RRB NTPC Geography Questions and Answers

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RRB NTPC Geography Questions and Answers

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Questions and Answers on Geography for RRB NTPC

1. The base level of erosion in the case of wind in the arid region is
(A) Underground water level
(B) Ground water level
(C) Sea level
(D) None of the above

2. Population distribution of rural and urban areas can be shown by:
(A) Hythergraph
(B) Ergo graph
(C) Dots and sphere
(D) Line graph

3. Who among the following was the first Professor of Geography?
(A) Davis WM
(B) Carl Ritter
(C) Eratosthenes
(D) Alexander Von Humboldt

4. Which of the following map projections is suitable for the representation of the international boundary between USA and Canada?
(A) Simple conical projection with one standard parallel
(B) Bonne’s projection
(C) Simple conical projection with two standard parallels
(D) Polyconic projection

5. Zeugens and Yardangs are the important erosional landforms produced by
(A) Running water
(B) Underground water
(C) Glaciers
(D) Wind

6. Atmosphere is mainly heated up
(A) Directly by solar radiation
(B) By short waves terrestrial radiation
(C) By long waves terrestrial radiation
(D) By none of the above

7. The highest annual range of temperature is found in the:
(A) Monsoon climate
(B) Sahara desert
(C) Steppe grasslands
(D) Taiga climate

8. If RF of a map is 1:1000 then what will be its scale factor
(A) 0.01
(B) 0.0001
(C) 0.001
(D) 0.1

9. Sea salt, pollen, ash, smoke soot, fine soil all are associated with
(A) Dust particles
(B) Water vapour
(C) Meteors
(D) Gases

10. If the surface air pressure is 1, 013 mb, the air pressure at l km. will be
(A) 540 mb
(B) 898 mb
(C) 998 mb
(D) 798 mb

11. “The Present is the Key to the Past.” This statement was given by
(A) Dutton
(B) Strahler
(C) Hutton
(D) Dana

12. Which of the following is smallest unit?
(A) Biosphere
(B) Ecosphere
(C) Ecosystem
(D) Biome

13. Apparent shift of the Sun between the Tropics of Cancer and Tropic of Capricon lead to then Which one of the following :
(A) Change in Season
(B) Day and night
(C) Shift in equator
(D) Shift in thermal equator

14. The R.F. of 45 N/13 will be
(A) 1 : 25,000
(B) 1 : 50,000
(C) 1 : 10,000
(D) 1 : 100,000

15. The chief pollutant that can deplete Stratospheric Ozone is
(A) Sox
(B) NOx
(C) CO2

16. Any association between two kinds of organisms that may provide benefit to at least one of the organisms is called
(A) Symbiosis
(B) Asymbiosis
(C) Tropic level
(D) Habitat

17. Which one of the following is not correct?
(A) Troposphere is the layer in atmosphere where maximum mixing takes place
(B) The temperature in the stratosphere increases
(C) The temperature in the troposphere always decreases
(D) The temperature in the Mesosphere decreases

18. A deep, long and wide trough or basin with very steep concave high walls at its head as well as in side is known as
(A) Eskers
(B) Cirque
(C) Moraine
(D) Arete

19. Any moving body deflects towards its right in the Northern Hemisphere and towards left in southern hemisphere. This is mainly because of which among the following:
(A) Eddy’s current
(B) Due to earth rotational forces
(C) Due to Coriolis forces
(D) Due to earth revolution

20. The first climatic atlas (Kitabul Ashkal) was prepared by
(A) Al-Balaki
(B) Al-Masudi
(C) Al-Beruni
(D) Al-Maqdisi


21. The National Bureau of Soil and Land Use Planning has classified India into how many broad agro-ecological regions
(A) 26
(B) 22
(C) 24
(D) 16

22. In the Karat region where there is little or no surface drainage and the valley in which rivers used to flow but now are dry, these are called as
(A) Blind valley
(B) Cave and caverns
(C) Coombes
(D) Sink holes

23. Which one of the following soil is rich in potash BUT poor in phosphorous
(A) Red soil
(B) Laterite soil
(C) Alluvial soils
(D) None of the above

24. Which one of the following current originates on west coast of Greenland, move down and meets the East Greenland current in the Atlantic Ocean?
(A) Gulf stream
(B) Labrador current
(C) North Atlantic current
(D) Norwegiarian current

25. Which one of the following is not a process of carrying load by river?
(A) Abrasion
(B) Attrition
(C) Solution
(D) Deflation

26. Who among the following postulated the 5 stage sequence of economic and social development mode ?
(A) Rostow
(B) Webbers
(C) Losch
(D) Christallers

27. Which of followings are essential in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EI(A)?
(A) That it allows decision makers to assess a project’s impacts in all its phases
(B) That it allows the public and other stakeholders to present their views and inputs on the planned development
(C) That it contributes to and improve the project design, so that environmental as well as socioeconomic measures are core parts of it
(D) All of the above

28. The total value of goods and services produced in a country during one financial year is called as

29. Who -among the following is the author of An Essay on Principle and Population?
(A) Notasteen
(B) Darwin
(C) Robert Malthus
(D) Revensteen

30. As per the Demographic Transition Theo? the countries which have both low birth rate and slow population growth is in which of the following stage
(A) Stage II
(B) Stage III
(C) Stage V
(D) Stage IV

31. The transitional zone between the two ecosystem e.g. Tundra and Boreal forest is called as
(A) Ecotone
(B) Ecurnene
(C) Niche
(D) Habitat

32. An incised water-worn channel, which is common in the semiarid areas are called as
(A) Gulf
(B) Gully
(C) Drainage channel
(D) Meander

33. Crop rotation in many parts of the world is done in order to preserve
(A) Soil erosion
(B) Soil moisture
(C) Soil fertility
(D) Soil salinity

34. Which among the followings is the racial stock mainly concentrated in the Himalayan Borderland i.e. Laddakh an Sikkim etc.
(A) Mangoloid
(B) Proto-Australoids
(C) Nordics
(D) Negritos

35. The vast extent of crescent shaped sand dunes in arid regions is called as
(A) Barkhans
(B) Hamada
(C) Sirir
(D) Sand dunes

36. The proportion of workers in total population in percentage is termed as:
(A) work force
(B) Participation rate
(C) labour force
(D) marginal worker

37. Name the projection in which all the parallel are standard parallel:
(A) Bonne’s projection
(B) Polyconic projection
(C) Cylindrical equal area
(D) All of these

38. The homolographic projection has the correct representation of:
(A) Area
(B) Shape
(C) Bearing
(D) distance

39. How is the pole represented on a cylindrical projection?
(A) As a straight line
(B) as a point
(C) As a sine curve
(D) as an arc

40. Who said “Give me the matter I will build a world out of it”.
(A) Humboldt
(B) Emmanuel Kant
(C) Laplace
(D) Carl Ritter

41. Which one of the following tribes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
(A) Munda
(B) Kurra
(C) Onges
(D) None of Above
42. The …………………………… .. was started in 1977-78 with the main a.im of controlling desertification, restoring ecological balance and creating conditions to improve the economic level of people in desert areas.
(A) Desert Peoples Programme (DPP)
(B) Desert Development Programme (DDP)
(C) Desert Welfare Programme (DWP)
(D) Desert Samadhaan Programme (DSP)

43. The …………………. .. river is also know by the name ‘ Sorrow of Bengal’ as it gets flooded often causing damage.
(A) Jhatta
(B) Kamodar
(C) Yamuna
(D) Damodar

44. The Himalayas cross which one of the five countries of the World
(A) Bhutan, India, Nepal, China, and Pakistan
(B) Bhutan, India, Afghanistan, China, and Pakistan
(C) Bhutan, India, Nepal, Indonesia, and Pakistan
(D) Australia, India, Nepal, China, and Pakistan

45. What is the occupation of the people of polar region?
(A) Commerce and trade
(B) Livestock rearing
(C) Hunting and fishing
(D) Agriculture

46. Which one of the following is the unit of measure of the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere?
(A) Dobson
(B) Knot
(C) Poise
(D) Maxwell

47. World Environment Day is observed annually on
(A) 5th June
(B) 1st December
(C) 3rd October
(D) 16th September

48. The ‘Ring of Fire’ is associated with
(A) Faulting & Folding
(B) Volcanoes & Earthquakes
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Forest Fires

49. Earthquake waves are recorded in
(A) Barograph
(B) Hydrograph
(C) Seismograph
(D) Pantagraph

50. What percentage Africa has out of the total area of earth?
(A) 19.20%
(B) 21.90%
(C) 18.70%
(D) 20.30%

51. The largest copper producing country is:
(C) Chile
(D) Pakistan

52. Which one of the following countries of Africa comprises two cultural realms which led to the division of the country?
(A) South Africa
(B) Sudan
(C) Kenya
(D) Ethiopia

53. The main determinant of population change is:
(A) Fertility
(B) Mortality
(C) Migration
(D) Both B and C

54. Which of the following is tropical grassland?
(A) Taiga
(B) Savannah
(C) Pampas
(D) Prairies60

55. The hot and cold deserts together occupy nearly ____________ land area of the world.
(A) ½
(B) 1/4th
(C) 1/3rd
(D) 3/4th

56. The landforms that are created by massive earth movements due to place tectonics are called
(A) Structural landforms
(B) Weathering landforms
(C) Erosional landforms
(D) Depositional landforms

57. Graphical representation of total population of country, males and female population ratio an old and young people ratio is classified as
(A) Population density pyramid
(B) Population pyramid
(C) Resource pyramid
(D) Population characteristics pyramid

58. The rise of globalization was greatly facilitated by
(A) 16th Century population growth
(B) Developments in transportation and communication
(C) International migration
(D) Industrialization

59. Which of the following explains the term economic development?
(A) Improvement in the technology involved
(B) Improvement in production
(C) Improvement in distribution system
(D) All the above

60. The human activity, among the following, which causes maximum environmental pollution having regional and glob impacts, is:
(A) Urbanization
(B) Industrialization
(C) Agriculture
(D) Mining

61. Social economical and ecological equity is the necessary condition for achieving
(A) Social development
(B) Economical development
(C) Sustainable development
(D) Ecological development

62. Which of the following statements in relation to sustainable development is QUE?
(A) Sustainable development is defined as the development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of our future generations to meet their own needs
(B) Sustainable development of various countries and the entire world is the only solution left with mankind to survive for a longer period on Earth
(C) Sustainability has the main objective of purely focussing on the natural environment
(D) Sustainable development not only considers the protection of the environment but also the maintenance of economic viability as well as the social and ethical considerations

63. ‘Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own need’ is given by:
(A) Sunderlal Bahugana
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Amartya Sen
(D) Brundtland

64. The tsunami that killed over 250,000 people in south and Southeast Asia in 2004 was caused by
(A) tropical storm
(B) A hurricane
(C) An earthquake
(D) A volcanic explosion

65. In ancient Egypt the Nile River
(A) Had to be regulated because it carried too much water
(B) Changed its course almost every year
(C) Brought nutrients that made the fields fertile
(D) Destroyed large areas of farming land every year

66. A flash flood is a flood that:
(A) Is caused by heavy rain-rather than from the flooding of a river
(B) Occurs in urban areas
(C) Occurs suddenly and unexpectedly and for a short duration
(D) Is caused by the blocking of drains.

67. Considering types of settlement, people of urban settlement are involved in different activities that includes
(A) business and manufacturing
(B) fishing and farming
(C) mining
(D) forestry

68. In settlement patterns, settlements that occur near rivers, coasts and railways are classified as:
(A) Linear settlement patterns
(B) Zonal settlement patterns
(C) Economic settlement patterns
(D) Climatic settlement patterns

69. Worldwide population which does not get necessary food is classified as:
(A) Well fed population
(B) Under fed population
(C) Undermourished population
(D) Over nourished population