NCLEX Important Questions and Answers
The candidates can download the NCLEX Important Questions and Answers for Preparation. The NCLEX-RN Important Papers will help the aspirants to crack the exam easily. Also, Visit our website for the NCLEX-RN for the Last 5 Years Papers Important Papers. Refer the NCLEX Important Questions and Answers to get an idea of the difficulty level of exam. The aspirants who are going to attend the NCLEX-PN Examination can use this syllabus and Important Papers as a reference for the preparation.
Interested applicants can go through this page to download the Important Questions of National Council Licensure Examination Exam. The NCLEX-PN Important Papers are the most important aspects for the proper exam preparation. With the help of these NCLEX Important Question Papers, you will get an idea about the test pattern, subjects, difficulty level, and weightage of each section. So, download the NCLEX-RN Important Papers along with the answers. We are providing the National Council Licensure Examination Important Question Papers of for free of cost. Use these Last 5 Years NCLEX-RN Exam Important Question Papers as a reference for the exam preparation.
Important Questions and Answers for NCLEX
1. The nurse is to insert an indwelling catheter in a male. Which action is appropriate?
A. Cleanse the meatus before preparing the catheter for insertion
B. Wash hands before starting the procedure
C. Hold the penis at a 45-degree angle during insertion of the catheter
D. Inflate the balloon immediately before inserting the catheter
2. An adult is to have a paracentesis performed today. What should the nurse do before the procedure?
A. Encourage the client to drink large amounts of fluids
B. Ask the client to empty her bladder just before the test
C. Keep the client NPO until after the procedure
D. Premedicate the client as ordered
3. A client is admitted with symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis. Which finding is associated with Clostridium difficile?
A. Diarrhea containing blood and mucus
B. Cough, fever, and shortness of breath
C. Anorexia, weight loss, and fever
D. Development of ulcers on the lower extremities
4. Diphenoxylate hydrochloride with atropine sulfate (Lomotil) is prescribed for a client. The nurse knows that the drug is prescribed for which of these problems the client has?
A. Diarrhea
B. Hypertension
C. Depression
D. Tachycardia
5. Which finding by the nurse suggests that the mother is not giving the toddler iron supplements as ordered?
A. The child has pale skin.
B. There is light brown stool in the diaper.
C. The child takes a nap every day.
D. The child has ecchymotic areas on her legs.
6. The client is scheduled for a paracentesis. What should the nurse expect to do prior to the procedure?
A. Insert an indwelling catheter
B. Have the client void
C. Keep the client NPO
D. Administer an enema
7. The nurse is new to the resident facility and is administering medications. One of the clients does not have a readable identification band in place. What should the nurse do?
A. Ask the client what his name is
B. Ask the client if he is Mr. _________
C. Ask the roommate if this is Mr. _________
D. Check the bed tag for the name
8. The nurse is caring for an infant following a cleft lip repair. While comforting the infant, the nurse should avoid:
A. Holding the infant
B. Offering a pacifier
C. Providing a mobile
D. Offering sterile water
9. The nurse is taking the blood pressure of the obese client. If the blood pressure cuff is too small, the results will be:
A. A false elevation
B. A false low reading
C. A blood pressure reading that is correct
D. As abnormal finding
10. A client suffers a broken leg as a result of a car accident and is taken to the emergency department. A plaster cast is applied. Before discharge, the nurse provides the client with instructions regarding cast care. Which instructions are most appropriate? Select all that apply.
A. Support the wet cast with pillows until it dries.
B. Use a hair dryer to speed the drying process.
C. Use the fingertips when moving the wet cast.
D. Apply powder to the inside of the cast after it dries.
E. Notify the physician if itching occurs under the cast.
11. Avoid putting straws or hangers inside the cast. The nurse is transporting a mother and her newborn upon discharge from the hospital. When the nurse is assisting the mother and newborn into the car, the nurse notes that the car is equipped with a front-facing car seat that is in the front seat of the car. Which action is most appropriate for the nurse?
A. Position the infant in the car seat as positioned.
B. Explain that a rear-facing car seat is necessary and offer to lend the family a car seat from the hospital for the trip home.
C. Tell the mother that holding the infant is safer than putting the infant in a front-facing car seat.
D. Place the car seat in the back seat and position the infant appropriately.
12. The nurse is caring for a client who had a total thyroidectomy. What should the nurse plan to observe the client for immediately after his return to the nursing care unit?
A. Hoarseness
B. Signs of hypercalcemia
C. Loss of reflexes
D. Mental confusion
13. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized adult who is receiving a blood transfusion. Twenty minutes after the start of the transfusion, the client complains of feeling cold and is shivering. What is the best first action for the LPN to take?
A. Put a warm blanket on the client
B. Take the client’s vital signs
C. Elevate the client’s feet
D. Stop the transfusion
14. A client is receiving chemotherapy for cancer and develops thrombocytopenia. What should the nurse include in the client’s plan of care because of the thrombocytopenia?
A. Place the client in a semi-upright position.
B. Limit the client’s intake of fluids.
C. Administer no injections.
D. Exercise the client’s lower extremities.”
15. The nurse is teaching family members how to correctly transfer a client who has right hemiplegia from the bed to a wheelchair. Which observation indicates that the family understands how to transfer the client?
A. The wheelchair is placed parallel to the bed on the affected side.
B. The family members lift the client up by having her place her arms around their necks.
C. The wheelchair is placed at a 45-degree angle to the bed on the client’s unaffected side.
D. The family members ask for a trapeze bar for the client to use in the transfer.
16. The nurse is passing a nasogastric tube into an adult. When passing the tube through the pharynx, the nurse has the client sip water through a straw. What is the purpose of this action?
A. To prevent dehydration
B. To divert the client’s attention
C. To close the epiglottis
D. To lubricate the tube”
17. The nurse on the psychiatric unit is caring for several clients. Which client needs the most immediate attention?
A. A man is pacing the floor in circles.
B. A man is rocking back and forth and crying.
C. A man is screaming and running around.
D. A man is sitting in the corner and not moving or speaking.
18. The nurse identifies ventricular tachycardia on the heart monitor. The nurse should immediately:
A. Administer atropine sulfate
B. Check the potassium level
C. Prepare to administer an antiarrhythmic such as lidocaine
D. Defibrillate at 360 joules”
19. An elderly client is hospitalized for a transurethral prostatectomy. Which finding should be reported to the doctor immediately?
A. Hourly urinary output of 40-50cc
B. Bright red urine with many clots
C. Dark red urine with few clots
D. Requests for pain med q 4 hrs.
20. The client is seen in the clinic for treatment of migraine headaches. The drug Imitrex (sumatriptan succinate) is prescribed for the client. Which of the following in the client’s history should be reported to the doctor?
A. Diabetes
B. Prinzmetal’s angina
C. Cancer
D. Cluster headaches
21. An adult is admitted to the nursing care unit. He begs the nurse to give him a laxative. Which data in the admission assessment contraindicates administration of a laxative?
A. The client has not had a bowel movement for two days.
B. The client has a temperature of 100.8°F.
C. The client is nauseated and vomited before admission.
D. The client has right lower quadrant abdominal pain.
22. The physician has ordered 50mEq of potassium chloride for a client with a potassium level of 2.5mEq. The nurse should administer the medication:
A. Slow, continuous IV push over 10 minutes
B. Continuous infusion over 30 minutes
C. Controlled infusion over 5 hours
D. Continuous infusion over 24 hours
23. The family of a young adult who has been declared brain dead following an auto accident is approached by the physician about organ donation. Later they ask the nurse, “If we donate the organs, can we still have a viewing and a regular funeral?” How should the nurse respond?
A. “Yes. The surgery to donate the organs will not deface the body of your loved one.”
B. “You can have a normal funeral, but you may want a closed casket because of the injuries from the accident.”
C. “The surgery to take the organs will make it impossible to have an open casket for the viewing.”
D. “Some clergy do not want to perform funerals for those whose organs have been removed. You should check with your clergyperson.””
24. The nurse is caring for the client following a cerebral vascular accident. Which portion of the brain is responsible for taste, smell, and hearing?
A. Occipital
B. Frontal
C. Temporal
D. Parietal
25. The nurse has just received a report from the previous shift. Which of the following clients should the nurse visit first?
A. A50-year-old COPD client with a PCO, of 50
B. A 24-year-old admitted after an MVA complaining of shortness of breath
C. A client with cancer requesting pain medication
D. A 1-day post-operative cholecystectomy with a temperature of 100°F
26. A client with pernicious anemia is admitted. What would the nurse expect the admitting assessment to reveal?
A. Ecchymoses on the trunk
B. Bilateral neuropathy of the legs
C. Decreased platelet count
D. Decreased appetite
27. The nurse is providing home care for an immobile client who has a stage IV decubitus ulcer that is not healing. Assuming that all of the following are available, which person would be most appropriate to consult regarding care of the wound?
A. Physician
B. Physical therapist
C. IV therapist
D. Enterostomal therapist
28. Where is the best site for examining for the presence of petechiae in an African American client?
A. The abdomen
B. The thorax
C. The earlobes
D. The soles of the feet
29. A client with cancer who is receiving chemotherapeutic drugs has been given injections of (pegfilgastrin) Neulasta. Which laboratory value reveals that the drug is producing the desired effect?
A. Hemoglobin of 13.59/dL
B. White blood cells count of 6,000/mm
C. Platelet count of 300,000/mm
D. HCT 39%
30. The nurse is conducting a physical assessment on a client with anemia. Which of the following clinical manifestations would be most indicative of the anemia?
A. BP 146/88
B. Respirations 28 shallow
C. Weight gain of 10 pounds in 6 months
D. Pink complexion
31. The nurse is to administer an iron injection to an adult. How should this be administered?
A. Subcutaneous in the arm
B. Intradermal in the forearm
C. Intramuscular in the deltoid
D. track intramuscular in the gluteal
32. The nurse is caring for a client suspected of having hepatitis A. Which item in the client’s history is most likely related to the development of hepatitis A?
A. The client donated blood three weeks ago.
B. The client just returned from a trip to India.
C. The client received a transfusion six months ago.
D. The client had a cholecystectomy six months ago.
33. The client with AIDS tells the nurse that he has been using acupuncture to help with his pain. The nurse should question the client regarding this treatment because acupuncture uses:
A. Pressure from the fingers and hands to stimulate the energy points in the body
B. Oils extracted from plants and herbs
C. Needles to stimulate certain points on the body to treat pain
D. Manipulation of the skeletal muscles to relieve stress and pain
34. All of the following tasks need to be done. Which one can the LPN/LVN safely delegate to the certified nursing assistant (CNA)?
A. Tube feeding for a client with a nasogastric tube
B. Routine vital signs for a group of clients
C. Blood pressure monitoring for a client who is in congestive heart failure
D. Wound care for a client with a stage III decubitus ulcer
35. Which of the following statements describes Piaget’s stage of concrete Operations?
A. Reflex activity proceeds to imitative behavior.
B. The ability to see another’s point of view increases.
C. Thought processes become more logical and coherent.
D. The ability to think abstractly leads to logical conclusion.
36. The client is admitted for evaluation of aggressive behavior and diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. A key part of the care of such clients is:
A. Setting realistic limits
B. Encouraging the client to express remorse for behavior
C. Minimizing interactions with other clients
D. Encouraging the client to act out feelings of rage
37. A client with hemophilia has a nosebleed. Which nursing action is most appropriate to control the bleeding?
A. Place the client in a sitting position.
B. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol).
C. Pinch the soft lower part of the nose.
D. Apply ice packs to the forehead.
38. “An adult is admitted to the hospital with several days of vomiting and diarrhea. Admitting data show RBC level of 4.2 million/mm° and hematocrit of 54%. What is the best interpretation of these data?
A. The client may have internal bleeding.
B. The client is probably dehydrated.
C. These are normal findings.
D. The client is anemic.
39. A nurse is working in an endoscopy recovery area. Many of the clients are administered midazolam (Versed) to provide conscious sedation. Which medication is important to have available as an antidote for Versed?
A. Diazepam (Valium)
B. Naloxone (Narcan)
C. Flumazenil (Romazicon)
D. Florinef (Fludrocortisone)”
40. The nurse notes all of the following. Which should be attended to first?
A. A blind client is calling out stating that she cannot find the call bell.
B. There is a water spill on the floor near the bed of an elderly client who ambulates regularly.
C. A postoperative client is asking for pain medication.
D. A diabetic client is asking for a glass of water.
41. The 84-year-old male has returned from the recovery room following a total hip repair. He complains of pain and is medicated with morphine sulfate and promethazine. Which medication should be kept available for the client being treated with opoid analgesics?
A. Naloxone (Narcan)
B. Ketorolac (Toradol)
C. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
D. Atropine sulfate (Atropine)
42. The nurse is caring for an organ donor client with a severe head injury from an MVA. Which of the following is most important when caring for the organ donor client?
A. Maintenance of the BP at 90mmHg or greater
B. Maintenance of a normal temperature
C. Keeping the hematocrit at less than 28%
D. Ensuring a urinary output of at least 300mL/hr
43. A client has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is being transferred to home hospice care. The client’s daughter tells the nurse, “I don’t know what to say to my mother if she asks me if she’s going to die.” Which responses by the nurse would be appropriate? Select all that apply.
A. “Tell your mother not to worry; she still has some time left.”
B. “Let’s talk about your mother’s illness and how it will progress.”
C. “You sound like you have some questions about your mother dying. Let’s talk about that.”
D. “Don’t worry. Hospice will take care of your mother.”
E. “Tell me how you’re feeling about your mother dying.”
44. Heparin has been ordered for a client with pulmonary embolis. Which statement, if made by the graduate nurse, indicates a lack of understanding of the medication?
A. “I will administer the medication 1-2 inches away from the umbilicus.”
B. “I will administer the medication in the abdomen.”
C. “I will check the PTT before administering the medication.”
D. “l will need to aspirate when | give Heparin.”
45. A child is admitted in sickle cell crisis. Which factor in the child’s history is most likely related to the onset of the crisis?
A. The child just completed final exams at school.
B. The child ran a marathon yesterday.
C. The child recently had a cold.
D. The child received a hepatitis A immunization two weeks ago.
46. The orthopedic nurse should be particularly alert for a fat embolus in which of the following clients having the greatest risk for this complication after a fracture?
A. A 50-year-old with a fractured fibula
B. A 20-year-old female with a wrist fracture
C. A 21-year-old male with a fractured femur
D. An 68-year-old with a fractured arm”
47. “The family of a 90-year-old resident in a long-term care facility asks the nurse why the client only gets a shower three times a week. What information is most important for the nurse to include when answering the question?
A. The staff members have limited time and must schedule all the residents.
B. The client’s skin is dry; too many showers will dry the skin further.
C. The client has limited energy and must conserve it.
D. The client is not very active and doesn’t get very dirty.
48. The nurse is caring for an adult who is being admitted to the unit for detoxification from alcohol. Which comment is the client most likely to make at this time?
A. “I am so sorry for any trouble I’ve caused my family.”
B. “I’m not really an alcoholic you know. I’m doing this to please my wife.”
C. “I am so embarrassed. I know drinking is wrong.”
D. “My friends and family all tell me I am not an alcoholic.”
49. A client has autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. To determine the client’s response to treatment, the nurse would monitor:
A. Platelet count
B. White blood cell count
C. Potassium levels
D. Partial prothrombin time (PTT)
50. The nurse is assessing elderly clients at a community center. Which of the following findings would be the most cause for concern?
A. Complaint of dry mouth
B. Loss of 1 inch of height in the last year
C. Stiffened joints
D. Rales bilaterally on chest auscultation
How can I take NCLEX exam in India?
The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is a standardized test that all nurses in the United States and Canada must pass to become licensed nurses. The NCLEX exam is designed to test a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of nursing concepts and practices.
If you are living in India and want to take the NCLEX exam, there are several steps you need to follow. In this article, we will guide you through the process of taking the NCLEX exam in India.
Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility
Before you can take the NCLEX exam, you need to determine whether you are eligible to take the exam. The eligibility criteria for the NCLEX exam vary depending on the state you wish to work in, so you need to check the requirements of the state board of nursing where you plan to work.
In general, to be eligible to take the NCLEX exam, you must:
- Complete a nursing program that meets the educational requirements of the state where you want to work.
- Obtain a nursing license from your home country or state.
- Register with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
- Submit your transcripts to the state board of nursing where you want to work.
Step 2: Register with NCSBN
The next step is to register with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). You can register for the NCLEX exam online at the NCSBN website. When you register, you will need to provide your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address.
You will also need to pay the registration fee, which is currently $200. You can pay the fee using a credit or debit card.
Step 3: Apply for Authorization to Test (ATT)
After you register with NCSBN, you need to apply for Authorization to Test (ATT). You can apply for ATT through the Pearson VUE website. Pearson VUE is the company that administers the NCLEX exam.
To apply for ATT, you will need to provide your NCSBN ID number, your personal information, and information about the nursing program you completed. You will also need to pay the ATT fee, which is currently $150.
Step 4: Schedule Your Exam
Once you receive your Authorization to Test (ATT), you can schedule your exam. You can schedule your exam online through the Pearson VUE website.
When you schedule your exam, you will need to choose the testing center where you want to take the exam. Pearson VUE has several testing centers in India, including in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai.
You will also need to choose the date and time for your exam. You can choose a date and time that is convenient for you. However, keep in mind that there may be a waiting period before you can take the exam, so it is best to schedule your exam well in advance.
Step 5: Prepare for the Exam
To pass the NCLEX exam, you need to prepare thoroughly. The NCLEX exam is a challenging exam that tests your knowledge and understanding of nursing concepts and practices.
There are several ways to prepare for the NCLEX exam, including:
- Study the NCLEX exam content outline: The NCLEX exam content outline provides a detailed breakdown of the topics covered on the exam. You can use the content outline to identify the areas where you need to focus your studying.
- Take practice tests: Taking practice tests is an excellent way to prepare for the NCLEX exam. Practice tests help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and give you an idea of what to expect on the actual exam.
- Use study materials: There are many study materials available for the NCLEX exam, including textbooks, online courses, and review books. You can choose the study materials that work best for you.