AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers

Many candidates who are interested in All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jobs are applying for the AIIMS Rishikesh Nurse Jobs download AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers.

AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers
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For those candidates, we provided the AIIMS Rishikesh Previous Papers here. The Exam Competitors can get the Last 10 years Nurse Solved Question Papers on this Page. We are also providing a list of reference books for the preparation of AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Exam.
Are you searching for All India Institute of Medical Sciences Old papers? Then you are at the right place. Here we provided last five years GNM Nurse Sample papers with solutions.

Hence applicants can practice these AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers to get experience.

Model Question Papers for AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Exam

1. According to Nursing Code of Ethics, the nurses loyalty in conflict between clients need is with family members, health team members and hospital policies has with
A. Hospital
B. Client
C. Family
D. Physician

2. The thoracic and abdomlno-pelvic cavities are divided by the following body structure
A. Rib cage
B. Diaphragm
C. Sternum
D. Stomach

3. Objective data might include
A. Chest pain
B. Complain of dizziness
C. An evaluation of BP
D. None of the above

4. The assessment of immobilized patient focus on the following except
A. Range of motion
B. Activity of intolerance
C. Body alignment
D. Psychological condition

5. Inflammation of lining of uterus is known as
A. Vaginitis
B. Endocervicitis
C. Adenomyostitis
D. Endometriosis

6. A statement about the proposed relationship between independent and dependent variables is known as
A. Hypothesis
B. Relationship
C. Variable
D. Hypotenuse

7. What is the correct surgical method for preventing pregnancy in which the vas deference is cut
A. Ovarectomy
B. Hysterectomy
C. Vasectomy
D. Castration

8. ELISA – a test is helpful for detection of which of the following
A. Leprosy
B. Cancer
D. Malaria

9. Typhus is caused by
A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Virus
D. Ricketsia

10. Kwashiorkar and BeriBeri are
A. Communicable disease
B. Infectious disease
C. Deficiency disease
D. None of the above

11. In the daily practice of nursing, nurses use critical thinking in
A. Setting priorities for the day
B. Every decision that is made
C. Checking supplies in a client’s room
D. Calling the pharmacy to obtain a medication

12. The best example of complete protein is
A. Olives
B. Rice
C. Eggs
D. Nuts

13. The appropriate route of administration of insulin is
A. Intramuscular
B. Intradermai
C. Subcutaneous
D. intravenous

14. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) was established in the year
A. 1 867
B. 1899
C. 1950
D. 1962

15. What medication would be contraindicated for a client diagnosed with acute gastritis?
A. Furosemide (Lasix)
B. Calcium carbonate
C. Clarithromycin (Biaxin)
D. Naproxen Sodium (Naproxyn)

16. The consistency of data obtained from a particular research method is known as
A. Reliability
B. Validity
C. Credibility
D. Casualty

17. Emergency contraceptive may prevent pregnancy if used wlthin 72 hours of
A. Menstruation
B. Ovulation
C. Coitus
D. Implantation

18. Typhoid is caused by a species of
A. Streptococcus
B. Solmonella
C. Staphalococcus
D. Myobacterium

19. Study of mode of transmission of disease ls called
A. Parasitology
B. Epidemiology
C. Nosology
D. Immunology

20. Which of the following is transplacental disease
A. Kala-azar
B. German Measles
C. Rabies
D. Scabies

21. When nurses assist client In exploring their lifestyle habits and health behaviours to identify health risks, nurses are most likely to which of the following models
A. Medical model
B. Wellness model
C. Psychological model
D. Physiological model

22. The newborn infants stomach capacity is approximately
A. 50 ml
B. 90 ml
C. 120 ml
D. 150 ml

23. The following is the most important purposes of documentation except
A. To communicate
B. To reimbursement
C. To quality assurance
D. To provide comfort

24. The International Council of Nurses headquarters is in
A. New York, US
B. London, UK
C. Geneva, Switzerland
D. Toronto, Canada

25. A client with right sided heart failure exhibits the following symptoms
A. Adequate urine output
B. Polyuria
C. Polydispepsia
D. Oliguria

26. Failure of the heart to pump effectively causes the following type of shock
A. Anaphylactic
B. Cardiogenic
C. Hypovolemic
D. Septic

27. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) rs considered safe upto how many weeks of pregnancy
A. 6 weeks
B. 8 weeks
C. 12 weeks
D. 18 weeks

28. Downs syndrome is caused by
A. Monosomy of 21 chromosome
B. Trisomy of 21st chromosome
C. Deletion of chromosome
D. Duplication of chromosome

29. Pneumonia that infection lung alveoli is caused by
A. Streptococcus species
B. Plasmodium species
C. Salmonella
D. Haemophyllus

30. Which one is the simplest form of cognition?
A. Conception
B. Perception
C. Sensation
D. Affection

31. The lowest level of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is
A. Safety and security
B. Love and belonging needs
C. Physiological needs
D. Self-esteem needs

32. The nurse needs to carefully assess the complaint of pain in the elderly because older people –
A. Are expected to experience chronic pain
B. Have a decreased pain threshold
C. Experience reduced sensory perception
D. Have altered mental function

33. Administration of -injection iron to an adult is by one of the following methods
A. Subcutaneous in the arm
B. Intradermal in the forearm
C. Intramuscular in the deltoid
D. Z track intramuscular in the gluteal

34. The assessment method that occurs after the patient has been discharged is
A. Concurrent evaluation
B. Auditing
C. Retrospective evaluation
D. Quality assurance

35. At birth the head circumference of a new born is
A. 28 -30 cm
B. 30 – 32 cm
C. 33 – 35cm
D. 36 -38 cm

36. What position should be given to a patient in shock
A. Head low
B. Fowlers
C. Semi fowlers
D. Supine

37. Which of the following disease Is communicable disease
A. Rtickets
B. Amoebiasis
C. Diabetes
D. Cancer

38. In AIDS the system which tails ls
A. Digestive
B. Respiratory
C. Defence
D. Sensory

39. Cancer of cervix is caused by
A. Human Papilloma Virus
B. Pep Pills
C. Epsteen Barr Virus
D. Fatty diet

40. In the childhood, Individual’s behaviour is most influenced by
A. Community
B. School
C. Peer group
D. Family

41. When does the nurse chart an Intervention that Involves administering medication to a client?
A. Before the end of shift
B. Before the next dose of medication or treatment due
C. Within an hour
D. Immediately

42. Instructions a client is given before undergoing paracenthesis is
A. NPO 12 hours before procedure
B. Empty bladder before procedure
C. Strict bed rest following procedure
D. Empty bowel before procedure

43. Non-verbal message is a mode of communication that include the following except
A. Tone & pitch of voice
B. Facial expression
C. Gesture
D. Touch

44. The branch of medicine concerned with the problems and diseases of old age and elderly is called
A. Elderiology
B. Pediatrics
C. Geriatrics
D. Obstetrics

45. Attitudes, action and appearances in the context of classroom communication are considered as
A. Verbal
B. Non-verbal
C. Impersonal
D. Irrational

46. Patient with large partial thickness or full thickness burns can develop
A. Anaphylactic shock
B. Cardiogenic shock
C. Hypovolaemic shock
D. Septic shock

47. Scurvy disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin
A. B complex
B. C
C. D
D. K

48. A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing is called
A. Diseases
B. Healthy
C. Hygiene
D. infirmity

49. Insulin deficiency causes
A. Diabetes Insipidus
B. Goiter
C. Diabetes Mellitus
D. All of the above

50. Body mass index is calculated as
A. Weight in pounds by height in meters
B. Weight in kg by height in meters
C. Weight in kg divided by square of height in meter squared
D. Weight in kg divided by body surface

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