Earth landforms and Geomorphology Questions and Answers

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Earth landforms and Geomorphology Questions and Answers

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Therefore, go through this post thoroughly and download the Earth landforms and Geomorphology Last Year Question Papers. All these questions on Earth landforms and Geomorphology are collected from previous year papers and compiled by us.

Questions and Answers on Earth landforms and Geomorphology

1. Which one of the following is igneous rock ?
(A) Limestone
(B) Granite
(C) Marble
(D) Slate

2. How many minutes for each degree of longitude does the local time of any place vary from the Greenwich time ?
(A) Two minutes
(B) Four minutes
(C) Six minutes
(D) Eight minutes

3. The tropical grassland is called
(A) Pampas
(B) Lianas
(C) Savanah
(D) Veld

4. The topography of plateau is ideal for
(A) Cultivation
(B) Forestry
(C) Mining
(D) generation of hydro power

5. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(A) Lava and magma both have gas
(B) Neither the lava nor the magma has gas
(C) Magma has gas while lava has no gas
(D) Lava has gas while magma has no gas

6. Which one of the following is the example of sedimentary rocks ?
(A) Loess
(B) Basalt
(C) Granite
(D) Gabbro

7. Mica is found in which one of the following pairs of rocks ?
(A) Slate- Sandstone
(B) Schist-Gneiss
(C) Limestone-Sandstone
(D) Shale- Limestone

8. The Mohorovicic (Moho) Discontinuity separates
(A) Outer core and Mantle
(B) Inner and Outer core
(C) Sima and Nife
(D) Crust and Mantle

9. Suppose if we measure the time lapse between the two Sunsets by sitting in the beach, from this we can estimate
(A) The distance between the sun and the earth
(B) The depth of the ocean
(C) The radius of the earth
(D) The radius of the sun

10. What is the International Date Line ?
(A) It is the equator
(B) It is the 0° longitude
(C) It is the 90° east longitude
(D) It is the 180° longitude

11. Earthquake is caused by
(A) disturbance of earth surface
(B) adjustment of layers of earth’s crust
(C) breakage of rock system
(D) upliftment of rocks

12. The highest grade and best quality coal is
(A) Lignite
(B) Peat
(C) Bituminous
(D) Anthracite

13. River erosion is at its greatest where river’s
(A) depth is more
(B) breadth is more
(C) flow is fast
(D) gradient is more

14. In which of the following is the Great Barrier Reef located ?
(A) Coral Sea
(B) Solomon Sea
(C) Bismarck Sea
(D) Arafura Sea

15. The term ‘epicentre’ is associated with
(A) Earthquakes
(B) Volcanoes
(C) Cyclones
(D) Landslides

16. What is the scale used for measuring the intensity of the earthquake?
(A) Richter scale
(B) Metric scale
(C) Centigrade scale
(D) Newton’s scale

17. Equator represents
(A) line joining North and South poles
(B) imaginary line passing round the Earth midway between North & South poles
(C) a belt (ring) around the planet Saturn
(D) axis of rotation of Earth

18. The acceleration due to gravity at the equator
(A) is less than that at the poles
(B) is greater than that at the poles
(C) is equal to that at the poles
(D) does not depend on the earth’s centripetal acceleration

19. The ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’ is associated with
(A) oil well fires
(B) thermal power station
(C) volcanoes and earthquakes
(D) forest fires

20. Which one of the following rivers forms an estuary ?
(A) Ganga
(B) Tapti
(C) Godavari
(D) Mahanadi

Physical Geography Atmosphere
Bio Geography Earth landform
Soil Geography Universe and Solar System

21. How much of the Earth’s land surface is desert ?
(A) 1/10th
(B) 1/5th
(C) 1/3rd
(D) 1/6th

22. What percentage of world’s freshwater is stored as glacial ice ?
(A) 50%
(B) 10%
(C) 70%
(D) 30%

23. The approximate circumference of the Earth is
(A) 13,000 km
(B) 20,000 km
(C) 25,000 km
(D) 30,000 km

24. Desertification can be checked by
(A) plugging gullies
(B) checking over-grazing
(C) contour ploughing
(D) forming shelter belts

25. In an iceberg floating in the sea, out of 10 parts of its mass, how much will remain above the surface of the water?
(A) 1 part
(B) 2 parts
(C) 4 parts
(D) 6 parts

26. A day is added when one crosses
(A) the equator from south to north
(B) 180 degree longitude from east to west
(C) the equator from north to south
(D) 180 degree longitude from west to east

27. When does the moon come between the Sun and earth?
(A) Lunar eclipse
(B) Solar eclipse
(C) Sidereal day
(D) Full moon day

28. The latitude of a place is expressed by its angular distance in relation to—
(A) Equator
(B) South Pole
(C) Axis of the Earth
(D) North Pole

29. Hanging Valley is very common in
(A) high mountains
(B) sub-Arctic region
(C) glaciated areas
(D) coastal belt

30. The word ‘dendritic’ is associated with—
(A) Wind
(B) Waves
(C) Rivers
(D) glaciers

31. When the earth is at the maximum distance from the Sun, it is called
(A) Aphelion
(B) Perihelion
(C) Equinox
(D) Sidereal

32. The scale that measures the intensity of earthquakes is called as
(A) Vernier scale
(B) Richter scale
(C) Beaufort scale
(D) Diagonal scale

33. The main source of usable water on the Earth is
(A) Oceans
(B) Rivers
(C) Underground water
(D) Precipitation

34. Which of the following rivers lies in a rift valley?
(A) Luni
(B) Chambal
(C) Sone
(D) Tapti

35. What is meant by Isthmus?
(A) Mouth of a river where it joins the sea
(B) Narrow strip of water dividing two land masses
(C) Narrow strip of land dividing two oceans
(D) Narrow strip of land connecting two large areas of land

36. Natural embankments found on upper valley sides are-known as
(A) high banks
(B) levees
(C) bunds
(D) ridge

37. Volcanoes are scattered
(A) all over the world
(B) only along the coasts
(C) on the islands
(D) mainly along young fold mountains

38. Which of the following minerals are required for smelting iron ore?
(A) Limestone and gypsum
(B) Manganese and limestone
(C) Limestone and coal
(D) Gypsum and coal

39. Basaltic lava is found in the
(A) Deccan Trap
(B) Himalayas
(C) Indo-Gangetic Plain
(D) North-Eastern Hills

40. Which one of the following types of erosion is responsible for the formation of Chambal Ravines ?
(A) Splash
(B) Sheet
(C) Rill
(D) Gully

41. Consider the following geological phenomena :
I. Development of a fault
II. Movement along a fault
III. Impact produced by a volcanic eruption
IV. Folding of rocks
Which of the above causes earthquakes?
(A) I, II and III
(B) II and IV
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I to IV

42. Shale is metamorphosed into which of the following rocks?
(A) Graphite
(B) Gneiss
(C) Marble
(D) Slate

43. Where are the hot deserts generally found ?
(A) On the eastern margins of the Tropics
(B) On the western margins of the Tropics
(C) Nearer the Equator
(D) In the middle of the Continents

44. Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in Northern Hemisphere?
(A) Earth is titled towards the sun in the Northern Hemisphere
(B) Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight
(C) Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere
(D) Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited

45. Marble is the metamorphosed form of
(A) Shale
(B) Basalt
(C) Sandstone
(D) Limestone

46. The highest mountain peak of the Himalayas is situated in—
(A) India
(B) Tibet
(C) Nepal
(D) China

47. Metamorphic rocks originate from—
(A) igneous rocks
(B) sedimentary rocks
(C) both igneous and sedimentary rocks
(D) None of these

48. The term ‘epicentre’ is associated with—
(A) Earthquake
(B) Folding
(C) Faulting
(D) earth’s interior

49. Dolomite is a/an
(A) Sedimentary rock
(B) Plutonic rock
(C) Igneous rock
(D) Metamorphic rock

50. A geyser is a spring which
(A) throws water continuously
(B) throws water intermittently
(C) throws water and steam at regular intervals
(D) throws only steam