Sociology GK

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Sociology GK

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GK on Sociology

1. ‘Indigenous seed banks protect women’s right to local farming practices.’ Which theory is represented by this argument?
(A) Liberal Feminism
(B) Gandhian Feminism
(C) Eco-Feminism
(D) Tribal Feminism

2. Who is the author of ‘Crisis in the World Economy’?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Andre G. Frank
(C) Amartya Sen
(D) Gunnar Myrdal

3. Which one of the following is not related with ethnomethodology?
(A) Interpretative approach
(B) Dramaturgical analysis
(C) Macro structural analysis
(D) Indexicality

4. Who among the following has distinguished between communicative action and discourse?
(A) Alexander
(B) Derrida
(C) Habermas
(D) Foucault

5. Who is the author of ‘The Phenomenology of the Social World’?
(A) Alfred Schutz
(B) Garfinkel
(C) Alexander
(D) Peter Berger

6. Affordable access to health services is called:
(A) Rural development
(B) Social development
(C) Urban development
(D) Economic development

7. Industrialization is encouraged by:
(A) Caste-based society
(B) Entrepreneurship
(C) Particularism
(D) Sentimentalism

8. Sengupta Commission Report was published in ………….
(A) 2009
(B) 2000
(C) 1979
(D) 1997

9. Secularism is added in Indian Constitution by which Amendment?
(A) 42nd
(B) 62nd
(C) 43rd
(D) 45th

10. Informal organization of industry is:
(A) Clubs with membership
(B) Unions
(C) Vast net of spontaneous social relationships
(D) Any social relation affecting the industry

11. Harassment over dowry continues due to:
(i) Gender Inequality
(ii) Legal Provisions
(iii) Patriarchal norms
(iv) Culture of Women’s subordination
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iv)
(C) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv)

12. The term ‘Internal Colonisation’ refers to:
(A) Regional Disparity
(B) Globalization
(C) State Control
(D) Dominance over tribals

13. Who among the following is not associated with the specialistic or formalistic school of sociology?
(A) George Simmel
(B) Max Weber
(C) Von Wiese
(D) Emile Durkheim

14. According to Tonnies, neighbour- hood is a type of:
(A) Community
(B) Primary group
(C) Social group
(D) Secondary group

15. The concept of ‘role set’ was propounded by:
(A) R. E. Park
(B) G. H. Mead
(C) E. Goffman
(D) R. K. Merton

16. Which of the following is not a characteristic of community?
(A) Spontaneous birth
(B) Temporary nature
(C) Common way of life
(D) Self-sufficiency

17. Who has stated that ‘family is a nursery of human nature’?
(A) Ogburn
(B) Charles Cooley
(C) Horton and Hunt
(D) Kimball Young

18. Social values indicate:
(A) Group standards
(B) Institutional standards
(C) Community standards
(D) Cultural standards

19. Self ideas or self-attitudes develop by a process of imagining, what others think of us is Known as:
(A) Looking glass self process
(B) Generalised others
(C) Role playing
(D) Collective representation

20. Who said that ‘An institution consists of a concept and structure’?
(A) Kingsley Davis
(B) Robert Maclver
(C) Emile Durkheim
(D) William Summner

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21. The concept of ‘Primary Group’ was introduced by Charles Cooley through his book ……………….
(A) Human Society
(B) Social Organisation
(C) Fundamentals of Sociology
(D) Social System

22. Who among the following had differentiated between ‘in-groups’ and ‘out-groups’?
(A) W. G. Summner
(B) C. H. Cooley
(C) F. Q. Giddings
(D) P. A. Sorokin

23. As a ‘society in miniature’, the school teaches discipline, respect for authority, mutual responsibility and the value of the collective good. Who pointed out this key role of schools?
(A) Parsons
(B) Durkheim
(C) Bernstein
(D) Althusser

24. Choose the correct sequence of the type of marriage as given in the book ‘History of Human Marriage’ by Westermark:
(I) Polygamous marriage
(II) Group marriages
(III) Promiscuous
(IV) Monogamous marriage
(A) (IV) (II) (I) (III)
(B) (I) (II) (IV) (III)
(C) (II) (I) (III) (IV)
(D) (III) (II) (I) (IV)

25. When the working women have to select the convenient role to avoid the role conflict, it is known as:
(A) Role strain
(B) Role priority
(C) Role set
(D) Role performance

26. The rule whereby the married couple establish their own residence is called:
(A) Avanculocal residence
(B) Bilocal residence
(C) Patrilocal residence
(D) Neolocal residence

27. Who among the following says that ‘marriage is a contract for the production and maintenance of children’?
(A) Edward Westermarck
(B) Robert H. Lowie
(C) Malinowski
(D) Levi-Strauss

28. Anticipatory socialization leads to:
(A) Disintegrated personality
(B) Upward social mobility
(C) Antisocial personality
(D) Normlessness

29. Who said that ‘when a class is somewhat strictly hereditary’ we may call it a caste:
(A) C. H. Cooley
(B) Herbert Risely
(C) D. N. Majumdar
(D) T. N. Madan

30. Given below are statements, Assertion and Reason—Read it and choose the answer from the given codes:
Assertion (A):
Policy of Reservation has led to the growth of a small group of elites from amongst the backward classes.
Reason (R):
The benefits of Reservation are mainly cornered by them.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

31. “Caste’ is a Brahmanic child of Indo- Aryan culture cradled in the land of the Ganges and thence transferred to other parts of India.” Who has said this?
(A) Maclver
(B) Majumdar
(C) Ghurye
(D) Risley

32. When the norms gives directives and common for all are known as:
(A) Practical norms
(B) Relational norms
(C) Ideal norms
(D) Regulative norms

33. Who has written the following book?
‘Structure and Function in Primitive Society’?
(A) Nadel
(B) Radcliffe Brown
(C) Levi-Strauss
(D) Durkheim

34. Parsons regards institutionalization as the fundamental integrative mechanism of:
(A) Social structure
(B) Social equilibrium
(C) Social change
(D) Social system

35. According to Blumer which one of the following is not a Social Action?
(A) Wedding
(B) Maintaining a diary
(C) Family dinner
(D) Educational tour

36. According to R. K. Merton status involves:
(A) A single role
(B) A single associated role
(C) An array of associated roles
(D) Dissociated roles

37. Randoll Collins is one of the advocates of:
(A) Formal conflict theory
(B) Dialectic sociology
(C) Radical sociology
(D) Analytic conflict theory

38. Which one of the following forms the basis of reference group according to R. K. Merton?
(A) Relative equality
(B) Relative deprivation
(C) Relative difficulties
(D) Relative association

39. In which of the following functionalism there are three system levels: the biological, the social structural, and the symbolic, in:
(A) Nadel’s functionalism
(B) Merton’s functionalism
(C) Malinowski’s functionalism
(D) Spencer’s functionalism

40. The book entitled ‘Magic, Science and Religion’ was written by:
(A) Radcliffe Brown
(B) Levi-Strauss
(C) S. F. Nadel
(D) Malinowski

41. Who said that ‘Men make their own history, but not under circumstances of their own choosing’?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Gramsci
(C) Althusser
(D) Dahrendorf

42. According to Marxian viewpoint, poverty is not a result of scarcity, but the result of:
(A) Population explosion
(B) Alienation
(C) Exploitation
(D) Class antagonism

43. Who has defined a symbol as the stimulus whose response is given in advance?
(A) G. H. Mead
(B) C. H. Cooley
(C) Herbert Blumer
(D) E. Goffman

44. The main purpose of positivist research is to:
(A) Create positive ideas in society
(B) Enable’ policy-makers’ to formulate guidelines for developing social policies
(C) To do intuitive computational data collection
(D) To develop and test hypothesis

45. Given below are statements, Assertion and Reason—Read it and choose the answer from the given codes:
Assertion (A):
The principle of Replication is a principle of experimental design.
Reason (R):
In the principle of Replication, the experiment should be repeated more than once.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

46. ‘Before and After’ observations are made in studies involving:
(A) Exploratary design
(B) Experimental design
(C) Descriptive design
(D) Cross-cultural design

47. Who has used ‘participant observation’ method for collection of data?
(A) Radcliffe Brown
(B) S. C. Dube
(C) Malinowski
(D) N. K. Bose

48. What is the key feature of qualitative research?
(A) Relatively unstructured and happens in a natural field setting
(B) It is too difficult and vague
(C) It involves ethical and moral issues
(D) It is more speculative

49. Who has introduced case study method in social investigation?
(A) A. G. Lundberg
(B) Fredrick Leplay
(C) John Galtung
(D) N. Anderson

50. Stratified sampling can be adopted when:
(A) The phenomenon displays greater homogeneity
(B) In case of lesser homogeneity of the universe
(C) In very micro context
(D) While dealing with subjective data

51. The logical model in which specific expectations of hypothesis are developed on the basis of general principles is known as:
(A) Induction
(B) Deduction
(C) Reduction
(D) accumulation

52. Which is the other type than the basic types of interviews distinguished in social research namely structured and semi-structured?
(A) Closed structured
(B) Unstructured
(C) Sequential
(D) Clinical

53. The study of recorded human communications in the books, magazines, web-pages, poems, news-papers, songs, speeches, letters, e-mail, messages, laws and constitutions is known as:
(A) Data Analysis
(B) Statistical Analysis
(C) Content Analysis
(D) Historical Analysis

54. A technical term used in connection with the elaboration model refers to:
(A) Codification
(B) Generalization
(C) Elucidation
(D) Interpretation

55. A variable that has two attribute is:
(A) Nominal
(B) Binomial
(C) Variate
(D) Bivariate

56. Which is not a type of exploratory studies?
(A) Expert Surveys
(B) Experience Surveys
(C) Case Studies
(D) Test Units

57. A measure of central tendency that represents the midpoint in a distribution of ordered data is:
(A) Median
(B) Mean
(C) Matrix
(D) Correlation

58. Which among the following is the major limitation of survey research?
(A) Survey research touches only the surface
(B) Survey research is utilitarian in orientation
(C) Survey research is market oriented
(D) Survey research is always unreliable

59. An attempt to bring about a greater accuracy which is desired by all the sciences is called as ……………
(A) Content analysis
(B) Reliability
(C) Validity
(D) Scaling

60. A largely unstructured interview in which the respondent is asked to recall events from his or her past and to reflect on them:
(A) Interview
(B) Observation
(C) Oral history
(D) Interview guide

61. The value that occurs most frequently in a distribution of values is called:
(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) Mode
(D) Dispersion

62. The degree to which a measure of a concept is stable refers to:
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Correlation
(D) Dispersion