Agriculture Mock Test Papers
1. Maximum percentage of slope level for agronomic measures of soil conservation practices is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 10
2. Bench terracing is necessary in soils having
(a) 16- 33% slope
(b) 50 % slope
(c) 5% slope
(d) 1 % slope
3. Which of the following is a stage of wind erosion?
(a) Saltation
(b) Surface creep
(c) Suspension
(d) All of these
4. Number of essential elements required for plant growth is
(a) 12
(b) 16
(c) 20
(d) 10
5. Most available form of P for plant is
(a) H2PO4-
(b) HPO4
(c) PO4
(d) None of these.
6. Oldest commercially available fertilizer is
(a) Urea
(b) Super phosphate
(c) MOP
(d) Anhydrous ammonia
7. Water available between field capacity and permanent wilting point is called as
(a) Gravitational water
(b) Capillary water
(c) Available water
(d) None of these
8. Which surface method is widely followed in fruit orchards?
(a) Basin
(b) Check basin
(c) Ridges and furrows
(d) Border strip irrigation
9. Most commonly practiced drip irrigation method is
(a) Surface drip irrigation
(b) Sub- surface drip irrigation
(c) Spray irrigation
(d) Pulse irrigation
10. Area under dryland agriculture in India is
(a) 70 %
(b) 60 %
(c) 50 %
(d) 40 %
11. Percentage of effective rainfall under rainfed condition is
(a) < 20 %
(b) 20- 50%
(c) 50- 80 %
(d) None of these
12. Watershed is also called as
(a) Catchment area
(b) Drainage basin
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
13. Size of farm pond per hectare of area is______ m2
(a) 200
(b) 250-300
(c) 500
(d) None of these
14. Goal of Extension Education is:
(a) To promote income of farmers
(b) To promote production of the crops
(c) To promote new crops
(d) To promote scientific outlook
15. Cooperative society is basic institution for:
(a) Political growth of the villagers
(b) Social growth of the villagers
(c) Cultural growth of the villagers
(d) Socio-economic growth of the villagers
16. Success in rural development project depends upon:
(a) Regular training of workers
(b) Regular contact of workers
(c) Amount of subsidy
(d) Participation of beneficiaries
17. Lab to Land programme was started by:
(b) Govt. of U.P
(c) Smt. Indira Gandhi
(d) ICAR
18. The full form of A.T.M.A is:
(a) Agriculture Technology Management Association
(b) Agriculture Technology Management Agency
(c) Agriculture Technology Mission Agency
(d) None of these
19. National Commission on farmers was set up in India in
(a) March, 1999
(b) March,2002
(c) February, 2004
(d) June, 2004
20. National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM) is located at
(a) New Delhi
(b) Jaipur
(c) Hisar
(d) Meerut
Practice Papers for Agriculture Students
21. Project planning and budgeting are used to know
(a) Commercial aspect
(b) Financial aspects
(c) Economic aspects
(d) Technical aspects of project
22. The ultimate aim of farm management is to
(a) Increase gross income
(b) Reduce total cost
(c) Optimize factor utilization
(d) None of the above
23. What is “support price” for agriculture commodity?
(a) Subsidy paid by the government over the price already available in the market
(b) The floor price below which it can not be sold
(c) The minimum price at which the government is prepared to buy it
(d) Money paid to agriculturists for case of drought damaging their crops
24. The causes of inflation is
(a) Increase in money supply
(b) Fall in production
(c) Increase in money supply and fall in production
(d) Decrease in money supply and fall in production
25. IBRD is synonymous to
(a) World Bank
(b) Asian Development Bank
(c) International Monetary Fund
(d) WTO
26. Betelvine is a:
(a) Hermaphrodite
(b) Dioecious plant
(c) Andromonoecious
(d) Monoecious plant.
27. Modified Atmospheric Packaging (MAP) of fruits and vegetables prevents the build up of the following?
(a) CO2 and O2
(b) CO2 AND C4H4
(c) Sugars
(d) Proteins
28. Sulphites and SO2 are added to preserve fruits and vegetables products to check:
(a) Reduce acidity
(b) Michrobial activity
(c) Ethylene production
(d) Methane production
29. Fruits and vegetables are generally rich in dietary fibre which protects from:
(a) Fat deficiency
(b) Protein deficiency
(c) Colon cancer
(d) Carbohydrate deficiency
30. Which vegetable crop is known as vegetable of Twentieth century?
(a) Winged bean
(b) Cluster bean
(c) Chekkurmanis
(d) Amaranthus
31. Marmalade is prepared from the fruits of
(a) Citrus
(b) Apple
(c) Mango
(d) Guava
32. Ideal character of tree species for alley cropping is
(a) Fix nitrogen
(b) Tolerant under abnormal conditions
(c) Deep rooted
(d) All of these
33. Silvipasture is advantageous because,
(a) Provides green fodder through tree loppings
(b) Improves soil fertility
(c) Controls run-off and erosion
(d) All of these
34. In North eastern hill region, the important horticultural crop for agri-horti system is
(a) Mandarin orange
(b) Lemon
(c) Guava
(d) Apple
35. Damping off and leaf blights are very effectively checked by
(a) Bordeaux mixture
(b) Burgundy mixture
(c) Thiram
(d) Copper oxychloride
36. Use of resistant varieties in the IPM of insect is an example of
(a) Legal control
(b) Cultural control
(c) Chemical control
(d) Biological control
37. IPM relies heavily on
(a) Economic threshold level
(b) Total loss of crops
(c) Resistant pest
(d) Susceptible pest
38. Which of the following is secondary pest of storage?
(a) Long headed flour beetle
(b) Flat grain beetle
(c) Saw toothed grain beetle
(d) All of these
39. In storage, grains can be mixed with
(a) Chlorpyriphos
(b) Dichlorvos
(c) Malathion WP
(d) Deltamethrin
40. Feed the soil not the plant is the watch word of
(a) Eco-farming
(b) Conservation agriculture
(c) Natural farming
(d) Precision agriculture
41. The most important microflora in decomposition of organic matter and plant nutrients availability in soil is
(a) Bacteria
(b) Fungi
(c) Actinomycetes
(d) algae
42. Which is a symbiotic nitrogen fixer in soil?
(a) Cyanobacteria
(b) Azospirillum
(c) Nitrobacter
(d) Rhizobia
43. VAM improves mainly the uptake of
(a) Mo
(b) P
(c) K
(d) N
44. The use of synthetic chemicals is prohibited in
(a) Organic farming
(b) Integrated farming
(c) Intensive farming
(d) Conservation farming.
45. A neem product used as an insect repellent is:
(a) Rotenone
(b) Parathion
(c) Endrin
(d) Azadirachtin
46. On an average, the nitrogen content of well decomposed FYM in India is of the order of:
(a) 0.3 per cent
(b) 0.5 per cent
(c) 0.7 per cent
(d) 0.9 per cent
47. In conservation agriculture the percentage of crop residues that should remain in the soil at harvest of a crop is:
(a) 10 per cent
(b) 20 per cent
(c) 30 per cent
(d) 40 percent
48. Which of the following manure is considered as bio-fertilizer?
(a) Farm yard manure
(b) Compost
(c) Green manure
(d) Blue green algae
49. Agriculture mainly as ‘ Grow for eat’ is classified as
(a) Specialized farming
(b) Subsistence farming
(c) Diversified farming
(d) State farming
50. Azotobacter can be used for
(a) Rice
(b) Cotton
(c) Sugarcane
(d) All of these