Clinical Psychology Questions Answers
Applicants who have applied for Clinical Psychologist Jobs might have started their preparation and need Clinical Psychology Questions Answers. For all those candidates, we are providing Clinical Psychologist Interview Questions for Clinical Psychologist along with exam pattern.
So the Aspirants can check the Clinical Psychologist Interview Questions and Syllabus and prepare as per the topics. The Clinical Psychologist Interview Questions for Clinical Psychologist makes your preparation easy and effective. Clinical Psychology Questions Answers Pattern is tabulated below.
Therefore People can have a look at the below table to get the Scheme of Clinical Psychology Questions Answers. Finally, you reached the correct place. On this page, we have given past five years Clinical Psychology Questions Answers Sample Papers.
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Clinical Psychology Questions Answers for Interview
1. In which year Army alpha test was developed?
A. 1920
B. 1917
C. 1900
D. 1925
2. What is another name of Schizophrenia?
A. Psychosis
B. Neurosis
C. Dementia praecox
D. Anxiety
3. Who gave the concept of id, ego and superego?
A. Freud
B. Adler
C. Jung
D. Maslow
4. Operant conditioning helps in _________ behavior.
A. Maintenance
B. Shaping
C. Fantasy
D. Association
5. What is the basis of counseling?
A. Psychoanalysis
B. Pavlov’s conditioning
C. Maslow‘s self-actualization
D. D. Carl Roger’s theory
6. How many defense mechanisms were given by Freud?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 7
7. Hypochondriasis is a somatoform disorder?
A. Yes
B. No
C. both a & b
D. none of these
8. An eight-year-old child has IQ equal to 120. What will be his mental age?
A. 7
B. 9
C. 12
D. 10
9. Limited intellectual capacity is the Characteristic of ________
B. Autism
C. Mental Deficiency
D. Attention Deficit
10. Which is not a pervasive Developmental Disorder?
A. Autism Spectrum Disorder
B. Childhood Depression
C. Childhood disintegrative disorder
D. Rett’s Syndrome
11. Children having IQ between 20-34 fall in the category of ________
A. Mild intellectual deficiency
B. Moderate intellectual deficiency
C. Severe intellectual deficiency
D. Profound intellectual deficiency
12. How many disabilities are included in disability these days?
A. 11
B. 5
C. 7
D. 21
13. How can scientific data be collected?
A. Interview
B. Observation
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
14. Which is not a model of disability?
A. Moral model
B. Social model
C. Educational model
D. Medical model
15. What is the impact of marginalization?
A. None
B. Anger
C. Frustration
D. Both B & C
16. Which is the technique of self-control?
A. Self-observation
B. Self-monitoring
C. Self-reinforcement
D. All
17. Raven’s Progressive matrices are a test of _________
A. Attitude
B. Intelligence
C. Personality
18. How many Wechsler scales are used these days?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 4
D. 2
19. Who developed Peabody picture vocabulary test?
A. Woodcock
B. Johnson
C. Dunn
D. Raven
20. Luria-Nebraska test is a ___________ test.
A. Neurological
B. Psychological
C. Intelligence
D. Battery
21. ____________ technique is used In Behavior therapy.
B. Cognitive
C. Gestalt
D. Relaxation
22. Main tests used as test of reasoning are
1. Cube test
2. Object sorting test
3. Color sorting test
A. All the three
B. 1 & 2
C. 2 & 3
D. 1 & 3
23. L, F and K are dimensions of a personality test Name the test.
A. 16 PF
24. Bender Gestalt test was developed by Lauretta Bender Who was she?
A. Psychologist
B. Neurologist
C. Physician
D. Psychiatrist
25. (Hold – Don’t Hold) / Hold =?
A. Educational index
B. Deterioration index
C. Performance Index
D. Intelligence Quotient
26. Which test has Copy phase and recall phase?
A. Bender Gestalt Test
B. Bender Gestalt –II
C. Picture completion test
D. Draw -a -man test
27. Which therapy is best suited to remove self harm behavior?
A. Cognitive therapy
B. Existential therapy
C. Psychodynamic therapy
D. Behavior therapy
28. Rorschach test was developed in
A. 1921
B. 1931
C. 1955
D. 1919
29. Cattell’s Intelligence test is a ___________ test.
A. Culture free
B. Culture biased
C. Both A&B
D. None
30. Rehabilitation Council of India Act came in force in
A. 1990
B. 1989
C. 1992
D. 1994
31. Commitment, Control and Challenge are found in which type of personality?
A. Type A personality
B. Type B personality
C. Stress Resistant Personality
D. Type o personality
32. Ratings for a person given on the basis of a single trait are called ________
A. Halo effect
B. Middle category bias
C. Extreme category bias
D. Category
33. Primary appraisal of stress includes
1. harm
2. threat an
3. challenge
A. 1 & 3
B. 1 & 2
C. 2 & 3
D. All the three
34. Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the links between mind, brain and ________
A. Spinal cord
B. Medulla
C. immune system
D. Cerebral cortex
35. In the term Diathesis-stress model diathesls means
A. Health
B. Hygiene
C. Biological predisposition
D. Psychopathology
36. In schizophrenia main types of symptoms are
A. 3
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
37. Transference is part of _________
A. Behavior modification
B. Therapeutic alliance
C. Cognitive therapy
D. Psychodynamic therapy
38. Shaping, time out response cost etc are used in __________
A. Token economy
C. Ego analytical therapy
D. Contingency management
39. Psychodrama, a type of group therapy was developed by Moreno in _______
A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1944
40. Parent, adult and child are used in transactional analysis, what are these called in it?
A. Pans
B. Ego states
C. Stages
D. None of these
41. How many forms of family therapy are generally used?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 09
D. 08
42. Concept of unconditional positive regard is central part of ________ therapy
A. Cognitive therapy
B. Behavior therapy
C. Client-centered therapy
D. Logo therapy
43. Who used the word empty organism in his theory to explain organlsm?
A. Watson
B. Pavlov
C. Thorndike
D. Skinner
44. Who gave concept of cognitive dissonance?
A. Festinger
B. Mohsin
C. Heider
D. Sternberg
45. ________ provides a fertile ground for the growth of prejudice
A. Schema
B. Prototype
C. Stereotype
D. Social cognition
46. Each person thinks that it is not his/her responsibility alone to provide help. This phenomenon is called
A. Social responsibility
B. Diffusion of responsibility
C. Reciprocity
D. Equity
47. A tendency to change behavior according to what others say is called
A. Schizoid personality
B. Histrionic personality
C. Borderline personality
D. Conforming personality
48. Which body is responsible for taking care of persons with disabilities?
D. National trust
49. Which national program focuses on early detection of Mental retardation?
A. Mental Health Act
B. Persons with disabilities Act
C. Indian Lunacy Act
D. All the three
50. National trust is takes care of some specific disabilities, they are
A. Mental retardation
B. All the three
C. Autism
D. Cerebral palsy
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