Anatomy Important Questions
Anatomy Important Questions paper for the written examination is given below. Candidates who are looking for Anatomy exam Important Questions paper can find in this section. The applied candidates who are getting prepared for the Anatomy can view this page for the Anatomy Last Ten Years Important Questions Papers.
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Important Questions on Anatomy
1) The growing end of long bone is: –
A) The epiphyseal end which fuses in the last
B) The end opposite the direction of nutrient artery
C) A & B both
D) None of the above
2) Henry gray was born in the year: –
A) 1847
B) 1861
C) 1827
D) 1879
3) The vein pierces the clavipectoral fascia is: –
A) Lateral pectoral
B) Cephalic
C) Axillary
D) None of the above
4) The bone that does not ossify by two primary centres is: –
A) Parietal
B) Frontal
C) Clavicle
D) Temporal
5) The perichondrium is absent in: –
A) Hyaline & elastic cartilage
B) Hyaline & fibrocartilage
C) Articular & fibrocartilage
D) Elastic & articular cartilage
6) The cartilage which never calcifies is: –
A) Hyaline cartilage
B) Elastic cartilage
C) Fibro cartilage
D) None of the above
7) Arteries supplying the following are not end arteries: –
A) Liver & kidney
B) Retina & brain
C) Lung & spleen
D) Ovary & uterus
8) The nerve which has no cutaneous branch is: –
A) S 5
B) C 1
C) L 1
D) T 12
9) The neuro-vascular plane is present between: –
A) Superficial & deep fascia
B) Middle & superficial muscle layers of body wall
C) Middle & deepest muscle layers of body wall
D) All of the above
10) The ligament of bigelow is: –
A) Ileo-femoral ligament
B) Pubo-femoral ligament
C) Lieno-renal ligament
D) Sacro-tuberous ligament
11) The bucket-handle movement of thoracic cage increases the : –
A) Vertical diameter
B) Transverse diameter
C) Antero-posterior diameter
D) None of the above
12) All are hybrid / composite muscles except: –
A) Brachialis
B) Flexor digitorum profundus
C) Brachioradialis
D) Pectineus
13) All are branches of axillary artery except: –
A) Suprascapular artery
B) Subscapular artery
C) Superior thoracic artery
D) Thoraco-acromial artery
14) The lower lateral cutaneous nerve of arm is a branch of : –
A) Musculocutaneous nerve
B) Radial nerve
C) Axillary nerve
D) Median nerve
15) The tendon directly medial to the dorsal tubercle of radius is: –
A) Extensor pollicis longus
B) Extensor pollicis brevis
C) Extensor indicis
D) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
16) The metacarpal bone with the epiphysis at proximal end is: –
A) First
B) Fifth
C) A & B both
D) None of the above
17) The area of buttocks preferred for im injection is: –
A) Lower & inner quadrant
B) Upper & inner quadrant
C) Upper & outer quadrant
D) Lower & outer quadrant
18) The muscles inserted into iliotibial tract are: –
A) Tensor fasciae latae & gluteus medius
B) Tensor fasciae latae & gluteus maximus
C) Gluteus maximus & gluteus minimus
D) Quadratus femoris & gluteus maximus
19) The sesamoid bones in foot are found in tendons of: –
A) Flexor hallucis longus
B) Flexor hallucis brevis
C) Flexor digitorum longus
D) Flexor digitorum accessorius
20) The ‘keystone’ of medial longitudinal arch of foot is: –
A) Calcaneus
B) Talus
C) Cuboid
D) First metatarsal
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21) The linea terminalis of bony pelvis includes: –
A) Pubic crest, pectin pubis & sacral promontory
B) Pubic crest, pectin pubis & iliac arcuate line
C) Pubic crest, pectin pubis & superior ramus of pubis
D) Pectin pubis, iliac arcuate line & sacral promontory
22) The parietal pleura is derived from: –
A) Somatopleuric mesoderm
B) Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
C) Intermediate mesoderm
D) Somites
23) The wall of aorta is known for high contents of: –
A) Muscle cells
B) Collagen fibres
C) Elastic fibres
D) All of the above
24) In the mid axillary line inferior margin of pleura crosses the: –
A) 6th rib
B) 8th rib
C) 10th rib
D) 12th rib
25) The mediastinal surface of right lung is not related to: –
A) Right atrium
B) Arch of azygos vein
C) Arch of aorta
D) Inferior vena cava
26) All are true about bronchopulmonary segment except: –
A) Pyramidal in shape
B) Aerated by tertiary bronchus
C) Has its own segmental artery
D) Has its own segmental vein
27) The vertebrochondral ribs are: –
A) 1st to 7th
B) 8th to 10th
C) 11th & 12th
D) 8th to 12th
28) The internal spermatic fascia is derived from: –
A) Aponeurosis of external oblique
B) Aponeurosis of internal oblique
C) Fascia transversalis
D) Peritoneum
29) All are present within lesser omentum except: –
A) Portal vein
B) Hepatic vein
C) Hepatic artery
D) Common bile duct
30) All are contents of rectus sheath except: –
A) Rectus abdominis
B) Subcostal nerve
C) Superior epigastric artery
D) Ilioinguinal nerve
31) All are the constituents of spermatic cord except: –
A) Ductus deferens
B) Cremastic artery
C) Iliohypogastric nerve
D) Testicular veins
32) The nervi erigentes are: –
A) Parasympathetic nerves
B) Sympathetic nerves
C) Sensory nerves
D) None of the above
33) All are true about peritoneum in females except: –
A) It is the largest serous sac
B) It is a closed sac
C) It is lined by mesothelium
D) It is derived from mesoderm
34) All are the contents of sacral canal except: –
A) Filum terminale
B) Spinal meninges
C) Conus medullaris
D) Cauda equina
35) The rider’s bone is related to the attachment of the: –
A) Adductor magnus
B) Adductor longus
C) Gracilis
D) Pectineus
36) All structures related to the epiploic foramen except: –
A) Caudate lobe of liver superiorly
B) First part of duodenum inferiorly
C) Right free margin of lesser omentum anteriorly
D) Portal vein posteriorly
37) The uterus leans forwards at an angle to the vagina is called: –
A) Anteversion
B) Anteflexion
C) Retroflexion
D) Retroversion
38) All are the site of primary internal hemorrhoids except: –
A) 3 o’ clock
B) 5 o’ clock
C) 7 o’ clock
D) 11 o’ clock
39) The median umbilical ligament is remnant of: –
A) Left umbilical vein
B) Ductus venosus
C) Umbilical artery
D) Urachus
40) The median elevation connecting two superciliary arches is: –
A) Nasion
B) Glabella
C) Bregma
D) Obelion
41) The structure that does not pass through the foramen magnum is: –
A) Apical ligament
B) Spinal accessory nerves
C) Membrana tectoria
D) Transverse band of cruciate ligament
42) The nasolacrimal duct opens into the: –
A) Superior meatus
B) Middle meatus
C) Inferior meatus
D) Vestibule of nose
43) The supranuclear facial nerve palsy involves only: –
A) Contralateral half of the face
B) Ipsilateral half of the face
C) Upper half of the contralateral face
D) Lower half of the contralateral face
44) The virchow’s lymph nodes are: –
A) Right supraclavicular nodes
B) Right infraclavicular nodes
C) Left supraclavicular nodes
D) Left infraclavicularnodes
45) All are ‘strap’/ ‘ribbon’ muscles except: –
A) Omohyoid
B) Sternocleidomastoid
C) Stenohyoid
D) Thyrohyoid
46) The lacrimal gland receives secretomotor innervation from: –
A) Ciliary ganglion
B) Otic ganglion
C) Pterygopalatine ganglion
D) Submandibular ganglion
47) The inferior thyroid artery is a branch of: –
A) Thyrocervical trunk
B) Brachiocephalic trunk
C) External carotid
D) Internal carotid
48) All are true about “killian’s dehiscence” except: –
A) It is a diverticulum between two parts of inferior constrictor of pharynx
B) It is a diverticulum between middle & inferior constrictors of pharynx
C) It is due to neuromuscular incoordination
D) Such diverticula are normal in pig
49) All cranial nerves carries taste sensations except: –
A) Vii
B) Ix
C) X
D) Xi
50) The neurons of the autonomic ganglion are: –
A) Unipolar
B) Bipolar
C) Multipolar
D) Pseudounipolar