Sericulture Previous Questions Papers
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Previous Questions Papers on Sericulture
1. The total life span of Eri silkworm is
(a) 50 days
(b) 50-120 days
(c) 30-35 days
(d) 50-55 days
2. Which silkworm produces open end cocoon
(a) Muga silkworm
(b) Mulberry silkworm
(c) Eri silkworm
(d) Tasar silkworm
3. Aherua crop in Muga culture is a
(a) Seed crop
(b) Second commercial crop
(c) Main commercial crop
(d) Pre seed crop
4. Appliances used to transfer of Muga silkworm from one plant to another
(a) Chaloni
(b) Jhali
(c) Khora
(d) Bamboo pole
5. Given below is a sequence of steps in the processing of reeling. Fill in the blank the missing sequence steps. Stifling _________ reeling_________
(a) Cooking, re-reeling
(b) Lacing, cooking
(c) Sorting, brushing
(d) Lacing, skeining
6. Dupian silk is obtained from
(a) Calcified cocoon
(b) Good cocoon
(c) Pre-mature cocoon
(d) Double cocoon
7. pH of reeling water required for quality raw silk production is
(a) 8.8
(b) 10-12
(c) 6.6-7.8
(d) 8.2-9
8. Filament length of bivoltine cocoon is
(a) 300-500
(b) 700-1500
(c) 500-700
(d) 2000-2500
9. Number of ends per basin in multi-end reeling machine
(a) 20
(b) 5
(c) 1
(d) 10
10. Types of Croissure in multi-end reeling machine is
(a) Chambon type
(b) Tavellette type
(c) Standard type
(d) All of these
11. Serigraph test is
(a) To determine the neatness of raw silk
(b) To determine the degree of agglutination of filaments
(c) To find the tenacity and elongation of raw silk
(d) To determine the number of breaks
12. In India the purity of silk ensures through the
(a) ISI mark
(b) Agmark
(c) Silkmark
(d) Serimark
13. The unit used to measure the thickness of silk filament
(a) Denier
(b) Renditta
(c) Micron
(d) MM
14. Calculate the shell ratio where cocoon and pupal weight are 1.9 and 1.7 gms respectively
(a) 11%
(b) 15%
(c) 10.5%
(d) 12%
15. Silk are divided into three categories according to their size and their grades expressed in order of
(a) A,B,2A,3A,4A
(b) 4A,3A,2A,A,B
(c) B,A,2A,3A,4A
(d) B,4A,3A,2A,A
16. Process of separation of cocoon according to their size is called
(a) Stifling
(b) Deflossing
(c) Riddling
(d) Skeining
17. Number of kg of cocoon required to produce 1kg of raw silk is called
(a) Shell ratio
(b) Denier
(c) Renditta
(d) Kakame
18. In Raw Silk classification category II is the size of
(a) 18 denier and below
(b) 15 to 30 denier
(c) 20 denier and above
(d) 19 to 33 denier
19. Ahimsa silk is naturally obtained from
(a) Tasar silk
(b) Mulberry silk
(c) Muga silk
(d) Eri silk
20. In which year Indian Silk is first published?
(a) 1953
(b) 1962
(c) 1964
(d) 1949
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21. One of the popular oxidising agents used for bleaching of silk is
(a) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Sodium hypochlorite
(c) Hydrogen peroxide
(d) Bleaching powder
22. In the process of Soupling the gum removal percentage is
(a) 10-15%
(b) 20-25%
(c) 2-5%
(d) 15-20%
23. The fibroin composition in mulberry raw silk is
(a) 20-30%
(b) 70-80%
(c) 40-50%
(d) 35-55%
24. A solution of acid dye contain
(a) 2-4% acetic acid + 10% glauber salt
(b) 5-6% acetic acid + 5% glauber salt
(c) 4% acetic acid + 8% glauber salt
(d) 3% acetic acid + 10% glauber salt
25. In weaving the longitudinal threads are called
(a) Weft
(b) Bave
(c) Warp
(d) Braid
26. The only country that produces Muga Silk is
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Korea
(d) India
27. The top three silk producing countries are
(a) China, India, Japan
(b) China, India, Uzbekistan
(c) China, India, USA
(d) China, India, Germany
28. The ratio of Vanya and Mulberry silk production in India is around
(a) 26:74
(b) 20:80
(c) 15:85
(d) 18:82
29. The number of cocoon required to produced 1kg of muga raw silk is
(a) 3000-4000
(b) 4500-5000
(c) 6000
(d) 3500-4500
30. In India, there is a three tiers silkworm seed/egg multiplication system
(a) P3, P 2, P1
(b) P2, P1, P3
(c) P1, P2, P3
(d) P3, P1, P2
31. The ‘Silkworm Seed Act’ was first promulgated in
(a) 1949
(b) 1959
(c) 1960
(d) 1962
32. In great grand parent (P3) rearing are conducted in
(a) 25 laying per batch
(b) 10 laying per batch
(c) 1 laying per batch
(d) 5 laying per batch
33. In P3 station only————bivoltine cocoons are selected for P2 laying preparation
(a) 40%
(b) 20%
(c) 60%
(d) 30%
34. Central Silk Board started Race Authorization Programme in
(a) 1990
(b) 1985
(c) 1995
(d) 1992
35. The full genome of silkworm was published by International Silkworm Genome Consortum in
(a) 2004
(b) 2008
(c) 2007
(d) 2006
36. A DNA strand copied from mRNA using reverse transcriptase is known as
(a) zDNA
(b) Humidifier
(c) cDNA
(d) None of these
37. Analytical technique used to detect specific proteins in a given sample tissue homogenate
(a) Western blotting
(b) Northern blotting
(c) Southern blotting
(d) Agarose gel electrophoresis
38. Role of restriction enzymes in the recombinant DNA technology is
(a) Cut the DNA
(b) Join the DNA
(c) Match the DNA
(d) All of these
39. Colchicine is a
(a) Pesticides
(b) Chemical mutagens
(c) Fungicide
(d) Nematicide
40. Germplasm bank is a
(a) Fertilizer storage centre
(b) Place where water is stored
(c) Place where gene pool is maintained
(d) Agricultural development bank
41. Central Sericultural Germplasm Resource Centre was located in
(a) Bangalore
(b) Mysore
(c) West Bengal
(d) Hosur
42. An individual carrying the gametic chromosome number ‘n’ is known as
(a) Diploid
(b) Haploid
(c) Tetraploid
(d) Polyploidy
43. Back crossing is used for induction of
(a) Inbreeding
(b) Disease resistance
(c) Mutation breeding
(d) Polyploidy breeding
44. Oak Tasar silkworm Antheraea proylei is the hybrid between Antheraea roylei and
(a) Antheraea mylitta
(b) Antheraea asama
(c) Antheraea pernyi
(d) Antheraea jolly
45. Safe period for spraying of Bavistin
(a) 5-10 days
(b) 10 days
(c) 15 days
(d) 7-10 days
46. The Economic Threshold Level (ETL) of Mealy bug is
(a) 10/shoot
(b) 20/leaf
(c) 20/plant
(d) 15/leaf
47. Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying
(a) 0.3% Karathane
(b) 0.5% Wetable Sulphur
(c) 0.1% Carbendazim
(d) 0.2% Copper Oxychloride
48. Before starting Muga rearing, plantation site should be disinfect by dusting bleaching powder and lime in the ratio of
(a) 1:9
(b) 9:1
(c) 8:2
(d) 3:4
49. 0.5% Dimecron should be applied twice at 15 days interval to control
(a) Leaf spot
(b) Leaf rust
(c) Powdery mildew
(d) Gall infestation
50. Stem borer can be controlled by applying
(a) 1.5% Nuvan
(b) 3% Nuvan
(c) 2% Bavistin
(d) 5% Carbofuron