Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
1. Garbhashaya is situated between Pittashaya and ……………. as per Acharya Sushnuta.
(1) Guda
(2) Pakvashaya
(3) Amashaya
(4) Vipula srotas
2. In which period of life extra Peshis situated in breast in the female attains Parivriddhi (development)?
(1) Bala
(2) Youvana
(3) Vriddha
(4) Panhani
3. ………………… Vipulam Srotah Kundala Samstitam, Jarayuna Pariveetam ……..” is the description given by …………… Acharya for Garbhashaya.
(1) Sushruta
(2) Indu
(3) Kashyapa
(4) Arunadatta
4. Which feature is seen in case of ‘Viddha’ of Artava Vaha Srotas?
(1) Atisara
(2) Asrugdara
(3) Artava ativriddhi
(4) Artava Nasha
5. The ‘Stanarohita marma’ situated in Stana is …………….. marma.
(1) Muamsa marma
(2) Sira marma
(3) Snayu marma
(4) Dhamani marma
6. The days of Ritu Kala according to Varna (Cast wise) is described by –
(1) Acharya Dalhana
(2) Acharya Charaka
(3) Acharya Kashyapa
(4) Acharya Vagbhatta
7. ‘“Tryaham cha bhartuh samrakshet’ is the suggestion to the ……………….. woman.
(1) Prajayani
(2) Woman in ritu
(3) Sutika
(4) Prasava dharmini
8. According to Charaka Chikitsa Sthana, what is the normal duration of menstruation?
(1) 3 days
(2) 5 days
(3) 7 days
(4) 2 days
9. Copulation on the first day of menstruation leads to ………………..
(1) Anayushya of man
(2) Anayushya of Garbha
(3) Asampurna anga Garbha
(4) Deerghayu Garbha
10. According to Acharya Dalhana, the duration of Ritukala is –
(1) 12-16 days
(2) 10-14 days
(3) 12-18 days
(4) 10-16 days
11. In which of the Shukradushti, ghee processed with chitraka, ushira and hingu Sanskrit Ghrita is suggested to give?
(1) Kunapa retasi
(2) Granthi bhuta
(3) Vit Prabha
(4) Kshina
12. ‘Nitanta raktam Sravati …………. is the characteristics feature of ………..
(1) Vataja asrugdara
(2) Pittaja artavadushti
(3) Pittaja asrugdara
(4) Vataja artavadushti
13. Which of the following is the complication of Asrugdara?
(1) Kushta
(2) Arshas
(3) Jvara
(4) Pralapa
14. In the context of Artava Nasha, according to the Dalhana, what are the dosha’s obstructing the marga (path)?
(1) Pitta, Kapha
(2) Vata, Pitta, Kapha
(3) Kapha, Rakta
(4) Vata, Kapha
15. According to Acharya Kashyapa, the Alpapushpa, Nashtapushpa and Nashtubeeja are indicated to treat with –
(1) Asthapana Basti
(2) Mridu Virechana
(3) Shiro Basti
(4) Anuvasana Basti
16. According Acharya Charaka, excessive use of which rasa are causes Rakta Pradara?
(1) Lavana, Madhura and Katu
(2) Lavana, Amla and Katu
(3) Lavana, Katu and Tikta
(4) Katu, Tikta and Kashaya
17. Madhura Oushadha Samyukta Vesavara application in Yoni Vyapad is the treatment as per Sushruta in which of the following condition?
(1) Prasramsini
(2) Karkasha
(3) Shandi
(4) Phalini
18. ‘Bijam na Vindati’ is the feature of which of the following Yoni Vyapad?
(1) Atyananda
(2) Ananda
(3) Acharana
(4) Aticharana
19. According to Ashtanga Hridaya ‘Atyasitaya Vishamam Sthitayah Surate’ is the nidana of which of the following Yoni Vyapad?
(1) Suchimukhi
(2) Antarmukhi
(3) Putraghni
(4) Mahayon
20. ‘Asamvritamukhi Sarti’ is the feature of which Yoni Vyapad?
(1) Karnini
(2) Prasramsini
(3) Mahayoni
(4) Vandhya
Kayachikitsa | Shalakya Tantra |
Dravyaguna Vigyan | Panchakarma |
Rachana Sharir | Shalya Tantra |
Prasuti Tantra | Rog Nidan |
Kriya Sharir | Agad Tantra |
21. Which of the following is the complication anise due to ‘Yonigada’ according to Vagbhatta?
(1) Jvara
(2) Kushta
(3) Svasa
(4) Arshas
22. In Sushka Yonivyapad Uttaravasti with taila is indicated by Charaka: Chakrapani explained that taila means here…………….. taila is to be taken.
(1) Pippalyadi taila
(2) Ashwagandha taila
(3) Jeevaniya dravya taila
(4) Lashuna taila
23. Which of the following is a Tridoshaja Yoni Vyapad?
(1) Phalini
(2) Vamini
(3) Vipluta
(4) Paripluta
24. The Veshawar pinda indicated in Yoni Vyapada should be keep inside Yoni up till –
(1) One Muhurta
(2) One Ghadi
(3) Upto next urination
(4) Upto whole night
25. According to Acharya Vagbhatta, excessive sexual act in early young age is a cause of –
(1) Achama Yoni Vyapada
(2) Aticharna Yoni Vyapada
(3) Prakcharana Yoni Vyapada
(4) Upapluta Yoni Vyapada
26. Acharya Charaka described the size of Yoni vishodhini Varti is like –
(1) Tarjini Anguli
(2) Madhyama Anguli
(3) Pradeshini Anguli
(4) None of the above
27. According to Acharya Harita, Vandhya is how many types?
(1) 6
(2) 4
(3) 7
(4) 3
28. Which Acharya’ mentioned Devadali, Dvibruhat, Suryavalli etc. as Pathya for Vandhya?
(1) Bhela
(2) Harita
(3) Bhavamuishra
(4) Yogaratnakara
29. Yoniarsha if left untreated, causes ……………. complication.
(1) destruction of artava
(2) destruction of garbha
(3) destruction of bijagranthi
(4) destruction of phalavahini
30. ‘Puyashonita Sankasham’ is the feature of …………………….
(1) Yoni dushta vrana
(2) Yoni granthi
(3) Yoni arshas
(4) Yoni kanda
31. What is the first line of treatment in Stana Kilaka?
(1) Vamana
(2) Ghritapana
(3) Langhana
(4) Vasti
32. ‘Shighrapakam bhedam cha’ is the feature of ……………… Stana Kilaka.
(1) Vataja
(2) Pittaya
(3) Kaphaja
(4) Raktaja
33. In females, for the purpose of garbhashaya Shodhana uttaravasti, what is the Sneha dose?
(1) Double quantity
(2) Triple quantity
(3) One part
(4) Four times
34. ‘Shodhana dravya’ varti is indicated in ………….. Yoni Vyapad treatment.
(1) Prasramsini
(2) Mahayoni
(3) Kamini
(4) Antammukhi
35. Yoni vranekshana yantra is described by ……………… Acharya
(1) Charaka
(2) Laghu Vagbhatta
(3) Vriddha Vagbhatta
(4) Chakrapani
36. Which of the following dmg is not mentioned as Garbhanirodhaka?
(1) Japakusuma
(2) Dhatura
(3) Lashuna
(4) Nimba
37. The drug used for trituration of Rajah Pravartini Vati is –
(1) Ela Svaras
(2) Sura
(3) Kumari Svaras
(4) Nimbuka Svaras
38. Kadali ghrita is indicated in ……………
(1) Vandhya
(2) Somaroga
(3) Rakta Pradara
(4) Vidhradhi
39. Sharangadharokta Dashmularishta is Indicated in …………………
(1) Vandhya
(2) Asrugdara
(3) Shveta Pradara
(4) Vidradhi
40. Phala Ghrita should be taken during ………………. time.
(1) Pushpavastha
(2) Rituvyatita Kala
(3) Sutika Kala
(4) Sastra Karma Kala
41. According to Acharya Sushruta, Garbha is called as Sharira –
(1) After one month
(2) During second month
(3) When growing foetus develops Hasta, Pada, Jihwa, Ghrana, Karma etc. organs.
(4) After fourth month
42. Garbha Nabhinadi is attached to ………………..
(1) Raktavaha nadi of mother
(2) Rasavaha nadi of mother
(3) Pranavaha nadi of mother
(4) Mamsavaha nadi of mother
43. What is the sixth dhatu responsible for formation of Garbha?
(1) Manas
(2) Chetana
(3) Prithvi
(4) Rasa dhatu
44. Dhatu Vyuhana is derived from …………. mahabhuta in Garbha.
(1) Vayu
(2) Akasha
(3) Prithvi
(4) Jala
45. Which is responsible for the udirana of vayu during the ‘Stripumsa Samyoga’ according to Sushruta?
(1) Kapha
(2) Teja
(3) Atma
(4) Hridaya
46. In which month of Pregnancy ‘bala varna hani’ is seen in Garbhini?
(1) Fourth
(2) Second
(3) Sixth
(4) Eighth
47. ‘Sakti Sadana’ is the feature of…………. according to Sushruta.
(1) Vyakta Garbha
(2) Garbha Sosha
(3) Mudha Garbha
(4) Sadyo grihita Garbha
48. For the purpose of Pumsavana, Mula of ………………. drug is used.
(1) Vata
(2) Asvatha
(3) Shveta brihati
(4) Shveta mala
49. Pregnant woman who desires to see a king (Raja Sandarshana) delivers ……. son.
(1) Self – controlled
(2) Righteous
(3) Very lucky
(4) Brave
50. Which one of the following is not a Garbhopaghatakara bhava?
(1) Maithuna
(2) Santarpana
(3) Diva Svapna
(4) Pratyaham Snana
51. Acharya Sushruta said “Shashtikodanam ………….. dadhna” is indicated in ……………. month of pregnancy for pregnant women.
(1) First
(2) Second
(3) Seventh
(4) Fourth
52. If the pregnant woman is using madya (wine) daily, then the born baby becomes …………….
(1) Pipasalu
(2) Pramcha
(3) Alpa Shukra
(4) Chiranimesha
53. According to Acharya Sushruta, in which month of pregnancy, ‘Douhrida’ manifests?
(1) Sixth month
(2) Fourth month
(3) Third month
(4) Fifth month
54. According to Acharya Sushruta, cease of labour pain, dull colour of mother face, foul smell breathing and pain abdomen are symptoms of –
(1) Prasramsamana Garbha
(2) Mudha Garbha
(3) Leena Garbha
(4) Garbhashayantar mrita Garbha
55. Which is the feature of Prasramsamana Garbha?
(1) Mutra sanga
(2) Atisara
(3) Shiro daha
(4) Jvara
56. In mahati sanjata sara garbha, because of pushpa darshana or anyasrava, if garbha is not attaining ‘Vnddhi’ and stays in garbhashaya for atimatra kala, then that condition is called ……………..
(1) Garbhapata
(2) Upavishtaka
(3) Leena garbha
(4) Jarayu garbha
57. ‘Stimitam stabdhamudarmatatam shitamashmantargatamiva …………….. aspandano garbha” is the description of ………..
(1) Garbhasosha
(2) Upavishtaka
(3) Nagodara
(4) Mruta Garbha
58. In Garbhini atisara, which of the following drug is indicated by Acharya Kashyapa?
(1) Brahmi avaleha
(2) Kalyanaka avaleha
(3) Bhunimba kalka
(4) Vidangandhadi kashaya
59. Which of the following Jataharini causes ‘Na Spandate Garbha’”?
(1) Astambhani
(2) Stambhani
(3) Durdhara
(4) Kroshana