Anthropology Typical Questions
1. The site ‘Pandu Rajan Dhabi’ is related to-
(A) Paleolithic culture
(B) Mesolithic culture
(C) Neolithic- Chalcolithic culture
(D) All
2. In Anglo-American cultures which system of kinship terminology is found?
(A) The Eskimos system
(B) The Hawaiian system
(C) The Omaha system
(D) The Crow system
3. Which is true for ‘Sociobiology’?
(A) It is an approach which involves the application of evolutionary principles to the behavior of animals.
(B) This approach is similar to behavioral ecology
(C) This approach gives more emphasis on genes.
(D) All of the above
4. Double funeral is practiced among which of the following tribe?
(A) Todas
(B) Jaunsaris
(C) Raji
(D) None of the above
5. Malinowski propounded Functional Theory based on his ethnography field work among
(A) Andamanese
(B) Trobriand Islanders
(C) Nicobarese
(D) Nuer
6. Who used the term prehistory for the first time?
(A) Valentine Ball
(B) John Lubbock
(C) Daniel Wilson
(D) Robert Bruce Foote
7. Identify the correct sequence of the trend in primate evolution from lower to higher order:
(A) Anthropoids — hominids — hominoids — prosimians
(B) Prosimians — anthropoids — hominoids — hominids
(C) Prosimians — anthropoids — hominids — hominoids
(D) Hominids — hominoids — anthropoids — prosimians
8. The technique which was specialised by the Upper Palaeoliltic man for producing blades is known as
(A) Clactonian technique
(B) Levallois technique
(C) Step flaking technique
(D) Pressure flaking technique
9. According to Levi-Strauss, prohibition on marriage would lead to
(A) Complex kinship system
(B) Crow-Omaha kinship system
(C) Elementary kinship system
(D) None of the above
10. Who among the following was a naturalist?
(A) Charles Darwin
(B) Hugo-de-Varies
(C) Julian Huxley
(D) Sewall Wright
11. Who discovered the Laetoli foot prints?
(A) Mary Leakey
(B) David Pilbeam
(C) Richard Leakey
(D) Louis Leakey
12. Identify the correct sequence in ascending order of the following concepts:
(A) Dominant caste -> Folk-urban continuum -> Universalization and Parochialization -> Nature-man-spirit complex
(B) Folk-urban continuum -> Dominant caste -> Universalization and Parochialization -> Nature-man-spirit complex
(C) Nature-man-spirit -> complex -> Folk-urban continuum -> Universalization and Parochialization -> Dominant caste
(D) Folk-urban continuum -> Nature-man-spirit complex -> Dominant caste -> Universalization and Parochialization
13. Which of the following is a relative dating method?
(A) Radiocarbon
(B) Stratigraphy
(C) Thermoluminiscence
(D) Fission-track
14. Who has given the concept of ‘Thick Description’ in Anthropology?
(A) E. B. Tylor
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) Victor Turner
(D) Clifford Geertz
15. The first hominid to appear on the earth was
(A) Homo habilis
(B) Australopithecus
(C) Ramapitheus
(D) Homo erectus
16. An interrelation between two or more clans makes a
(A) Moiety
(B) Phratry
(C) Tribe
(D) Family
17. Ash mound sites are associated with
(A) Palaeolithic culture
(B) Mesolithic culture
(C) Neolithic culture
(D) Chalcolithic culture
18. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) Ramapithecus — South Africa
(B) Homo habilis — East Africa
(C) Neanderthal — China
(D) Cromagnon — India
19. The term Panchayat literally means
(A) Group or council of lives
(B) Village life
(C) Village communities
(D) Group of people
20. Which of the following was the first Palaeolithic site excavated in India?
(A) Susunia
(B) Kuliana
(C) Hungsi
(D) Atirampakkam
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21. Which of the following castes in South India is known for matriarchal system?
(A) Lingayat
(B) Numbudri Brahmin
(C) Nayar
(D) Okkaliga
22. The latest modification of the statement on race was made by
(A) World Health Organisation
(B) Indian Council of Medical Research
(C) American Association of Physical Anthropologists
(D) United Nations
23. The dating based on the growth of yearly rings of certain long lasting trees is called
(A) Chronometric dating
(B) Relative chronology
(C) Dendrochronology
(D) Absolute chronology
24. Arrange Anthony Wallace’s concept of religious belief and practices in desending order.
(A) Individualistic cult→ Shamanistic cult → Communal cult→ Eccelesiastical cult
(B) Eccelesiastical cult→ Communal cult → Individualistic cult→ Shamanistic cult
(C) Shamanistic cult→ Communal cult → Eccelesiastical cult→ Individualistic cult
(D) Eccelesiastical cult→ Communal cult → Shamanistic cult→ Individualistic cult
25. Arrange the epochs of tertiary period form earliest to latest:
(A) Eocene, Oligocene, Pliocene, Palaeocene, Miocene
(B) Miocene, Pliocene, Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene
(C) Oligocene, Palaeocene, Eocene, Miocene, Pliocene
(D) Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene
26. Boyd classified the human species into races on the basis of
(A) Dermatoglyphics
(B) Hair
(C) Stature
(D) Blood Groups
27. Non disjunction of X chromosome may lead to
(A) Turner’s syndrome
(B) Klienefelter’s syndrome
(C) Down’s syndrome
(D) Patau syndrome
28. The term Savagery, Barbarism and Civilization was first coined by
(A) William Robertson
(B) Les Eyzies
(C) L. H. Morgan
(D) W. H. R. Rivers
29. The concept of ‘Three Age System’ was developed by
(A) C. J. Thomsen
(B) M. C. Burkitt
(C) Lubbock
(D) V. Gordon Childe
30. Who among the following could be regarded a pioneer in the field of village studies in India?
(A) L. P. Vidyarthi
(B) N. K. Bose
(C) D. N. Mazumdar
(D) S. C. Dube
31. Who is the author of the book ‘India : An Archaeological History’?
(A) H. D. Sankhalia
(B) V. N. Misra
(C) Dilip K. Chakrabarti
(D) V. S. Wakankar
32. Which one of the following non-human Primates is not found in India?
(A) Loris
(B) Lemur
(C) Gibbon
(D) Langur
33. The rule by which a man is not allowed to marry some one from his own social group is called
(A) Endogamy
(B) Exogamy
(C) Polygamy
(D) Both (A) and (B)
34. Arrange the names of the following scholars in order in which they classified the people of India from the earliest to the recent:
(A) Guha — Sarkar — Haddon — Risley
(B) Risley — Haddon — Guha — Sarkar
(C) Sarkar — Risley — Haddon — Guha
(D) Haddon — Risley — Guha — Sarkar
35. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
(A) Burzaham — Neolithic site of Northern India
(B) Bhimbetka — Rock art and cave shelter site
(C) Soham valley — Site of Microlithic tradition
(D) Langhnaj — Mesolithic site of Western India
36. The concept of ‘acculturation’ was first developed by
(A) Redfield, Linton and Herskovits
(B) Redfield, Linton and Srinivas
(C) Radcliffe Brown, Redfield and Linton
(D) Redcliffe Brown, Redfield and Herskovits
37. Which of the following statements are true for Orangutan?
(i) They are found in the islands of Sumatra and Borneo
(ii) They show extreme sexual dimorphision
(iii) They are extensively studied by Jane Goodall
(iv) They are the largest of the Asian apes.
(A) Only (i), (ii) and (iii) are true
(B) Only (i), (ii) and (iv) are true
(C) Only (ii), (iii) and (iv) are true
(D) Only (i), (iii) and (iv) are true
38. When a group looses its own culture under the influence of other, the process is termed as
(A) Enculturation
(B) Transculturation
(C) Neo culturation
(D) Deculturation
39. Which is the typical tool used during the Magdalenian Phase?
(A) Harpoon
(B) Handaxe
(C) Spear
(D) Fabricator
40. ‘Potlach’ as practiced by Kwakiatul India of North west coast of America can be categorised as
(A) simply a form of gift exchange
(B) a ritualized exchange
(C) a system of redistribution
(D) None of the above
41. Choose the correct sequence of the following stone tool types from early to later:
(A) Cleaver — Trapeze — Backed knife
(B) Trapeze — Backed knife — Cleaver
(C) Cleaver — Backed knife — Trapeze
(D) Backed knife — Trapeze — Cleaver
42. The fossil remains of Arago have been grouped under:
(A) Homo erectus
(B) Homo sapiens
(C) Archaic sapiens
(D) Homo habilis
43. Which of the pair is correctly matched?
(A) ABO blood group system— K. Landsteiner and A. S. Weiner
(B) Rh blood group system— K. Landsteiner and A. S. Weiner
(C) Pharmacogenetics— W. S. Sutton
(D) Phenylketonuria— J. B. S. Haldane
44. The warm periods in some places within the span of the glaciations are called
(A) Interstadial
(B) Interpluvials
(C) Interglacial
(D) None of the above
45. Who among the following championed the cause of Biological Anthropology?
(A) W. H. Sheldon
(B) Th. Dobzhansky
(C) E. A. Hooton
(D) Franz Boas
46. Choose the correct sequence of cultural tradition:
(A) Mousterian — Acheulian — Magdalenian
(B) Magdalenian — Acheulian — Mousterian
(C) Acheulian — Mousterian — Magdalenian
(D) Acheulian — Magdalenian — Mousterian
47. Identify the correct sequential order of subgroups of caste in Indian society from the smallest unit.
(A) Lineage — Family — Sub caste — Gotra
(B) Gotra — Sub caste — Family — Lineage
(C) Sub caste — Gotra — Lineage — Family
(D) Family — Lineage — Gotra — Sub caste
48. Identify the correct sequence of political organizations among different human societies in ascending order:
(A) State — Chiefdom — Tribe — Band
(B) Band — Tribe — Chiefdom — State
(C) Chiefdom — State — Band — Tribe
(D) Tribe — Band — State — Chiefdom
49. The name of the book authored by Charles Darwin in 1871 is
(A) The Descent of Man
(B) The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
(C) The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
(D) The Origin and Decent of Man
50. Acheulian culture heralds the beginning of which of the following techniques?
(A) Block on block technique
(B) Cylinder hammer technique
(C) Pressure flaking technique
(D) Punching technique