Voice Change Exercise for Class 6
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Voice Change Exercise for Class 6 are available here to download for free. For the sake of those aspirants, we have updated the Voice Change Exercise Class 6 Sample Papers on our website for free of cost. Download Voice Change Exercise for Class 6 PDF.
Class 6 Voice Change Exercise with Answers
1. A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology.
2. A slow stream leaves long strands of silver on the bright grass.
3. Adversity always presents opportunities for introspection.
4. All necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicine or clothing.
5. And he never saw her again.
6. And I’ve always loved you, my angel.
7. As if you’re paying a New Year’s Eve visit!
8. But I liked the sound of her voice.
9. But I’m getting a noise in my ears from excitement.
10. But the eternal summer shall not fade. Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st.
11. But this alone won’t do it.
12. But you put yourself in contact with me.
13. Buy yourself some blue suede shoes.
14. Can you tell me?
15. Did she keep her hair long or short?
16. Do not make the mistake of latching on to my pocket-book.
17. Do you need somebody to go to the store?
18. Do you see any animals?
19. Every recurrent anguish, longing and desire finds its own special helper.
20. Few girls can resist flattery.
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21. Forgive me.
22. From the ground will rise curled green twigs.
23. Hack and chop.
24. Had she noticed already that I could not see?
25. He always knew the right time to begin.
26. He could make a dash for it down the hall.
27. He decided to consult a hermit.
28. He is old, but I wouldn’t take five squeezers taken by me for him.
29. He just spat on his hand and recommenced digging.
30. He left his bodyguard behind.
31. He may catch cold.
32. He never quitted the wood.
33. He possessed great innate wisdom.
34. He put his hands on my shoulder.
35. He stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth.
36. He takes the lead in summer luxury.
37. He was judging my capacity to comprehend his words.
38. Her next question removed my doubts.
39. He’s come to borrow money! Shan’t give him any!
40. His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm.
41. How can I learn to do the right thing?
42. How do you make that out?
43. How much long have you stacked?
44. I asked my father about the relevance of prayer.
45. I beg pardon, Stephan Honouritch.
46. I believe you are hungry.
47. I can feel it in my shoulder and head.
48. I can hardly believe my own ears.
49. I cannot continue this discussion.
50. I did it on principle.
Answers of Above Exercise
1. An apology was stammered by a man getting into the compartment.
2. Long strands of silver are left on the bright grass by a slow stream.
3. Opportunities for introspection are always presented by adversity.
4. Parents provided for us all necessities, in terms of food, medicine or clothing.
5. And she was never seen by him again.
6. And you have been always loved by me, my angel.
7. As if a New Year’s Eve visit is being paid by you.
8. But the sound of her voice was liked by me.
9. But a noise is being got by me in my ears from excitement.
10. But possession of that fair thou ow’st shall not be lost by thy eternal summer that shall not fade.
11. But it won’t be done by this alone.
12. But you are put in contact with me by yourself.
13. Let some blue suede shoes.be bought by yourself.
14. Can I be told by you?
15. Was her hair kept long or short by her?
16. You are advised not to make the mistake of latching on to my pocket-book.
17. Is somebody needed by you to go to the store ?
18. Are any animals seen by you?
19. Its own special helper is found by every recurrent anguish, longing and desire.
20. Flattery can be resisted by few girls.
21. Let I be forgiven.
22. Curled green twigs will be risen from the ground.
23. Let it be hacked and chopped.
24. Had it already been noticed by her that something couldn’t be seen by me?
25. The right time to begin was always known to him.
26. A dash could be made for it down the hall by him.
27. He decided a hermit to be consulted.
28. He is old, but five squeezers wouldn’t be taken by me for him.
29. He just spat on his hand and digging was recommenced by him.
30. His bodyguard was left behind by him.
31. Cold may be caught by him.
32. The wood was never quitted by him.
33. Great innate wisdom was possessed by him.
34. His hands were put on my shoulder.
35. His spade was stuck into the ground by him and a little earth was turned.
36. The lead is taken in summer luxury by him.
37. My capacity to comprehend his words was being judged by him.
38. My doubts were removed by her next question.
39. He’s come to borrow money! You are requested not to give him any!
40. I was filled with a strange energy and enthusiasm by his answer.
41. How can I learn the right thing to be done?
42. How is that made out by you?
43. How much long has been stacked by you?
44. My father was asked by me about the relevance of prayer.
45. Pardon is begged by me, Stephen Honouritch.
46. It is believed by me that you are hungry.
47. It can be felt by me in my shoulder and head.
48. My own ears can hardly be believed by me.
49. This discussion cannot be continued by me.
50. It was done by me on principle.