Computer Networks Model Questions and Answers Paper
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Model Questions and Answers on Computer Networks
1. One important characteristics of the hub architecture of ARC – net is
(a) directionalized transmission
(b) access control and addressing
(c) alternate routing
(d) multiple virtual networks
2. Which of the following is possible in a token passing bus network ?
(a) in-service expansion
(b) unlimited number of stations
(c) both (a) and (b) above.
(d) unlimited distance
3. The geostationary satellite used for communication systems
(a) rotates with the earth
(b) is positioned over equator
(c) remains stationary relative to the earth
(d) all the above
4. A packet-switching network
(a) is free
(b) can reduce the cost of using an information utility
(c) allows communications channel to be shared among more than one user
(d) Both (b) and (c) above
5. FDDI is a
(a) ring network
(b) mesh network
(c) Star network
(d) bus based network
6. Which of the following is not relevant to networking
(a) low-end standalone hubs
(b) mesh network
(c) stackable hubs
(d) bus hubs
7. In networking terminology UTP means
(a) Unshielded Twisted pair
(b) Uniformly Terminating port
(c) Ubiquitous Teflon port
(d) Unshielded T-connector port
8. A hub-in network is
(a) a multi-port signal repeater or concentrator
(b) a multiplug like device to allow many computers to be connected
(c) the server which serves every node
(d) the central power supply
9. Simple network management protocol (SNMP) is implemented with a daughter board in
(a) the nodes.
(b) the server
(c) the hubs
(d) a separate PC that manages the network
10. What is the main purpose of a data link content monitor?
(a) To detect problems in protocols
(b) To determine the type of transmission used in data link
(c) To determine the type of switching used in data link
(d) To determine the flow of data
11. Establishing a virtual connection is virtually equivalent to
(a) connecting as virtual memory
(b) physically connecting a DTE and DCE
(c) placing a telephone call prior to a conversion
(d) placing a modem prior to a conversion
12. The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is called
(a) Bandwidth
(b) Loss
(c) Entropy
(d) Quantum
13. Select the chip that an active hub contains
(a) Multiport repeater chip
(b) 386 SX
(c) UART
(d) None of the above
14. What is the name of network architecture that was developed by IBM?
(a) SNA
(b) XNS
(d) Novell
15. Which organisation draws up standards for modems?
(b) AT & T
(c) BELL
(d) Hayes
16. Which one of the following is not a class of LAN?
(a) Broad band
(c) Token bus
(d) Token ring
17. Which company develops the TCP/IP protocol for networking?
(a) IBM
(b) DEC
18. During networking the process of the CPU asking each terminal whether it wants to send a message is called
(a) Queuing
(b) Communicating
(c) Sharing
(d) Polling
19. How many digits of the network user Address are known as the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) ?
(a) First four
(b) First seven
(c) First three
(d) First five
20. How many digits of the DNICC (Data Network Identification Code) identify the country?
(a) First three
(b) First five
(c) First four
(d) First six
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21. Which of the following digits are known as the area code of the network user address (NUA) ?
(a) 5-7
(b) 8-12
(c) 1-4
(d) 13-14
22. Which of the following digits are known as the terminal number of the network user address (NUA)?
(a) 5-7
(b) 8-12
(c) 1-4
(d) 13-14
23. Which of the following device is used with an X-25 network to provide service to asynchronous terminals?
(a) Repeater
(b) Gateway
(c) Bridges
(d) Packet assembled
24. Which of the following network access standard disassembler is used for connection station to a packet switched network?
(a) X.3
(b) X.25
(c) X.21
(d) X.75
25. Four bits are used for packed sequence numbering in a sliding window protocol used in a computer network. What is the maximum window size?
(a) 4
(b) 15
(c) 8
(d) 16
26. Which of the following network access standard is used for connecting station to a circuit switched network?
(a) X.3
(b) X.25
(c) X.21
(d) X.75
27. Satellite Switched Time-Division Multiple Access (SS/TDMA) is
(a) the method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time
(b) a medium access control technique for multiple access transmission media.
(c) a form of TDMA in which circuit switching is used to dynamically change the channel assignments
(d) all of the above
28. A station in a network forward incoming packets by placing them on its shortest output queue. What routing algorithm is being used?
(a) Hot potato routing
(b) Static routing
(c) Folding
(d) Delta routing
29. IP address can be used to specify a broadcast and map to hardware broadcast if available. By conversion broadcast address has hosted with all bits
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) both (a) and (b) above
(d) none of the above.
30. How many hosts are attached to each of the local area network at your site ?
(a) 128
(b) 256
(c) 254
(d) 64
31. ARP (address resolution protocol) is
(a) A TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high-level IP address to a low-level physical hardware address
(b) ATCP/IP high level protocols for transferring files from one machine to another
(c) a protocol used to monitor computers
(d) a protocol that handles error and control messages.
32. ICMP (internet control message protocol) is
(a) a protocol that handles error and control messages
(b) a protocol used to monitor computers
(c) Both (a) and (b) above
(d) none of these
33. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for file transfer with minimal capability and minimal overhead?
(a) RARP
(b) TFTP
(c) FTP
34. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used to monitor IP gateway and the networks to which they attach?
(a) SGMP
(b) FTP
(c) SUMP
(d) both (a) and (b) above
35. How many class A, B and C networks Ids can exist?
(a) 2,113,658
(b) 16,382
(c) 128
(d) 126
36. Working of the WAH generally involves
(a) telephone lines
(b) satellites
(c) micro waves
(d) all of the above.
37. Which of the following program is used to copy files to or from another using timesharing system over a single link?
(a) VMTP
(b) UUCP
(c) TFTP
(d) UART
38. Modem is used in data transmission. When was it involved and in which country?
(a) 1965, Germany
(b) 1950, Japan
(c) 1963, USA
(d) 1950, USA
39. What is the name of the computer-based EMMS that provides a common forum where users can check it at their convenience, post message, actively exchange ideas and participate in ongoing discussions?
(a) E-mail
(b) Tele conferencing
(c) Bulletin board system (BBS)
(d) Video conferencing
40. Which of the following items is not used in local area network (LAN) ?
(a) Computer
(b) Printer
(c) Modem
(d) Cable
41. Which of the following TCP/IP internet protocol a diskless machine uses to obtain its IP address from a server?
(a) RDP
(b) RIP
(c) RARP
(d) X.25
42. How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communication with the host?
(a) 16 bits
(b) 48 bits
(c) 32 bits
(d) 64 bits
43. A local area networks
(a) that connects thirty personnel computers can provide more computing power than a minicomputer
(b) controls error detection and correction
(c) constructs packets of data and sends them across the network
(d) none of these
44. Which of the following is a wrong example of network layer?
(a) Internet protocol (I/P) ARPA NET
(b) X.25 packet land protocols (PLP-ISO)
(c) Source routing and Domains Naming Usenet
(d) X.25 level 2-ISO
45. Network operating system that does not support symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) is
(a) Banyan (VINES)
(b) SCO unix
(c) Micro soft NT Advanced server
(d) Novell network 3.X
46. A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called
(a) WAN
(b) LAN
(c) MAN
(d) VAN
47. Different computers are connected to a LAN by a cable and
(a) Modem
(b) special wires
(c) interface card
(d) telephone lines
(a) is used for channel allocation problem
(b) is use of data transfer
(c) is buffering
(d) all of the above
(a) Does not require global time synchronization
(b) does require global time synchronization
(c) both (a) and (b) above
(d) none of these
50. Slotted ALOHA
(a) divide time into discrete intervals
(b) require global time synchronization
(c) both (a) and (b) above
(d) none of these
(a) is an important protocol
(b) both (a) and (b)
(c) is IEEE 802.3 (ethernet)
(d) none of these
52. Fibre optics have maximum segment
(a) 500 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 200 m
(d) 2000 m
53. Twisted pair have maximum segment is
(a) 500 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 200 m
(d) 2000 m
54. Thick coax has maximum segment is
(a) 500 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 200 m
(d) 2000 m