Nursing Tutor Model Question Papers

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Nursing Tutor Model Question Papers

Nursing Tutor Model Question Papers for exams is available on our page. The Candidate who is in search of Nursing Tutor Model Question Papers pdf can find here.

Model Question Papers for Nursing Tutor Jobs

1. Which of the following drugs concentrates in the skeletal system?
(a) Tetracycline
(b) Atropine
(c) Digoxin
(d) I.N.H.

2. The immunoglobulin related to hypersensitivity and anaphylaxis is
(a) Ig A
(b) Ig E
(c) Ig M
(d) Ig G

3. Which of the following diseases are related to corona virus?
(a) MERS
(b) SARS
(c) Both a and b
(d) Neither a nor b

4. Formula for converting Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale
(a) C= (F+32) x 9/5
(b) C= (F-32) x 9/5
(c) C= (F-32) x 5/9
(d) C= None of the above

5. Swine flu is caused by
(a) H1 N1
(b) H2 N2
(c) H1 N2
(d) H1 N5

6. Infectious non sharp waste is collected in
(a) Yellow bag
(b) Black bag
(c) Blue Bag
(d) Red bag

7. While working in the hospital a nurse faces a conflict in choosing the intervention between, the need of the patient, doctors decision, family wish and hospital policies. Acc to nursing code of ethics Your priority in choosing the intervention will
(a) Physician decision
(b) Patients family wish
(c) Hospital policy
(d) Patients need.

8. An infection resulting from a treatment or from a diagnostic procedure is called
(a) Nosocomial infection
(b) Iatrogenic infection
(c) Endogenous infection
(d) Intrinsic infection

9. In order from lowest to highest what are Mash low’s five classes of need
(a) Social-Esteem-Physiological-Safety and Self Actualization
(b) Physiological-Safety-Social-Self Actualization-Esteem
(c) Physiological-Safety-Social- Esteem-Self Actualization
(d) Self Actualization- Safety-Social-Esteem-Physiological

10. A sexually transmitted bacterial disease is
(a) AIDS
(b) Syphilis
(c) Herpes
(d) Hepatitis

11. Inactive cancer gene is called
(a) Tumor suppressor gene
(b) Proto-oncogen
(c) Transposon
(d) Tumor promotergene

12. Which of the following is a structural change in cancer cells
(a) Apoplasia
(b) Metastasis
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of the above

13. Purpura is the manifestation of
(a) Anemia
(b) Leucopenia
(c) Thrombocytopenia
(d) Leucocytosis

14. Lifestyle modification is an example of
(a) Primordial prevention
(b) Primary prevention
(c) Secondary prevention
(d) Tertiary prevention

15. Hospital acquired infection is called
(a) Opportunistic infection
(b) Iatrogenic infection
(c) Nosocomial infection
(d) Endogenous infection

16. Early prediction of diabetic nephropathy is done by estimating
(a) Blood urea level
(b) Serum creatinin level
(c) Microalbuminuria
(d) Hyperkalaemia

17. QRS complex in ECG represents
(a) Atrial muscle repolarization
(b) Ventricular muscle repolarization
(c) Atrial muscle depolarization
(d) Ventricular muscle depolarization

18. Scale that helps to assess the impaired level of consciousness
(a) Visual Analogue scale
(b) Muscle power grade scale
(c) Glasgow coma scale
(d) None of the above

19. Positive Homan’s sign is interpreted by the nurse as
(a) Deep Vein Thrombosis
(b) Pulmonary Embolism
(c) Pneumothorax
(d) Stroke

20. Which of the following is a nursing intervention for the patient with COPD
(a) Deep Breathing Exercises
(b) Pursed lip breathing
(c) Steroid therapy
(d) None of the above

Interview MCQ
Quiz Previous Papers

21. While positioning a patient after surgery the nurse will always take into account that a particular position most often predisposes a patient to a Physiologic process that suppresses respiration
(a) Left lateral
(b) Fowler’s position
(c) Supine position
(d) Prone position

22. Requirement of Folic Acid is increased during pregnancy. What food Items your student will recommend to the mother
(a) Milk
(b) Carrots
(c) Yellow vegetables
(d) Green leafy vegetables

23. Weight of placenta at term is
(a) 250gms
(b) 125gms
(c) 500gms
(d) 350gms

24. Indian MTP Act allows abortion up to the period of
(a) 15 weeks
(b) 20 weeks
(c) 28 weeks
(d) 12 weeks

25. Withdrawal of fluid from uterus of pregnant mother through abdominal wall is called
(a) Culdoscopy
(b) Amniocentesis
(c) Laparoscopy
(d) Paracenthesis

26. Which of the following are isotonic solution
(a) Mannitol
(b) Dextrose
(c) Normal Saline
(d) Ringer Lactate

27. National Family Welfare Program in India was started in
(a) 1961
(b) 1965
(c) 1952
(d) 1994

28. Which anti tubercular drug is contraindicated for pregnant women.
(a) Ethambutol
(b) INH
(c) Streptomycin
(d) Rafampicin

29. In pediatric resuscitation the ratio between chest compression and ventilation is
(a) 2:1
(b) 3:1
(c) 4:1
(d) 5:1

30. Ng priority of a child with acute renal failure is focused on
(a) Monitoring I/O chart
(b) Health education regarding salt restriction
(c) Giving family support
(d) Checking blood routine

31. A pediatric nurse will always check the core temperature of the child
(a) Skin temperature
(b) Axilla temperature
(c) Rectal temperature
(d) Oral temperature.

32. A toddler of 16 months has been recently admitted in a hospital. According to Erickson which of the following stages is the toddler in
(a) Autonomy Vs Shame
(b) Trust Vs Mistrust
(c) Initiative Vs Guilt
(d) Intimacy Vs Isolation

33. Koplik’s spots commonly appear in
(a) Measles
(b) Mumps
(c) Varicella
(d) Smallpox

34. What is the color of me conium stained amniotic fluid
(a) Yellow
(b) Red
(c) White
(d) Green

35. One ml contains
(a) 5 drops
(b) 10 drops
(c) 15 drops
(d) 20 drop

36. Blood group that contains no antibodies
(a) Group A
(b) Group B
(c) Group C
(d) Group A B

37. Speech center is situated in the
(a) Parietal Lobe
(b) Frontal Lobe
(c) Occipital Lobe
(d) Temporal Lobe

38. When is the Rh anti D immunoglobulin administered intramuscularly to a Rh -ve mother following child birth.
(a) Within 3 days
(b) Within 5 days
(c) Within 9 days
(d) Within 7 days

39. Infants double their birth weight by the age of
(a) 3 months
(b) 5 months
(c) 9 months
(d) 12 months

40. Back Bone of Community Health is
(a) Family
(b) Individual
(c) Home Visits
(d) Economy

41. Sex ratio is defined as
(a) Number of females per 1000 births
(b) Number of females per 1000 males
(c) Number of males per 1000 births
(d) Number of males per 1000 females

42. The most universally accepted indicator of health status of a country is
(a) Crude death rate
(b) Infant mortality rate
(c) Case fatality rate
(d) Adult mortality rate

43. The highest unit of three tier structure of Panchayati Raj in India is
(a) Panchayat Samiti
(b) Village Panchayat
(c) Zilla Parishad
(d) Nyaya Sabha

44. Mid Day Meal Program in India was started in
(a) 1961
(b) 1981
(c) 1991
(d) 2001

45. Population covered by PHC in India is
(a) 50000
(b) 30000
(c) 40000
(d) 10000

46. Morbidity refers to:
(a) Death
(b) Illness
(c) Health
(d) Fatality

47. A second year student has suffered a needle stick injury while working With patient who is positive for AIDS. Which of the following most important action the nursing student would be recommended by the doctor.
(a) Immediately see the social worker
(b) Start prophylactic AZT treatment
(c) Seek counselling
(d) None of the above

48. The first 4 years Basic B.Sc Nursing Program was started in India in the year
(a) 1910
(b) 1940
(c) 1946
(d) 1880

49. All of the above are Vector borne disease except
(a) Malaria
(b) Hepatitis
(c) Dengue
(d) Plague

50. Study of distribution and determinants of the disease is called.
(a) Entomology
(b) Epidemiology
(c) Pathology
(d) Microbiology