Defence and Strategic Studies Old Question

1. ‘Salwa Judum’ Was part of a counter- insurgency operation which took place mainly in the state of:
(A) Jharkhand
(B) Chhattisgarh
(C) Orissa
(D) Maharashtra

2. Which one of the following is not an element of sea power according to A.T. Mahan?
(A) Government policy to dominate the sea
(B) Capability of Navy
(C) National Resources
(D) Nature of coastline

3. Which one of the following countries describes its relation with India as ‘strategic’, but has not signed a strategic partnership agreement?
(A) Tazakistan
(B) Uzbekistan
(C) Mongolia
(D) Israel

4. The term ‘Boko Haram’ refers to which of the following:
(A) Human Rights Group
(B) Social activists Group
(C) Jihadist Group
(D) Environmentalists Group

5. Camp David Accord Was signed between which of the following two countries:
(A) Israel and Pakistan authority
(B) Egypt and Israel
(C) Iran and Iraq
(D) USA and erstwhile USSR

6. The term ‘Barlev-line refers to which one of the following:
(A) Dividing wall between east and West Berlin
(B) Imaginary line in Sahara desert
(C) Israeli fortification of Egyptian borders on the Eastern bank of the Suez canal (Israel-Egypt border area)
(D) Defensive fortification built by France

7. Who among the following Allied leaders visited India during the World War II?
(A) Clemenceau
(B) Chiang Kai-Shek
(C) Winston Churchill
(D) Harry Truman

8. Which border has the Free Movement Regime (FMR)?
(A) India—Myanmar
(B) India—China
(C) India—Nepal
(D) India—Pakistan

9. ‘Sir Creek’ is a disputed piece of land between which two countries?
(A) Between India and Bagladesh
(B) Between India and Pakistan
(C) Between India and Maldives
(D) Between India and Sri Lanka

10. When did the UN Security Council adopted the first ever resolution on ‘Youth, peace and security’?
(A) December, 2014
(B) December, 2015
(C) December, 2016
(D) March, 2016

11. The Nag ‘Missile’ system developed by India is:
(A) a surface to air missile
(B) an air to air missile
(C) an air to surface missile
(D) an anti-tank missile

12. The concept of ‘Threats Without enemies’ is linked with one of the following in the security discourse:
(A) Illegal migration
(B) Globalization
(C) Environmental security
(D) Technology transfer

13. Which one of the following is the country of origin of ‘Phalcon Radar’?
(A) India
(B) Israel
(C) Germany

14. In 1987, the Dalai Lama proposed 9. …………………… for the restoration of peace and human rights in Tibet.
(A) Six point peace plan
(B) Four point peace plan
(C) Five point peace plan
(D) Two point peace plan

15. Which one of the following is not a part of social security perspectives?
(A) Sustainability of traditional pattern of language
(B) Sustainability of culture and custom
(C) Sustainability of religion and national identity
(D) Organisational ability of the state

16. Who among the following is known as the father of modern international law?
(A) Cicero
(B) Hugo Grotius
(C) Augustine
(D) Ambrose

17. Both North Vietnam and South Vietnam got officially United in the year:
(A) June, 1975
(B) June, 1976
(C) June, 1978
(D) June, 1979

18. The Indo-US defence co-operation agreement Was extended in 2014 for:
(A) 15 years
(B) 10 years
(C) 20 years
(D) 25 years

19. The Marshall Plan enabled the rapid construction of Which economies and years:
(A) European economies in 1950’s and 1960’s
(B) African economies in 1960’s and 1970’s
(C) Asian economies in 1960’s and 1970’s
(D) Australian economies in the 1980’s

20. Which ministry does not constitute a part of the Cabinet Committee on Security (COS)?
(A) Ministry of Home Affairs
(B) Ministry of Defence
(C) Ministry of Finance
(D) Ministry of Human Resource and Development

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21. The term ‘Detente’ refers to:
(A) End of cold war
(B) Easing of tension between two superpowers
(C) increased in the tension of superpowers
(D) Easing of tension between India-Pakistan

22. Which statement is not correct?
(A) Collective security system guarantees the security of each state
(B) Collective security is currently regarded as the most promising approach to global peace
(C) Collective security has no United Nations sanctions
(D) Collective security is designed to protect international peace and security against war

23. Assertion (A): Asymmetric warfare is warfare conducted between parties of unequal strength
Reason (R): The weaker party seeks to neutralise its 0pp0nent’s strengths.
Select the correct option:
(A) (A) is true but (R) is false
(B) (A) is false but (R) is true
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true
(D) (A) is true but (R) is not a cause of (A)

24. Process of matching futuristic threats and national security objectives with military capabilities and other constituents of national power is known as:
(A) War process
(B) Defence planning
(C) Military operations
(D) Low intensity conflicts

25. Who regarded defence expenditure of a country as ‘Public Goods’?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Mao-Tse-Tung
(C) Adam Smith
(D) Fidel Castro

26. Which of the following is not a chemical warfare agent?
(A) Tabun
(B) Sarin
(C) Chloroform

27. Which of the following is the means of mobilisation of resources during War time?
(A) Loan from IMF
(B) Additional printing currency
(C) Selling the gold
(D) Taxation and borrowing

28. Gas Turbine Research establishment is located in:
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Bengaluru (Bangalore)
(C) Chennai (Madras)
(D) Pune

29. For permitting the transfer of missile technology the prescribed maximum range is:
(A) 500 kms
(B) 600 kms
(C) 1000 kms
(D) 1500 kms

30. (a) Euro currency came into circulation.
(b) Fall of Berlin wall.
(c) Austria, Finland and Sweden Join EU.
Arrange the sequence:
(A) (a)—(b)—(c)
(B) (b)—(c)—(a)
(C) (c)—(b)—(a)
(D) (b)—(a)—(c)

31. “Long range planning must become the article of faith with us if crisis management and adhocism is to be avoided and the nation is to be provided with a sound and desired defence capability.”
To Whom do you attribute this statement?
(A) Shri Manohar Parikkar
(B) Shri Narendra Modi
(C) Air Commodore Jasjit Singh
(D) Mr. K. Subramanyam

32. Choose the correct code:
Assertion (A): Armies and Navies are powerless unless we control the air.
Reason (R): Airpower with its avionics and advance technology is now a decisive and deciding factor in War.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct
(B) Both (A) and (R) are not correct
(C) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct
(D) (A) is not correct, (R) is correct

33. Find out the odd option:
(A) I.M.F.
(B) I.A.E.A.
(C) World Bank
(D) W.T.O.

34. The following are considered as assumptions to the study of Strategic Studies :
(1) Realist approach
(2) Normative approach
(3) Ethical neutrality
Answer :
(A) Only (1) is correct
(B) Only (2) is correct
(C) Only (1) and (3) are correct
(D) All three are correct

35. Liddell Hart’s definition of strategy that focuses on application of military recoveries for political objectives implies :
(1) It is applicable in peace time and war
(2) It subordinates war to politics
(3) War is functional
(4) The politician must be in control of war
Answer :
(A) Only (1) and (2) are correct
(B) Only (1) and (3) are correct
(C) Only (1), (2) and (3) are correct
(D) All the four are correct

36. A nation state has the following features :
(1) People
(2) Sovereign Government
(3) Territory
(4) Religion
Answer :
(A) Only (2) and (3) are correct
(B) Only (1), (2) and (3) are correct
(C) Only (2), (3) and (4) are correct
(D) Only (1) and (3) are correct

37. The concept of comprehensive security is :
(A) State-centric
(B) Welfare-centric
(C) Development-centric
(D) People-centric

38. The following are some of the important elements of deterrence :
(1) Communication
(2) Capability
(3) Credibility
(4) Rational calculation
Answer :
(A) Only (1) and (3) are correct
(B) Only (1), (2) and (3) are correct
(C) Only (1) and (4) are correct
(D) All the four are correct

39. The failure of the League of Nations can be attributed to :
(A) The failure of balance of power
(B) The failure of collective security
(C) The failure of deterrence
(D) The failure of brinkmanship

40. The concept ‘‘balance of terror’’ came into use after :
(A) The Hiroshima, Nagasaki bombing
(B) The Korean war
(C) The Soviet Union’s nuclear testing
(D) The success of Soviet Sputnik

41. An agreement by all nations to automatically punish the aggressor is referred to as :
(A) Balance of power
(B) Common defence
(C) Deterrence
(D) Collective security

42. Young husband expedition is associated with the following region :
(A) Afghanistan
(B) Tibet
(C) Kosovo
(D) Arunachal Pradesh

43. SALT agreement refers to :
(A) deployment of anti-ballistic missiles
(B) confidence building measures
(C) military activity in outer space
(D) nuclear free zones

44. Liddell Hart’s concept of strategy called for :
(A) an indirect approach to weaker the enemy prior to war
(B) a mechanised attack to destroy enemy defences
(C) the use of air power to target the enemy
(D) a reassessment of British colonial war policies

45. Who opined that ‘‘there is no single cause for war, peace is an equilibrium among many forces’’ ?
(A) Quincy Wright
(B) Clausewitz
(C) Jomini
(D) Napoleon

46. The international society approach :
(1) believes in the existence of a set of rules, legal and morals
(2) accepts the utility of force
(3) promotes disarmament
Answer :
(A) Only (1) is correct
(B) Only (1) and (3) are correct
(C) Only (3) is correct
(D) Only (1) and (2) are correct

47. Insurgency is a :
(A) form of asymmetric warfare fought across the border
(B) form of asymmetric warfare fought within the boundaries of the state
(C) form of information warfare
(D) form of cold war

48. SALT I and II are examples of :
(A) Disarmament
(B) Arms trade
(C) Arms control
(D) Arms proliferation

49. ‘Al-Fatah’ is a group operating in :
(A) Ireland
(B) Palestine
(C) Latin America
(D) Afghanistan

50. Unification of East and West Germany represents a success of :
(A) Fundamentalism
(B) Nazism
(C) Nationalism
(D) Separatism