Voice Change in English Grammar Sample Questions
People who are seeking for Voice Change in English Grammar Sample Question Papers can get here. On our page, you will get Voice Change in English Grammar latest question papers along with solutions. Those candidates need to solve Voice Change in English Grammar Sample Question papers to get the experience and to know the difficulty level of exam. Applicants can also get Voice Change in English Grammar Sample Question Papers.
Before going to start the preparation, it’s better to check the Active Voice to Passive Voice in English Grammar Sample Question to make your preparation easy and effective. Voice Change in English Grammar Sample Question Papers are here to download for free. Applicants can get Passive Voice to Active Voice in English Grammar Sample Question from our website. You can also download the Active Voice to Passive Voice in English Grammar Sample Question with answers for free.
Sample Questions with Answers on Voice Change
Rewrite the sentence from Active Voice to Passive Voice or Passive Voice to Active Voice
1. Did Ranjan rescue the wounded kitten?
2. Did she show her dress?
3. Did someone kill the snake ?
4. Did Sutanu not find his car keys?
5. Did the people welcome the minister ?
6. Did the police capture the burglar ?
7. Did the vet treat the dog?
8. Did the wind blow down the trees?
9. Didn’t they catch the train ?
10. Do the team not celebrate their victory?
11. Do they play handball ?
12. Do you imitate others ?
13. Do you know the man ?
14. Do you need somebody to go to the store?
15. Do you need someone to go to the store?
16. Do you see any animals ?
17. Do you think I may count on her consent?
18. Does father praise him ?
19. Does Mrs. Mukherjee teach us English?
20. Does she speak to the officials?
21. Does the moon know you ?
22. Draw this picture.
23. Each school and university should provide a place for art studies.
24. Earth has not anything to show more fair.
25. Education in arts heightens man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience.
26. Educational institutions must provide more sports facilities.
27. Every day when Mr Sivasanker came home he was asked by his wife, “Any news of the jewel ? and by his daughter, “Where is Sidda?”
28. Everybody loves his country.
29. Father always smiled and asked them to thank Allah, the merciful.
30. Few girls can resist flattery.
31. Fine art liberates our mind from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives.
32. Fine art liberates our mind.
33. Finish your homework.
34. Forget it.
35. Forgive me.
36. Functional art provides us with means of livelihood.
37. Garish German wrappers do not strain their eyes.
38. Give it to your mother.
39. Give me that rose you are wearing.
40. Give me the keys.
41. Good paintings, sculpture and other specimens of fine and functional arts should be displayed.
42. Grandmother told the story.
43. Hack and chop it.
44. Had she noticed already that I could not see?
45. Hang the painting.
46. Has he given you back the pen ?
47. Has he not accepted the invitation ?
48. Has none given food to the dog?
49. Has somebody translated the novel into French
50. Has someone taken my wallet?
Answer of the above questions.
1. Was the wounded kitten rescued by Ranjan ?
2. Was her dress shown by her ?
3. Was the snake killed by someone ?
4. Were his car keys not found by Sutanu?
5. Was the minister welcomed by the people ?
6. Was the burglar captured by the police ?
7. Was the dog treated by the vet?
8. Were the trees blown down by the wind?
9. Was the train not caught by them ?
10. Is their victory not celebrated by the team?
11. Is handball played by them ?
12. Are others imitated by you?
13. Is the man known to you?
14. Is somebody needed by you to go to the store?
15. Is someone needed (by you) to go to the store?
16. Are any animals seen by you?
17. Is it thought by you that I may count on her consent?
18. Is he praised by father?
19. Are we taught English by Mrs. Mukherjee ?
20. Is the officials spoken to by her ?
21. Are you known to the moon ?
22. Let the picture be drawn.
23. A place for art studies should be provided by each school and university.
24. There is not anything more fair to be shown by the earth.
25. Man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience is heightened by education in arts.
26. More sports facilities must be provided by educational institutions.
27. Every day when Mr Sivasanker came home his wife asked him, “Any news of the jewel ?” and his daughter, “Where is Sidda?”
28. His country is loved by everybody.
29. Father always smiled and they were asked to thank Allah, the merciful.
30. Flattery can be resisted by few girls.
31. Our mind is liberated from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives by fine art.
32. Our mind is liberated by fine art.
33. Let your homework be finished.
34. Let it be forgotten.
35. You are requested to forgive me.
36. We are provided with means of livelihood by functional art.
37. Their eyes are not strained by garish German wrappers.
38. Let it be given to your mother.
39. You are requested to give me that rose you are wearing.
40. Let the keys be given to me.
41. The authority should display good paintings, sculpture and other specimens of fine and functional arts.
42. The story was told by grandmother.
43. You are ordered to hack and chop it.
44. Had it already been noticed by her that I could not see?
45. Let the painting be hung.
46. Has the pen been given back to you by him ?
47. Has the invitation not been accepted by him ?
48. Has food not been given to the dog by anyone?
49. Has the novel been translated into French by somebody?
50. Has my wallet been taken by someone?