Sociology Question Bank

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Sociology Question Bank

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Question Bank on Sociology

1. The second most common cause of death in Indian population is:
(B) Diarrhoea
(C) Acute Respiratory Infection
(D) Leprosy

2. Which of the following was presumed to equate to westernization?
(A) Transformation
(B) Revolution
(C) Modernization
(D) Insurrection

3. Which one of the following is an orthogenetic process of change?
(A) Sanskritization
(B) Westernization
(C) Modernization
(D) Indianization

4. Which one of the following does not refer to secularism?
(A) Equal respect to all religions
(B) Separation of state from religion
(C) The state is not theocratic
(D) Religious leaders can veto any law

5. Joan P. Mencher has made a study on agriculture and social structure in:
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Karnataka
(D) Maharashtra

6. The terminology of Jajmani System was introduced into the Indian Social Anthropology by:
(A) Iravati Karve
(B) William F. Hall
(C) Weiner M
(D) William Wiser

7. For nutritional purposes ICDS provides …………………… Calories every day to every child below 6 years of age.
(A) 300
(B) 500
(C) 200
(D) 100

8. Choose the correct answer from codes given below:
Neo-liberal globalisation refers to:
(I) Capitalism with welfarism
(II) Free market capitalism
(III) Solution to structural crisis of the 1970s
(IV) Capitalism without human face
(A) (I) and (II)
(B) (I), (II) and (IV)
(C) (II), (III) and (IV)
(D) (I) and (IV)

9. Neo-liberal capitalism does not include:
(A) Capitalism without human face
(B) Free market capitalism
(C) Capitalism and welfarism
(D) Solution to structural crisis of 1970s

10. Deviance refers to:
(A) Deviance consists of accepted norms
(B) Accepted way of life
(C) Those activities which do not confirm to the norms and expectations
(D) General approval from the members of society

11. Corruption denotes:
(A) The misuse of public offices for personal gains
(B) Money making by all means
(C) Informal use of law
(D) Honest Action

12. When an IT professional mother is asked forcibly to resign her job to look after the child, it is:
(A) Domestic violence
(B) Dowry issue
(C) Parental Responsibility
(D) Responsible citizenship

13. Most of the TV serials depict fights between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. This is called:
(A) Role Conflict
(B) Women’s fights
(C) Intergenerational Conflict
(D) Social Conflict

14. Absolute poverty is defined as:
(A) Being without money
(B) Being without power
(C) Insufficiency in basic necessities of existence
(D) Being without luxury

15. ‘Copenhagen World Summit’ was about:
(A) Economic Policy and Research
(B) Social Development
(C) Poverty
(D) Environmental Sustainability

16. The organised forms of social behaviour and their repetition are called:
(A) Culture
(B) Value
(C) Custom
(D) Norms

17. Which of the following Articles makes the special provisions for the administration of the certain areas called scheduled areas other than Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram?
(A) Article 243 B
(B) Article 244
(C) Article 245
(D) Article 334

18. Which part of India is known for Bhils and Gonds?
(A) Central India
(B) North-East India
(C) North India
(D) South India

19. Justice Verma Committee commented on …………..
(A) Sexual assault of extreme nature against women
(B) Custodial rapes
(C) Rapes of minors
(D) Custodial deaths

20. Poverty is defined as:
(A) Absence of enough money
(B) Determined by the standards that exists within a society
(C) Absence of proper governance
(D) Social and political inequalities

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21. Highest percentage of tribal population in North Maharashtra is in which district?
(A) Jalgaon
(B) Dhule
(C) Nashik
(D) Nandurbar

22. Which one of the following does not represent socialist path to development?
(A) State Capitalism
(B) Capitalist agriculture on state owned farms
(C) Private investments’ in infrastructure
(D) Reduction in Income disparities

23. The Champaran Satyagraha took place in:
(A) April 1917
(B) May 1917
(C) June 1917
(D) April 1918

24. The shift from high birth and death rates to low birth as well as death rates is called the:
(A) Population explosion
(B) Demographic transition
(C) Population stabilization
(D) Optimum Population

25. The Panchayati Raj is:
(A) an Asian Political System
(B) a South Asian Political System
(C) a South American Political System
(D) a Chinese Political System

26. ‘Double burden’ is not ………………
(A) disproportionate share of housework done by women
(B) gendered conceptions of the distinction between public and private life
(C) physical differences between men and women
(D) isolation of women in their home and work place

27. Which of the following is a demographer?
(A) Ashish Bose
(B) K.L. Sharma
(C) Dipankar Gupta
(D) Irawati Karve

28. Which one is not the example of ‘gender mainstreaming’?
(A) Creating a more conducive social environment for gender equality
(B) Active role of women in decision making
(C) The establishment of the UN Gender Development Index
(D) Exclusion of women from policy making

29. Gandhi suggested small scale industries and reliance on local products for local self-sufficiency and self-sustaining development. He termed it as ……..
(A) Satyagraha
(B) Ahimsa
(C) Swadeshi
(D) Asahakar

30. Neofunctionalism includes:
(I) Deviance and social control are realities within social systems
(II) Social institutions have universal positive functions
(III) Social systems are characterized as moving and partial equilibrium rather than static equilibrium
(IV) Integration is considered as a social possibility
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
(A) (I) and (II)
(B) (I), (II) and (III)
(C) (I), (II) and (IV)
(D) (I), (II) and (IV)

31. Who coined the term Ethnomethodology?
(A) Peter Berger
(B) Goffman
(C) Garfinkel
(D) Husserl

32. Who attempted to reformulate the relationship between base and superstructure?
(A) Althusser
(B) Foucault
(C) Alexander
(D) Derrida

33. Who incorporated Weber’s concept of verstehen to understand subjective world?
(A) Berger
(B) Luckmann
(C) Alfred Schutz
(D) Goffman

34. Which one of the following is an example of a ‘Third Generation’ or ‘True’ cybercrime?
(A) International drug dealing via e-mail
(B) The global trade in online pornography
(C) The vandalizing of virtual environments
(D) Theft of goods sold via online auction websites

35. Arising suicide rate associated with normlessness and a lack of social regulation can be described as:
(A) Egoistic suicide
(B) Altruistic suicide
(C) Fatalistic suicide
(D) Anomic suicide

36. Who has written the book entitled “Peasant Movements in India, 1920-1950”?
(A) A.R. Desai
(B) F.L. Brayne
(C) E.C. Curwin
(D) D.N. Dhanagare

37. Who has propounded the ‘Cyclical Theory’ of population growth?
(A) Spencer
(B) Dumont
(C) Malthus
(D) Gini

38. Who is the author of ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’?
(A) Peter Berger
(B) Alfred Schutz
(C) Erving Goffman
(D) Althusser

39. Who is the author of ‘Asian Drama’?
(A) Samir Amin
(B) Max Weber
(C) Karl Marx
(D) Gunnar Myrdal

40. Foucault’s ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’ focuses on which one of the following?
(A) Methodology of social sciences
(B) Economics
(C) Punishment
(D) Culture

41. Which among the following is not included in the classification of capitalistic societies given by Habermas?
(A) Liberal
(B) Organized
(C) Formal
(D) Post-Capitalism

42. Who said that bureaucracy is a response to demand for efficiency and rational organization?
(A) Weber
(B) Marx
(C) Mayo
(D) Gisbert

43. Post-modernism refers to:
(I) Difference and plurality
(II) Modernism and reason
(III) Interdisciplinarity
(IV) Cultural narratives
Select the correct answer from the Codes given below:
(A) (I), (II) and (II)
(B) (I), (III) and (IV)
(C) (II), (III) and (IV)
(D) (I) and (II)

44. Development induced displacement of population happens due to:
(A) Floods
(B) Migration for new job
(C) Transfer in another country
(D) Dams and highways

45. Who is the author of ‘Studies in Ethnomethodology’?
(A) J. Alexander
(B) Garfinkel
(C) Goffman
(D) Luckmann

46. Hawthorne experiment was carried out to study ………………
(A) Impact of illumination on workers’ performance
(B) Workplace social relations
(C) Managerial practices
(D) Impact of sound on workers’ performance

47. “Deliberate and methodological organization of the human element of industry in order to achieve its objectives’ refers to:
(A) Formal organization of industry
(B) Cottage industry
(C) Home based industry
(D) Workshop

48. Miller studied Jajmani System in:
(A) Tanjore
(B) Mysore
(C) Nagpur
(D) Cochin

49. Nirbhaya case was about:
(A) Sexual abuse and cruelty
(B) Women’s modesty
(C) Dangerous cities
(D) Insecurity

50. Labour force is classified into age- group:
(A) 6-14 years
(B) 0-15 years
(C) 15-59 years
(D) 60+ years