Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers
1. Normally in irrigation channels silting may take place in the channel if the slope is less than
(1) 0.025%
(2) 0.05%
(3) 0.0025%
(4) 0.005%
2. The first irrigation before sowing of the crop is known as
(1) Kor watering
(2) Cumec Day
(3) Nominal Duty
(4) Paleo
3. Irrigation capacity of a unit water is represented by
(1) Duty
(2) Nominal Duty
(3) Delta
(4) Both (a) & (b)
4. The whole period of cultivation from the time when irrigation water is first issued for preparation of the ground for planting the crop to its last watering before harvest refers to
(1) Crop period
(2) Base period
(3) Yield Duty
(4) Kor period
5. A loam soil has field capacity of 22% and witting coefficient of 10%. The dry unit weight of soil is 15g/cm3. If the root zone depth is 70cm, determine the storage capacity of the soil. Irrigation water is applied when moisture content falls to 14%, if the water application efficiency is 75%, determine the water depth required to be applied in the field (Field irrigation req.)
(1) Storage capacity=14.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=12.2cm
(2) Storage capacity=11.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=10.2cm
(3) Storage capacity=12.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=11.2cm
(4) Storage capacity=13.6cm, Field irrigation Req.=14.2cm
6. Irrigation canals are generally aligned along
(1) Ridge line
(2) Contour line
(3) Valley line
(4) Straight line
7. A water course has a culturable command area of 1200ha. The intensity of irrigation for crop A is 40% and for B is 35%, both the crop being Rabi crops. Crop A has a Kor period of 20 days and crop B has Kor period of 15 days. Calculate the discharge of the water course if the depth for crop A is 10cm and for B is 16cm.
(1) A=0.278m3 & B=0.518m3
(2) A=0.0278m3 & B=0.0518m3
(3) A=2.78m3 & B=5.18m3
(4) A=0.378m3 & B=0.618m3
8. Which type of canal is not under canal classification on the basis of the function of the canal
(1) Irrigation canal
(2) Watershed canal
(3) Power canal
(4) Navigation canal
9. Wheat crop requires 45 cm of irrigation under water during 120 days irrigation period. How much land can be irrigated with a flow of 20 liters per second for 22 hrs a day.
(1) 42.24 ha
(2) 40.24 ha
(3) 45.0 ha
(4) 41.24 ha
10. Inundation irrigation is sometimes called as
(1) Flood irrigation
(2) Lift irrigation
(3) Flow irrigation
(4) Both (a) & (b)
11. Wind mill operated piston pump is suitable for which form of irrigation?
(a) Well
(b) bore hole
(c) dam
(d) river
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (c) and (d)
(3) (a), (c) and (d)
(4) all the above
12. What is the major obstacle to increase the use of solar irrigation systems?
(1) It cannot be operated in rainy season
(2) Relatively high capital cost
(3) Relatively high operational cost
(4) Pumping may be intermittent
13. What is the recommended safe land slope in heavy (clay) soils for land levelling to have efficient irrigation?
(1) 0.20 to 0.40%
(2) 0.25 to 0.60%
(3) 0.05 to 0.20%
(4) 0.50 to 0.70%
14. In drip irrigation the design criterion is generally based on emitter flow variation, for lateral line, of:
(1) Less than 10%
(2) Less than 20%
(3) Less than 30%
(4) Less than 40%
15. Efficient irrigation by the Furrow method is obtained by selecting proper combination of:
(1) spacing and length only
(2) slope of furrows and suitable size of irrigation stream only
(3) length and duration of water application only
(4) spacing, length and slope of furrows and suitable size of irrigation stream and duration of water application
16. __________ method of irrigation to soils is having moderately low to moderately high infiltration rates.
(1) Check basin
(2) Border
(3) Furrow
(4) None of above
17. When leaching is required to remove salts from the soil profile the ___________ irrigation method is used.
(1) Border
(2) Check basin
(3) Furrow
(4) Sprinkler
18. Percolation tanks, constructed and maintained under minor irrigation projects, act functionally similar to:
(1) cement concrete gully control check dam
(2) water harvesting concrete weirs
(3) gabion type gully control check dams
(4) Nala bunds
19. The recommended safe limits of land slope (longitudinal slope, %) for efficient irrigation for heavy clay soils is
(1) 0.05 to 0.20
(2) 0.25 to 0.65
(3) 0.65 to 1.00
(4) 0.20 to 0.40