AIIMS Bhopal Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers
Many candidates who are interested in All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jobs are applying for the AIIMS Bhopal Nurse Jobs download AIIMS Bhopal Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers.

So, the applied candidates can be prepared well for the AIIMS Bhopal Staff Nurse Exam by checking the Staff Nurse Exam Syllabus & Test Pattern. The AIIMS Bhopal has given the detailed Staff Nurse Syllabus.
The candidates can refer the model All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nurse Syllabus & Test Pattern. Download the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nursing Assistant Exam Old Question Papers PDF from the below links.
You can just click the links attached below to get the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers along with the Answers. AIIMS Bhopal is going to release Latest Employment News to recruit Staff Nurse.
Candidates who are going to apply for the All India Institute of Medical Sciences Nursing Assistant Jobs will be in a search for Previous Papers.
For those candidates, we provided the AIIMS Bhopal Previous Papers here. The Exam Competitors can get the Last 10 years Nurse Solved Question Papers on this Page. We are also providing a list of reference books for the preparation of AIIMS Bhopal Staff Nurse Exam.
Are you searching for All India Institute of Medical Sciences Old papers? Then you are at the right place. Here we provided last five years GNM Nurse Sample papers with solutions.
Hence applicants can practice these AIIMS Bhopal Staff Nurse Previous Year Question Papers to get experience.
Model Question Papers of AIIMS Bhopal for Staff Nurse Exam
1. In which position the client will be placed for rectal examination?
(A) Supine
(B) Lithotomy
(C) Prone position
(D) Sim’s position
2. The most accurate indication of true labour is :
(A) rupture of membrane
(B) progressive cervical dilation
(C) vaginal bleeding
(D) diaphoresis
3. An infant with bronchiolitis is receiving oxygen through oxygen tent. Which is the most accurate method of taking body temperature for him?
(A) Rectal thermometer
(B) Axillary thermometer
(C) Skin heat sensor
(D) Oral thermometer
4. Nausea and vomiting during first trimester of pregnancy is an adaptation to the increased levels of :
(A) Leutinising hormone
(B) Progesterone
(C) Oestrogen
(D) Chorionic gonadotropin
5. The term cataplexy denotes: _
(A) Immobile position that is constantly maintained
(B) Rigidity associated with catatonic states
(C) Temporary loss of muscle tone
(D) Catatonic symptom with rigid odd posture
6. In which position, the nurse will keep herself while palpating a patients neck with lymphadenopathy?
(A) patient’s right side
(B) patient’s left side
(C) infront of the patient
(D) at patient’s back
7. The outermost membrane that helps in formation of placenta is :
(A) Amnion
(B) Chorion
(C) Funis
(D) Yolk sac
8. Nurse’s primary observation in a diabetic child admitted with ketoacidosis would be :
(A) Hyperpnoca
(B) Brady cardia
(C) Hypertension
(D) Bradypnoea
9. Predisposing factors of aphthous ulcer include all the following except :
(A) stress
(B) vitamin deficiency
(C) smoking
(D) viral infection
10. Which of the following symptoms are characteristic of endometriosis?
(A) Pelvic inflammation
(B) Osteoporosis
(C) Amenorrhoea
(D) Painful menstruation and backache
11. The basic emotional task for preschooler is:
(A) Trust
(B) Initiative
(C) Industry
(D) Independence
12. Cloudy CSF obtained in lumbar puncture is an indication of :
(A) Increased WBC count
(B) Increased glucose level
(C) Increased RBCs
(D) Normal CSF
13. The opening between Vocal Cords in the larynx is :
(A) Epiglottis
(B) Cricoid cartilage
(C) Glottia
(D) Thyroid cartilage
14. While collecting nursing history, a atient complaints of ‘floaters’ in visual field. Which condition the nurse should suspect?
(A) Cataract
(B) Glaucoma
(C) Retinal detachment
(D) Meibomian cyst
15. Among the foetal blood vessels, highest oxygen content is seen in :
(A) Umbilical artery
(B) Ductus artcriosus
(C) Pulmonary artery
(D) Ductus venosus
16. The part of brain concerned with hungers thirst is :
(A) Thalamus
(B) Hypothalarnus
(C) Broca’s area
(D) Internal capsule
17. Most commonly observed affect in a schizophrenia patient is :
(A) Elation
(B) Sadness
(C) Anger and hostility
(D) Apathy and flatness
18. The most common area for bleeding is a child with haemophilis will be :
(A) Brain
(B) Joints
(C) Peritoneum
(D) Pericardium
19. Primary responsibility of nurse while caring a client with epidural analgesia is to observe for:
(A) Tachy Cardia
(B) Renal function
(C) Level of Consciousness
(D) Hypolension
20. The protein that is found only in myocardiurn and increase of which is highly specific to myocardial damage :
(A) Myoglobin
(B) Troponin T
(C) Troponin I
21. Hypophysis cerebri is located in sells turcica, which is a depression in the body of :
(A) Sphenoid bone
(B) Ethmoid bone
(C) Temporal bone
(D) Frontal bone
22. A congenital malformation in which the urethra opens in the upper surface of penis is :
(A) Extropia vesica
(B) Hypospadias
(C) Epispadias
(D) Phimosis
23. Which of the following blood component therapeutically provide all the coagulation factors?
(A) Whole blood
(B) Fresh frozen plasma
(C) Cryo precipitate
(D) Platelet rich plasma
24. Maximum score in glasgowcoma scale is :
(A) 10
(B) 16
(C) 15
(D) 12
25. C-Reactive protein is a substance produced during inflammations in the body. It is produced in
(A) Kidney
(B) Bone marrow
(C) Liver
(D) Stomach
26. A nurse in medical ward had a needle stick injury, after injecting a patient with long term fever. Which diagnostic test would be done for her?
(A) ELISA test
(C) Antibody titers
(D) Skin biopsy
27. Homan’s sign was elicited in a post natal mother on the second day.
What does it indicate?
(A) Mastities
(B) Haemorrhage(C) Puerperal Sepsis
(D) Venous thrombosis
28. The joint between trapezium and the first metacarpal bone of the thumb is an example of
(A) Saddle joint
(B) Pivot joint
(C) Hinge joint
(D) Condyloid joint
29. The largest cranial nerve is:
(A) Vague nerve
(B) Abduscent
(C) Trigeminal
(D) Spinal accessory
30. Foetal circulation consists of :
(A) Arteries carrying oxygenated blood to foetus
(B) Two umbilical veins and one umbilical artery
(C) Two umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein
(D) Veins carry deoxygenated blood to foetus