plumbum
(D) Graphites
36. According to Drug and Cosmetic Act for, the sale of Homoeopathic medicines duration of License is given in:
(A) 67 E
(B) 67 B
(C) 67 F
(D) 67 D
37. The following Tinctures or Solutions are having Drug strength of 1/100 except:
(A) Phosphorus
(B) Arsenicum album
(C) Bromium
(D) Glonine
38. Among the following which one is a nosode?
(A) Thyroidinum
(B) Pancreatinum
(C) Parotidinum
(D) Adrenalinum
39. To remove greasy or oily materials of Pharmaceutical utensils the following substanoes are used
(A) Methylated Spirit and Ether
(B) Chlorofonn
(C) Benzene
(D) All of the above
40. In old method the drug Natrum Mur is prepared under:
(A) VA
(B) VB