ITI Office Assistant cum Computer Operator Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers for ITI Office Assistant cum Computer Operator
1. How many instances of an abstract class can be created?
(A) 1
(B) 10
(C) 4
(D) 0
2. Which of the following is the 2’s compliment of 1011?
(A) 1010
(B) 0101
(C) 1100
(D) 0111
3. Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification?
(A) grep
(B) touch
(C) we
(D) cut
4. A high speed device used in CPU for temporary storage during processing is called
(A) A Registrar
(B) A Data bus
(C) A Bus
(D) All of the above
5. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) Base class pointer cannot point to derived class
(B) Derived class pointer cannot point no base class
(C) Pointer to derived class cannot be created
(D) Pointer to base class cannot be created
6. Bottom up parsing involves :
(A) Shift reduce
(B) Operator check
(C) Handle Pruning
(D) (A) and (B)
7. Which of the following cannot be friend?
(A) Function
(B) Object
(C) Class
(D) Operator Function
8. Which is a valid keyword in Java?
(A) Interface
(B) Float
(C) String
(D) Unsigned
9. The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is
(A) Down time
(B) Latency time
(C) Seek time
(D) Access time
10. Type checking is normally done during :
(A) Lexical analysis
(B) Code Generation
(C) Syntax Analysis
(D) Syntax directed translation
11. Which command is used to remove a file?
(A) remove
(B) rm
(C) mv
(D) del
12. Which of the following is considered as DBMS?
(A) Foxpro
(B) MS Access
(C) Oracle
(D) All of the above
13. Which of the following is not a type of constructor?
(A) Copy constructor
(B) Default Constructor
(C) Friend Constructor
(D) Parameterized Constructor
14. Which of the following System software resides in the main memory always?
A) Text Editor
B) Assembler
C) Linker
D) Loader
15. When was Apple Macintosh I1 micro computer introduced in the market?
(A) 1964
(B) 1983
(C) 1970
(D) 1986
16. FDDI is a :
(A) Ring Network
(B) Mesh Network
(C) star Network
(D) Bus Network
17. Which command is used to display the top of the file?
(A) Cat
(B) Head
(C) More
(D) Grep
18. Which of the following device is used to connect two systems, especially if the systems use different protocols?
(A) Hub
(B) Bridge
(C) Gateway
(D) Repeater
19. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters :
(A) 3
(B) 32
(C) 64
(D) 256
20. Which 32-bit microprocessor is used in IBM’s PS/2 model-80 computer?
(A) 8088
(B) 80286
(C) 80386
(D) 80486
21. The Boolean expression X = A + B + C + is logically equivalent to what single gate :
(D) OR
22. What php stands for?
(A) Pre Hypertext processor
(B) Hyper text Preprocessor
(C) Pre Hyper processor
(D) Pre Hyper text process
23. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) Class is an instance of object
(B) Object is an instance of a class
(C) Class is an instance of data type
(D) Object is an instance of data type
24. Which of the following is an abstract data type?
(A) Int
(B) Double
(C) String
(D) Class
25. Which of the following is the address of the router?
(A) The IP address
(B) The TCP address
(C) The subnet mask
(D) The default gateway
26. The ___________ layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium.
(A) Transport
(B) Network
(C) Physical
(D) Datalink
27. ASCII stands for :
(A) All purpose Scientific Code for Information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(C) American Security Code for Information Interchange
(D) American Scientific Code for Information Interchange
28. 1024 Kilobytes represent a :
(A) 1 MB
(B) 1 GB
(C) 1 KB
(D) None of these
29. The ASCII code for the character J is :
(A) 10010001
(B) 1001 1010
(C) 01001010
(D) 10100001
30. Which of the following is not a function of DBA?
(A) Network maintenance
(B) Routine Maintenance
(C) Schema Definition
(D) Authorization for data access
31. A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a form suitable for execution :
(A) Assembler
(B) Linking Loader
(C) Cross compiler
(D) Load and Go
32. The software used to convert source program instructions to object instruction is known as :
(A) Compiler
(B) Assembler
(C) Interpreter
(D) Language Processor
33. To copy the hidden system files of DOS to another disk you can use the command :
(A) Copy
(B) Ren
(C) Sys
(D) Diskcopy
34. Which of the following is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies a row?
(A) Key
(B) Domain
(C) Tuplo
(D) Relation
35. A full binary tree with 2n +1 nodes contain :
(A) n leaf nodes
(B) n non leaf nodes
(C) n-1 leaf nodes
(D) n-1 non leaf nodes
36. What does Belady’s Anomaly related to?
(A) Page Replacement Algorithm
(B) Memory Management Algorithm
(C) Deadlock prevention Algorithm
(D) Disk scheduling Algorithm
37. In Which year the first operating system was developed :
(A) 1910
(B) 1940
(C) 1950
(D) 1980
38. The geostationary satellite used for communication systems :
(A) Rotates with the earth
(B) Remains stationary relative to the earth
(C) Is positioned over equator
(D) All of the above
39. What is the port number of POP3?
(A) 80
(B) 110
(C) 90
(D) 49
40. A relation is in this form if it is in BCNF and has no multivalued dependencies :
(A) Second normal form
(B) Third normal form
(C) Fourth normal form
(D) Domain/Key normal form
41. Who programmed the first computer game spacewar in 1962?
(A) Steel Russell
(B) Konard Zuse
(C) Alan Emtage
(D) Tim Berners-lee
42. Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tap?
(A) Direct
(B) Random
(C) Sequential
(D) All of the above
43. A technique for direct search is :
(A) Linear search
(B) Hashing
(C) Binary search
(D) Tree Search
44. The postfix form of the expression :
(A+ B)*(C*D-E)*F/G is
(A) AB+CD*E-FG/**
(B) AB+CD*E-*F*G/
(C) AB+CD*E-F**G/
(D) AB+CDE*-*F*G/
45. What does PPTP stands for?
(A) Point to Point Transmission Protocol
(B) Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
(C) Point to Point Transfer Protocol
(D) Point to Point Traffic Protocol
46. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) C++ allows static type checking
(B) C++ allows dynamic type checking
(C) C++ allows static member function be of type const
(D) Both (A) and (B)
47. Which is a reserved word in the Java programming language?
(A) method
(B) reference
(C) native
(D) subclass
48. The communication mode that supports two-way traffic but only one direction at time is
(A) Simplex
(B) Halfduplex
(C) Duplex
(D) multiplex
49. What is thrashing?
(A) A high paging activity is called thrashing
(B) A high executing activity is called thrashing
(C) A extremely long process is called thrashing
(D) A extremely long virtual memory is called thrashing
50. Linux Torvalds develop which operating system :
(A) Windows
(B) Mac OS
(D) Linux
51. Which operating system is developed and used by Apple Inc?
(A) Windows
(B) Android
(C) iOS
52. Which one is the current fastest super computer in India?
(A) Param Padma
(B) SAGA-220
53. Which of the following concepts means wrapping up of data and functions together?
(A) Abstraction
(B) Encapsulation
(C) Inheritance
(D) Polymorphism
54. One solution to the multivalued dependency constraint problem is to :
(A) Split the relation into two relations each with a single theme
(B) Change the theme
(C) Create a new theme
(D) Add a composite key
55. Which of the following algorithm solves the pair shortest path problem?
(A) Floyd’s algorithm
(B) Warshall’s algorithm
(C) Prim’s algorithm
(D) Dijkstra’s algorithm
56. Which of the following is an invalid visibility label while inheriting a class?
(A) Public
(B) Private
(C) Protected
(D) friend
57. What does SSL stands for?
(A) System Socket Layer
(B) Secure System Login
(C) Secure Socket Layer
(D) Secure System Layer
58. What hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat?
(C) Alpha
(D) Macintosh
59. How many types of Polymorphisms are supported by C++?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) -1
60. Which address is the loop hack address?
61. Process are classified into different groups in :
(A) Multilevel queue scheduling algorithm
(B) Round robin scheduling algorithm
(C) Priority scheduling algorithm
(D) Shortest job scheduling algorithm
62. Which keys can be used to prom-wed quit without saving in DOS?
(A) Ctrl + A
(B) Ctrl + B
(C) Ctrl + D
(D) Ctrl + C
63. The OS of a computer may periodically collect all the Cree memory space to form continuous block of free space. This is called :
(A) Garbage collection
(B) Concatenntion
(C) Collision
(D) Dynamic Memory Allocation
64. Who was the father of Punched Card processing?
(A) J. Prosper Eckert
(B) Charles Babbage
(C) Dr. Herman Hollerith
(D) Blaise Pascal
65. What is the usual number of bits transmitted simultaneously in parallel data transmission used by microcomputers?
(A) 16
(B) 9
(C) 3
(D) 4
66. India’s first super computer param 8000 was installed in :
(A) 1988
(B) 1982
(C) 1995
(D) 1991
67. The number of interchanges required lo sort 5, 1, 6, 2, 4 in ascending order using Bubble sort is:
(A) 6
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 8
68. Modem is used data transmission when was it invented and in which country :
(A) 1963, USA
(B) 1965, Germany
(C) 1950, USA
(D) 1950, Japan
69. In Php variable name starts with :
(A) !
(B) &
(C) #
(D) $
70. The person contributes the idea of the stored program was :
(A) Charles Babbage
(B) Howard Aiken
(C) Jon Von Neuman
(D) Winton Cerf
71. Father of Java progrnmming language :
(A) Dennis Richi
(B) James Goslin
(C) Simer Crey
(D) James Russel
72. A semaphore :
(A) Is a binary mutex
(B) Must be accessed from only one process
(C) Can be accessed from multiple process
(D) None of these
73. In OSI model, which of the following layer provides error-free delivery of data :
(A) Data link
(B) Network
(C) Transport
(D) Session
74. Which of the following is not a level of data abstraction?
(A) Physical layer
(B) Critical level
(C) Logical level
(D) View level
75. ISP exchanges internet traffic between their networks by :
(A) Internet exchange point
(B) Subscriber end point
(C) ISP end point
(D) None of the above
76. What are the most commonly used transmission speeds in BPS used in data communication?
(A) 300
(B) 1200
(C) 2400
(D) 9600
77. The average successful search time for sequential search on ‘n’ items is :
(A) n/2
(B) (n-1)/2
(C) (n+1/2
(D) log(n)+1
78. Which of the following is a data model?
(A) Entity-Relationship model
(B) Relational data model
(C) Object-Based data model
(D) All of the above
79. What is the default subnet mask for a class A network?