Question Bank on Ayurveda | MCQ | Objective GK Quiz
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Question Bank on Ayurveda Practice Set
1. Cassia fistula is the botanical name of :
(A) Mudga phala
(B) Tala phala
(C) Deergha phaia
(D) Maha phala
2. ‘Ratti‘ is :
(A) Crocus Sativum
(B) Abrous Precatorius
(C) Abutilan lndicum
(D) Crocus Nucifera
3. The substitute for meda and mahameda is :
(A) Varahi Kanda
(B) Ashwagandha
(C) Vidari
(D) Vari
4. Codein extracted part of:
(A) Cannabis
(B) Cinchona
(C) Opium
(D) None of these
5. Panchabhuta compensation vamana dravya:
(A) Pritvi and Teja
(B) Vayu and Teja
(C) Pritvi and Jala
(D) Jala and Vayu
6. The period of Bhava Prakash is
(A) 11th Century AD
(B) 13th Century AD
(C) 14th Century AD
(D) 16th Century AD
7. Priya Nighantu is written by:
(A) Harana Chandra
(B) Gangadhar Ray
(C) P. V. Sharma
(D) Jyoti Chandra Saraswathy
8. TKDL is dealing with :
(A) Patents
(B) Export
(C) Import
(D) Educate people
9. ‘Hridyanam’ is:
(A) Arjun
(B) Amaiaki
(C) Pathya
(D) Patha
10. The composition of Agni is :
(A) Raja + Tama
(B) Satva + Raja
(C) Raja + Kapha
(D) Satva + Tama
Ayurveda MCQ Question Papers |
11. Pace maker of the heart is:
(A) A. V. Node
(B) S. A. Node
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
12. Which one of the following groups contains qualities of kapha ?
(A) Guru, Snigdha, Madhura, Picchiia
(B) Kshara, Visada, Sheeta, Sukshma
(C) Katu, Sara, Teekshna, Drava
(D) Vyavayi, Vikasi, Laghu, Tikta
13. Which one of the following set describes the five types of Kapha ?
(A) Avalambaka, Kledaka, Bhodhaka,A|ochaka, Sieshaka
(B) Kledaka, Sleshaka, Brajaka, Avalambaka, Tarpaka
(C) Avalambaka, Kledaka, Bhodhaka, Tarpaka, Sleshaka
(D) Tarpaka,Avaiambaka,Udana, Sleshaka, Kledaka
14. A detailed description on nadi pariksha is first mentioned by:
(A) Charaka Samhita
(B) Sushruta Samhita
(C) Sharangadhara Samhita
(D) Bhavaprakasha
15. Liver and Spleen derived from which one of the following ?
(A) Matrujabhava
(B) Piirujabhava
(C) Atmajabhava
(D) Rasajabhava
16. Sarva sharira vyapi kala is :
(A) Mamsadhara kala
(B) Raktadhara kala
(C) Pittadhara kala
(D) Shukradhara kala
17. Which one of the following skin is the seat for Sidhma, Padma and Kantaka ?
(A) Lohita
(B) Avabhasini
(C) Tamra
(D) Vedini
18. Which nerve is mostly affected in the common fracture at the neck of the Humerus ?
(A) Radial Nerve
(B) Ulnar Nerve
(C) Auxiliary Nerve
(D) Median Nerve
19. Which one of the following does not related to Kurcha Marma ?
(A) Vaikalyakara Marma
(B) Snayu Marma
(C) Shakti hara Marma
(D) Above the Kshipra Marma
20. Poor man’s meat is :
(A) Pulses
(B) Cereals
(C) Goat’s meat
(D) Chicken
21. Daily dose of Vit. B12 is :
(A) 1 mg./day
(B) 2 mg./day
(C) 2-3 mg./day
(D) 500 lU/day
22. Coconut water contains rich amount of:
(A) Sodium
(B) Potassium
(C) Chloride
(D) Carbohydrate
23. Which is the body building material?
(A) Fat
(B) Carbohydrate
(C) Protein
(D) Minerals
24. In which Ritu, Rasala and Raga shadav are advised ?
(A) Vasanth
(B) Greeshma
(C) Sharad
(D) Varsha
25. In which one of the following Champaka Agada is used ?
(A) Spider bite
(B) Rat bite
(C) Dog bite
(D) Snakebite
26. A snake bite patient shows haemoptysis and haematuria. This patient is of which one of the following damsa ?
(A) Rajika damsa
(B) Darvikara damsa
(C) Mandalidamsa
(D) Vaikaranjadamsa
27. The antidote of dattura is :
(A) Naloxone
(B) Piiocarpine
(C) Potassium ferrocyanide
(D) Curare
28. Dushi visa asraya is:
(A) Dosha
(B) Dhatu
(C) Mala
(D) Srotas
29. Number of stavara visha adhistana are:
(A) 3
(B) 7
(C) 10
(D) 16
30. Ashtanga Hridaiya has not included which one of the following in Murdha taila ?
(A) Siro-abhyanga
(B) Siro-seka
(C) Siro-basti
(D) Siro-sneha
31. According to Ashtanga Hridaya ‘Brahmayed-aushadhaaharairameda Mutralaihi” — line of treatment has been mentioned in the context of which one of the following disease ?
(A) Krishna Prameha
(B) Sthula Prameha
(C) Avruta Prameha
(D) Kaphaja Prameha
32. According to Vagbhata vasti in garbhini is advised in the month of:
(A) 6th month
(B) 7th month
(C) 8th month
(D) 9th month
33. Anjali pramana of sthanya according to Vagbhata is :
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
34. According to Vagbhata first netra upakrama is:
(A) Tarpana
(B) Aschyotana
(C) Puta paka
(D) Vidalaka
35. In children the dantodbhava janya netra roga is :
(A) Utsangini
(B) Ajakajata
(C) Kukkunaka
(D) Pakshma kopa
36. Anyato vata is :
(A) Nasa roga
(B) Shiro roga
(C) Netra roga
(D) Hrid roga
37. Agnikarma is not indicated in :
(A) Parisravi bhagandhara
(B) Ustra greeva
(C) Shataponaka
(D) Unmargi
38. The place of Ranjaka pitta according to Astanga Hridaya is :
(A) Amashaya
(B) Hridaya
(C) Yakrit pleeha
(D) Puppusa
39. According to Vagbhata which one of the following danta dhavana kasta is not recommended ?
(A) Babbula
(B) Nimba
(C) Peelu
(D) Arka
40. According to Vagbhata upaveshana samskara is done in the month of:
(A) 4th month
(B) 5th month
(C) 6th month
(D) 7th month
41. Which one of the following text first described the concept of vichitra pratyarabda?
(A) Charaka Samhita
(B) Sushruta Samhita
(C) Astanga Hridaya
(D) Bhava Prakash
42. According to Vagbhata Pumsavana karma is advised in :
(A) 4 months before pregnancy
(B) After 4th week of pregnancy
(C) After 4th month of pregnancy
(D) None of these
43. The number of chapters in Astanga Hridaya are :
(A) 80
(B) 120
(C) 140
(D) None of these
44. The statement ‘Mahat Grandhito Arbudam’ is said by:
(A) Charaka Samhita
(B) Sushruta Samhita
(C) Astanga Hridayam
(D) Sharangadhara Samhita
45. The drug ‘Ayush 64′ is used in the disease of :
(A) Sleepad
(B) Malaria
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
46. Udupa Committee was formed in the year of:
(A) 1955
(B) 1958
(C) 1959
(D) 1966
47. The author of Rasa Ratna Samuccaya is
(A) Govinda Bhagayatpada
(B) Sadananda Sharma
(C) Vagbhata
(D) Somadev
48. The period of Bhaishajya Ratnavaii is :
(A) 14th Century
(B) 16th Century
(C) 18th Century
(D) 20th Century
49. Ayuweda is the Upaveda of:
(A) Rig veda
(B) Yajurveda
(C) Samaveda
(D) Atharva veda