1. ‘A Vindication of the Right of Men’– this book is written by …………… (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Wollstonecraft (C) J. Krishnamurthi (D) Paulo Freire 2. The word Buddha means : (A) Counsellor (B) Enlightened (C) Conqueror (D) Motivator 3. The …………… of formation of social movement can also be called as ‘The Unrest Stage’.
1. Hegel’s Philosophy is also described as …………. (A) Subjective idealism (B) Absolute idealism (C) Critical idealism (D) Idealism 2. According to ……….. to prepare a student to struggle for existence is the aim of education. (A) Physical naturalism (B) Bio-naturalism (C) Mechanical naturalism (D) Ideal naturalism 3. To attain control over desire, anger and
1. Whitehead gives more importance to ……… while defining education. (A) Wisdom (B) Experience (C) Skill (D) Values 2. According to idealism ……………… is the true tool of achievement of knowledge. (A) Sense organs (B) Intelligence (C) Experience (D) Object 3. ‘Entire world is in a state of flux, nothing is permanent.’ This thinking is
1. ………………….. is not a form of naturalism. (A) Mechanical (B) Scientific (C) Physical (D) Biological 2. One who view the man as a subject and condemn all attempts to objectify him : (A) Realists (B) Idealists (C) Existentialists (D) Pragmatists 3. Which school of philosophy believes in the universal mind ? (A) Naturalism (B)
1. Modernization leads to …………….. . (A) Democratization (B) Globalization (C) Industrialization (D) Urbanization 2. Gandhiji’s basic principle of his lifephilosophy was …………….. . (A) Truth (B) Non-violence (C) Renunciation (D) Truth, non-violence 3. “Religion and Education are ways of upasna.” This thought is related to ……….. philosophy. (A) Buddhism (B) Jainism (C) Spiritualism (D)
1. The purpose of………………. research is improving a product or process testing of theoretical concepts in actual problem situation. (A) Fundamental (B) Applied (C) Historical (D) Ex-post facto 2. The best method of defining the research problem is…………………. (A) Conceptual definition (B) Logical definition (C) Operational definition (D) Idealistic definition 3. The elaborate form of
1. The book ‘Education for Critical Consciousness’ is written by : (A) Mary Wollstonecraft (B) Nel Noddings (C) Swami Vivekananda (D) Paulo Freire 2. ‘Hinyana’ is also known as : (A) Vajrayana (B) Theravada (C) Tantra (D) Suktta 3. Social change is a term used to describe…………………. (A) Variation in any aspect of school management