Model Question Papers on Homeopathy for Practice

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Model Question Papers on Homeopathy

We have provided Model Question Papers on Homeopathy Previous Papers along with Answers. Applicants can download Model Question Papers on Homeopathy Solved Question Papers and start preparation. At first, refer and download Model Question Papers on Homeopathy Syllabus & Exam Pattern.

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Model Question Papers on Homeopathy Practice Set

1. Ptosis is caused by the paralysis of:
(A) III cranial nerve
(B) IV cranial nerve
(C) V cranial nerve
(D) VI cranial nerve

2. Acute complication of diabetes is:
(A) Coma
(B) Blindness
(C) Diabetes Ketoacidosls & Coma
(D) Heart failure

3. Egg-shell calcification of hilar lymph nodes is characteristically seen in :
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Sarcoidosis
(C) Teratoma
(D) Silicosis

4. Best artery for coronary angiography:
(A) Brachial A
(B) Femoral
(C) Carotid
(D) Axillary

5. The encephalopathy is commonly seen in chronic alcoholics:
(A) Reyes syndrome
(B) Multicystic encephalopathy
(C) Wernike’s encephalopathy
(D) Spongiform encephalopathy

6. All of the following may be associated with rheumatic fever except :
(A) Nephrilis
(B) Chores
(C) Polyanhrliis
(D) Carditie

7. Haemoptysis with renal involvement in seen in : –
(A) Geed Pasture’s Syndrome
(B) Rheumatoid Arthritis
(C) Relter’s Syndrome
(D) Behcet’s Diesease

8. Maize eating is related to :
(A) Pellagra
(B) Scurvy
(C) Beri beri
(D) Phrynoderma

9. The outstanding symptom of acute pancreatilis :
(A) Abdominal Bloating
(B) Severe constant upper abdominal pain radiates to back
(C) Jeundice
(D) Constipetion

10. The most serious complication of herpes simplex virus is :
(A) Leukemia
(B) Encephalitis
(D) Rubella

Homeopathy MCQ Question Papers

11. The following are true regarding Lyme disease except :
(A) It is transmitted by lxodid ticks
(B) Erythema migrans
(C) Borrelia recurrent is the etiological agent
(D) Borrelia burgdorferii is the etiological agent

12. Rheumatoid arthritis associated with pneumoconiosis is known as :
(A) Middle lobe syndrome
(B) Black lung syndrome
(C) Caplans syndrome
(D) Hamannrich syndrome

13. Ankylosing spolndylitis is characterised by all except:
(A) Possible fusion of entire spine
(B) involvement of sacroiliac joints
(C) High prevalence of HLA-B27
(D) Highest frequency of older women

14. Torres inclusion body may be found in
(A) Yellow fever
(B) Dengue A
(C) Kyasanur forest disease
(D) All of these

15. The initial complaint in primary biliary cirrhosis is
(A) Pain in abdomen
(B) Fever
(C) Weakness
(D) Pruritus

16. Black water fever is :
(A) Related to heavy parasitaemia
(B) Always associated with renal failure
(C) Related to Haemoglobinuria
(D) Observed in incompatible blood transfusion

17. Hereditary haemochromatosis is associated with :
(A) HLA-A locus on chromosome 6p
(B) HLA-B8
(C) HLA-B7
(D) HLA-B27

18. The parathyroid glands are:
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 6

19. Pernicious anaemia is associated with :
(A) Hypogammaglobulihaemia
(B) Blood group B
(C) HLA-B27
(D) Yellow sclera

20. The characteristic feature of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is :
(A) Clubbing
(B) Pailor
(C) Muddy sclera
(D) Anaemia

21. Streak ovary is associated with :
(A) Klinetelter‘s Syndrome
(B) Asherman’s Syndrome
(C) Turner’s Syndrome
(D) Super Female

22. Haematometra seen in association with :
(A) Cryptomenorrhoea
(B) Congestive Dysmenorrhoea
(C) Oligomenorrhea
(D) D.U.B

23. Powderburn’s seen in :
(A) Tuberculous endosalpinglosis
(B) Pelvicendometriosis
(C) Tuberculous cervicitls
(D) Adenomyosis

24. Basal body temperature noted in:
(A) Ovulation
(B) Pregnancy
(C) Vaginal infection
(D) Menopause

25. Fixed retroversion seen in :
(B) Uterine Prolapse
(C) Adenomyosis
(D) Fibroiduterus

26. Culdocentesis is a method of diagnosis in :
(A) Fibroiduterus
(B) Adenomyosis
(C) OvarianTumour
(D) Ectopicgjestation

27. Complete mole associated with :
(A) Hydatidiform mole
(B) Choriola
(C) Missed abortion
(D) None of these

28. Mastitis followed by breast abscess is most frequently due to :
(A) Bacterlal Vaginosis
(B) Pneumococcus
(C) E. coli
(D) Staphylococcus

29. One of them is not a complication of Placenta Previa:
(A) Malpresentation
(B) Postmaturity
(C) Preterm labour
(D) Intraparium Haemorrhage

30. Which sign is absent in abdominal pregnancy?
(A) Braxton Hick’s sign
(B) Foetal movements
(C) Foetal heart sounds
(D) None of these

31. Commonest site of Branchial Cyst is:
(A) Lower 1/3 of sternomastoid on anterior border
(B) Lower 1/3 of sternomastoid on posterior border
(C) Upper 1/3 of sternomastoid on anterior border
(D) Upper 1/3 of sternomastoid on posterior border

32. Most common coagulopathy noted in surgical patient is :
(A) Thrombocytopaenia
(B) Afibrinogenemia
(C) Fibrinolysis
(D) Factorvill deficiency

33. Most important step in Cardiac resuscitation is:
(A) Bicarbonate administration
(B) Cardiac massage
(C) Ventilation
(D) Intracardia cadrenalin

34. Hourglass stomach is seen in :
(A) Gastric carcinoma
(B) Gastric [ulcer
(C) Gastric lymphoma
(D) Corrosive stricture

35. Commonest site for carcinoid tumour is :
(A) Ileum
(B) Appendix
(C) Rectum
(D) Colon

36. Which of the following gas is a radiosensitiser?
(A) CO2
(B) N2
(C) O2
(D) CO

37. In obstruction of large gut, rapture occurs at the:
(A) Caecum
(B) Ascending colon
(C) Transverse colon
(D) Descending colon

38. Most common post operative complication of Spleenectomy is :
(A) Left side pleural effusion
(B) Subphrenic abscess
(C) Left lower lobe atelecfasls
(D) Pancreatic fistula

39. Which is the commonest tumour of urinary bladder?
(A) Papilloma
(B) Adenocarcinoma
(C) Transitional cell carcinoma
(D) Squamous cell carcinoma

40. “Rasberry tumour’ is another name for:
(A) Umbilical fistula
(B) Umbilical granuloma
(C) Umbilical adenoma
(D) Meckel’s diverficulum

41. Commonest cause of deafness in children under 12 years:
(A) Trauma
(B) Wax
(C) Otosclerosis
(D) Secretory otitis media

42. CSF Rhinorrhoea is usually due to fracture of :
(A) Ethmoidal bone
(B) Cribriform plate
(C) Orbital plate
(D) Maxilla

43. Constantly changing refractory error is seen in :
(A) Traumatic cataract
(B) Diabetic cataract
(C) Morgagnian cataract
(D) Intumescentcataract

44. Commonest tumour arising from the metaphysis is :
(A) Osteoclastoma
(B) Ewing’s sarcoma
(C) Osteosarcoma
(D) Synovial sarcoma

45. In rheumatoid arthritis, the part which is affected most is :
(A) Synovium
(B) Subchondralbone
(C) Cartilage
(D) Tendon

46. The concept “Levels of Prevention” in the health care systems aims at:
(A) identification of stages of a disease
(B) Control and eradication of a disease
(C) Preventing the endemic and epidemic risks
(D) Intervention in the natural history of the disease

47. All are true of Soyabean execept :
(A) 40% Protein + 20% Fat
(B) Lysine deficient
(C) Protein of high nutritive value
(D) 4% mineral

48. All are true about attack rate except :
(A) Is a type of prevalence rate
(B) Expressed as percentage
(C) Used when risk period is short
(D) Reflects extent of epidemic

49. Following are true regarding chlorination except :
(A) Contact period — 30 minutes
(B) Water should not be turbid
(C) Residual chlorine 0.5 mg/L.
(D) Chlorine demand should be estimated

50. Which of the following is not true of Cohort Study?
(A) Expensive
(B) Incidence can be calculated
(C) Always prospective
(D) Used to study chronic disease