Physical World Geography Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers on Physical World Geography
1. Which of the following volcanoes is situated in Mexico ?
(A) Colima
(B) Purace
(C) Semeru
(D) Etna
2. The Melanesian Island Group lies in the
(A) Pacific Ocean
(B) Atlantic Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Arctic Ocean
3. The Continent through which the imaginary lines of Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Carpricorn and Equator pass, is
(A) Africa
(B) Australia
(C) Europe
(D) Asia
4. Which one of the following is called ‘Ring of Fire’?
(A) Circum Pacific Belt
(B) Mid-Continental Belt
(C) Indian Ocean Belt
(D) Atlantic Ocean Belt
5. Great Barrier Reef of Australia is located parallel to
(A) East coast
(B) West coast
(C) North coast
(D) South coast
6. Selvas are
(A) Huge Canadian forests
(B) Equatorial rain forests of Brazil
(C) Coniferous forests of Siberia
(D) Evergreen monsoon forests
7. Sunda strait lies between
(A) Sumatra and Borneo
(B) Java and Borneo
(C) Java and Sumatra
(D) Sulawest and Java
8. The Strait of Gibraltar is situated in the
(A) Iberian Peninsula
(B) Indian Peninsula
(C) Arabian Peninsula
(D) Cape York Peninsula
9. Cape Cod is located near
(A) Philadelphia
(B) Washington
(C) Florida
(D) Boston
10. Source of River Nile is
(A) Lake Nassir
(B) Lake Victoria
(C) Lake Chad
(D) Lake Tanganyika
11. Many of the active volcanoes are situated in
(A) Atlantic Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Arctic Ocean
12. The Equatorial Forests of the Amazon Basin in South America are known as
(A) Selva
(B) Taiga
(C) Tundra
(D) Pampas
13. Which one of the following is the longest river in the world?
(A) Amazon
(B) Yangtze-Kiang
(C) Nile
(D) Mississipi-Missouri
14. Which one of the following is the largest lake in the world?
(A) Lake Superior
(B) Caspian Sea
(C) Lake Baikal
(D) Lake Victoria
15. The pacific Ring of Fire is
(A) an area of constant forest fires in the Pacific islands
(B) a volcanic belt around the Pacific
(C) an area of intense heat in the Pacific
(D) islands rich in fuel minerals in the pacific
16. In geography ‘Gulf Stream’ refers to
(A) a warm ocean current
(B) strong air current
(C) streams joining a gulf
(D) the name of a stream
17. The Strait of Gibraltar provides entry into the
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Red Sea
(C) Mediterranean Sea
(D) Atlantic Ocean
18. The Chinese river known as yellow river is
(A) Hwang-Ho
(B) Sikiang
(C) Yangtse-Kiang
(D) Mekong
19. Fishing grounds of the world are found in areas where
(A) there are high tides
(B) warm and cold currents meet
(C) there are low tides
(D) high stormy waves occur
20. Mount Blanc is the highest peak of these mountain ranges
(A) Atlas
(B) Rockys
(C) Andes
(D) Alps
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21. Through which of the given regions does the equator run?
(A) Africa
(B) India
(C) Arabia
(D) China
22. The world famous ‘Serangeti Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
(A) Kenya
(B) Tanzania
(C) Zambia
(D) Uganda
23. Which is the largest existing mangrove forest in the world?
(A) African forest
(B) Alphine forest
(C) Sunderbans
(D) Australian forest
24. The canal which links Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Ocean is
(A) Suez
(B) Malacca
(C) Panama
(D) Gibralter
25. The Strait that connects Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea is
(A) Panama Strait
(B) Suez Strait
(C) Palk Strait
(D) Bering Strait
26. The world’s largest island is
(A) New Guinea
(B) Madagascar
(C) Greenland
(D) Iceland
27. Peshawar is near to
(A) Karakoram Pass
(B) Zojila Pass
(C) Namika-La Pass
(D) Khyber Pass
28. The highest altitude (4411 meters above sea level) is of:
(A) Daocheng Yading Airport
(B) Heathrow Airport
(C) Kathmandu Airport
(D) Bangda Airport
29. “Yosemite” is a
(A) River
(B) Peak
(C) Waterfall
(D) Dam
30. The temperate grasslands of South America are called
(A) Prairies
(B) Pampas
(C) Downs
(D) Steppes
31. The Victoria Falls are on the river
(A) Niger
(B) Congo
(C) Zambezi
(D) Orange
32. ‘Dead Sea’ is called so because
(A) the water is brackish
(B) it does not support any acquatic life
(C) it is not favourable for navigation
(D) it has no waves
33. The country located between 8° N and 37° N latitudes is
(A) Bangladesh
(B) India
(C) China
(D) Pakistan
34. Kangaroos, Platypus and Koala bears are wildlife of
(A) Australia
(B) South America
(C) Europe
(D) Africa
35. The Panama Canal links
(A) Pacific and Atlantic Ocean
(B) Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
(C) Pacific and Indian Ocean
(D) Antarctic and Atlantic Ocean
36. Volcanic activity is more common in
(A) Hawai
(B) Japan
(C) Colombia
(D) New Zealand
37. The river which has a greater flow of water than any other river in the world is.
(A) River Hwang-ho
(B) River Amazon
(C) River Zaire
(D) River Nile
38. The largest delta of the world is
(A) Sunderbans
(B) Amazon Basin
(C) Greenland
(D) Congo Basin
39. Which two countries are connected by an under-water tunnel?
(A) England and Spain
(B) Malaysia and Singapore
(C) England and Belgium
(D) France and England
40. The deepest trench of the world- ‘The Mariana Trench’ is located in the :
(A) Indian Ocean
(B) Atlantic Ocean
(C) Arctic Ocean
(D) Pacific Ocean
41. Which country is the world’s largest archipelago ?
(A) Philippines
(B) Indonesia
(C) Sweden
(D) Greenland
42. Which one of the following parts of the world does not receive rainfall any time of the year ?
(A) Central Europe
(B) Central North America
(C) Polar regions
(D) Sub-Saharan areas
43. Which one of the following is the highest gravity dam in the world ?
(A) Beas Dam
(B) Nangal Dam
(C) Bhakra Dam
(D) Hirakud Dam
44. “Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty, and the people used to be nomadic hoarders”. For which region is this statement correct ?
(A) African Savanna
(B) Central Asian Steppes
(C) Siberian Tundra
(D) North American Prairies
45. Which one of the following is/ are wrongly matched ?
A. typhoons — China Sea
B. hurricanes— India Ocean
C. cyclone — West Indies
D. tornadoes — Australia
(A) A, B and C
(B) A, B and D
(C) A, C and D
(D) B, C and D
46. Black Forests are found in
(A) France
(B) Germany
(C) Czechoslovakia
(D) Rumania
47. The largest island in the world is Greenland. It is an integral part of
(A) Norway
(B) North America
(C) Denmark
(D) Canada
48. The main reason for deforestation in Asia is
(A) excessive fuel wood collection
(B) excessive soil erosion
(C) floods
(D) construction of roads
49. Suez Canal connects
(A) Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean
(B) Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
(C) Lake Huron and Lake Erie
(D) Lake Erie and Lake Ontario
50. In which country is the volcano Mount Gamkonora, the highest peak of Halmahera island, which erupted in July 2007 located?
(A) Japan
(B) Indonesia
(C) Russia
(D) France
51. Which from the following is a landlocked sea ?
(A) Timor Sea
(B) Arafura Sea
(C) Greenland Sea
(D) Aral Sea
52. The largest freshwater lake in the world is
(A) Lake Victoria
(B) Lake Michigan
(C) Lake Balkhash
(D) Lake Superior