Anatomy Viva Questions
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Viva Questions on Anatomy
1) All are related to falx cerebri except: –
A) Superior sagittal sinus
B) Inferior sagittal sinus
C) Sigmoid sinus
D) Straight sinus
2) The ligamentum denticulatum is an extension of: –
A) Dura mater
B) Arachnoid mater
C) Pia mater
D) Ligamentum flavum
3) The facial colliculus is formed by: –
A) Facial nucleus with its fibres
B) Abducent nucleus with its fibres
C) Abducent nucleus with fibres of facial nerve
D) Facial nucleus with fibres of abducent nerve
4) The fasciculus gracilis carries all sensation except: –
A) Tactile localisation
B) Stereognosis
C) Conscious proprioception
D) Unconscious proprioception
5) The floor of third ventricle is formed by all except: –
A) Optic chiasma
B) Mammillary bodies
C) Pineal body
D) Tuber cinereum
6) The fibres present in middle cerebellar peduncle are: –
A) Ventral spinocerebellar
B) Posterior spinocerebellar
C) Pontocerebellar
D) Trigemino cerebellar
7) The lesion of optic tract cause: –
A) Amblyopia
B) Homonymous hemianopia
C) Tunnel vision
D) Superior quadrantic anopia
8) The nucleus ambiguus contribute to all the following cranial nerves except: –
A) Ix
B) X
C) Xi
D) Xii
9) The somatic efferent nuclei includes the all except: –
A) IV nerve nucleus
B) V nerve nucleus
C) Vi nerve nucleus
D) Xii nerve nucleus
10) Which of the following nucleus of trigeminal nerve has first order neurone: –
A) Main sensory
B) Mesencephalic
C) Spinal
D) None of the above
11) The wallenberg syndrome leads to all except: –
A) Dysphagia
B) Loss of pain & temperature of contralateral half of the body
C) Contralateral hemiplegia
D) Ataxia
12) The vpl nucleus of thalamus receives all sensation except: –
A) Touch
B) Pain
C) Visceral
D) Proprioceptive
13) The lunate sulcus is an example of: –
A) Limiting sulcus
B) Axial sulcus
C) Operculated sulcus
D) Complete sulcus
14) The rhombencephalon includes all except: –
A) Medulla oblongata
B) Thalamus
C) Pons
D) Cerebellum
15) Plane x- ray abdomen showing multiple levels of fluid & gas suggest: –
A) Acute cholecystitis
B) Acute intestinal obstruction
C) Pyloric stenosis
D) Achalasia cardia
16) All are true about respiratory distress syndrome except: –
A) Occurs in premature infants
B) Caused by deficiency of surfactant
C) Its incidence is directly proportional to gestational age
D) Its incidence is inversely proportional to gestational age
17) All are characterstics of immotile cilia syndrome except: –
A) Immotile spermatozoa
B) Associated with infertility
C) Associated with chronic respiratory infections
D) Associated with impotency
18) All are the tributaries of coronary sinus except: –
A) Great cardiac vein
B) Anterior cardiac vein
C) Middle cardiac vein
D) Small cardiac vein
19) The abductor muscle of larynx is: –
A) Cricothyriod
B) Posterior cricoarytenoid
C) Thyroarytenoid
D) Transeverse arytenoid
20) The tetralogy of fallot includes all except: –
A) Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
B) Hypertrophy of right ventricle
C) Atrial septal defect
D) Overriding aorta above the septal defect
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21) Left atrium develops from all of the following except;
A) Left half of primitive atrium
B) Left half of atrioventricular canal
C) Sinus venosus
D) Absorption of pulmonary veins
22) The taste area represented in cerebral cortex is ;
A) Area 43
B) Area 41
C) Area 42
D) Area 45
23) Hofbauer cells are seen in ;
A) Intestines
B) Placenta
C) Adrenal gland
D) Seminiferous tubules
24) Lens is developed from ;
A) Surface ectoderm
B) Neuro ectoderm
C) Neural crest
D) Mesoderm
25) Typical intercostal nerve is ;
A) Second thoracic
B) Sixth thoracic
C) Eight thoracic
D) Eleventh thoracic
26) The total C.S.F volume present in the ventricles is ;
A) 500 ml
B) 1.5 litres
C) 150 ml
D) 2 litres
27) Circumventricular organ present in the fourth ventricle is ;
A) Organum vasculosum
B) Subfornicial organ
C) Area postrema
D) Median eminence
28) All is correct regarding Clara cells except ;
A) Bronchiolar cells
B) Secrete surfactant
C) Replace the damaged cells
D) Help in exchange of gases
29) If the posterior interventricular artery is a branch from Circumflex artery it is called as ;
A) Right dominance
B) Left dominance
C) Co dominance
D) None of the above
30) Leptomeninges develop from ;
A) Ectoderm
B) Mesoderm
C) Neural crest
D) Neuroectoderm
31) The remnants of notochord are ;
A) Body of the vertebra
B) Nucleus pulposus
C) Apical ligament of Dens
D) Both B & C
32) The skin at the tip of the middle finger is supplied by ;
A) Median nerve
B) Ulnar nerve
C) Radial nerve
D) None of the above
33) The main source of blood supply to liver is ;
A) Hepatic artery
B) Portal vein
C) Hepatic vein
D) Gastrroduodenal artery
34) Lesion of Radial nerve in the radial groove causes all except;
A) Wrist drop
B) Loss of cutaneous sensation in the arm , forearm and hand
C) Loss of supination
D) Loss of extension at the elbow
35) All the ovarian follicles are formed by ;
A) 5 month of prenatal life
B) 7 months of prenatal life
C) At birth
D) At puberty
36) Lymphatics of testis drain into ;
A) Para aortic
B) Internal iliac
C) Coeliac
D) Superficial inguinal
37) Foramen caecum is an important land mark for the development of;
A) Thyroid gland
B) Tonsils
C) Superior parathyroid
D) Inferior parathyroid
38) Adenohypophysis develops from ;
A) Neurodiverticulum
B) Midbrain
C) Hindbrain
D) Rathke’s pouch from roof of stomatodeum
39) Gubernaculum in adult males is represented in females by ;
A) Broad ligament
B) Ligament of ovary
C) Round ligament of uterus
D) Both B & C
40) Homologous organ of uterus in males is ;
A) Prostate
B) Paramesonephric duct
C) Prostatic utricle
D) Appendix of testis
41) Myelination in the central nervous system is done by;
A) Astrocytes
B) Oligodendroglial cells
C) Schwann cells
D) Microglia
42) The correct statement regarding epithelium is;
A) Squamous epithelial cells are cube shaped
B) Stratified epithelium consists of a single layer of cells
C) Stratified cuboidal epithelial will have two or more layers of cells
D) Simple columnar epithelium consists of flat and scale like cells
43) All the following muscles are muscles of facial expression except;
A) Platysma
B) Frontal belly of occipito frontalis
C) Nasalis
D) Temporalis
44) All the following structures are present within the substance of the parotid gland except ;
A) Facial nerve
B) Retromandibular vein
C) Facial artery
D) Parotid lymph nodes
45) Lymphatic nodules are absent in ;
A) Tonsils
B) Appendix
C) Lymph nodes
D) Thymus
46) Which bone does not part in the formation of knee joint?
A) Femur
B) Tibia
C) Fibula
D) Patella
47) Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the hypoglossal nerve?
A) Genioglossus
B) Hyoglossus
C) Styloglossus
D) Palatoglossus
48) The first web space in the foot is dorsally innervated by ;
A) Common peroneal nerve
B) Superficial peroneal nerve
C) Tibial nerve
D) Deep peroneal nerve
49) Following are the contents of popliteal fossa except ;
A) Tibial nerve
B) Common peroneal nerve
C) Saphenous nerve
D) Popliteal vessels
50) Stapedius muscle is supplied by ;
A) Mandibular nerve
B) Facial nerve
C) Trigeminal nerve
D) Abducent nerve